Author Topic: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche  (Read 11080 times)


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Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« on: March 13, 2008, 08:57:14 PM »


H.H. Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche of Italy is equally brave, honest and does not bend to political pressure like Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche.

Gangchen Rinpoche has been on the Tibetan Govt's top ten list of 'state enemies' since the whole shugden affair started over 10 years back.

Rinpoche has recieved a few death threats. He is not allowed back into his ladrang in Sera Monastery. The buildings, prayer hall and monk rooms he has built in his Tsangpa khangtsen, Sera Mey, is there but he is not allowed back. Yet the money he donated for building it, was not returned to him at all. The Monastery kept the money, the buildings, the statues, the rooms and all the items inside, but asked Rinpoche not to return to it!!!! Why doesnt the Tibetan Govt ask all the Three Great Gelugpa Monasteries to return all items, monies and donations made by all Dorje Shugden practicing Sangha?? Why throw them out but keep their offerings?

Just think, Gangchen Rinpoche is not allowed back to Sera or be involved in any of the Tibetan Religious gatherings in India at all. His crime is that he practices Dorje Shugden. He refuses to give up the commitments he has recieved from HH kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang which is his root guru. He is open in regards to keeping his commitment to Trijang Rinpoche. Other countries count criminals as ppl who kill, rape, and rob. But in the Tibetan Societies, you are a criminal if YOU PRACTICE DORJE SHUGDEN. How is that possible in the current century?

On Tibetan Govt websites they often speak against or write deragatory messages against Rinpoche. Any moves he makes is twisted around. He is accused of being friends with the Chinese govt so he is 'ASSUMED TO BE ON THEIR PAYROLL.' Payroll for what? Tibetan govt accuses him of recieving money from China to incite disharmony within the Tibetan communities. The ridiculous point is that Rinpoche HAS BEEN PRACTICING DORJE SHUGDEN EVEN BEFORE 1959!!

Gangchen Rinpoche is one of the most kindest, generous and devoted lamas which belong to the last generation of Tibet Trained masters. He holds guru devotion supreme. He has never spoken one ill word of another religion let alone another school of Buddhism. He works very hard in the Religious Affairs of The United Nations to bring about Religious harmony in the world.

He has said, it doesnt matter if the Panchen Lama of China is real or not. If We are friendly towards him, then China will soften their stance and there is hope for the Tibetans within Tibet. He said, Tibetans outside Tibet are safe and prosperous, but we have to be concerned for the Tibetans within Tibet. So being on good terms with the China Panchen Lama doesnt mean we are against the Panchen Lama recognized by HH the Dalai Lama. Gangchen Rinpoche has 100% conviction in Dalai Lama's choice. But we have to look at the bigger picture. It is not the Dalai Lama's choice or Beijing's choice of the Panchen lama, it is simply making Beijing's stance on Tibet softer so there can be real dialogue between the exile govt and China BEFORE THE DALAI LAMA PASSES AWAY. Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet revere the Dalai Lama, so he, while alive can motivate true dialogue with results.

Gangchen Rinpoche has said that instead of the Tibetan Govt branding him as an enemy only because of his religious convictions, wouldnt it be better if they made him and all Tibetan lamas around the world friends of the Tibetan Govt irregardless of their religious practices? After all, in Tibet, Dorje Shugden was never a national or political issue. Strictly a religious practice of the highest lamas to the simplest nomads. No one in Tibet practiced dorje shugden to gain in the political arena or have the wish to bring harm to Dalai Lama or Tibetan Govt. Why is it turned around to be like that now? That has never been the case and never will be.
Rinpoche mentions he can better serve the Tibetan Govt and Tibetans in general if the Tibetan Govt treats him as a friend and citizen and not ostracize him as a traitor simple because he practices dorje shugden. Where in the world can that happen today?

Rinpoche has tremendous faith and respect for HH the Dalai Lama. Any attempts to meet Dalai Lama is blocked and not allowed. Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Dalai Lama met up with all the Dorje Shugden Lamas/sanghas and practitoners in the world and become 'friends' and have dialogue. Open, honest, direct, face to face dialogue the good old fashion Buddhist way? In any democratic society one will have the chance to meet and express one's concerns to one's leader if you go through the proper channels. It would never not be allowed due to religious convictions. Being able to meet your leader and he listens to your concerns, is THE HALLMARK OF A GOOD LEADER AND GOVT.

