Author Topic: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?  (Read 11933 times)


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Re: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2011, 07:32:32 PM »
Hello! The whole world knew of Serpom's grand opening and there will be more monasteries of such to arise... for sure! Oh, and from what i gathered, there were foreigners who joined in the celebrations.

With modern technology, information can reach across the globe in a matter of seconds. It is futile to spread lies and will only make even the greatest establishment to look silly when the truth comes out...and it's no brainer that the truth will always prevail!


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Re: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2011, 10:25:14 AM »
Yes Dorje Shugden is being spotted all over the world, the materials on Dorje Shugden appeared in China, Thailand, Hong Kong, US to name a few, the numbers are growing why? Because the practise of Dorje Shugden is a path to enlightenment in itself. Thailand has very little Tibetan Buddhism in that country but the fierce Manjuhsri is appearing there as well!


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Re: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2012, 06:55:14 AM »
Dorje Shugden is not a small practice. It was a practiced by a smaller group before the ban but now, thanks to the ban and also thanks to this wonderful website, many people throughout the world have gained awareness of Dorje Shugden.

More and more Chinese in China are taking up the practice as they (unfortunately out of ignorance) dislike His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and they think that it will shorten his life. It is not a small practice even amongst Tibetans because as far as I see it Shar Gaden and Serpom are really growing. More monks are going there as they do not want to stop this wonderful practice.

May they all live long and happily. May the ban be lifted so that the number of practitioners can be at its peak!


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Re: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2012, 04:31:46 PM »
I've a friend went to Shar Gaden last year, and he told me he was so upset when he saw those monks couldn't practice freely and openly because of the ban. Shar Gaden is like "isolated" by those who are against of DS practice. He talked to a few monks about the ban, they shed tears while they told my friend all the bitterness they have been suffering because of the ban. Most importantly, these dedicated monks never think of giving up DS practice no matter how difficult the situation they face.

He could see the determination, extremely strong guru-student samaya, never lose faith in DS and their guru, never has any single doubts in the practice…That trip had actually made my friend turned into a more spiritual person, he started to do his DS practice he found on this website diligently, because he feels that once the ban be lifted, DS will grow really big in the world. Not only few tibetans need this practice, ALL of us need DS blessings and protection.. 


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Re: Is Shugden practice just a minor practice by a few Tibetans?
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2012, 08:56:39 AM »
In replying to the original first post of this thread, and as pointed out by all the posters here, Dorje Shugden is NOT a minority practice. It is practiced by a huge number of people. Lets list out the people who do practice Dorje Shugden:

- NKT. easily the biggest Buddhist group in the world
- Shar Ganden
- Serpom
- Lama Gangchen and his students
- Geshe Rabten
- Trijang Rinpoche
- Tibet proper (in China)
- Tibetans from Chatereng

And perhaps, many other underground practitioners we do not know about.

It's safe to say that a majority of Gelugs practice Dorje Shugden because it's part of Gelug's lineage. "the world" does not only consist of western countries alone.