Author Topic: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership  (Read 21095 times)


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Who woulda thunk that TAIWAN WOULD BE REJECTING THE DALAI LAMA? Well actually not inviting him to a religious conference, of all things. Youd think itd be the easiest thing to swing yeah which is saying hes a religious leader so hes invited in that capacity and not for politics and all of that but nope.

Tsai says no wai!

Yeah you can read the rest of it here for yerselves


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2019, 07:55:37 AM »
It is about time. China is so powerful right now and many countries tried to not get on her bad side. Even India who had shown so much of generosity and kindness towards Tibetans is slowly casting them further away to make way for China.

The econimical benefits that the countries can get from China outweights the benefits of them being friends with Tibetans. The Tibetan leadership should wake up now and smell the coffee. They are no longer can get sympathy by telling stories of how China is bullying them. Everyone knows that the Tibetans are not sincere in fighting for the Tibetan cause.

All they are doing now is just complain and hope that someone will be stupid enough to give them donation. They had been successful with that for 60 years but it will not work anymore.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2019, 07:56:54 AM »
Well, I guess supporting CTA did not bring much benefit to Taiwan but only damages, that is why this decision has to be made. Supporting CTA is not because of humanity, it is mainly for political reason. Some countries just want to do everything to go against China in order to express their stance.

CTA should know by now, if Taiwan has made such a move, more will be coming. Perhaps the next one will be Japan. First, these countries will not continue their relationship with CTA. The next thing they do is to cut the financial support. CTA better accept that fact that they cannot never beat China, it will be wiser to be friendlt with them and really go for the Middle way approach.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2019, 11:53:13 AM »
Who woulda thunk that TAIWAN WOULD BE REJECTING THE DALAI LAMA? Well actually not inviting him to a religious conference, of all things. Youd think itd be the easiest thing to swing yeah which is saying hes a religious leader so hes invited in that capacity and not for politics and all of that but nope.

Tsai says no wai!

Yeah you can read the rest of it here for yerselves

Tsai is right to do so. After all, countries who are friends with China are benefitting from her generosity where CTA has nothing to give other than take, take, take. Leeches who suck any kindness dry and continuously gets hungry. Well, it's really good to hear that some Sakya monks in Nepal are visiting Dorje Shugden related websites, learning all the truth about Tibetan Leader's lies. Obviously, more and more wants to know the truth and soon CTA will have no power over their people. Everyone will doubt the words that CTA say.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2019, 05:49:34 PM »
Who woulda thunk that TAIWAN WOULD BE REJECTING THE DALAI LAMA? Well actually not inviting him to a religious conference, of all things. Youd think itd be the easiest thing to swing yeah which is saying hes a religious leader so hes invited in that capacity and not for politics and all of that but nope.

Tsai says no wai!

Yeah you can read the rest of it here for yerselves

Tsai is right to do so. After all, countries who are friends with China are benefitting from her generosity where CTA has nothing to give other than take, take, take. Leeches who suck any kindness dry and continuously gets hungry. Well, it's really good to hear that some Sakya monks in Nepal are visiting Dorje Shugden related websites, learning all the truth about Tibetan Leader's lies. Obviously, more and more wants to know the truth and soon CTA will have no power over their people. Everyone will doubt the words that CTA say.

And there will be more countries that will do so. Btw have you not heard that there is a split within their own exile leaders? It's more and more apparent now that there are 2 camps within the Tibetan leadership, one side for the Dalai Lama and one side for Lobsang Sangay. So who will win you think? No wonder, now I understand why the CTA does so many things that contradict to the Dalai Lama's stand and statements like wanting to go back to China and that Tibetans should be friends with China cos both sides can benefit from it. Read the below news...

Court case reveals splits among Tibetans-in-exile

Earlier this month, a significant development took place in Tibetan politics which went unnoticed. It pertained to a court case which PenpaTsering, former representative of the Dalai Lama in the US, had filed before the Supreme Justice Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in May last year.

The case was against the Cabinet of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for making “false accusations” against him while ousting him from the post in November 2017. The case had come up for hearing on June 6.

Penpa’s opponent was none other than the CTA president Lobsang Sangay. It was no ordinary case because it was veritably Lobsang Sangay versus the Dalai Lama himself!

At the hearing, Sangay’s lawyer tried to have the case dismissed arguing that it involved the Dalai Lama’s name. But the judge decided against the plea saying that it shouldn’t involve the Dalai Lama’s name as he had rescinded power to the CTA in 2010.

Sangay’s argument demonstrated the Dalai Lama’s continued power despite formal political abdication. He is still a monarch in Tibetan politics. It showed how the Dalai Lama is above the law and that he has complete authority over the exile community, despite claims to the contrary.

