Author Topic: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis  (Read 6951 times)


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Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« on: November 25, 2012, 10:58:18 PM »
Taken from:

Shambhala Mandala in Crisis: & 3 Ways to Fix It.
A Sense of Urgency; We Can No Longer Afford to Brush Concerns Under the Rug.

The unsurpassable teacher is the precious Buddha,
 The unsurpassable protector is the precious Holy Dharma,
 The unsurpassable guide is the precious Sangha
 To the unsurpassable Three Jewels I make this offering.
 ~ Buddhist Opening Dedication of Merit
For those of you who may not know, and those of us who may forget why we care, Shambhala is more than a Buddhist community. It’s a worldwide, diverse container in which meditation, and the accessible (and actually fun) teachings of sanity, are made available to all. As the UN doctrine states, it’s in the minds of men where wars begin—and therefore, it’s in the minds of men where we must create peace. Meditation does that. Furthermore, the Shambhala mandala takes this kind of peace-making off the meditation cushion, in what we term “post-meditation”—you know, everyday life.
From Shambhala Centers in every city to rural meditation retreats, to the Dorje Kasung service organization (kinda like…grown-up Buddhist Boy/Girl Scouts, pretty much the best thing ever), to translation committees and books and Dharma Art and schools, the Shambhala mandala has been a strong, but vulnerable society for decades, now.
For the first time, over the past year, I’ve heard whisperings (never publicly acknowledged) that Shambhala is in trouble. I’ve heard more than just the usual complaints—I’ve heard reasonable, wise, experienced and young leaders alike talk about organizational, financial problems. I’ve been hearing this for a year, waiting for someone knowledgeable and wise to communicate with us about what’s going on and what we can do to help.
But positive change comes from the bottom, up, sometimes. Lately, I’ve talked with senior students and the new generation of leaders, and heard the same problems described from different points of view, all united by a sense of exhaustion and a resigned willingness to “let it all go.”
I’m not cool with that. Shambhala isn’t about us, or our community. It’s for the world. Trungpa Rinpoche and the Sakyong both regarded their teachings and our community as a vehicle for offering sanity and real joy to a world beset by unnecessary suffering and neurosis.
Shambhala can be fixed. While I may not have an accurate handle on the problems, or solutions, here’s my best shot. I invite you to offer your *constructive* evaluation of our challenges and solutions below in the comments section.

Yours in the Great Eastern Sun,
Waylon Lewis


Shambhala appears to be in nothing less than crisis—still fixable, however.
I grew up in Vajradhatu, now known as Shambhala, the biggest and strongest and loudest Buddhist community in the United States. Thirty years later, it’s falling apart.
Shambhala is hemorrhaging money month by month (I’m not at liberty to name numbers, but hemorrhaging is apt, and without hyperbole). We’re insecure (we now exclude teachers from other traditions at our many Shambhala Centers, whereas before we were a big tent, the umbrella under which all Buddhist lineages drew strength). We’re staffed and led by valiant but often overwhelmed, head-down, passionate (it’s impossible to generalize—Shambhala is led by many responsible, kind servants—but by and large appointments seemed characterized not by a desire for leadership or entrepreneuralism or outward-facing, magnetizing troublemaking…but rather by enthusiastic allegiance to new curriculum. Everyone’s doing the best they can, and better. Everyone’s trying). We’re divided in two: the Sakyong‘s innovation (which is profound and needed) has step-by-step replaced his father, Chogyam Trungpa‘s teachings, classes, paths. And elder students, with their enthusiasm, deep training, joy and…money…have left in waves, wave after wave after wave over the years. Another wave of “culture loss” and diaspora just occurred.
For the first time since I was 16 or so—when the Shambhala sangha (community) was painfully split by Trungpa‘s death and then his successor’s inglorious fall and, then, saved by the Sakyong, young and uneager to teach, riding forth as if on a white horse to lead and heal our community—my community seems poised to fall apart, to dissolve, to become a fractured shadow of its former mainstream, well-known, joyful, outward-facing self.
Let me be clear: I’m not partisan, here. I’m loyal to the Sakyong, my teacher, and have personally experienced that he’s a profound vehicle for the Dharma, the teachings of Buddhism, and the Shambhala lineage. I’m also born and brought up in the spiritually-rich society that his father, Chogyam Trungpa, created. There is no conflict. In this phenomenal world, on both practical and spiritual levels, there’s plenty of room for both styles and manifestations—of course, both strengthen one another.

