Author Topic: Was is crime or my fate....................  (Read 7284 times)


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Was is crime or my fate....................
« on: June 08, 2009, 08:56:04 AM »
Well i dont think i have to introduce myself.I am simple monk from remote valley of eastern nepal.I was ordianated by H.E tritul rinpoche in 1997 and later transfer to Seramey Monastic University (now known as Serpom Norling university.)As we all know nepal is a hindu country but all mongolian(Tamang,Sherpa,Gurung,Rai,Limbu etc) people living in nepal are Buddhist.From the ancient time nepal has mostly practice the Nyingmapa and they are doing many rituals from many decades.From many decades there was problem with people that they use to say only Nyingmapa is the pure buddhist not all sects.People use to make difference in such time when some one from Gelukpa or another sects come to places.That was the small matter at that time but after H.H The 14th Dalai Lama make a desicion about Shugden.Then again people get the chance to say it happens in only at gelukpa.Tritul rinpoche was the first lama who try to spread geluk and shugden in nepal since 1996.There were many problems with Thali Monastery.Then i come to next stage after returning from sera i was choosen lama for my village's only monastery.Everything was going well untill last few years this problem begins my own people are against me.It is sad but still i am happy coz i know my intension.I have lost some of my sponser's and had a hard time for last 2 year.I dont understand the real problem with us?Who is right who is wrong?Many Questions arouses in my mind and fade away with hopeless.Today i am a monk in fisrt view then Shugden practisiner.Coz i cant directly say them if they ask me whom do u rely on H.H or Gyaltsen?Many people first respect me as a lama but after when they know me they
blame me why are u ruining ur own life and our's?It makes me so sad and hurt.How can i go against my own will and religion?I cant answer anyone and the fact is no body believes me and my answer.I was not the one who suffer in this problem but also i cant stop thinking the same way i have a had a bad time.Everyday i pray god please show me the true path and guide us.Today i am in south korea. But here also same i cant say people to whom i practise.I only say I am from Gelukpa lineage only.............I have a request to all shugden practisner,suppertor please dont act against our religion keep patience and be steady.One day everyone will know us.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 06:15:57 AM by rignga »

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Re: So sad
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 04:06:55 PM »

Thank you for introducing yourself and for visiting our Forum, it's much appreciated.
Thank you for telling your story, one more example of the abuse perpetrated against an innocent group of religious people by the Tibetan leader and his obeying followers and some of his fellow citizens. As you say, it's sad, but that's the nature of samsara.
Now, can we assume that you are safe and with at least some friends in South Corea? We hope so. There you go, a very good thing that you don't have to suffer direct persecution right now, congratulations.
You have the extraordinary good fortune of belonging to Lord Buddha's holy Sangha, in the lineage of the Second Buddha Mañjushri Tsongkapa. Enjoy every second of it and please go on praying for all of us sentient beings. Just by keeping your vows you are benefitting in incalculable ways all those surrounding you, how awesome!
Please become a permanent friend of this Forum. You can tell us about your life there, the people you encounter, your thoughts. Please don't be sad, you are not alone.
With best wishes,
a Friend


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 06:13:54 AM »
sorry for small edit at previous post coz of lack of time and situation before so i post that at it's ok And

Thanks for reply.I dont know it was a abuse perpetrated against an innocent group of religious or what.As u have said it was our fate or samsara.Well Korea is also not isolated from that rumour many people dont want to listen that but i am ok and opeaning soon a small dharma center here.I will stay connected with this forum always coz this is the only place where i can share my feelings and where they will accept me.

"May all sentient being attain enlightenment with grace of Jsr rinpoche & Gyalchen S"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 06:19:35 AM by rignga »


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2009, 05:44:24 PM »
"Dorje Shugden will bless our minds to help us transform difficult situations into the spiritual path, and he will open the wisdom-eye of his faithful followers, enabling them always to make the right decisions.  Although physically they may find themselves alone, inwardly those who put their trust in him will never be apart from a powerful ally, and a wise and compassionate guide.

