Author Topic: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"  (Read 6961 times)


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Hi All,

Here's a link to a short clip posted by CNN which I find amusing. HHDL was in an interview and was asked about the people whom made an impression in his mind.

I love the line when HHDL said: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"

Don't we all feel the same?
Harry Nephew

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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 09:51:14 AM »
Hahaha class video. Trouble is, Bush was President of a government thats just a wee bit more democratic than the CTA. And His Holiness the Dalai Lama is both a secular and spiritual leader. If the Americans dont like ol George, they can vote him out but no one can do that with His Holiness the Dalai Lama because his influence is independent of his positions...and in fact, even Lobsang Sangay, no one can vote the bloke out because well, who else do they have to replace him with?

Speaking of Lobsang Sangay, I heard that the Chinese are giving his village in Tibet a hard time for refusing to condemn the Dalai Lama ( That whole letter-signing thing stinks of the voting sticks.

Anyway its the sad truth that there will be few as capable as Dr Lobsang, since unlike the Chinese government who are more far-sighted, the Tibetan government have failed in relations to training up new leaders.


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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 01:49:48 PM »
Unfortunately that is politics. There is the man and all he would like to do for his people, and then there is class, party or sectarian politics.

The man or candidate is admired for his vision, charisma, beliefs and what he stands for and on that basis, he is voted into power. However, the man cannot exercise authority in isolation (not even in a dictatorship) and once in power he is forced to support the very system that keeps him in power. And so we see a disparity forming between the man and some of the policies he exercises.

It is no different in the case of HHDL. We assume that HH is in full control of the CTA but for sure there will be many issues that pitches secular and political interest against spiritual ones. For the longest time HHDL was the head of both. How is HHDL supposed to choose in such situations?

If we were to look at results, HHDL has failed to return Tibet to Tibetan rule and so HH failed in his political duties to his people. But let us look again at how Buddhism has spread far and wide and how Buddhism has been placed on the world map as the result of HHDL's personal efforts and we must acknowledge that HHDL achieved tremendous results.

I don't like HHDL policies towards Dorje Shugden and especially the ban and the treatment of DS practitioners. It is oppressive, unjust and disharmonious. But perhaps HHDL has a higher plan, working together with silent partners in executing a plan in which someone had to play the bad cop.

One thing is for sure, I doubt that HHDL is motivated by the same things as Bush. Of that I am certain.


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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2012, 02:55:26 PM »
HarryNephew, this is a classic analogy of the quote " I love you, but your policies I've some reservation" to be used by shugdenpas back to HHDL, becasue all of us here (at least I am) love Dalai Lama, but his policies on DS practitioners, we all have reservation.

I personally do not see much changes in the stance the Chinese government officials have  towards HHDL,  not even in the years to come, they will find all kinds of ways to condemn HHDL, the worst is that those Tibetans living in China would be the ones to suffer as they are being forced to do thing out of their will, many of them still see HHDL as their leader, both in the political and spiritual arena.

Now with Lobsang Sangay as the new leader of CTA, the people in his village got the hot seat to be picked at. Perhaps that is the reason why HHDL has to be the bad guy condemning Dorje Shugden and his practitioners  so that the Chinese will allow this practice to florish. Anything against the desire and wishes of HHDL, or rumours has it that it would shorten HHDL's life,  the Chinese would be more than happy to encourage it.

It could not be that the Dalai Lama is good in everything he does, full of wisdom and  compassion except in the issue of Dorje Shugden and his practitioners. That also does not sound logical to me too.

I am still in the game of the "bigger picture" .........and for the moment, I would say this to HHDL, "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"


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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 02:30:25 PM »
Triesa, I know...... How nice if we could take this new approach and tell HHDL, "WE LOVE YOU BUT WE GOT SOME RESERVATIONS" instead of "STOP LYING" LOL

Jokes aside, I do really feel the need to bring this up to another level. We need to be heard not because we just wanna be heard but there are people suffering out there which needs our help! Of course we cannot physically go out and help but creating awareness is the key towards putting an end to all these nonsense!

HHDL, CTA, and all in the bandwagons need to understand that by suppressing a deity who is a fully enlightened Being would only create more negative karma and continue to drive their own people crazy! In turn, they will be creating more causes for Buddhism to decline further when more and more monks burn themselves alive.
Harry Nephew

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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 07:04:36 PM »
Triesa, I know...... How nice if we could take this new approach and tell HHDL, "WE LOVE YOU BUT WE GOT SOME RESERVATIONS" instead of "STOP LYING" LOL

Jokes aside, I do really feel the need to bring this up to another level. We need to be heard not because we just wanna be heard but there are people suffering out there which needs our help! Of course we cannot physically go out and help but creating awareness is the key towards putting an end to all these nonsense!

HHDL, CTA, and all in the bandwagons need to understand that by suppressing a deity who is a fully enlightened Being would only create more negative karma and continue to drive their own people crazy! In turn, they will be creating more causes for Buddhism to decline further when more and more monks burn themselves alive.

What is this level you are talking about Harry Nephew? Surely you do not mean fighting fire with fire (no pun intended) and further escalating an already fiery (seriously no pun intended) situation to the point where there will be more suffering.