His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche is a real lama, with great knowledge and incredible healing abilities who has benefitted thousands around the world in his over 20 centres and associations. He has a beautiful large Gangchen Monastery in Shigatse very near Panchen Rinpoche's Tashilunpo. In fact Gangchen Rinpoche is the incarnation of the famed Panchen Zangpo Tashi, the 2nd throne holder (abbot) of Tashi Lunpo Monastery. The relics of this great master is still enshrined within a stupa in Tashi Lunpo till today where many pilgrims visit to receive blessings.

We are very fortunate to have a brave bodhisattva warrior among us who is very convicted to the practice his gurus have passed to him. Gangchen Rinpoche has been the subject of so much Tibetan Govt verbal and written attacks for over 10 years now. Never once has Rinpoche shown anger.

May HH Gangchen Rinpoche live very long. MAY HH GANGCHEN RINPOCHE HAVE DIALOGUE WITH HH DALAI LAMA SOON. May my guru Gangchen Rinpoche continue to be a shining example of true inspiration for the Buddhist community.

Rinpoche is brave and is the model of true guru devotion and a example of religious commitments recieved from one's sacred lineage master. He doesnt hide, or say he has given up the practice recieved from Trijang Rinpoche for political 'cleanliness.' Nor does he practice Dorje Shugden to bring harm to HH the Dalai Lama/Tibetan Govt in exile. He has practiced Dorje Shugden since he has met his root guru Trijang Rinpoche in Tibet prior to 1959 in the aide of spiritual support of his work. Is that a crime? Is it a crime to follow Trijang Rinpoche's holy instructions as Gangchen Rinpoche does with great devotion?

I have sent beautiful pictures to the webmaster of this site of Gangchen Rinpoche's incredible activities around the world. The pictures are just the tip of the iceberg of all that he has done. I thank the webmaster for posting the pictures on the Gallery section for all to view and be blessed.

Milano, Italy


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 08:04:12 PM »

I see that the site devoted to HE Gangchen Rinpoche has just been updated with his thoughts on the controversy:


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 11:16:31 AM »
That´s the sad story of all lamas who openly recognise that they practice Dorje Shugden.

All Shugden practitioners appreciate very much what lama Gangchen has done and is doing for this cause.

We are all united in this common cause.


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 08:51:27 PM »
HE Gangchen Rinpoche and the Shugden affair

A very devoted disciple of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, is HE Gangchen Rinpoche. HE Gangchen Rinpoche has been true to the lineage of Zong Rinpoche and faithfully practices Dorje Shugden. He is open and honest about it. For this he is considered an enemy of Tibetans by the Tibetan Government in exile. And for his practice of Dorje Shugden he has been expelled from Sera Mey Monastery of which he has brought much financial benefit in the past. What a shame  !

Rinpoche has his own illustrious Monastery in Tibet very nearby Tashi Lhunpo also which is rebuilt. His current and previous incarnations are very close to the line of Panchen Lamas. He has tremendous healing powers and his line of incarnations are known to be powerful healers. When Rinpoche built his current healing and meditation centre in Nepal, there was no water. Upon Rinpoche's arrival at the site, a spring naturally sprung forth  and until this day providing water for the whole meditation and healing centre. They make their own medicines their, they have a free school, guest house, also traditional Tibetan furniture making premises.

He has many teachings, videos and books out that Rinpoche has authored specifically for modern day healing incorporating ancient tantric meditations with modern excercises. Rinpoche mentioned that before he started these healing excercises he consulted Dorje Shugden through his medium. Dorje Shugden said it would be very beneficial and that he should definitely make known these practices.  Speak, teach and write regarding these practices. That it would benefit many. With that, Rinpoche has embarked on his highly successful body and mind tantric healing excercises that the Tibetan Government in exile vehemently ridicules, and discourages on their 'official' websites. How sad, as such a powerful incarnate lama if the Tibetan Government (a political organisation !) makes 'friends' with would be to their benefit. HE Gangchen Rinpoche's only 'crime' is that he practices Dorje Shugden. But he is only committed to his vows given by his lineage masters.

