Author Topic: Pabongka Rinpoche  (Read 14428 times)


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2012, 12:58:31 PM »
The Great Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche; He who is one with Heruka!

Non-Buddhists make Brahma, Indra, Shiva, and so forth, their refuge, yet those gods are still not liberated from samsara and the lower realms so they cannot protect other beings. But Buddha, the teacher of Buddhists is not like these. Praise to the Praiseworthy says:

You proclaimed, 'I am a friend
To you who are without protection'.
Your great compassion embraces all beings,
Teacher, you have great compassion,
You have love; you act by your love.
You are diligent, you are not lazy.
Who else could be like you?
You are the protector of all sentient beings;
You are a kind relative to all.

The above teaching is an excerpt from Liberation In The Palm of your Hand, by Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche. It is published by Wisdom Publications, the FPMT publishing company. Hmmm, they condemn Heruka himself but publish his works. Am I missing something here?????


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2012, 04:52:10 PM »
Pabongka Rinpoche's name was Kyabje Pabongka Jetsun Jampa Tenzin Trinlay Gyatso Pel Sangpo.He is also popularly known as "Dechen Nyingpo" which means "essence of Great Bliss"and refers to his mastery of the secret teachings of Buddhism.He was probably the most influential Gelug lama of this century,holding all the  important lineages of sutra and tantra and passing them on to the important Gelug lamas of the next two generations.He had an ability to reach even those of thr higher echelons of society who were not much interest in Dharma.An emanations of Heruka Chakrasamvara,but degeneration of the times and jealousy of ordinary beings have made it difficult to become aware of his tremendous qualities.It was said that if you received a teaching from a Gelug have been influenced by Pabongka Rinpoche,the geat author of Lamrim.


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2012, 04:10:49 PM »
There are 2 interesting stories I would like to share about Pabongkha Rinpoche, especially the one about the patron monk.

At first Pabongka Rinpoche was very poor and not famous. He studied hard to be a Geshe, meditated and gave empowerments. Pabongkha studied with Jaba Sonpo Rinpoche who was a complete lineage holder, especially of the teachings of Ranchi Lama. One night, he dreamt of a person giving him a pot of milk and requesting him to drink it completely. This symbolized that the complete teachings would be transferred to him.

Later on, a monk came to see him. This monk explained that there were a lot of philosophies in Tibet but not much teaching on Lam Rim. The monk offered to be his patron so that he could go and teach. While returning from the south of Tibet, Pabongkha Rinpoche met many people, requesting Lam Rim teaching. He taught in Lhasa and he went every where in Tibet and many people became his students.

Finally the monk who was Pabongkha Rinpoche patron returned and thanked him. He told him to rest, while he was away at the Five Mountains of Manjusri in China. At this period no one asked him to teach Lam Rim

Three years later, this monk returned and requested him to teach Tantra. After this many people requested Tantra teachings.

Pabongkha Rinpoche contemplated these events and realised that this monk was Dorje Shugden himself! ;D


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2012, 08:02:40 PM »
Everytime I pick up the Liberation In The Palm Of Your Hand, I am in complete awe  of how Pabongka Rinpoche was able to elucidate the entire of the Buddha's teachings in such a simple way. This is no ordinary feat and indeed Pabongka was famous for his ability to teach the Lamrim.

Pabongka Rinpoche was the reincarnation of the great Lama Atisha, returning to receive the teachings on Bodhicitta just like Atisha had received from Suvarnadvipa. It is not surprising that Pabongka was widely regarded to be the "living Lamrim".

The genius of Pabongka lies in the way the Lamrim was written and is still being delivered to students today, i.e. in a manner and language which is simple enough to cater to our chronically shallow minds and yet contains "instructions taken from the confidential oral lineages" as Trijang Rinpoche wrote in his introduction to the Lamrim.

No doubt Pabongka's wish was for not only monks, but also laypeople of all levels of intelligence and experience to study and practice the stages to enlightenment. Pabongka was also the first Gelug Master to teach students who are not already members of the Sangha.