That said, mistakes have been made and continue to be made, and the Sakyong would be the first to say that as our community’s leader, and first servant (service is the ultimate smile), responsibility is his first. And, simultaneously, any blame and responsibility belongs equally to myself, and all of us in the Shambhala mandala. It’s up to us. All of us.
The problems, as I see them—having talked with those close to the Sakyong, as well as those more on “the outside”, as well as those in administration—are few, and workable. But our problems are urgent, and will kill the sangha, if not fixed now, by leader servants who can address them.
Three Problems, Three Solutions.
1. While the Shambhala Sangha is vast, and led ably by President Richard Reoch and many devoted servants, money is beyond tight. Changes to curriculum have encouraged old students to defect, taking their donations, energy and service with them, and a few of the large rural centers are buckling beneath hard luck and incompetent business administration. Our umbrella is small—we don’t invite enough new energy in, we squash programs and replace them with less-attended substitutes, we have actively disinvited teachers from other traditions and communities.

Problem: overwhelmed administration.

Solution: appoint leader servants who are devoted not just to the Sakyong, but to the actual fulfillment of his vision—which means we need folks happy to get dirt under their fingernails, to reach out and invite involvement from our community, who know how to smile, and mean it, and to be tender and hard-working, all at the same time. We need to do a better job supporting, paying, training, and connecting with our hard-working leaders.
2. Senior students and teachers are leaving in droves—taking with them their money and training. They could and should be mentoring, passing the baton to the next generation, and teaching publicly. Instead, they’re bitching and moaning, disrespected, unable to teach (unempowered by the Sakyong‘s new teachings), curriculum changed again and again until they’re irrelevant. Only, the aren’t irrelevant—they’re our core, our base, the heart that pumps blood throughout the corporeal mass that is a healthy Shambhala.

Problem: We need our elder students and our newer students and curriculum to be interconnected.
Change happens; it’s fine and inevitable. But it need not happen at the expense of worthwhile tradition and experience, or you get what we got: the worst of both worlds, where Shambhala Centers are under-loved and burnout is a constant danger, and elders are disrespected and pushed aside, taking their teaching and money with them. 

Solution: when Coca Cola came out with New Coke, there was a rebellion. Smartly, Coke listened, reacted, and brought out Coca Cola Classic to assuage the (wallets and) loyalty of their countless, yet fickle fans. We need a “Coke Classic” track: a renewal of Lineage and Devotion and the countless other programs and teachings and practices that have been shunted aside as new replaced old timeless. Then Trungpa-loving folks, satiated, would realize the Sakyong can and should innovate all he likes. The Sakyong’s teachings are profound and timely, I’m told (I’m one of many who, despite not being a hater, has fallen behind and beneath wave after wave of curriculum change). If I could send my future children to Seminary, Alaya, to Ikebana or Kyudo, to Shambhala schools, to Shambhala Training, to video talks by Trungpa Rinpoche to the mandala that I grew up within, that would be glorious, wonderful, amazing. If simultaneously, newer students could enjoy the Sakyong‘s new teachings, his new books (which deserve devoted, professional campaigns behind them—they’re great books) then the Sakyong would become what he should be, and what the world needs—a teacher of Buddhism, meditation and Shambhala values and practices to the world, to millions and not just our little community—his books renowned and his face on the cover of magazines, a guest of talk shows (he’s funny, wise, eloquent…and, ladies, cute), etc. A reference point for joyful sanity in a world beset by strife and suffering.
3. On a practical level, the Shambhala mandala is losing vast sums of money, monthly. Time is urgent.
Appoint folks who can handle money, magnetize morale first and donations second and money-making New and Classic curriculums, third. Cut unnecessary expenses (like airfare and extravagances for extended family, perhaps). Invite other teachers to use (and contribute) to our mandala. Well-loved President Reoch and the many devoted directors of centers, and acharyas (senior teachers) deserve help, and better pay. Reconnect with a weakened Naropa, a strong Shambhala Sun/Buddhadharma/Mindful, elephant, Shambhala Pubs—any sangha-created organization that can help.

