Author Topic: To separate between mouth and moustache! (Tibetan Language Newspaper)  (Read 7143 times)


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  Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibetan Language Newspaper)
  Volume 404, 20/02/2008  Dharamshala
    To separate between mouth and moustache!
Tibetan Government in Exile has announced: “Since there is no way to share spiritual
and material relation between Shugden worshippers and non-shugdens, it's worthwhile
to provide allotment in accordance with its population number, for the sake of
Dholgyal worshippers to move and settle in a separate place. If it is necessary,
Tibetan government in exile would provide them appropriate facility.
  On 13 of this month, Department of Culture and Religion, Tibetan Government in
exile, issued an announcement; it concerns about resolving a conflict through
vote-sticks consistent with Vinaya, which has been taken in 14 monasteries of
Gelug establishments, regarding the worshipping of Dholgyal (Dorje Shugden).
  In the announcement, there are the total 15316 monks in ten Gelug monasteries in
South India. There are 12277 monks who attended the referendum. No one picked the
red colored vote-stick. All monks picked only the yellow colored vote-stick, and
decided and swore not to worship Dholgyal and not to share religious and material
resources with Dholgyal devotees.
              Few monks from Dokhang and Pomra did not attend to pick up the
vote-stick. Although around 3000 monks who are outside were not able
to come to pick the vote-stick, they will take oath and give signature
regarding the Dholgyal.
  In this method of solving conflict, no one picked red colored vote-stick and those
who took yellow colored stick are hundred percent. Therefore, Tibetan government
in exile announced that, since there is no way to share spiritual and material
relation between Shugden worshippers and non-shugdens, it's worthwhile to provide
allotment in accordance with their population number, for Dholgyal worshippers to
create a new settlement. If it is necessary, Tibetan government in exile would
provide them appropriate facility.
  Likewise, it was announced that from now onward, in order to not impure commitment
between Guru and disciple by Dholgyal worshippers, they are not permissible to
attend the Dalai Lama's teaching; they are not permissible to admit and to attend
together the prayers, examination, etc of Gelug monastic establishments as per the
charter of Gelug establishment. Apart from that, though, they are permissible to
equally enjoy privileges accorded other Tibetans in exile.
  It is imperative to take consideration of creating peace and security in the
community, and not to harass between Dholgyal worshippers and non shugden
worshippers. And all the spiritual activities of the monastery such as the great
prayer festival and so on must be held on time. Even in future, we urge the
monastery to accept if anyone would take oath and engage in what to abandon and
what to take up with pure motivation.
  [we] have asked Tsering Dhondup, the minister for Culture and Religion regarding
the Dholgyal worshippers to create a new settlement, he said: “I think the
monastery must give allotment, examining the numbers of how many worshippers in
the respective monasteries. Since they have already took oath that they never
share religious and material resources with (Shugden devotees), there is no way to
integrate, but to separate. I think the local enclave and Dholgyal devotees must
see what to do. In case it needs relief from Tibetan government in exile, she has
willing to provide appropriate aid.  In future, the gathering for prayer, exam,
etc, must be held by the section separately. The purpose of vote-stick referendum
is to separate.”


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Re: To separate between mouth and moustache! (Tibetan Language Newspaper)
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 04:40:26 AM »
Classic return to the dark ages. Mouth and mustache?  To alienate, segregate, seperate, and marginalize a group of your own people based on a simple disagreement or misunderstanding over religious beliefs is an outrage. Rather than mend conflicts and relationships as a people, this leader and his puppet govt  choose to encourage and perpetuate separation and conflict. Has the DL learned nothing from the course of history and the numerous faith based  holy wars? Tibetans and their mob mentality contribute to regressive patterns of shunning and ostracising while the DL continues to disenfranchize his own people to publicize a  personal agenda and disagreement over Dorje Shugden. He will stop at nothing to use his power and influence to further 'his' agenda. He will continue to use inflammatory reasons to dissuade and discount this practice. Meanwhile his community suffers the consequences of his divisive remarks,innuendo and shallow agenda.  By doing this he underestimates the intelligence of his own people. Blind faith never did anyone any good. Rather than separate the moustache from the mouth, let's remove the cataract from our eyes so we see his agenda more clearly.


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Re: To separate between mouth and moustache! (Tibetan Language Newspaper)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 10:10:34 AM »
can you give me the newspaper in tibetan?
e-mail:[email protected]   thank you.