Author Topic: mixing traditions  (Read 18665 times)


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Re: mixing traditions
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 12:59:36 PM »
I must say I have enjoyed this thread on mixing traditions...and would have to say when you find one that suits your individual predisposition why would you need anything else?

Having said that though no two practitioners are ever the same...some will search endlessly for the message or teachings that float their boat? but until then will centre-hop-interfaith hop - until they find the ONE.

Interesting response from the Nyigma Khenpo...reading between the lines...Is this a border line case for disparaging another persons guru? practices and attainments? - bringing down to a worldly level??? being worried about loosing a student?? really... ::)

I think the ONLY issue to consider.....A real Guru would be more concerned with a students next life and creating the causes for a better rebirth! Directly and Indirectly using whatever skillful means to benefit.

I don't think such enlightened masters (from any tradition) are concerned about loosing students? because they know that not all students have the karma to be close to them or understand the dharma to transform.

So they will benefit the student in whatever shape or form is possible with each students karma, to ripen karmic seeds in this life, next life or future lives?


To be honest, I was extremely shocked to hear that response because as a khenpo, he should know the importance of Guru devotion and sticking to only teacher as it is essential for results in Dharma practice, for him to say such things to my dad is indeed something that made me wonder if he had other intentions behind his statement because my dad said he also told him to learn from all traditions.

I cant help but to feel that the khenpo had other agendas in mind when he gave that answer because my dad told me the khenpo agrees with all of his ideas (my dad has some pretty twisted misconceptions about the Dharma), perhaps he was just trying to get into my dad's comfort zone? But that is a very low blow to lamas who advocate the one lama policy just to get into someone's comfort zone.

Personally, I dont believe any lama would be concerned of losing their students in that way, they are more concerned of losing their students due to broken samaya and the negative effects it has on the student rather than scared of losing a sponsor or beneficiary. So, for that khenpo to say such things, i am still shocked that he said that with the intention to mislead or give wrong information.

In the case of Naropa and Milarepa, they have manifested in a way where they did not switch lineages or take up several lineages, since nyingma and kagyu are very close the khenpo should know. furthermore, Chongyam Trungpa got his title through serving only one teacher, not many which is why i feel that his answer to my dad had ulterior motives to it.