One Lama called Gyara Tulku Rinpoche from Drepung Loseling Monastery wrote a prayer to Dorje Shudegn expressing his gratitude. in this prayer he said:

First you gave me a highly qualified Spiritual Guide
Under whom I studied and practised Dharma.
When through following misleading advice I came close to entering wrong paths,
You immediately hooked me back into the correct path.

This Lama spent many years in a country where he did not even know the language and where conditions were difficult.  However, he became higly respected and many people sought his wise counsel.  He realized that all his spiritual progress, happiness, health, and success came from Dorje Shugden and not from himself.  In the same prayer it says:

O Duldzin, King of the Dharma, I thank you for your kindness.
Your body is the synthesis of all Sangha Jewels,
Your speech is the synthesis of all Dharma Jewels,
And your mind is the synthesis of all Buddha Jewels."

- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, in the book 'Heart Jewel'
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 08:59:48 PM by spacelike »


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2013, 02:31:55 AM »
sorry for small edit at previous post coz of lack of time and situation before so i post that at it's ok And

Thanks for reply.I dont know it was a abuse perpetrated against an innocent group of religious or what.As u have said it was our fate or samsara.Well Korea is also not isolated from that rumour many people dont want to listen that but i am ok and opeaning soon a small dharma center here.I will stay connected with this forum always coz this is the only place where i can share my feelings and where they will accept me.

"May all sentient being attain enlightenment with grace of Jsr rinpoche & Gyalchen S"

please do continue to post here and share your experience with us as it is very valuable and rare indeed. Your story of courage is very inspiring for me to read. Please always do remember that the ban and the rumours are based on nothing but lies and as such, you can overturn them with the truth! We here at the forums and this website has a lot of information that you can use to reason out and explain logically why the rumours and ban is untrue. Just remember that for every person who believes in the ban, there are 10 more who has not heard of it and who has no opinions on it! Do preserve in your endeavours!

Sarva Mangalam

Ratna Shugden

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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2013, 05:13:00 AM »
Integrate all authentic Buddha Dharma teachings from all lineages with the Lamrim.

Practice transforming all adversities in life into your Dharma practice : The Practice of Taking & Giving(Lojong).

You are a disciple of your spiritual guides & you are a member of their sangha, you can introduce yourself to all other sentient beings as being a disciple of your Buddha Dharma teachers, because it is a fact.

Study the Buddha Dharma, practice them with Bodhichitta as your only motivation & verify them with your own experience. The virtuous & supra mundane karma which you create as a result of all these, will create positive affinity with authentic Buddha Dharma, create the causes for you to develop a relationship with Buddha(s),Bodhisattva(s) & Dharmapala(s)(Mundane &/or Supra mundane) with whom you have greater affinity with. Right Effort(Eightfold path) will reveal authentic Buddha Dharma & true spiritual sentient beings who are part of it. You will discover for yourself the nature of Dorje Shugden through this. I rely on Dorje Shugden & my career as a Bodhisattva is great!

If instead of rely on Right Effort to discover authentic Buddha Dharma, you choose to follow other sentient beings' opinion, bear in my mind that in the end they are are not responsible for your karma, only you are responsible for your own karma.