In other words, if the Dalai Lama’s name were to be taken in a fight or a court case between two Tibetans (as it happened in the Penpa case) it is ground for the case to be thrown out.

Ban on Dorje Shugden

This point goes to the heart of the situation in the Tibetan community in exile and proves the existence of a mechanism behind the ban on Dorje Shugden.

The Dalai Lama has always claimed that he only gave advice, and that he had not banned anything because he did not have the power to ban anything. But the ban on Dorje Shugden shows that the Dalai Lama’s word is law in the community.

The other point the case raised was that the Dalai Lama was involved in the appointment of his representative in the US two years ago.

In his argument, Dakpa spoke on the issue of Penpa Tsering’s termination and implied that the Dalai Lama had a role in dismissing him. He quoted minister Karma Gelek who said that the ousting was done in the same way that the appointment was done. It is believed that Penpa Tsering was appointed at the suggestion of the Dalai Lama.

This seems obvious because it sounds logical that the Dalai Lama would appoint his own man. However, the position in question is a government position, the person appointed to this post is actually in charge of the Office of Tibet in the US, a government-funded political position. He is the unofficial Tibetan envoy to the US. The fact that the Dalai Lama ‘suggested’ his appointment proves that the Dalai Lama is in charge.

The Dalai Lama’s followers and the common man in the Tibetan community alike, downplay the level of the Dalai Lama’s authority and power. For instance, in the case of the ban, the Dalai Lama just gave ‘advice’, and when he ordered the government to appoint Penpa Tsering they said it was a ‘suggestion’.

Thus, there is a Dalai Lama who claims to have given up all political authority and simply functions as a religious figurebut implements and enforces a ban that leads to a major division in the exile community. He chooses people for government positions.

In the 2016 elections in the Tibetan exile community he removed one candidate from the final round of voting. In these elections, the rules of the game were changed abruptly and quietly.

In the 2016 election one candidate, Lukar Jam Atsok, was outspoken about some of Dalai Lama’s policies, particularly his ban on Dorje Shugden. When the final three candidates were chosen, the Dalai Lama changed the rules so that only the final two would go through to the last round of voting. This effectively removed Lukar Jam Atsok from the race as he was in third place!

The final two candidates were Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering, both of whom were supported by the National Democratic Party of Tibet which was founded by the Dalai Lama and is effectively run and financed by him.

This ensures that the Dalai Lama is in control of the Tibetans even though he appears to be above petty politics!

A side product of this is that no media outlet dares to doubt the wisdom of the Dalai Lama.

The trial shows that splits are starting to occur in Tibetan politics with the Dalai Lama in one camp and Lobsang Sangay in the other.

Why did Sangay’s lawyer ask for a three-month delay? Is it because, by that time the Dalai Lama would have named the Karmapa as his successor and also announced his pilgrimage to China-controlled Tibet?

Will it also not give time to Dalai Lama’s coterie to make alternative arrangements for Penpa Tsering, perhaps pay him off or appoint him somewhere else?

And in these three months Lobsang Sangay would have secured his authority over the exile community and be seen as the hero who negotiated the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet, irrespective of the question whether the Dalai Lama is fit enough to travel.

Rajeev Sharma is an independent journalist and a strategic analyst who tweets @Kishkindha

Tenzin K

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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2019, 09:05:26 PM »
CTA should realize that more and more countries will not be their side. At this moment all most of the countries are looking for the opportunity to financial growth and at this time only China can help. China had a great impact on the world and no countries will want to go against China, this is obvious.

By right, CTA should find ways to had a discussion with China for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan. In order to achieve this CTA better don't irk China.

Tenzin K

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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2019, 12:06:56 PM »
No one will take the risk for befriended Dalai Lama. Now China so influences in the world and everyone is trying to work out with this giant. What will Dalai Lama give to the people who support him compared to what China can offer? It may sound hard but who don't want to build their financial growth and that China can help them in this but not Dalai Lama. So is no surprise for many countries rejecting Dalai Lama. This is the fact and Tibetan leadership only have one way to go which is to deal with China to return back to China.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2019, 04:04:58 AM »
With dsnowlion's comment, I now see why there are so many contradictions between the words and actions of the Dalai Lama and Lobsang Sangay. Does stupid Lobsang Sangay think that he is on par with the Dalai Lama and his enlightened state of mind? What a really stupid man. it would mean that he does not believe in the Dalai Lama at all and in actuality, he is the Chinese dog who is against the Dalai Lama and shortening the Dalai Lama's life. Terrible bad karma!


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2019, 11:28:38 AM »
Another country is saying goodbye to the CTA! Taiwan has been a strong supporter of the CTA. But the support is not genuinely on humanity basis. Taiwan was just using the Tibetan plight to go against China, to make their stance that they will always do the opposite of what China wants.