As Trijang Rinpoche further wrote of Pabongka's great work: "It was beneficial for the mind because it was so inspiring. Sometimes we were moved to laughter, becoming wide awake and alive. Sometimes we were reduced to tears and cried helplessly. At other times we became afraid or were moved to feel, ‘I would gladly give up this life and devote myself solely to my practice.’ This feeling of renunciation was overwhelming. These are some of the ways in which all of his discourses were so extraordinary"

Pabongka's message to Dharma students have always consistently focused on the need to quickly come to the realization that we have been endowed with a precious human life that should used to learn and practice the Dharma before death comes.

"Because you think, “I’m not going to die for some time, I’m not going to die for some time,”?While you’re distracted by the never-ending activities of this life,?Suddenly the fearful Lord of Death arrives,?Announcing, “Now it’s time to die.”?— This is going to happen to you!

Though you make arrangements, saying “tomorrow” and “tomorrow,”?Just then, suddenly, you have to go.?— This is going to happen to you!?And without choice, leaving behind in disarray?Your left-off work, left food and drink, you have to depart.?— This is going to happen to you!

There’s no time other than today to spread [your bedding] and go off to sleep;?Upon your last bed you fall like an old tree,?And others, unable to turn you with their [lily]-soft hands,?Tug at your clothes and blanket.?— This is going to happen to you" [extracted from Heart Spoon]

In the same work, we get a very clear picture of what will happen to us should we fail to use our life for the practice of Dharma:

"When you’re tortured in so many detestable ways?By ox- and scorpion-headed karmic agents—what to do?

When you’re before the Yama king, the Lord of Death,?As he weighs up the whites and blacks—your virtuous and non-virtuous actions—what to do?

When Yama exposes your lie of having spent?Your human life in attachment, hatred, and deceit— what to do?

When at Yama’s court the punishment that is the ripening effect?Of your negative actions [is meted out]—what to do?

When your naked body is stretched out on the glowing red-hot iron ?ground in the fires of hell—what to do?

Though your body is cut to pieces by a rain of weapons,?Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

Though you’re cooked in molten iron until your flesh falls away and your bones disintegrate,?Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

Though your body and fire burn inseparably,?Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

When your body is pierced by a freezing cold wind?And cracks into a hundred thousand pieces—what to do?

Having fallen into the miserable state of a hungry ghost with its hunger and thirst,?You have to starve for many years—what to do?

When you’ve become one of those stupid, dumb, unfortunate animals?That eat each other alive—what to do"?


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2012, 07:51:13 AM »
Each time when I come across or read anything with regards to Pabongka Rinpoche's name, automatically I will be sad and heartbroken to think and know what Rinpoche has to go through especially with the ban of Shugden.

Basically, Pabongka Rinpoche has been outcast by the Tibetans in general every since HH announced to all that this protector is bad. I have heard stories about how Pabongka Rinpoche has been mistreated by the Tibetans and betrayed by his own students ever since then.

One of a few famous stories which I have heard from some of my friends in India & Nepal is related to Kopan Monastery

As most of us are aware of, Pabongka official resident is in Kathmandu. Rinpoche has a Labrang in Sera Mey Monastery in India but the property was taken back by the monastery when the ban started. The same with Gangchen Rinpoche Labrang in Sera Mey also .

During the times when Pabongka Rinpoche was in Kathmandu, he often gives teaching in Kopan. If I am not mistaken, the current main temple building was inaugurated and blessed by Pabongka Rinpoche. Rinpoche used to visit and teach in Kopan and his Taiwanese sponsor will accompany Rinpoche. When the ban took off, some of the monks in Kopan started to influence the sponsor negatively about Rinpoche. After awhile, the sponsor left Rinpoche because of this. On top of this, there was constant death threat directed to Rinpoche during that time.

Rinpoche used to have the freedom to travel to all the holy places in Kathmandu. We used to see Rinpoche in Boudhanath Stupa circumambulating whenever he is in Kathmandu every other day. But 4 to 5 years ago, Rinpoche stopped. Some of the monks have said, Rinpoche is no longer interested in meeting the public or giving teachings, even when Rinpoche is in Kathmandu, Rinpoche will only stay inside the labrang. He now travels very often to China. And do not return to Nepal or even India.

