Author Topic: french TV FR3 wed 23 april  (Read 10867 times)


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french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« on: April 14, 2008, 04:19:24 PM »
Re: delhi high court case
3 days ago a french reporter went to India, and heard about the conflict of DL/ DS. She went to mysore, met the judge and some people.

The report should come on french TV, on FR3, next wednesday (23rd april).


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 06:45:44 PM »
One Australian journalist, Michael Backman,
Western media miss the real Tibet story
By Michael Backman
The Age
April 9, 2008

AFTER several years of highlighting wrongdoers in Asia in these pages and providing viewpoints that run counter to prevailing wisdom, I've at last received my first death threat.

Probably not that serious (it came anonymously by email) but something of a career milestone, nonetheless. It came from someone who claims to be a Tibetan refugee in India and a follower of the Dalia Lama.

My correspondent informed me that the next time I visit India I will be killed (eaten, he said) and my family will never find my body.

What annoyed my correspondent was a column I wrote last year for The Age in which I highlighted some aspects of the Dalia Lama that most media reports ignore: the fact that in running his government in exile, he has been extraordinarily nepotism's appointment of many relatives to senior positions, and that during the 1950s, '60s and into the '70s he was personally on the CIA  payroll, for example.

Last week, the column was reproduced without permission on a North American website and, in the context of the
problems in Tibet, it added to the already fraught emotions of those who care strongly about this issue.

The original column was written to coincide with the Dalia Lama's visit to Australia last year. It was written to counterbalance the huge, uncritical media coverage given to the Dalia Lama in the Australian media at that time.

I have always felt that the coverage accorded to the Dalia Lama in the Western media has been excessively favorable and uncritical, just as the media coverage in China of the Dalia Lama is appallingly biased but in the negative.

Clearly, in the past few weeks, ethnic Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese military. This has been widely reported.

But it is also clear that ethnic Chinese have been murdered by ethnic Tibetans in racially based attacks. This has not been made as clear in the Western media. And yet, the Western media were rightly appalled in 1998 when ethnic Chinese were raped and murdered in Jakarta for similar reasons — perceived excessive economic control at the expense of non-Chinese locals.

In Lhasa, four Chinese girls and one Tibetan girl were burned alive when a clothing store in which they worked was set alight by Tibetan protesters. But the rampage against the Chinese was not as simple as an attack on Han Chinese. Ethnic Chinese Muslim traders were also rounded on. Muslim traders have a centuries-old presence in Lhasa, a legacy of the ancient Silk Road. But in the unrest two weeks ago, the main mosque in Lhasa's old quarter was also burned down.

The apparent swamping of Tibetan culture by Chinese migrants is a tragedy. But the killing of ethnic Chinese small-business people, or indeed anyone else, is also wrong and no doubt one of the reasons why the Dalia Lama has threatened to resign.

But again, the treatment of this seems to suggest the Western media have their own bias when it comes to reporting on Tibet. Unfortunately, this blunts criticism that can be made of China when it comes to its own propagandizing.

With regards to China and Tibet, unequivocal right does not reside on either side. Both sides point to sound historical arguments to bolster their case. China genuinely believes that Tibet has long been a part of China. The Tibetans genuinely believe the opposite.

Ordinary Chinese in China regard the Tibetans as thankless and selfish. On my last visit to Beijing, one young Chinese described them as aggressive and unappreciative of all the development that China has provided them. I told him that their main concern is that they are being swamped by Chinese migrants seemingly as a calculated attempt at cultural genocide. A look of surprise flashed across his face. He'd not heard this argument before and yet its logic clearly appealed to him. He'd never heard it because the Chinese media have never reported it.

Nationalism has been rising in China, so it is unlikely that such a view will get a hearing in China. Many Western investors will probably find their passage in China eased if they make clear statements in favour of China on the issue too.

Potentially, China did do ordinary Tibetans a great service when it overthrew the rule of the Dalai Lama, the rich monasteries and a coterie of wealthy aristocratic families whose members typically were so laden with Sicilian coral, Iranian turquoise and Burmese rubies that they could barely move. The overthrow has its parallel in King Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries of England that had developed a stranglehold over the land and the lives of the peasants.