The Tibetan Government also criticizes him for going to Beijing to 'pay respects' to the Chinese endorsed Panchen Lama. When asked why Gangchen Rinpoche does that, he says, don't antagonize China further. We are a small group of people against the might of all China. We cannot win, so it is better to make friends with them.  The important issue is to have some autonomy in Tibet to save the culture, and the spiritual practices while there is time otherwise it will be lost Rinpoche mentions. So Rinpoche's motive to meet the China endorsed Panchen lama is to make China 'happy' so their stance in Tibet would be less harsh. He mentions he has no intention of disrespect toward HH the Dalai Lama or the Panchen Lama that HH Dalai Lama endorses.

Gangchen Rinpoche mentions that HH the Dalai Lama is the guru of all Tibet, how can we go 'against' him. Why would we?  We would not think of that. But he has commitments to do his Dorje Shugden practice as recieved by HH Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang.  His practice of Dorje Shugden is not meant as something against HH the Dalai Lama. Gangchen Rinpoche believes that Trijang Rinpoche gave that practice to help spiritual practitioners to overcome their heavy kaliyuga obstacles not something to harm HH the Dalai Lama. Trijang Rinpoche would have no such intentions. Dorje Shugden practices originally was not intended for that purpose at all. And it remains the same now.

Also to stop a practice given by a lama, you must ask the permission of the lama you received it from. Any lama CANNOT OVERRIDE THE COMMAND OF YOUR lama or any other lama from whence you recieved the practice from. Since Trijang Rinpoche gave the practice and he has passed, Gangchen Rinpoche wouldnt have the chance to ask Trijang Rinpoche to be excused from it. But since HH the Dalai Lama is advising not to worship, and he is alive, then it would make more sense that Gangchen Rinpoche requests the Dalai Lama to allow him to practice to continue practicing.

Gangchen Rinpoche comes from a long line of Healing lamas. His lineage started originally from the Indian Mahasiddha Darikapa. Those of you who have great fortune should recieve healing practices from the Lord of the healing Yogis, His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche of Sera Mey and Gangchen Monastery Tibet DIRECTLY. It is highly efficacious and powerful. Having a strong body, and long life can very much allow us freedom to practice the holy dharma. From time to time for those fortunate to request, HE Gangchen Rinpoche also bestows the life entrustment initiation of Dorje Shugden. He will confer upon request. It is best you have one of the annutaratantra initiations prior as a prerequesite to receive.

Gangchen Rinpoche is also famous and a reknowned practitioner of the kurukulle, Oserchenma, Kalachakra, Yamantaka, Heruka and Vajra Yogini tantras among many practices. He is a master of the construction of their mandalas. If one has the great fortune to be in Italy, one must visit Rinpoche at his retreat centre there situated near a lake. He has very special connection to the healing practices for many types of diseases. His practices that he has conferred to people in the past has expedited the healing of certain cancers among other diseases. He is famous for his pills and healing skin pills also for skin ailments.

Being in Rinpoche's presence, one can feel great love, high wisdom and one of the last masters trained in Tibet. How fortunate Rinpoche's powerful incarnation is among us.


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 11:39:54 AM »
I randomly clicked a page on the forum, and this post caught my eye. I love how Mountains and Geronimo has paid tribute to H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche, a truely great lama of our time. We are so fortunate to have H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche amongst us today, along with many other great lamas.

Just by seeing the picture of HE Gangchen Rinpoche brings much peace, calm and solace for me. He is a true boddhisattva.

I have heard that H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche is very well known for his clairvoyant abilities. Anyone has anything special to share, if they are lucky enough to have had a personal experience with Gangchen Rinpoche? I am sure it is a tremendous blessing to be in his presence.

Anyways, whilst reading this post, what struck me the most is this: All the high lamas that have continued to practise DS as given to them by their gurus have not once lashed back at the CTA, HHDL, or anyone despite how they have been ostracized. There has been no hostility towards HHDL, but utter respect. Whatever they have had to endure, they take it, even if it means leaving their monastery, and not being able to go back, like in the case of Gangchen Rinpoche, they respectfully stay away and not create trouble. All they do is hold on to their DS practise. If this is not admirable then I don't know what is. Imagine you are pressed and turned against, but you still remain humble, and practise in silence. Respect.