Problem: Money.
Solution: Leadership that can communicate; heal rift between Classic and New; fundraise and run Shambhala like the profitable social-benefit business that it could be.
Coda: I write the above reluctantly—I’m out of my depth on this, of course, though I took time to talk with old and new, in and out folks—but someone needed to say something and invite a constructive dialogue (douchey comments will be deleted). The many inaccuracies and faults in the above “problems” and “solutions” are my fault, alone. The above is offered out of devotion and enthusiasm for seeing Shambhala continue to offer a fun, practical, open community for meditation and social-benefit to all, everywhere, for another hundred kalpas.
Without Shambhala, I would be suffering immensely and of little use to anyone. It taught and trained me to be human. I owe it everything—and like most of us those looking in from the outside, my ignorance about how to help does not mean that I wouldn’t happily answer a call to help in a capacity I have any energy and skill for. I’ve offered in various contexts, many times, as many of those inactive Shambhala students out there have done. That failing is addressed above.
We need flowering leadership, not lids.

By this merit may all attain enlightenment,
 May it defeat the enemy, wrong-doing,
 From the stormy waves of birth, aging, sickness & dying,
 From the ocean of suffering may I free all beings.
 ~ Buddhist Closing Dedication of Merit


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 11:10:53 AM »
This isnt look good at all: Shambala is ailing and it seems that the current Chongyam Trungpa has chosen to focus on the region of Tibet to teach the Dharma and for development. I really wonder how would Shambala survive this crisis? Perhaps the current Sikyong would be able to do something about this as he is basically the leader of Shambala. One of the greatest problems a Dharma center can have is the lack of direction and leadership that it can suffer from as a result of those. Shambala is a hugely beneficial organization and to see it go down like that really hurts my heart.


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 04:50:26 AM »
The person who wrote the plea seems to be frank, honest, and is not afraid to inform and to ask for help. The issues he mentioned is not unique to Shambala alone. It is applicable to any Dharma center, much can be learn from this.

An organisation is made up of individuals. It is as strong as each individual who is strong themself and committed to work together as a team.


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 11:23:49 AM »
While the Shambhala Sangha is vast, and led ably by President Richard Reoch and many devoted servants, money is beyond tight. Changes to curriculum have encouraged old students to defect, taking their donations, energy and service with them, and a few of the large rural centers are buckling beneath hard luck and incompetent business administration. Our umbrella is small—we don’t invite enough new energy in, we squash programs and replace them with less-attended substitutes, we have actively disinvited teachers from other traditions and communities.

Senior students and teachers are leaving in droves—taking with them their money and training. They could and should be mentoring, passing the baton to the next generation, and teaching publicly. Instead, they’re bitching and moaning, disrespected, unable to teach (unempowered by the Sakyong‘s new teachings), curriculum changed again and again until they’re irrelevant. Only, the aren’t irrelevant—they’re our core, our base, the heart that pumps blood throughout the corporeal mass that is a healthy Shambhala.

 On a practical level, the Shambhala mandala is losing vast sums of money, monthly. Time is urgent.

Appoint folks who can handle money, magnetize morale first and donations second and money-making New and Classic curriculums, third. Cut unnecessary expenses (like airfare and extravagances for extended family, perhaps). Invite other teachers to use (and contribute) to our mandala. Well-loved President Reoch and the many devoted directors of centers, and acharyas (senior teachers) deserve help, and better pay. Reconnect with a weakened Naropa, a strong Shambhala Sun/Buddhadharma/Mindful, elephant, Shambhala Pubs—any sangha-created organization that can help.