However, going against China by using the Tibet card is proven to be a very wrong decision. There is no benefit at all for supporting the CTA. The country that supports the CTA actually loses a lot of trading and business opportunity with China. The opportunity cost is way higher by siding the CTA.

The economy in Taiwan is not getting better, they are also trying to build a better relationship with China in order to help improving their economy. To disassociate with the CTA is definitely a wise choice. CTA should be very worried now, their financial aid will be affected badly, they better think of how to sustain should more countries withdraw their support.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2019, 09:53:51 AM »
With dsnowlion's comment, I now see why there are so many contradictions between the words and actions of the Dalai Lama and Lobsang Sangay. Does stupid Lobsang Sangay think that he is on par with the Dalai Lama and his enlightened state of mind? What a really stupid man. it would mean that he does not believe in the Dalai Lama at all and in actuality, he is the Chinese dog who is against the Dalai Lama and shortening the Dalai Lama's life. Terrible bad karma!

Lobsang Sangay is stupid and that's for sure. If he is clever, Tibetans in exile would have been back to Tibet already. He has been the president of the Tibetan government for so long and there is no improvement of the Tibetan situation. It has only gone from bad to worst.

Now another country who was formerly CTA's ally switched their allegiance to China. It is clear that being CTA's ally does not have any benefits at all and on top of that, it will probably create problems for the country as well. Since being China's ally have so many benefits, why would anyone continue to be friends with CTA?

CTA should be honest with themselves now and not think that they are the best and everyone is going to support them forever. China is a good ally but a horrible enemy looking at the current situation. There is no way they will ever get Tibet back.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2019, 02:59:57 AM »
There is such a long list of countries who refuse entry to the Dalai Lama by now and my bet there are many more coming because it is an easy choice: China or the Tibetan Leadership who only makes trouble for their hosts.

The Tibetan leadership should reconcile with China, put their people first and provide security and a meaningful life. But instead the Tibetan Leadership ignores the needs of their people and even encourages them to self-harm by self-immolation. What a cruel leadership! And they don't have much to offer except trouble with powerful China!!!


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2019, 12:49:03 PM »
There is such a long list of countries who refuse entry to the Dalai Lama by now and my bet there are many more coming because it is an easy choice: China or the Tibetan Leadership who only makes trouble for their hosts.

The Tibetan leadership should reconcile with China, put their people first and provide security and a meaningful life. But instead the Tibetan Leadership ignores the needs of their people and even encourages them to self-harm by self-immolation. What a cruel leadership! And they don't have much to offer except trouble with powerful China!!!

The CTA really does not have bargaining power. People who support them will not get any benefit from them and the CTA expects these people to give them financial support because they are political victims. Tibetans have been living like a beggar for the past 60 years, they don't understand they have to work hard to build their country and economy.

Who has the money to continue to support the CTA and the Tibetans for long? They are a burden! They leech on India for 60 years and expect India to keep giving them support. They are really taking things for granted! Why do the Tibetans think India should support them forever?

It is for sure that Tibet will never be an independent state, the CTA and Lobsang Sangay should just forget about the Free Tibet movement and follow what the Dalai Lama wants, i.e., to get the autonomous status for Tibet. But apparently, Lobsang Sangay does not respect the Dalai Lama, he even argue with the Dalai Lama!


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2019, 01:36:41 PM »
What can we expect when the exile Tibetans are managed by shallow-minded administrators and fake Harvard graduate President wanna-be Lobsang Sangay?!

Here's an article showing how shallow and small-minded Lobsang Sangay is.
The world knows network and infrastructures is what makes a nation grow and China has been drastically building an infrastructure that connects to the whole of China and this exactly why they are now the #1 superpower nation.

True dat China will start extracting Tibet's resources out from Tibet, but then again resources from the mainland can be transferred back to Tibet. We cannot help it if that is the karma of Tibet to lose its unexploited resources, if it wasn't China, it could well be America. It is all a matter of time before man act upon their greed. Lobsang Sangay should be familiar with that.
They forget that this can actually create a positive effect spiritually because with Tibet being more accessible, the world will get a chance to have a glimpse at the roof on the world and be able to be blessed upon visiting the many holy sites. This is how dharma seeds can be planted in many untamed minds. But don't expect Sangay to understand that, he's not really a Buddhist and being close to the Dalai Lama, didn't do a damn thing to his mind except making Dalai Lama his own cash cow. Sad isn't it?

So instead of saying anything nice, Lobsang Sangay seems to be happy if Tibet was just as pathetic just like Dharamsala with no development, forever relying on aid and to be in poverty. He wants Tibet to stay poor like Dharamsala for over 60 years.  No new Tibetans and no tourism happening. This seems to be the kind of Tibet Sangay wishes for Tibet to be.

