Author Topic: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits  (Read 9628 times)


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Re: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2012, 12:54:04 PM »
Even people engaging in illegal activities need a chance to be enlightened. The people doing negative things, yes they may get a lot of benefits doing their illegal work but Karma will one day collect whether one likes it or not that is certain. So it would be compassionate to introduce Dorje Shugden to them.

Viewing a Buddha form in anger, plants countless seeds of enlightenment for the person so why won't these people seeing Manjushri plant seeds of liberation in them, better than nothing. People who engage in illegal the chances of them wanting to know more about refuge or 3 principal paths seems a very distant future! Possible but highly unlikely. Imagine a Ukrainian mobster with lamrim, 3 principal paths and refuge not likely, better chance if he is told he will be protected by Dorje Shudgen. I am absolutely sure DS will not help them to further create more negativity.


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Re: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2012, 04:52:15 PM »
It is my belief that it is precisely because they are in these "illegal" ways of living that we should introduce Dorje Shugden to them, so that they have some connection in their lives to something that is good. I don't understand how there could be any disadvantage of disbenefiting to introducing something holy to anyone, no matter their background. It is taught that even simply seeing the image of a Buddha plants immeasurable positive imprints that can open at a later time for them to practice the Dharma and relieve their own sufferings. As Buddhists, shouldn't we want to bring this benefit to as many people as possible? More importantly, shouldn't we want to bring the benefit of a being as holy as DS to the people who are suffering the most (or creating the caueses for themselves to suffer more in the future?) If we are saying that Dalai Lama followers should have even more compassion for the people they dislike and believe to be wrong (i.e. ds practitioners), then shouldn't we also do the same for others?

Also, as an enlightened being, Dorje Shugden would not ever help to fulfil any wishes they make that would make them worse or which would further their negative actions. So there shouldn't be any worry about these people "abusing" Dorje Shugden's practice or using it for bad means. On the contrary, as many have already shared here, he would in fact help them to create the good karma or merit to be able to gain some faith in the Dharma and perhaps engage in more serious practice later. His practice can also be very protective, to prevent them further harm - either to themselves or others.


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Re: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2012, 07:16:57 PM »
It is definitely ok to introduce Shugden to everyone immediately. Shugden's whole body is representative of the paths and stages to full enlightenment. Every part of Shugden is a facet of enlightenment. Therefore viewing, thinking, meditating or contemplating even for a short time will plant the seeds of awakening within the viewer's mindstream.

When anyone worships Shugden, he may grant your immediate pleas for help, but ultimately and eventually Shugden will lead you to a lama, lineage and pure Buddha Dharma. It doesn't matter what lineage you find, but Shugden will lead you there. Shugden should no longer be considered a protector of just Je Rinpoche's lineage, but a world peace protector as Gangchen Rinpoche mentions many times.

So for those in difficult situations or trades that might be 'shady', all the more we should introduce Shugden to them from compassion. When people are in dire straits, addicted to intoxicants, engaged in vice, or simply desperate, they don't have the right frame of mind to listen to Lam Rim and all the beautiful teachings yet. If there's a man in a burning house, ask Shugden for help to rescue him first then introduce Lam Rim and et al when he is safe & comfortable later.  Eventually Shugden will lead them to Buddha Dharma whether now or a future time. That is Shugden's vow and why he arose as a Dharma protector due to the kindness of Desi Sangye Gyatso.



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Re: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2012, 07:30:41 AM »
It is definitely ok to introduce Shugden to everyone immediately. Shugden's whole body is representative of the paths and stages to full enlightenment. Every part of Shugden is a facet of enlightenment. Therefore viewing, thinking, meditating or contemplating even for a short time will plant the seeds of awakening within the viewer's mindstream.

When anyone worships Shugden, he may grant your immediate pleas for help, but ultimately and eventually Shugden will lead you to a lama, lineage and pure Buddha Dharma. It doesn't matter what lineage you find, but Shugden will lead you there. Shugden should no longer be considered a protector of just Je Rinpoche's lineage, but a world peace protector as Gangchen Rinpoche mentions many times.

So for those in difficult situations or trades that might be 'shady', all the more we should introduce Shugden to them from compassion. When people are in dire straits, addicted to intoxicants, engaged in vice, or simply desperate, they don't have the right frame of mind to listen to Lam Rim and all the beautiful teachings yet. If there's a man in a burning house, ask Shugden for help to rescue him first then introduce Lam Rim and et al when he is safe & comfortable later.  Eventually Shugden will lead them to Buddha Dharma whether now or a future time. That is Shugden's vow and why he arose as a Dharma protector due to the kindness of Desi Sangye Gyatso.


Hi TK,

excellent post as usual. I like how you highlighted that Dorje Shugden leads anyone at all to their right lineage and not just to Gelug. We should highlight this point in brochures and when talking and explaining to people especially of other traditions. Dorje Shugden does not need people to specifically pray to him, they just have to be sincere when asking for his help. Unlike other Dharma protectors who will only be able to assist the person only if the person has hold vows or have a connection with a Guru. Dorje Shugden can assist someone with broken samaya to repair it with the Guru. That is how powerful he is.

Perhaps, it is time that we tell friends of other lineages that Dorje Shugden will help them to be in their own lineage and that he was never what people say he is?

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Is it ok to introduce DS to people who are doing 'illegal' traits
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2015, 07:55:07 AM »
"It is definitely ok to introduce Shugden to everyone immediately. Shugden's whole body is representative of the paths and stages to full enlightenment. Every part of Shugden is a facet of enlightenment. Therefore viewing, thinking, meditating or contemplating even for a short time will plant the seeds of awakening within the viewer's mindstream.

When anyone worships Shugden, he may grant your immediate pleas for help, but ultimately and eventually Shugden will lead you to a lama, lineage and pure Buddha Dharma. It doesn't matter what lineage you find, but Shugden will lead you there. Shugden should no longer be considered a protector of just Je Rinpoche's lineage, but a world peace protector as Gangchen Rinpoche mentions many times.

So for those in difficult situations or trades that might be 'shady', all the more we should introduce Shugden to them from compassion. When people are in dire straits, addicted to intoxicants, engaged in vice, or simply desperate, they don't have the right frame of mind to listen to Lam Rim and all the beautiful teachings yet. If there's a man in a burning house, ask Shugden for help to rescue him first then introduce Lam Rim and et al when he is safe & comfortable later.  Eventually Shugden will lead them to Buddha Dharma whether now or a future time. That is Shugden's vow and why he arose as a Dharma protector due to the kindness of Desi Sangye Gyatso." Quoted from TK.

I would even introduce the worship of DS to stranger as I have faith that in any circumstances DS will be able to assist everyone.

It is not for us to judge if any eventual devotee is the right or wrong at the initial stage but our faith that DS will benefit all.

DS does not judge and accepts all who propitiates Him and bless them with opening of Dharma seeds that is imprinted in our subtle minds.