Big Uncle

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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2012, 06:29:59 PM »
I think Buddhist or any other spiritual organisations in the world always face problems with funding and good steady sponsors are always hard to come by. Businesses run by spiritual organisations would usually have problems as well because people in spirituality often are not interested in making money and so would normally not make a big profit margin.

In other words, the nature of spiritual organisation is geared towards benefiting others would normally mean more spending than earnings. Any other problems could be solved with a good team to manage all the secular affairs and another team to manage the spiritual affairs with the teachers and mentors. I think they already have that distinction but it would be good to reshuffle people around and sometimes certain people are more effective in another role instead of the role they are working with the strengths and weaknesses of each individual person as well as the team as a whole.

Despite all the problems and difficulties, it is infinitely more rewarding to be working for a spiritual organisation that works towards benefiting others versus a corporate organisation that makes money for the shareholders of the company only.


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2012, 03:51:36 AM »
The crisis the Shambala Mandala is facing can very well be faced by any other center that has seen the old guards changing and giving way to the new.A schism has grown between the old and new guards. The older students who had Chogyam Trungpa as their teacher now find that new ideas and a new and more innovative approach to Dharma are being used by the Sakyong in a step-by-step replacement. The older students felt 'disenfranchised' and marginalised, and have been leaving in waves and droves , taking with them their money(a vital source of funding for Shambala) and their training.

What needs to be done is to take constructive steps to reconnect with the older students and also, as the writer of this article so passionately puts it, 'a renewal of Lineage and Devotion and other countless programs and teachings that have been shunted aside as the new replace the old and timeless'.   


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2012, 05:21:07 AM »
Oh dear... when I read this... I cannot believe it... and it is really quite a sad state if really Shambala were to shut down. I've always admired them, the students, their devotion, passion and creativity. Chogyam Trungpa was revolutionary and amazing and after his passing we saw his energy continued spreading. Little did we know of all these internal struggles... never the less it is a common struggle for most of the Dharma Centres and they seem to revolve around these 3 same problems; 1. Money, Students, Work Load.

However, whatever problems they are facing, the person who has kindly presented it actually gave answers, solutions to their very problem. It would such a huge shame if Shambala does not pull through.  It would be a huge shame to just give up all the years of hard work, sweat, tears, and efforts of everyone and especially the late Chogyam Trungpa and his legacy.

Definitely they need the "Coke Classic" track to happen!     


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2012, 05:31:24 AM »
Problem: overwhelmed administration.

Solution: appoint leader servants who are devoted not just to the Sakyong, but to the actual fulfillment of his vision—which means we need folks happy to get dirt under their fingernails, to reach out and invite involvement from our community, who know how to smile, and mean it, and to be tender and hard-working, all at the same time. We need to do a better job supporting, paying, training, and connecting with our hard-working leaders.
2. Senior students and teachers are leaving in droves—taking with them their money and training. They could and should be mentoring, passing the baton to the next generation, and teaching publicly. Instead, they’re bitching and moaning, disrespected, unable to teach (unempowered by the Sakyong‘s new teachings), curriculum changed again and again until they’re irrelevant. Only, the aren’t irrelevant—they’re our core, our base, the heart that pumps blood throughout the corporeal mass that is a healthy Shambhala.

Problem: We need our elder students and our newer students and curriculum to be interconnected.
Change happens; it’s fine and inevitable. But it need not happen at the expense of worthwhile tradition and experience, or you get what we got: the worst of both worlds, where Shambhala Centers are under-loved and burnout is a constant danger, and elders are disrespected and pushed aside, taking their teaching and money with them.

