Author Topic: It’d be in the Chinese interest to nurture Dorje Shugden line... say what now?!  (Read 3123 times)


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Just came across this:

So most of the article looks like rambling bollox but the last bit caught my attention

The fraud Dalai Lama, Himalayan nemesis

The Nobel Peacenik Dalai Lama is a CIA funded rogue. The Chinese did him in by recognizing Dorje Shugden, the true Tibetan Buddhist religion. This spurious Lama wants a trans-Himalayan Buddhist nation carved out of India, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. Why not, when the world’s most powerful intelligence agency is at his service? Since 2002 information has been coming in from Indian intelligence sources that this fraud Lama wants a piece of the Himalayas. Richard Gere and other Follywood scums can pay obeisance to the Dalai; doesn’t serve people’s cause. It’d be in the Chinese interest to nurture Dorje Shugden line and provide the best possible social security network to the Tibetans to prevent any nuisance by Dalai’s rogue group.

Eh? Where did he get that conclusion from, that its in Chinas best interests to nurture Dorje Shugden practtiioners? I mean WEVE always known it is - you know, claim it back as a Chinese practice since he was a Chinese emperor and all that - but who told this bloke living so far out in the boondocks?

Gabby Potter

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I truly believe the statement is true because China has always been opposing His Holiness the Dalai Lamai, so whatever His Holiness says not to do, they will definitely do it. But in this case, Lord Dorje Shugden is a Dharma Protector, He will benefit a lot of people in the future.


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China has supported many Dorje Shugden lamas and because of that the Dharma is flourishing there. Some has said this is because Dorje Shugden practitioners didn't create trouble for the China as opposed to Dalai Lama's followers. The practitioners are more focus on Dharma instead of involving themselves in the free Tibet causes, which China sees it as opposing the China government.


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I truly believe the statement is true because China has always been opposing His Holiness the Dalai Lamai, so whatever His Holiness says not to do, they will definitely do it.

Rather than merely opposing the evil dalie's idiotic actions such as perfidious witch-hunts, gruesome self-immolations, and bloody racist riots, what China actually opposes are the separatist plots devised by his Western neocolonialist bankster puppet masters, aimed at fragmenting and destroying China, which together with Russia remains the biggest obstacle to those bankster's worldwide terrorist empire of evil.


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Eh? Where did he get that conclusion from, that its in Chinas best interests to nurture Dorje Shugden practtiioners? I mean WEVE always known it is - you know, claim it back as a Chinese practice since he was a Chinese emperor and all that - but who told this bloke living so far out in the boondocks?

Why “bloke”? The writer appears to be very discriminating and knowledgeable, and gives lots of useful, not so easily available information on the developments taking place in Nepal.

And why “boondocks”? It is regrettable that a purported Buddhist derisively calls a “boondock” the sacred land of Nepal, blessed by Manjushri, and a major center of Buddhist learning.

Your arrogant, ignorant language is that of a racist, supremacist Western crackpot, not of a Buddhist.