Author Topic: Hypocrisy much?  (Read 11690 times)


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2012, 10:23:13 AM »
Many people are not educated about Dorje Shugden once it was declared an illegal practice by the Dalai Lama, FPMT just shut off.  Through ignorance many abandon and become hostile to this practice.   When there is just heresay without investigation and valid or logical study by FPMT group they just follow the leader on the adversity of the practice.  I am so thankful for in helping to educate people on DS so they will have a strong foundation and education.  May they come to know the truth and never waver from powerful Dorje Shugden and its beneficial practice.

with the wealth of information available now, is that even a valid argument? ignorance is not an excuse during this day and age, especially for Buddhists whose main goal is to destroy ignorance. If Buddhists strive to eliminate ignorance by studying and practicing the sutras, why would they allow ignorance to set foot and creep into their minds and then letting it grow and not doing anything about it? ridiculous.

as a Buddhist, if we wish to decide to go against something, or when our teacher tells us to do something we should do some preliminary investigations: who is the object? why is it harmful? and do exhaustive investigation based on FACTS and not on opinions of scholars who are obviously biased.  A true teacher will always provide answers to those questions and give enough material.

On the students' side, why do most of them prefer to take the lazy way out and just take things at surface level? It always pays to investigate things at a deeper level, even if it is the teacher's advice because from investigation and we see the reasons behind the teacher's advice, it increases our faith even more and if it is not, we can see the depth of his wisdom when we seek his explanation. Either way its a win-win situation.

Buddhists who dont investigate should not be touching the sutras, because they prefer to remain in the darkness of ignorance rather than illuminate the mind. Why offer light to the Buddha when we place our own minds in a box of darkness? It does not make sense at all unless they are just in the Dharma to cover their own hypocrisy and lack of Dharma practice, when in any case, explains their behavior towards others.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 04:44:15 AM »
It is very funny to think that Lord Dorje Shugden shortens HHDL's life.  Why? Illogical for me because don't we forget, there are many other practitioners out there besides us here in this forum. Hence, aren't we still practicing and shortening HHDL's life? He is Chenresig, a Buddha, with clairvoyance. Did He see his life till 90?  :o. Hhmmmm... I wonder how since we ARE still practicing! Wake up people!

Faith is not something we follow blindly! Sounds familiar? ???

Read and check the facts before following blindly!  ;D


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 03:11:52 PM »

I agree with you, bambi. Read and check the facts before following blindly!

When we have a website like that provides clear and logical facts why not take advantage of it and learn as much as we can from this website. With the wealth of information provided here, FTMP members should read and learn up from this website to know the right facts. They should investigate and get all the facts clear before they start bad mouthing and criticizing others.



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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2012, 04:16:10 PM »

I agree with you, bambi. Read and check the facts before following blindly!

When we have a website like that provides clear and logical facts why not take advantage of it and learn as much as we can from this website. With the wealth of information provided here, FTMP members should read and learn up from this website to know the right facts. They should investigate and get all the facts clear before they start bad mouthing and criticizing others.

Sadly it is more fun and easier to just open you mouth and put others down rather than to actually investigate for sure and make sure whether or not the rumors are true or false. It is definitely easier to just listen and tow in line and follow a big name because you dont have to do a lot of research and neither do you need to put up with the opposition from the majority who is "right".

But where does that lead us all to? back to samsara, of course. The only reason why achieving Buddhahood is difficult is because it goes against what society believes will bring happiness: get a good job, have lots of money, get a relationship, be popular, please the crowd and if you do all that you will truly be happy. But that is not the case and the Buddhist teachings tell you that is not true.

So, if Buddhism goes against mainstream beliefs, then why would they adopt mainstream beliefs? How is it practicing Buddhism on one hand, cutting off long time mental habituations and against what the rest of samsara believes, but at the same time bringing samsara into Dharma practice by adopting samsaric principles in Dharma practice....that sounds a bit wrong and hypocritical, dont you think?

There are then people who truly seek knowledge but lack guidance, and they bump into these people who have wrong ideas and wrong views and encourage them to adopt a samsaric attitude when practicing the Dharma. So as a result, these people get misinformation. How to progress spiritually like that? No wonder these people have little or no progress in their spiritual practice and they rarely grow bigger than their initial premises.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2012, 11:22:11 AM »
Very dangerous.  This reflect that the FTMP has not done proper research hence is spreading the wrong information to the people which they are already doing it by saying nasty things about Dorje Shugden.  This only shown the lack of understanding and study, research on the lineage text and blindly follow whatever the herb is saying or doing.  This also reflects shaken faith and devotion of the members, very dangerous.  Without proper research and jumping on their own conclusions. 

I always think that whatever the student speaks or do reflects the guru.  In this instance, they have gave Lama Zopa a bad image.  They do things their way which "they" think is correct without even consider their own guru.  Sorry to say, no wonder the karmic repercussions reflects on their own very guru.  I hope Lama Zopa will soon reveal the truth to his students, so that they will lessen their negative karma and understand true dharma.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2012, 02:56:04 PM »
Very dangerous.  This reflect that the FTMP has not done proper research hence is spreading the wrong information to the people which they are already doing it by saying nasty things about Dorje Shugden.  This only shown the lack of understanding and study, research on the lineage text and blindly follow whatever the herb is saying or doing.  This also reflects shaken faith and devotion of the members, very dangerous.  Without proper research and jumping on their own conclusions. 

I always think that whatever the student speaks or do reflects the guru.  In this instance, they have gave Lama Zopa a bad image.  They do things their way which "they" think is correct without even consider their own guru.  Sorry to say, no wonder the karmic repercussions reflects on their own very guru.  I hope Lama Zopa will soon reveal the truth to his students, so that they will lessen their negative karma and understand true dharma.

Conclusion: This shows that they have NO GURU DEVOTION at all. No wonder their centers just open in an area or country but never ever grows or expands. Those are just EMPTY centers, with no qualified practitioners, and just an empty shell of the Dharma because they do not practice and they do not have faith in their own Guru by twisting his words to appropriate their personal intentions.

No wonder Lama Osel cannot manifest properly. Who would want to return to students who do not listen and who would sway like reeds in the wind in rhythm with lamas that they perceive to be higher ranking than their own teacher? I am just afraid that Lama Zopa will follow suit too if this trend continues. Guru devotion is the core of Vajrayana practice but unfortunately that is precisely they are lacking.

It is extremely sad to see how some students would abandon their practices and teachers at the drop of the hat whenever a higher lama comes around and declares that practice to be bad or wrong. Its one thing to follow the teacher's instructions to not do the actual practice, but its a different level and context all together to take that out of context and use it as an excuse to disparage others.

Lama Osel leaving them is already a very strong warning sign of things to come. Once they lose Lama Zopa, that is it for FPMT since they have no one else to lead them and everyone is just too busy to bicker amongst themselves. They have a Maitrieya Project to build but instead they have so much time to screen every single Buddhist center in the world and make sure that they are politically....