Author Topic: Tenzin Osel's Praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche  (Read 3109 times)


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Tenzin Osel's Praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche
« on: October 04, 2013, 02:31:02 AM »
Tenzin Osel's praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche during Long Life Puja:

Tenzin Osel's praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche during Long Life Puja Small | Large

It is missing the first part, but full text of the praise is:

"Dearest spiritual friend and guide, Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, You are so precious to us in so many different aspects. From so many angles in life do you benefit us constantly, with no brake, no rest, no sleep. Dear Lama Zopa-la we are so grateful for your presence in this planet. We are so lucky to be able to share this space and time with you. Since the beginning you have dedicated your life fully to improving peoples spiritual life, even though I'm sure you would love to spend many years in a Lawudo cave deep in meditation. Thank you so much for choosing to stay with us and guide us towards our inner potential. We know how each and every action you do is dedicated to helping sentient beings, every thought every breadth; every sip of water you take is dedicated to sentient beings. We are so lucky to have you in our midst, you inspire us to be better people, and your presence gives us motivation to follow your example. You are constantly helping so many sentient beings from so many different dimensions, it is amazing to see your work in this world. Please stay with us for as long as it takes all sentient beings to reach enlightenment. We are willing to follow your advice and work hard to accomplish your dreams; which of course are always focused on benefiting in the greatest way, in this life and the next. We all thank you so much from the depth of our hearts; we wish you success in all of your vast visions present and future.
Lama Zopa-la please live a long life. And rest a bit when you can.
Thank you for guiding us relentlessly, without rest without tiring.

Thank you for helping us purify, for sparking interest into investigating our own egos and ignorance. Thank you for making us see how mistaken we are.
Please continue helping sentient beings, and live a long life, with no obstacles.
Thank you Rinpoche for your kindness and dedication.
We love you Lama Zopa la.
Thank you so much."