China building ‘road’ to colonization, warns Tibetan President in exile
Vadodara: Warning China’s ‘Belt and Road initiative’ (BRI) to be leading to colonization, president of the Tibetan government-in exile, Lobsang Sangay, on Wednesday expressed his concerns over the increasing influence of China in South Asia. Sangay said that one road connecting China to Tibet had led to exploitation of all kinds of minerals and natural resources.
Sangay was in Vadodara to attend two programmes including a talk at Parul University and another at M S University.

He highlighted how Tibet was the original laboratory for BRI – one road that ultimately lead to subjugation and colonization. He stressed that the world must learn from Tibet’s tragic experience as China’s “development aid” comes at the steepest possible price to the people, land, water and air.
“Tibet is the blueprint of the BRI. Our experience with the road initiative connecting China with Tibet has not been good,” he said.
“One road led to hundreds of roads in Tibet, routes and one railways led to three or four railways. One airport led to 30 airports, six military airfields. Conveniently, all these roads, railways and airport are connected to haul out natural resources and minerals from Tibet,” he said, adding that one road led to net loss to Tibet.
Sangay stressed that Chinese influence is increasing across South Asia. “There was 2,500 to 3,000km- long border between Tibet and India. Now, it is between India and China. In 1950s, there was hardly any police on the border but now thousands and thousands are deployed on the border for which billions are spent,” he said.
He said that the same amount could have been spend on education, poverty alleviation and uplifting the downtrodden.
“But all of South Asia, be it Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and also Nepal are being influenced. Recently, the Nepalese government declared to make Chinese a compulsory language. This is being financed by the Chinese government. Nepal was the only Hindu country after India but now Chinese influence has even started in Nepal,” he said.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2019, 09:11:13 AM »

China building ‘road’ to colonization, warns Tibetan President in exile
Vadodara: Warning China’s ‘Belt and Road initiative’ (BRI) to be leading to colonization, president of the Tibetan government-in exile, Lobsang Sangay, on Wednesday expressed his concerns over the increasing influence of China in South Asia. Sangay said that one road connecting China to Tibet had led to exploitation of all kinds of minerals and natural resources.
Sangay was in Vadodara to attend two programmes including a talk at Parul University and another at M S University.

He highlighted how Tibet was the original laboratory for BRI – one road that ultimately lead to subjugation and colonization. He stressed that the world must learn from Tibet’s tragic experience as China’s “development aid” comes at the steepest possible price to the people, land, water and air.
“Tibet is the blueprint of the BRI. Our experience with the road initiative connecting China with Tibet has not been good,” he said.
“One road led to hundreds of roads in Tibet, routes and one railways led to three or four railways. One airport led to 30 airports, six military airfields. Conveniently, all these roads, railways and airport are connected to haul out natural resources and minerals from Tibet,” he said, adding that one road led to net loss to Tibet.
Sangay stressed that Chinese influence is increasing across South Asia. “There was 2,500 to 3,000km- long border between Tibet and India. Now, it is between India and China. In 1950s, there was hardly any police on the border but now thousands and thousands are deployed on the border for which billions are spent,” he said.
He said that the same amount could have been spend on education, poverty alleviation and uplifting the downtrodden.
“But all of South Asia, be it Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and also Nepal are being influenced. Recently, the Nepalese government declared to make Chinese a compulsory language. This is being financed by the Chinese government. Nepal was the only Hindu country after India but now Chinese influence has even started in Nepal,” he said.

The comment Lobsang Sangay made is full of jealousy. China is growing stronger, that is the fact and everyone can see it. China has no interest to colonise another country, it only wants to grow its economy and while growing its economy, it is also helping its partners to grow. What can Lobsang Sangay give to people who are supporting the Tibetans?

Even if China is colonising other countries, but it colonise them using economy which is a win-win situation for both. China doesn't use violence, unlike the western country especially the US. While Lobsang Sangay said China has colonised Tibet, but China has also improved and upgraded the lives of the Tibetans in Tibet tremendously. So who benefit at the end?

Lobsang Sangay never looks at what he can do, he only blames and complains about others. He distracts people by making negative comments, nothing from him is really constructive. People have seen the true colours of his and the CTA, no one will want to support them any longer.


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Re: Another country joins list of hosts rejecting Tibetan leadership
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2019, 05:28:48 AM »
This is not surprising at all, who wants to be friend with the CTA? The CTA has nothing to give but they will ask for something. India has been supporting the CTA for the past 60 years but until today, the CTA is still asking for more help from India. India wants to establish a closer relationship with China but the CTA has been in the way. So what did India get for supporting India?