Unfortunately, in Tibet's case, what replaced theocratic, self-serving rule was scarcely much better — the Chinese Communist Party. The local despots were replaced by foreign ones.

The first Starbucks in Lhasa is probably only one or two years away. This is a tragedy, too, particularly for the many rich Western travellers who would rather Tibet stay stuck in the Middle Ages for their own personal enjoyment, much in the same way economic sanctions have preserved Burma as the world's largest living museum.

The vested interests that surround the Tibet issue are many and make it a great deal more complicated than simple slogans such as "Free Tibet" suggest. If China is ever going to neutralise this issue, it is going to have to learn to act with a level of sophistication, maturity and self-confidence that it now lacks. Apologising to Tibetans for their suffering under Chinese rule will need to be part of the package. But obviously such a degree of enlightenment is years off.



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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2008, 08:21:24 PM »
Last Saturday on FR2, another french TV, during a very popular show viewed by millions of persons,
the senator Melanchon (member of french parliament) spoke at length and very convincingly about
the political role played by HH the 14th Dalai Lama.

He explained that religion and worldly power should never be mixed and that whatever people might
think of the spiritual qualities of HH the 14th Dalai Lama, given His religious role He should not exert
any form of political leadership.

He took great care to describe the way tibetans were deprived of human rights at the time they
were governed by HH the Dalai Lama.

He told that we were very naive in blindly believing what was portrayed by the press on the topic
of Tibet and used examples that showed he has very good knowledge of tibetan history as well as
of the actual events.

Usually, politicians who are guests of this show have a hard time answering the critics of two sharp
commentators. But senator Melanchon had such a strong presentation on this topic, that actually
the commentators said they shared his views...

All in all, a very good "eye opener"...
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 08:40:45 PM by Heartspoon »


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2008, 09:05:29 PM »
Great !!!!! Can a transcript of this show be obtained, in English?
 Can you record the next show or get a transcript?
This would be great.
Jason Vest is one Journalist that will support our position and write a new article. Once he receives the updated material to work off from for a surprise for the Dalia. I hope


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2008, 11:24:00 PM »
Here is the link for the record:

By searching for this link, I found some additional recordings on the same topic by the senator Melanchon:

« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 11:34:06 PM by Heartspoon »


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2008, 11:28:26 PM »
Dalia lama still persecuting his own monks and people
by Thomas Canada | Apr 14, 2008
Nuvo/alternative newspaper/Indianapolis
The High Court of New Delhi hears writs against the Dalia Lama accused of violating the civil rights of Dorje Shugden monks and persecuting it's members. France's TV 3 will air the lawsuit details this Saturday.
The Tibetan Cultural Center position mirrors those of the Dalia lama and they too violate the right of any denomination to enter the grounds and practice their own religious precepts.
The Tibetan Cultural Center is on dangerous grounds to deny the Dorje Shugden Devotees admission to the center, and may lose their Charter in the near future.
        If they do not adhere to the laws of the United States and the freedoms that are entailed within our Bill Of Rights, for everyone to enjoy. This is not the society that the totalitarian depot Potentate known as the Dalia lama controls.
This is the United States Of America. We actually believe in the principles established by Our Founding Fathers, to practice and believe as we choose to believe.
A concept of equality for all that he has never been able to grasp in his 49 years as an exiled dictator.


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 12:55:14 AM »
Dear Polartortoise,

Can you please record the TV report on french TV, on FR3, next wednesday (23rd april) or obtain the transcript for the benefit of the people of this website?

Dear Ute,

Can you please find out from Thomas Canada if he can record and get the transcript for the TV report that he mentioned will be aired on France's TV3 this Saturday?

Also, which is the Tibetan Cultural Center that he mentioned? What is the address/website?

Thank you!!!


