Author Topic: This week in Buddha Weekly: Gaden Choling Celebrates 30 Years of Tibetan Buddhis  (Read 3175 times)


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Buddha Weekly's Special Edition this week focuses on celebrating the growth of Tibetan Buddhism in North America, with extensive coverage of anniversary events for one of Canada's oldest Tibetan Buddhist Centres and a biography of Internationally respected Tibetan Buddhism Teacher Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) March 25, 2015

When Tibetan Buddhism first migrated to North America, brought by learned exiles from Tibet, it seemed exotic, yet strangely unapproachable. Today, Tibetan Buddhist centres are found in nearly all urban and many rural communities.

This week, Buddha Weekly profiles Gaden Choling Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre in Toronto and spiritual director Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, celebrating 30 years in Canada. In Buddha Weekly's ongoing series on meditation techniques, the online magazine also compares visualization to midfulness and asks the question, "Which meditation is right for your Buddhist practice?" with a special focus on Tibetan Buddhism.

"30 Years of Gaden Choling Tibetan Buddhist Centre: Celebrating a Legacy That Brought Canada Teachings from Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Tara Tulku Rinpoche and Zasep Tulku Rinpoche"

Gaden Choling — one of the oldest Tibetan Buddhist centres in Canada — celebrates its 30th year with three weeks of celebrations and teachings. The three week series of events and teachings honors a three-decade history of teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. "Join us as we mark 30 years since Gaden Choling's founding," invites the event poster. "It is one of the oldest Tibetan Buddhist centres in Canada and has been a source of refuge for many practitioners of Buddha Dharma over the years. Many notable spiritual teachers, such as Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Tara Tulku Rinpoche and HH Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa Rinpoche have given many amazing holy teachings and initiations at Gaden Choling."

The anniversary festivity begins at 11am on March 28th, at the Gaden Choling Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Centre, 612 Markham Street Toronto. The multi-faceted anniversary event will include a variety of celebrations: Chod melodies, chanting sessions, sacred Newari dancing, a Tibetan-style bazaar, traditional Tibetan food, and a movie featuring spiritual director Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.

Other events include a weekend Tibetan Buddhism Mahamudra teaching and practice, and teachings in Samatha meditation, Phowa and Chod for healing, and initiations for students in White Manjushri (Buddha of Wisdom) and Chenrezig (Buddha of Compassion.) For details, visit Buddha Weekly>>

"Feature Biography: Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche: A big smile, easy humor, unforgettable teachings."

Rinpoche's life has been eventful: teachings from a long line of teachers, exile from Tibet on foot, and then travels to many countries around the world to deliver teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. Reborn and recognized as the thirteeth incarnation of Zasep Tulku, Rinpoche's well-known teaching abilities were refined over decades of adventures and teachings.

Rinpoche escaped the Chinese invasion by walking at night across the mountains between Lhasa and Penpo. After exile, Zasep Tulku continued his studies and received many initiations over the following years, reinforced by numerous extensive retreats. In 1961, he again met his teacher, His Holiness Yongzin Trijang Dorje Chang. Read about Zasep Tulku RInpoche on Buddha Weekly>>

"Visualization Activates the Mind; Mindfulness Stills the Mind—Comparing meditation Styles"

Many Buddhists — and non-Buddhists — practice mindfulness to still the mind. In Buddhist practice, this stilling of the "monkey mind" has many advantages, and can help meditators glimpse reality as it truly is — the wisdom path to eventual enlightenment.

Other Buddhists — and non-Buddhists — practice forms of visualization. Deity visualization in Vajrayana Buddhism is a powerful practice that imagines "ourselves as we would like to be, as an enlightened being, and this enables us to actualize that state much more quickly," according to Geshe Tashi Tsering. Read more about meditation on Buddha Weekly>>

"About Buddha Weekly"
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Great news about Zasep Tulku Rinpoche and all the centres under his care.


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Thank you DharmaSpace for sharing. Rejoice to hear the monastery Gaden Choling is celebrating 30 years. May the Dharma grow far and wide in Canada and benefit others.


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Thanks for sharing this news. Running a Dharma center takes a lot of effort and dedication from both the guru and his/her disciples. The flourishing of Dharma is dependant on how the students have transformed as people will often interact with the students when they come to the Dharma center. If the students are caring and harmonious with each other people will be attracted to learn and participate in the Dharma center, and the Dharma will grow.