There are ways in creating impact in a big way... once such method is this website. The sharing of the content and information to increase knowledge and with knowledge ignorance is severed. Through the brochures which we can also print out to help distribute and spread around... I really believe knowledge/education is the key. If more people are exposed it is inevitable that the bad be lifted!

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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2012, 10:18:05 AM »
I think ALL of us agree with what His Holiness has to say to Bush hands down. But, I personally think it has become pointless to keep repeating that already. After all, His Holiness has 'retired' from office and has passed on power back to the people, namely Dr Lobsang Sangye. Right now, I think the world is watching him right now and we should focus all our energies and reasoning to get him to do something about it. Being very new in the power scene (of a very small CTA), he will naturally be neutral on controversial issues to be on the safe side.

Change can only occur if it is brought to his attention that it will serve the CTAs (Central Tibetan Administration) intentions if he release the ban and he endorses state secular reasons for it. What are the secular reasons? To unite the fragmented Tibetan society especially at the monastic level where the ban is in full swing. Why do they want unity? They need it to show the world and especially China that they are capable of leading Tibet. Just think, why would China return Tibet to CTA if they can't even maintain its minuscule handling of the Tibetans in exile. They can't even keep the people together. No country in the world today will actively sanction a religious ban on an obviously large group of practitioners and sacrifice social unity.

Hence, I think that the survival of the CTA would very much depend upon what Dr Lobsang Sangye does and at the moment, it doesn't look very promising. CTA needs a big boost of Public awareness especially since His Holiness is retiring and winding down. There's no way, they can defy China. In fact, there's no larger sovereign state that dares to defy China these days. The sheer strength of China's economics overwhelms everything. Hence, CTA is called CTA and not Tibetan Government in Exile.


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Well if the HHDL can love someone like George Bush who unleashed war in the Middle East that caused many people to perish as a result of it, it shows who HHDL is really is Chenrezig. And like how he says to Bush we love you Dalai Lama but we absolutely have reservation about your policies especially towards the Dorje Shugden. 

The Dalai Lama can command crowds of 70 thousand in a stadium, his words and actions are constantly scrutinized and as Triesa said the Dalai Lama cannot on one hand act all enlightened and wise in many talks and functions but to Dorje Shudgen lamas and practitioners he asks like a tyrant. The ban does seem planned in a way.


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 "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation", I would love  to say the same thing to HHDL too. However, I prefer to believe that there is a bigger picture of what HHDL is trying to create. As Lobsang Sangay cant do much for his people with regards to religious  freedom, we should help to expedite  the lifting of the ban. We can help by creating more awareness by being active on this website, through social media, distribution of brochures so that people are more exposed and gain correct  knowledge of who Dorje Shugden is.


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"I love you, but your policies I've some reservation", I would love  to say the same thing to HHDL too. However, I prefer to believe that there is a bigger picture of what HHDL is trying to create. As Lobsang Sangay cant do much for his people with regards to religious  freedom, we should help to expedite  the lifting of the ban. We can help by creating more awareness by being active on this website, through social media, distribution of brochures so that people are more exposed and gain correct  knowledge of who Dorje Shugden is.

pgdharma. I agree with you.

Dear Your Highness the Dalai Lama. I love you, but your policies I have some reservations. Om Mani Peme Hum!
You are Chenrezig. But your policies I am ignorant. Perhaps someone need to sacrifice for the greater good. Perhaps the karma of the people are like that and you are "letting them suffer" to purify these karma. I am ignorant. I beg your forgiveness but please quickly change your policies, oh mighty Chenrizig.

I beg you!

diamond girl

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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2012, 07:59:04 PM »
For many of us here we believe that HHDL has skilled-fully kept this DS practice alive by banning it. And I too believe so. However, as a human being who has a mind to think, I cannot help but feel a certain level of hypocrisy in the statement HHDL makes about Bush, the younger one whom I personally feel is an idiot who has caused so much pain and loss of lives. We can say the same to HHDL and many have already expressed.

In the eyes of many people who may be ignorant to this ban, it all sounds fine. But this does not ignore the fact that we can say the same to HHDL. I sometimes get infuriated about the whole issue. The CTA is doing nothing to free the ban. Yes, they can claim all they want and what not but the point remains that they are a government and religion should not be on the agenda. Religion and government should never ever mix.

I respect HHDL a lot and his teachings are so very profound but knowing the issue of DS, I cannot help but feel "negative".

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Re: HHDL to Bush: "I love you, but your policies I've some reservation"
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2012, 05:49:15 AM »
I respect HHDL a lot and his teachings are so very profound but knowing the issue of DS, I cannot help but feel "negative".

Dear Diamond Girl, yes I do share your feeling of a bit of 'dishearten' when observing the current situations regarding the DS ban, especially seeing those old monks being ostracized and denied their rights whereas they have contributed their whole lives to serve Dharma and the people. Even some of their own students who sided with HHDL & CTA neglected them... talking about guru devotion and the culture of respecting elders.

However, I still believe in the 'bigger picture' thing, the effect of this ban and especially the 'negative situations' I guess is what needed to make this practice becoming very famous and can reach out more to REAL practitioners because those who still continue to practice and braved these dis-advantage conditions are the sincere ones that will uphold and spread this lineage far and wide.

So I believe these 'small' sacrifices that we now endure will make DS practice becoming great in near future. Yep must still keep the positive view on this... to keep us on our path.