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 05:15:30 AM »

Dear Heartspoon,

Thanks for the short description of Monsieur Melanchon's statements and the links.
It was nice to hear someone say out loud that the general view of and reporting about Tibetan matters has become one big Disneyland/ that he questions the tendency to always see some as VERY GOOD and some as VERY BAD/ that China has a government and the people there have names so why keep generalizing them as 'Chinese communists'/ that people like the idea of a country ruled by monks because they read the Tintin comics (which brought him a big laugh) when in actuality the great mass of people in Tibet had no rights whatsoever, were in essence slaves, that there was torture etc/ that it seems pretty unfair to let China prepare years and years for the olympics and now suddenly tell them 'You are totalitarian communists and we don't like that'/that what France did last time around, to protest the Russian communist invasion in Afghanistan was to fund and support the Taliban...

So, the world slowly but surely rouses itself from Shangri la/Disneyland slumber and rediscovers unbiased, critical investigation (without which, by the way, even the simplest scientific experiments and development would get stuck right in the initial stages and we would still be trying to push little carts with square 'wheels' through the mud..), and if a member of the French parliament can say it to millions on TV then so can others... and those who hear can start thinking, looking, writing, talking... and so on.

A snowball is rolling down a very snowy hill...

The less we believe in something, the harder we have to pretend to keep up the charade... Tibetan government have definitely smelled the coffee by now and if they want the good of their people (and not look very stupid) they are hard at work strategizing a new public image campaign, where religious freedom will not only apply to all other religions but even their own, where the whole issue will suddenly become a distant minor dispute somewhere down the hallways of time... and so forth.

As for myself, they can save time - no need to bring a Guru Rinpoche statue to my house as i already have two and i cherish them very very much... and a thanka... (Guru Rinpoche has no problem with Dorje Shugden - why do you?)... but thanks anyway!

Tashi delek and bonjour a tous,



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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2008, 07:12:51 AM »
Tibetan & Mongolian Cultural Center
3556 Snoddy Road
Bloomington, IN
polar_tortise might be in closer range than I.
I imagine that pctv2 might broadcast it on it's global network television channel options.
Will the Tibet Channel Network broadcast it. Who knows?
Surely someone lives near Paris to record this program.


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2008, 08:17:30 AM »
New link with an interview on french radio Europe 1, still better than the tv interview:

For those of you who can read french, the senator Melanchon has written an extensive article on his blog :


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2008, 10:34:03 AM »
I sent a mail today to the senator Melanchon with information about
the segregations and violations of human rights taking place in India.
I also forwarded to him a copy of the document that was adressed
to the High Court of Delhi.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 10:35:50 AM by Heartspoon »


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2008, 04:40:50 PM »
I can translate Jean luc program with google, but it will not save once I try to post it here or in an email.
It read well and is long
So long


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Re: french TV FR3 wed 23 april
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 06:28:24 PM »
Rough translation of senator Melanchon article on his blog:


I am no Chinese communist. I will never be one. But I disagree with the manifestations in favor of a boycott of the Olympic games. I disagree with the campaign of Robert Menard against the Olympic games of Peking. I disagree with rewriting the history of China as it happens due to those events. I don’t share at all the blissful enthusiasm for the Dalai Lama or for the regime he embodies. For me, a foul smell of racism is coming out of this cooking pot.

For me, the boycott of the games is an unjustified and insulting agression against the Chinese people.
If we wished to act against the Peking government, we had to do it at the time of choosing Peking for the games. In this case, we should not have allowed China to be candidate. We had to say it in China.
What is done is an unwarranted and unjustified insult against the millions of Chinese who have wished and who are actively preparing the games.


If a boycott had to be organized, in a consequent aggressive logic, it would not happen on the ground of sport which is a matter of opening and fraternity. Why not rather on the grounds of business and finance ? Naturally, no one among the actual mundane activists makes such a proposition neither does whatever in this direction. If we had really to come on wrong terms with the Chinese government, why the minimum of what is done in the normal relationship between nations is not done at this time ?
Has the president of the Chinese republic be contacted  (how many among the persons who are manifesting bother to know his name) ? Did we ask him anything ? What ? What has he answered ?
Did we speak with their prime minister  ?(how many have tried to know his name ?) Did we invite the Chinese ambassador to come and did we exchange points of view with him ? Who bothers ?

