Author Topic: Lets talk rather than fight  (Read 11021 times)

Positive Change

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Re: Lets talk rather than fight
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2012, 02:10:51 PM »
I believe HHDL has his reasons to be "subjective" on the point of DS practitioners. It would be disrespectful to doubt Chenrezig himself. In fact HHDL's actions are ALWAYS consistent even with the DS ban... Consistently inconsistent. Why is this? Surely there is more to this than meets the eye.

HHDL surely knows people are watching his every move and perhaps that is THE point. HHDL has always promoted unity and peace and interfaith unity, case in point:

Perhaps all the suffering 'orchestrated' by HHDL is a purification of sorts? High Lamas and highly attained beings like HHDL wield methods beyond our comprehension and perhaps on a karmic level, the suffering is lessened with HHDL 'intervention'. This we cannot know but we have to trust as HHDL's compassion knows no boundaries!

With HHDL 'stepping down' as political leader is a clear indication of a change and bigger picture to come. CTA must now move forward like a piece in this chess game and continue this elaborate and intricate plan in spreading Dorje Shugden in ten directions! CTA has to now work towards the removal of the ban as it is within CTA's jurisdiction which makes perfect sense because HHDL cannot remove it having instigated in through religious avenues (and of course the whole reason for HHDL using himself as the precursor would be obliterated should HHDL back down now).

Hence the only way to remove the ban is now through political means which is within the power of CTA and that is precisely what HHDL has planned, I feel very strongly.


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Re: Lets talk rather than fight
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2012, 03:54:44 PM »
Ahhh His Holiness... perhaps this centre stage is the best OPPORTUNE TIME to talk about what we love most DORJE SHUGDEN and the FIGHTINGS. Yes let's talk about that as well - why not - they are Human too and they are your very own people too.

The westerners and the foreigners who practice Dorje Shugden are not the one suffering... it is your very own Tibetans and sangha. Show them some compassion while we preach it to the world? Why not? It would only make the world have more respect, be more awed and imagine the media coverage for this. Everyone loves a piece of juicy controversy... IT SELLS so hey If HHDL and the CTA wants to get some attention... this is one fantastic way. And then when you say... NO BAN... I bet even China will wonder what happened?! and some eye brows raised!

Then I believe the Peace and Compassion and let's not FIGHT issues will resolve. Lead by example dear Dalai Lama, we learnt that from Your Holiness :) 


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Re: Lets talk rather than fight
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2012, 09:57:02 PM »
I prescribe to the “big picture” theory. This is because a man like His Holiness cannot be contradicting himself all the time as the whole world is watching.

The Western Shugden Society (WSS) , while picketing the venues where His Holiness appear around the world,  has  requested and attempted dialogue on the subject, but  the Dalai Lama and the TGIE have not responded to any of their attempts to dialogue on the subject and supporters say that the TGIE have simply discredited the opposition. 

WSS claimed that His Holiness is “banning them from  practising their own lineage of Buddhism” , so why is such a leader go around the world taking pictures and engaging in and promoting interfaith tolerance and harmony while there is no tolerance and harmony for his own sect?

His Holienss has been the leader of Tibet (and then Tibet in Exile) for many years, he knows that imposing this ban without a chance for them  to discuss or meet or have dialogue with His Holiness will cause a large rift in the Tibetan community and is increasing disharmony in the Tibetan diaspora, so why does he still do it?

Don’t you think it’s weird that His Holiness can have dialogues with contemplative scholars, activists, scientists, religious leaders but can’t have dialogue with his own people who practises the same “religion” ?

Anyway, I think His Holiness has not granted a dialogue since then and will not be granting any.


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Re: Lets talk rather than fight
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2012, 03:38:20 PM »
Another gem in one of the old thread:
The Dalai Lama on how to deal with Dorje Shugden practitioners Small | Large


These are some interesting points made by His Holiness.

‘...So while we are promoting peace, we must promote some methods, non-violent method to tackle these conflicts/ problems. That's dialogue. Dialogue at war, violence, this sort of tendency one side victory, one side defeat, that's impossible....

Today’s world heavily interconnected,  economically, environment, everything in many field, everything interconnected. Therefore, interest is not clear cut. So one side victory, one side defeat is impossible.
Therefore, the best thing is dialogue, compromise. Their interests also written in your own interests. Under that circumstances, destruction of your neighbours is destruction of yourself. 
Whole world, something like one body.  So understand their reality, then carry dialogue, respect others’ interests, respect others’ views, share their interests, then compromise with spiritual reconciliation. So we must promote, we must make every effort, promotion of dialogue.’

I wonder if this is just targetted towards negotiation with China, or this applies to what should be adopted in all circumstances, including with Dorje Shugden practitioners? Desctruction of literary the neighbours is destruction of oneself. In this case, it's not just neighbours, families are separated, Gurus and disciples or vajra/Dharma brothers and sisters are put in awkward situations.


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Re: Lets talk rather than fight
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2015, 07:37:48 PM »
I think that the anti Shugden groups and pro Shugden groups should sit down together and solve these issues peacefully because we are living in a civilised society and we are all educated people, why do we have to fight when we have mouths to talk?