Solution: when Coca Cola came out with New Coke, there was a rebellion. Smartly, Coke listened, reacted, and brought out Coca Cola Classic to assuage the (wallets and) loyalty of their countless, yet fickle fans. We need a “Coke Classic” track: a renewal of Lineage and Devotion and the countless other programs and teachings and practices that have been shunted aside as new replaced old timeless. Then Trungpa-loving folks, satiated, would realize the Sakyong can and should innovate all he likes. The Sakyong’s teachings are profound and timely, I’m told (I’m one of many who, despite not being a hater, has fallen behind and beneath wave after wave of curriculum change). If I could send my future children to Seminary, Alaya, to Ikebana or Kyudo, to Shambhala schools, to Shambhala Training, to video talks by Trungpa Rinpoche to the mandala that I grew up within, that would be glorious, wonderful, amazing. If simultaneously, newer students could enjoy the Sakyong‘s new teachings, his new books (which deserve devoted, professional campaigns behind them—they’re great books) then the Sakyong would become what he should be, and what the world needs—a teacher of Buddhism, meditation and Shambhala values and practices to the world, to millions and not just our little community—his books renowned and his face on the cover of magazines, a guest of talk shows (he’s funny, wise, eloquent…and, ladies, cute), etc. A reference point for joyful sanity in a world beset by strife and suffering.
3. On a practical level, the Shambhala mandala is losing vast sums of money, monthly. Time is urgent.
Appoint folks who can handle money, magnetize morale first and donations second and money-making New and Classic curriculums, third. Cut unnecessary expenses (like airfare and extravagances for extended family, perhaps). Invite other teachers to use (and contribute) to our mandala. Well-loved President Reoch and the many devoted directors of centers, and acharyas (senior teachers) deserve help, and better pay. Reconnect with a weakened Naropa, a strong Shambhala Sun/Buddhadharma/Mindful, elephant, Shambhala Pubs—any sangha-created organization that can help.

Problem: Money.
Solution: Leadership that can communicate; heal rift between Classic and New; fundraise and run Shambhala like the profitable social-benefit business that it could be.
Coda: I write the above reluctantly—I’m out of my depth on this, of course, though I took time to talk with old and new, in and out folks—but someone needed to say something and invite a constructive dialogue (douchey comments will be deleted). The many inaccuracies and faults in the above “problems” and “solutions” are my fault, alone. The above is offered out of devotion and enthusiasm for seeing Shambhala continue to offer a fun, practical, open community for meditation and social-benefit to all, everywhere, for another hundred kalpas.
Without Shambhala, I would be suffering immensely and of little use to anyone. It taught and trained me to be human. I owe it everything—and like most of us those looking in from the outside, my ignorance about how to help does not mean that I wouldn’t happily answer a call to help in a capacity I have any energy and skill for. I’ve offered in various contexts, many times, as many of those inactive Shambhala students out there have done. That failing is addressed above.
We need flowering leadership, not lids.

I find what is said here actually very good solutions to many centres main problems and the answers here itself is like a teaching... not just solutions. It's true and wise and we cannot deny the inevitable struggles faced by every modern centres in the world today big and small. To us Outsiders it may look all rosy and peaceful and paradise... inside we would haven't a clue how hard they are fighting fire. Never the less this is something inevitable as this is after all samsara's challenges which gives us the chance to actually show our true colours, strength, love and devotion to our lineage and Gurus.   


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Re: Shambhala Mandala in Crisis
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2012, 07:04:25 AM »
Someone answered on the Elephant's journal comment section and i thought it pretty much sums up all the problems that arises in not just centre but in our daily lives but more so in Dharma Centre as it is suppose to represent a sanctuary of peace, equanimity and compassion....

I think what might be responsible is a certain egoism related to people who have attained all they were to attain from the practices. These people, for some reason, represent the place to newcomers. And then these newcomers can't understand how egoism can be associated with a spiritual center and realize that it would probably be the same for them if they just stayed away. There should be absolutely no egoism in centers of meditation - regardless of what is going on outside. That is the whole point having a meditation center; otherwise, the place itself becomes absolutely meaningless. It's like a Starbucks running out of coffee - it's just a building.

I don't like starbuck's coffee though :P