With an arrogance that looks like racism, we are protesting against a government without even citing the names of its leaders and we are acting as if they didn’t exist. Would it not be because we happen to think that it is not really a government ? In a typical looking down fashion of the western world, we even negate the names of the leaders of a country of 1 billion and 400 millions persons  and have such a poor opinion of them that we think that they are simply controlled by a political police. In a general way, by seeing all this, I feel the same as if I was contemplating the contempt of the colons who imposed in their own time, with guns in hand, the opium business to the Chinese! If the wish is to confront the political regime of Peking, none of the used means is of a nature of modifying whatever else than a western thought already totally formatted on this topic.

It follows that the events happening about Tibet are a pretext. A pretext entirely built for the use of  a public conditioned by the repetition of pictures that have as goal to create evidence rather than critical thought.  For example: only the emission « arrêt sur image » reports that the events in Tibet have begun with a pogrom of Chinese business owners by Tibetans. In which country in this world such events would not be followed by repressive acts ? Has the life of a Chinese  business owner less worth than the life of a manifesting Tibetan who kills him by hitting him with a baton in the street ?

A good part of the manifested friendship for the Tibetans is nothing else than a smelly variant of racism against the Chinese. It is nourished by all the fantasmes favored by ignorance. It may well be true that  the repression has been as heavy as reported. How do we know for sure ? The only numbers repeated again and again are those of the Tibetan government in exile. However, if I have well heard, the Chinese government itself enumerates a number of deaths and hurt people that allows to understand that the situation is serious, as the government itself admits.

In any other circumstances, we would try to compare the information provided by both sides. We would try to understand how those events happened. If not, it would be as if we were saying that the two youngsters who died of electrocution in Clichy Sous Bois, died because the French government had ordered to push them for the reason that they had a hard policy when challenged by the youngsters of the banlieues. No one would dare to say such a silly and nasty thing. When there was rioting in the United States, a heavy hand repression followed also. All this is no excuse for anything. But it allows to compare different events.


I voice the greatest doubts about the political actions of Mr Robert Ménard, principal organizer of the anti Chinese manifestations. At the present time, concerning Tibet and the Olympic games, we only see Robert Ménard. It is said he speaks in the name of « Reporters sans frontière ». This association is reduced to the person of Robert Ménard. Many former members of its board of direction could enlighten us about the democratic conceptions of Mr Ménard in his own association. When I found myself interviewed by Radio France Culture about the topics of Tibet and the Olympic Games, Mr Marc Kravetz and Alexandre Adler have stayed silent during the explanations I gave about Robert Ménard. They cannot be suspected of wishing to please me. After the interview, both of them expressed strong reservations about the methods of Robert Menard. Maxime Vivas has documented an extremely disturbing  analysis of this person and his finance sources. Whatever, it seems that from now on he substitutes for the journalist associations, the international human rights association, Amnesty, … Sometimes, he even substitutes for the Dalai Lama. Robert Ménard is actively militating for the boycott of the Games, what the Dalai Lama is not doing, as on the contrary, he is saying that the Chinese people are owed those Games. Robert Ménard is an advocate of the human rights with a variable geometry. Has he even a single time, even symbolically, done anything when the United States have legalized torture ? Has he even a single time done anything  so that the prisoners of Guantanamo could be defended by lawyers ? Robert Ménard is doing things in such a way that serious reservations about his motivation have to be expressed.


For what concerns Tibet. The Tibet is Chinese since the 14th century. Lhassa was under the Chinese authority, then Mandchu, before Besançon or Dôle were under the authority of the kings of France.
To speak of invasion in 1959 to qualify an event internal to the Chinese revolution is absurd.

Do we say that France has invaded Vendée when the armies of our Republic entered it against the royalist partisans of the place ? The Dalai Lama and the other Tibetan lords have accepted all that was proposed and offered to them by the communist China, as for example the rank of vice president of the popular assembly that His Holiness duly accepted . This until this day of 1956 when the communist regime has decided to abolish the serfdom in Tibet and adjacent regions. 