Also, the point that mountains brought up is so true. Why do the non-DS practitioners TAKE EVERYTHING away from the Shugdenpas, when infact the shugdenpas should have their rights to their belongings, and the sponsorship they have raised? It's non-sensical. Since Shugdenpas are shunned, they should be given back everything they have given, offered and raised, right? Why is it still kept from them and the lamas are thrown out instead? Shouldn't it be returned together with the thrown-out/expelled lamas and shugdenpas?!


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2012, 01:49:46 PM »
Anyways, whilst reading this post, what struck me the most is this: All the high lamas that have continued to practise DS as given to them by their gurus have not once lashed back at the CTA, HHDL, or anyone despite how they have been ostracized. There has been no hostility towards HHDL, but utter respect. Whatever they have had to endure, they take it, even if it means leaving their monastery, and not being able to go back, like in the case of Gangchen Rinpoche, they respectfully stay away and not create trouble. All they do is hold on to their DS practise. If this is not admirable then I don't know what is. Imagine you are pressed and turned against, but you still remain humble, and practise in silence. Respect.

It says so much about them. THEY are the victims and yet they conduct themselves with so much dignity. And what about the anti-Shugdenites who scream and spit, and shout vitriolic statements our way? Make threats against them, make fun of them using badly-edited videos? THAT'S the result of YOUR practice? Please. Id much rather stick to my 'wrong' lamas who are much better examples of Dharma practice.

Also, the point that mountains brought up is so true. Why do the non-DS practitioners TAKE EVERYTHING away from the Shugdenpas, when infact the shugdenpas should have their rights to their belongings, and the sponsorship they have raised? It's non-sensical. Since Shugdenpas are shunned, they should be given back everything they have given, offered and raised, right? Why is it still kept from them and the lamas are thrown out instead? Shouldn't it be returned together with the thrown-out/expelled lamas and shugdenpas?!

The ban is hypocritical. Hypocrisy begets hypocrisy. Its like a debate in the monasteries. If you speak from truth and knowledge, you will answer with conviction. If you speak from lack of knowledge and guesswork, your answer will be full of holes and your voice will waver. What anti-Shugdenites fail to realise is that in their attempts to implement a hypocritical ban, they will inevitably engage in hypocritical actions that, if they self-reflected, should actually embarrass them enough to stop.


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 12:10:08 AM »
He has been banned from Sera Mey Monastery, his monastery(the monastery on which he had expended much effort and resources ), and his ladrang there has been taken from him. For the last 10 years he has been continuously reviled by the Dalai Lama and the CTA for being a Chinese stooge and agent. Yet this great master, one of the very few remaining great Tibetan-trained masters, and devoted student of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, continues to be a steadfast Dorje Shugden practitioner. Manifesting strong Guru Devotion,Gangchen Rinpoche  has never given up his Shugden practice as it was given to him by his great teachers.

At the same time, he continues to show the greatest respect for the Dalai Lama, whom he considers to be the one of greatest Teachers of our time. He strongly believes in peaceful negotiation as a way forward to seek the autonomy of Tibet and the preservation of its culture and religion. Towards that end, he has been engaging in many efforts to soften the stance of the Chinese towards Tibet's cause. These efforts, such as paying respects to the Chinese chosen Panchen Lama, have been condemned by CTA as anti-Tibetan. For such efforts of 'peaceful reconciliation', he has been condemned as a Chinese spy and banned from Sera Mey.

Meanwhile, Ganchen Rinpoche continues to tirelessly work for global peace and religious harmony, via the United Nations Religious Affairs division. He travels everywhere to spread the Dharma of Je Tsongkapa and to work tirelessly as a healer.

He is a true Bodhisattva warrior who does not say a word against those who criticize, attack and condemn him.

Gangchen Rinpoche deserves every word of the praise and tribute given to him on this thread and this website.     


