Author Topic: The Dalai Lama to meet Austrian chancellor on five-nation European tour  (Read 3506 times)


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Phayul[Sunday, May 13, 2012 23:36]
DHARAMSHALA, May 13: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is scheduled to meet the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Austria on his five-nation European tour this month.

Leaving his exile home town of Dharamshala Saturday, the Dalai Lama will begin his tour in London, where he will be awarded the 2012 Templeton Prize, one of the world's biggest monetary awards, in a ceremony at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London on May 14.

The event will be attended by thousands and webcast live at along with a news conference with the Dalai Lama.

His Holiness will then travel to Slovenia to join the Maribor for Peace initiative and give a public talk on Cultivating Peace of Mind on May 16. The next day he will be taking part in a discussion by Nobel Peace Prize Laureates on Why do we need Dialogue and Solidarity in the global Crisis? Other laureates include Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi economist and founder of the micro-credit concept Grameen Bank, Dr Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemalan human rights activist, and Dr Lu?ka Kajfež Bogataj, Slovene Climate Ambassador.

The 76-year old Tibetan leader will then give two-day teachings on The Heart Sutra (Sherab Nyingpo), Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (JangchupLlamdron) & The Song of the Four Mindfulnesses – Instructions on the View of the Middle by the 7th Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso (Tatri Drenpa Shiden) and also confer a Medicine Buddha Empowerment on May 18 and 19 in Klagenfurt, Austria. The teachings will be followed by a public talk on The Art of Happiness on May 20 in the same city.

His Holiness will then visit the Austrian city of Salzburg for a daylong programme on May 21, which includes delivering the keynote address on World Peace and Universal Responsibility followed by an Inter-Religious Dialogue event Harmony in Diversity.

Travelling on the the neighbouring country of Italy, the Dalai Lama will participate in an inter-faith program on The Role of Religions in Promoting Justice, Peace and the Protection of the Environment in Udine on May 22 followed by a public meeting with scientists on Promoting Non-Violence and Compassion Against Aggressiveness.

In the sane city on May 23, His Holiness will give a public talk on Holistic Training of the Mind: Spiritual, Humanistic, Scientific and Technological.

The Dalai Lama will then visit Huy, Belgium give a public talk on Advice and Vision for Creating a Better Society on May 24.

Returning back to Austria for the final leg of his tour, the Tibetan leader will give a public talk on Beyond Religion – Ethics and Human Values in Today’s Society on May 25 in Vienna and participate in a symposium on Buddhism and Science titled Mind and Matter – New Models of Reality the next day.

During his stay in Austria, the Dalai Lama is expected to meet Austria's Chancellor Werner Faymann and Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger.

Faymann was scheduled to meet with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader alongside Vienna Archbishop Christoph Schoenborn, the chancellor's office said, specifying however that this would occur "in a religious context."

No encounter however was planned with President Heinz Fischer.

Over the years, the Tibetan leader has paid regular visits to the alpine country, including to see his late friend the Austrian alpinist Heinrich Harrer, whose autobiography inspired the 1999 film "Seven Years in Tibet."

Dalai Lama has always been actively the globe trotter to spread peace and words of wisdom on universal responsibility throughout his life time.  He brings awareness the plight of his people and country on the international scene, is highly respected and has won many awards and accolades.  In my wondering mind, will the CTA or any Tibetans capable to assume this role and responsibility in the same capacity as the Dalai Lama?  I have many doubts this would happen and on this same reason there are many Tibetans migrating to other nations to build their nest.  As a result they will be integrated into specific countries they are in; eventually the race of Tibetan will be diluted and their cause forgotten and die a natural death.

However there is a ray of hope if CTA will quickly act to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden and garner support for unity from Tibetans around the world to establish a stronghold and building confidence by penetrating through the avenue of cultural heritage to be in Tibet without even to lift a weapon or self-immolation.  For cultural heritage will be a powerful weapon to assimilate Tibetans into China and of course Tibet ultimately. :)


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Dear Icy

I love your positive post about HHDL  ;D.  I think it is great that the world gave high recognition to enlightened beings such as HHDL and putting him in the very visible world stage.  Imagine how many beings will benefit from just seeing his presence.

I don't think anyone within the CTA at the moment can assume HHDL's roles in the world stage.  I think we should not focus on whether Tibetan cultures will survive the trials and the fact that Tibetan decents have migrated to other countried to assimilate with the local culture.  What we should focus on is to make sure that Tibetan Buddhism will not extinct and continue to spread the Dharma to benefit sentient beings.

May the ban be lifted soon so the sufferings that it creates will end.