In a negation of traditions, and I wholly agree with that, the communists have abroged the codes that classed the population in three categories and 9 classes, that fixed the price of a life , that  gave to the owners of the serfs and slaves right on their life or death, right to torture them. We don’t speak about the condition of the women under this regime. But for one who can stomach it, it is possible to find information. The communist regime has brought to an end the violent battles that opposed the local chieftains of this pretended paradise of non violence. It has also put an end to the bloody tortures that were inflicted  by the monks to those who contravened their religious rules. The Tibetan version of the Charia has come to an end with the communists.

The revolt of 1959 was prepared, armed, supported and financed by the United States in the context of the Cold War. Such were the charming traditions of the government of the Dalai Lama before the communists and the horrible invasion that put  an end to this government.

Since then, 81 % of the Tibetan children are going to school whereas at the blessed time of the tradition, only 2 % of them went to school. And the life span has extended from 35,5 to 67 years for the slaves in this valley of tears who are living in this contemporary Chinese hell.

How can we explain that whereas we speak of a genocide of the Tibetans the actual population has doubled from 1 million to 2,5 millions. For all this, we should be more circumspect, have more respect for the Chinese than what is warranted by the ridiculous propaganda disseminated by people who would neither for them, nor for their wives or their children, accept to live under a such a pitiful rule as the one of the King of the Buddhist monks of Tibet.

At the time being, I have no sympathy for the Tibetan government in exile, for which His Holiness is the ultimate decider on practically all the topics, of which in a wholly unusual manner even for a government in exile, a number of members of his own family are members, not even speaking of their presence at the key posts for finance and business of this exile government. I respect the right of His Holiness to believe in what he wishes, and the same for his partisans. But I reserve for myself the right to totally disagree with the idea of their theocracy regime.

I am also opposed to the recruitment of children for the monasteries.I am opposed to the existence of serfdom. I am in favor of laicism everywhere and for all and totally opposed to the political authority in the hands of religious, even in the case of those that were made to be perceived as nice by the comics album « Tintin in Tibet » even though they were never like that. I also disagree with the declarations of the  « King of the monks » against abortion and the homosexuals. Even non violent and with seducing smiles his declarations on those two topics are in my eyes as archaic as his project of political theocracy. I have never been a militant for the Ayatollah Khomeiny, even when I opposed the Shah of Iran. In the same way, I am not a militant for the Dalai Lama and I am not encouraging him in his secessionist activities as I disapprove those. I am asking:

Why in order to practice his religion and be his leader would the Dalai Lama need a state ? A state for the existence of which the China would have to be amputated of about one quarter of its territory.
Does his actual moral and religious leadership suffer from the fact that he is seating on no kingdom ?


For what concerns the international right and the geopolitics, the Tibet case as presented by his partisans is a factor of violence, of wars and of a destabilization as considerable as that of the Balkans.
What kind of Tibet is fought for ? The « Great Tibet » including  regions like the Yunnan and the Sichuan, on the territories of the former lords of the land where trouble is fomented at the same time as in Lhassa. ? Certainly, no one among those who are making noise at this time is  trying to have knowledge about this topic. Nothing is more indicative of the neocolonial paternalism and of the underlying racist current behind enthusiasm of the pro Tibetans than the indifference to those questions that are vital for the life of millions of persons and  hundreds of years of Chinese culture.

I have read that the French athletes would wear a shirt with a kind of that is presented as a political protest. I know very well that the writing of « for a better world » has no more meaning there than here. But it will certainly be taken as an injurious act if its pro Dalai Lama underlying thought is known. Maybe is it a little outside of the international sport rules. We should remember that the Serbian swimmer Milorad Cavic was excluded from the European  Swimming championship because he was wearing a shirt proclaiming «  Kosovo is serb ». Will it serve as jurisprudence ?
Will the French sportsmen wearing a slogan perceived as political be excluded from the Games ? Certainly not ! As the goal is to posit Tibet for China in the same way that Kosovo was posited for the Serbs. But as it has nothing in common, apart from the wish to disintegrate the enemy and the media carrousel, it is almost certain that it will end with confusion for the aggressing side.

I wish it. I am a friend of China. And I know that the interest of my country and its values are not on the side where one would like to push them.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 10:13:24 PM by Heartspoon »