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2012, 03:25:03 AM »
It is truly sad to hear that such a Respected and GREAT Lama being banned from going back to the monastery He came from. Just like many others I have heard. I have heard that Gangchen Rinpoche is a renowned healer and to be in His presence is truly fortunate.
Imagine if all the GREAT Lamas that is practicing Lord DS group together and meet HHDL to discuss the Ban issues? It would be an event I do NOT want to miss. Since HHDL is Avalokiteshvara, out of compassion, maybe HHDL should consider the request?  ;D


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2012, 08:53:44 AM »
Despite the ban and him not able to return to his monastery Sera Mey, Gangchen Rinpoche has done alot for the buddhist world. He worked tirelessly to spread Buddhism in the Western world. His loyal guru samaya with Trijang Dorje Chang is a very admirable by all as he continued to practice Dorje Shugden no matter how much the pressure was on him.

The CTA has him as their no1 enemy because of political reasons, the Dalai Lama was the head of both religion and politics at that time. Gangchen Rinpoche did no wrong in practicing his own religious belief and why would he be classified as an enemy? Other countries practices freedom of religion to it's people, Tibet should not be any different. With the change in the leadership of CTA where Dr. Lobsang Sangey is the Prime Minister, we hope that he will change some of his policies so that this kind of discrimination will be obsolete. And where High Lamas who have been a huge contribution to the spread of Buddhism can practice peacefully.

We look forward to that day!


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2012, 10:28:35 AM »
It is a shame that such a great highly attained Lama like H. E. Gangchen Rinpoche is so badly mistreated by his own people and ex-communicated from his own community and monastery. Yet this great Master continued and never gave up on the practice of Dorje Shugden that was given to him by his great Master Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. He has never shown any anger or lashed back at HHDL.

Gangchen Rinpoche has more than 100 Inner Peace Education centres or Self-Healing Study Groups worldwide; he has touched the lives of many with followers all over the world.  It shows that his work goes beyond all boundaries of nationality, race, culture, tradition and religion as he promotes world peace. Rinpoche is a great healer. He is the holder of an ancient and unbroken lineage of Tantric Master whereby his Ngalso Tantric Self healing which is based on Buddha's teaching that is appropriate for the people of our time. We are so fortunate to have Gangchen Rinpoche amongst us today.


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2012, 06:17:02 AM »
I just heard from a source that Gangchen Rinpoche over the last few years has been very active in spreading dharma in China. So that now his organisation has strong Chinese sponsors which allows him to do more now. I was very happy to hear that.

It does not matter how CTA put down Gangchen Rinpoche. Results clearly shows that he is doing well and continue to spread the dharma.


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2012, 02:21:55 PM »
Someone like Gangchen Rinpoche who does so much to help so many people should be praised not banned. If the CTA were smart they would have good relationship with Gangchen Rinpoche. He has so many connections and could possibly help the CTA. In fact Gangchen Rinpoche is helping and benefiting people in Tibet China I heard, which is more then what CTA could possibly ever do.

So if you wanna ban Gangchen Rinpoche from returning to his own monastery... and since you claim him to be bad... then  return all the things the bad person gave you for it makes you impure and bad as well. So where is the fairness and logic in that?

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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 12:55:41 AM »
I cannot relate the negative statment some people made on Gangchen Rinpoche. The write up below is from the 'help in action' website. Gangchen Rinpoche's works and results show me he is a good monk, he helps many people, his works are recognised by international leaders and groups. If he is a spy as claimed by some people, no political heads would like to be associated to him. I don't see him doing any hard to anyone or create disharmony among people. A person should not be judge by his religion or spiritual practice, it should be the results. By banning him from going back to the monastery does it mean actions and results are not important but the practice? If practice affect one's actions and results, then Gangchen Rinpoche demonstrates that by practising Dorje Shugden, it will lead us to be a Boddhisattva, bringing benefits to others.

Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation
The principal proposed aims of the Foundation are to support the development of World Peace by creating the conditions for a real inner peace educational system at all levels, and by promoting a concrete cultural, spiritual and material exchange between East and West. In essence, this also includes the promotion of dialogue between science and religion, a necessary condition for real human growth, as well as a “reconciliation of spirituality with economics and politics”, that is a “reconciliation between the material and the non-material world”.
The Foundation particularly focuses on the spreading of inner peace education and the Self-Healing method for body, mind and the environment; a method taking its roots in the traditional tantric Buddhist philosophy which Lama Gangchen has adapted for the busy modern society we live in.
Lama Gangchen is particularly dedicating his energy to inter-religious dialogue in the conviction that only by uniting all the positive energies of the planet, both on the inner and outer level, can world peace be achieved. In order to concretize this vision, in 1995 he wrote and presented a proposal for the creation of a permanent forum inside the UN – “United Nations Spiritual Forum for World Peace” – in which all religious denominations, their leaders and representatives can meet in order to concert actions for inner and world peace.
A spiritual forum to “identify non-material solutions” which should become the “principal deliberating body of the most effective inner solutions to outer and inner problems”: a human solidarity for the 21st century.

Since 1995, the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation has been promoting this concept worldwide, presenting it to Religious and Spiritual leaders, Heads of States, Political leaders, Secretary General of the United Nations, Boutros Ghali and Kofi Annan, Ambassadors, Economists, Industrialists, Religious, Spiritual and Ecumenical organizations and Institutions, NGOs, prominent world figures, and many more, in a dedicated effort to offer each individual and the collective, an open invitation to make the “best investment for future generations”, based on inner peace as the common language, reinforcing the need for all of us to look more closely at its deeper meaning.

Several National and International groups have been formed to support its ushering into existence by mutual interest and consent, among which, the Spiritual Forum at the United Nations Group in New York who are working on a collective proposal to present the Spiritual Forum idea and to justify the need for spirituality and the development of peace culture within the UN.

The work is centered upon promoting, lobbying and raising awareness worldwide so as to bring the message of spirituality into focus and relevance in the 21st century, as the defining of spirituality and its relevance in this millennium is fast becoming a topic of much discussion in all areas of society, and there is a definite call for global interdependence to be brought beyond the physical/material level into a ‘higher’ spiritual level which connects all in a spirit of human solidarity towards finding new approaches to human understanding.

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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2012, 08:07:19 AM »
Gangchen Rinpoche is one of those High Lamas who decided to courageously face opposition openly. He is one of the very first High Lamas who remained fateful to his lineage without openly defying the ban or the Dalai Lama.

It is indeed sad that the monastery that he belonged to that had received so much from this Lama, refused to either return the money or receive him. I honestly don't blame the monastery because they wouldn't be able to afford returning the thousands of rupees of donation and they couldn't defy the CTA for that.

I am sure there are many more Dorje Shugden Lamas who wish they could be in Gangchen Rinpoche's shoes right now. I am 100% sure they bear no resentment towards the Dalai Lama as well but the ban forces them to denounce the practice that was descended from their very own Lamas. How difficult it would be for them but due circumstances and being located within the monastery or the tibetan community itself, they are forced to perform the unthinkable.

May the ban be lifted so it gives great Lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche the freedom to return to his own people within the exiled Tibetan community! Lift the ban so suffering High Lamas and other practitioners need not practice in the dark or be forced to denounce their own protector!


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Re: Gangchen Rinpoche/Dalai Lama/Trijang Rinpoche
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 08:37:43 PM »
I just heard from a source that Gangchen Rinpoche over the last few years has been very active in spreading dharma in China. So that now his organisation has strong Chinese sponsors which allows him to do more now. I was very happy to hear that.

It does not matter how CTA put down Gangchen Rinpoche. Results clearly shows that he is doing well and continue to spread the dharma.

I'm very happy to know that Gangchen Rinpoche has penetrated China and tirelessly spreading the Dharma in China! With the ban in place, I am sure conditions are so conducive for the Chinese to practise Dorje Shugden, and.. I wonder what practises Gangchen Rinpoche is spreading in China? hehehe. Recently there's also the picture of Panchen Lama meeting the premier of China which can be found in this forum posting  ( it's nice to see Tibetan Buddhism growing and being accepted by the people, and now, the government. May it bridge Tibet and China, and may China pick up the practise of our great protector and spread it like wildfire globally! Amazing how all the great lamas of our time has their roles intertwined with one another. How compassionate of these lamas, and of course HHDL for bringing so much attention to Dorje Shugden.