Deep down, I know Rinpoche will teach again. The same with Trijang Rinpoche.  And when they do, the CTA & Tibetans who criticise these 2 high lamas can just go an fly their own kite.

Liberation at the Palm of


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Re: Pabongka Rinpoche
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2012, 05:47:09 PM »
Each time when I come across or read anything with regards to Pabongka Rinpoche's name, automatically I will be sad and heartbroken to think and know what Rinpoche has to go through especially with the ban of Shugden.

Basically, Pabongka Rinpoche has been outcast by the Tibetans in general every since HH announced to all that this protector is bad. I have heard stories about how Pabongka Rinpoche has been mistreated by the Tibetans and betrayed by his own students ever since then.

One of a few famous stories which I have heard from some of my friends in India & Nepal is related to Kopan Monastery

As most of us are aware of, Pabongka official resident is in Kathmandu. Rinpoche has a Labrang in Sera Mey Monastery in India but the property was taken back by the monastery when the ban started. The same with Gangchen Rinpoche Labrang in Sera Mey also .

During the times when Pabongka Rinpoche was in Kathmandu, he often gives teaching in Kopan. If I am not mistaken, the current main temple building was inaugurated and blessed by Pabongka Rinpoche. Rinpoche used to visit and teach in Kopan and his Taiwanese sponsor will accompany Rinpoche. When the ban took off, some of the monks in Kopan started to influence the sponsor negatively about Rinpoche. After awhile, the sponsor left Rinpoche because of this. On top of this, there was constant death threat directed to Rinpoche during that time.

Rinpoche used to have the freedom to travel to all the holy places in Kathmandu. We used to see Rinpoche in Boudhanath Stupa circumambulating whenever he is in Kathmandu every other day. But 4 to 5 years ago, Rinpoche stopped. Some of the monks have said, Rinpoche is no longer interested in meeting the public or giving teachings, even when Rinpoche is in Kathmandu, Rinpoche will only stay inside the labrang. He now travels very often to China. And do not return to Nepal or even India.

Deep down, I know Rinpoche will teach again. The same with Trijang Rinpoche.  And when they do, the CTA & Tibetans who criticise these 2 high lamas can just go an fly their own kite.

Liberation at the Palm of

Pabongkha Rinpoche is just one of the many Lamas that have fell victim to the CTA's schemes and machinations. They have proven from time and time again that they are not even Buddhists, just some greedy ministers that only want money, fame and power. I hope they better do something to atone for their mistakes, and not just the CTA officials but also the Kopan monks should also do something to repent, as there will be a lot of heavy karma accumulated from criticizing or harming someone of Pabongkha Rinpoche's calibre. Over time, the ban will get weaker and weaker and HHDL will decrease the intensity of the ban over the next few years until finally he lifts it and many will be asking for forgiveness from Dorje Shugden. Of course Dorje Shugden will forgive them, but sadly, their karmas will not forgive them. In any case, criticizing and making things difficult for the root Guru of our tradition will definitely bring about heavy karma and very unfortunate circumstances for the CTA.

I really hope and pray that from the bottom of my heart that Pabongkha Rinpoche can come out and teach again, and that the CTA can do nothing about him. I wish that he would gain the necessary sponsors to be able to start again in another country where the CTA cannot touch him at all and he will be based there and he will have a huge Dharma center that will benefit millions of people. I actually feel very angry at the CTA officials for lying about Pabongkha Rinpoche and taking away his sponsor because that should never be done to any high lama, or any lama at all as a Lama's work can only expand with the help of a sponsor. If he had to do everything himself, he would not be able to spend that much time on studying and teaching, and thus less people will benefit from that. I can only imagine the amount of people that Pabongkha Rinpoche can benefit, but he cannot right now because of the CTA officials that wiled his main sponsor away. Better watch out CTA!! Things do not look good for you at all as even the Dalai Lama himself says that they should still respect Pabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche despite the ban.

I wonder why again that HHDL's advice went on deaf ears.