Be mindful of karma, never take the risk of slandering any sentient beings(Including spiritual sentient beings), especially those who are possibly Enlightened being, such as Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2013, 07:11:03 AM »
Thanks Rignga for sharing your stories with us, and let me know this is not only happen in Tibet but all around the world. CTA have been putting a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure to all Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. CTA have been passing untruth message to the public, and mislead them to have bad impression towards our protector.
But more and more starting to know the truth even Tibetan themselves and they know CTA have been lying to them, and it's all because of politic.
Dear Rignga, please hold on to your practice and be strong in your guru and his lineage, one's lama will not pass down anything that will/might harm any sentient being to the student. And you're not the only one, HH Trijang Rinpoche was threaten to be killed when he was young and he was force to fleed Gaden Monastery in South India. HE Gangchen Rinpoche, HE Gonsar Rinpoche, HE Rabgay Rinpoche, the late HE Dagom Rinpoche, HE Daknak Rinpoche, HE Zawa Rinpoche and many many others great lamas are also spreading dharma and DS lineage outside Tibet or Tibetan colony, because they main objective are not politic but spreading the Dharma to all.
The ban is already coming to an end, because CTA can not cover their lies anymore, and more and more evidence have turn against CTA and proof they are lying on DS issues.
If you really wanted the ban to be lift up faster, please gather whatever information you have and share with us on this forum, we must let the world know about the truth and how much suffering CTA have pass it to us.
Again, I wish you good luck and all the best in Korea, I hope one day all of us will be able to gather together.   


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2013, 06:06:31 AM »
Personally, i think the more challenging the conditions are, the greater the benefits are for the people for the Dharma practitioner that is being oppressed. When a practitioner is oppressed, there are more chances of the practitioner to train their minds so in a way it is a blessing in disguise. Please do not give up hope at all because the moment you do, you give up the teachings as well. I really hope to hear on your progress one day.


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2013, 09:10:12 PM »
I feel sad reading rignga's "introduction"... but we need more practitioners or monks like rignga to share to the world their difficulties they went through.

Incidentally, I have also been to Serpom Monastery, and during the visit, I had the chance to visit many old monks who practice Dorje Shugden. They are simple monks and they have the similar question as rignga: why the ban? why discrimination?

rignga, please encourage your fellow practitioners to share with us yr issues and difficulties so that all of us can help lift the ban!!


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2013, 04:58:15 AM »
I feel sad reading rignga's "introduction"... but we need more practitioners or monks like rignga to share to the world their difficulties they went through.

Incidentally, I have also been to Serpom Monastery, and during the visit, I had the chance to visit many old monks who practice Dorje Shugden. They are simple monks and they have the similar question as rignga: why the ban? why discrimination?

rignga, please encourage your fellow practitioners to share with us yr issues and difficulties so that all of us can help lift the ban!!

It is stories like that which inspires me to fight for the cause and to believe that Dorje Shugden is beneficial. Because despite the injustice that these monks have been put through, they are not bitter, but just questioning about their situation. It's not like they think that the Dalai Lama is bad or what but they are just wondering why is this happening to them. And I have the same questions too. which is why, the ban must be overturned to allow these practitioners to lead a normal life.


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 05:53:27 PM »
Thank you Rignga for this inspiring write up. It allowed me to know that practitioners all over the world are fighting to bring this ban on Dorje Shugden down. Teaching many about this holy practice, benefiting all.

At the same time, it is sad to see so many discrimination of Dorje Shugden practitioners all over the world. Why look down or ban someone when they too are doing a practice that they think is correct. We do not see people banning those that practice Satanic practices around the world. It is just something that we all do and practice. I am not saying that more people should be practicing practices for a demon, but it is just the mentality of the people.


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Re: Was is crime or my fate....................
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 01:26:57 AM »
Thank you Rignga for this inspiring write up. It allowed me to know that practitioners all over the world are fighting to bring this ban on Dorje Shugden down. Teaching many about this holy practice, benefiting all.

At the same time, it is sad to see so many discrimination of Dorje Shugden practitioners all over the world. Why look down or ban someone when they too are doing a practice that they think is correct. We do not see people banning those that practice Satanic practices around the world. It is just something that we all do and practice. I am not saying that more people should be practicing practices for a demon, but it is just the mentality of the people.

It is more of the mentalities of the people who carry out the ban rather than the ban itself that is harmful. After all, those that carry out the ban are fanatics who cannot see anything else besides the Dalai Lama's good qualities and will agree with him blindly with whatever he says, the so-called package believers as Sharmar Rinpoche puts them to be. They should just leave Dorje Shugden practitioners alone and avoid them if they are so scared instead of spreading hate and misinformation.