Author Topic: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?  (Read 15654 times)


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2012, 03:00:54 AM »
For me i don't think that the world will be end on this day, if so many of high lamas in buddhism will mention about it and other higher practitioners in other religions will do something about it too.

Actually by right we are have our last day in this world which each of us are have different days. My grand father's world had end a few years ago. But the world for me and people around me still not end but it can be end any time, any second and any moment like Buddha teaching about impermanent.

We should be focus more on what we have done before our world end are we ready for that day when it come..


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2012, 08:07:12 PM »
Well, no point going back and forth trying to identify whether the world would end or not. So what if it ends? So what if we die, it'll be sooner or later anyways. Maybe even before 21 Dec 2012, your world will end. what matters most is what you do everyday to make sure that when it does end, you can close your eyes and rest in peace,knowing you lived your life to the best that you can to ensure that your bardo and transition into the next realm will be alright. So, live each day as if it is going to end, and when the time really comes, you will be prepared.

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2012, 09:53:52 AM »
The end of the world is when you die.
That is the true end of the world.

"2012", Pompei, Tsunami, Hiroshima...
We see these events as "exterior" catastrophes affecting the lifes of many, "killling" many; but they are not "exterior" events. There is no "exterior" events. They are caused by the same dynamic that make us die of a heart attack, or that makes us survive a plane crash.
Everything comes from us.

What is the difference between dying in a "2012" kind of scenario or in a car crash or even die peacefully due to old age? There is no difference at all.
In any case it is the armageddon, it is the end of the world, it is the apocalypse, it is "judgment day", it is the end!


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2012, 10:22:32 AM »
I don't believe it at all, the world won't be ending so soon. End of the world will be the end of the entire universe. Some might think your world ends when you die but in actual fact, it doesn't. It is brought forward to the next life by taking rebirth either to the three higher or lower realms in Buddhism. So your/our world continues from there. Even if the world means only earth, we would be taking rebirth in another universe or solar system. So it doesn't matter here whether it is really going to end come 2012 or 20012, we took countless rebirths remember?

DS Star

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2012, 02:53:29 PM »
...So the question if the world truly is going to end is really not all that important, but what will you do with your remaining time if it were true. Generally, people would be nicer, more tolerant.... a better person, trying to make up for all the unpleasant things they have done or have caused some unpleasant things towards some other people. Now, with that mental picture in mind... apply that and live it.

Unfortunately, through out human history, on facing death, not everyone will react the way like you have described i.e. people would be nicer, more tolerant... in fact they had became worse... and even turned violent...

For example, the Japanese armies have committed the worst crimes during World War II because they didn't plan to go back alive thus they "hold nothing back" at torturing their victims including women and children...

And in recent years, we witnessed the chaos and the state of anarchy after the hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005...

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Then again, the same nation that caused so much sufferings and pains during the WW2 is praised for being 'civilized' in their response in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami.

I guess each nation and each individual will have different responses when facing imminent death...


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2012, 04:17:00 PM »
I guess each nation and each individual will have different responses when facing imminent death...

The thieves who took advantage of the aftermath of the hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans in 2005 only thought of satisfying their immediate desire of getting the things they had wanted.  The thieves obviously did not believe in future lives and Karma.  They would rather break the law to steal than missing the opportunity available!  Similarly, the Japanese armies who had committed the worst crimes during World War II for torturing the women and children.

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2012, 10:42:50 AM »
It is amazing how so much hype is put on the end of the world as one sees it. Each of us have precisely this "date" hanging over our heads... that very time will come... it is just a question of when! So why should "knowing" a certain make it any different? We should all live as though we will breath our last breath. We should focus out and start thinking about others and not our own fragile lives.

Our delusions are so strong that we feel we are predisposed to live forever when we are clearly not. We live like we will live forever when clearly we will not. We indulge in negative actions like we have time to rectify or purify it at a later date when clearly we cannot know for sure. So why do we still do this and why we are so caught up with a sensationalized "date" that will end us all. In fact for most of us, we do not even fret as it is just another "date". If we do not believe in our frailty of our mortality, how can a so call prediction even cause a dent in our delusional psyche?


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2012, 02:49:17 PM »
Humans has been trying to predict its own demise since time immemorial. The end of the world has been predicted many times but old mother Earth keeps plodding along and we are all still here. The world may end  tomorrow, it may be a year from now, or  it may be a millennium away, nobody is certain. The world may end but there are still other planets of existence. For me, the end of the world is when I die and I do not take rebirth back to mother Earth.

In the mean time, while we are still alive, we should make use of it in the most meaningful way and take every day as it would be our last day.

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2012, 04:09:40 AM »
I don't recall anything close to a doomsday prediction from the Buddha or any great master as far as I have read. However, there is a prediction carried within the Kalachakra Tantric Tradition that there would be a war waged between the outside world and the enlightened society of Shambala. Shambala is a hidden kingdom with its king as the main Guru and lineage-holder of the Kalachakra practice.

In the near future, our world will come into contact with their world and due to the state of spiritual degeneration of our world, the king of Shambala with its mighty army will wage war with ours and will win. The victor will establish a glorious revival of spiritual renaissance before the complete disappearance of real Buddhist practice completely.

DS Star

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2012, 02:48:56 PM »
So, it is confirmed the world didn't end after all...

Nevertheless, the prediction hype had created quite a stir around the world...

"... Chaos, however, did ensue in some parts of the world ahead of “Armageddon” particularly in China, where authorities arrested over 1000 doomsday cult members.

In Serbia, a pyramid-shaped mountain, an alleged hotspot for electromagnetic waves, attracted a record number of visitors for its “power” to protect people from the catastrophe.

On the social media front, the hashtag #EndOfTheWorldConfessions blew up on Twitter, prompting a series of hilarious one-liner tweets from around the world..."

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NASA's report:

"At 11:12 UT (6:12 a.m. EST), the world didn't end (as far as I can tell), but it was a significant time none-the-less. That was the exact minute of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (or the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) -- when the daylight hours are shortest and the sun reaches its most southern position in the sky at noon. This is all due to the Earth's tilt relative to the sun (read more on the Earth's axial tilt and how it affects the seasons)."

This is the day Chinese around the world celebrating the "Winter Solstice Festival" or The Dong Zhi (??).

Here is the link for more information on this festival:

Jessie Fong

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2012, 03:03:54 PM »
The L.A.Times reported:

A fight at an “end of the world” house party in San Bernardino on Friday night may have led to the slaying of a man later in the evening, authorities said.

Felipe Jason Moreno, 20, of San Bernardino was shot dead and his 22-year-old cousin wounded after attending the party, according to the San Bernardino Police Department. The incident was reported shortly before midnight.

As many as 100 people were at the party when a fight broke out and a man was stabbed. He survived.


So you and I did not perish; which is why we are both reading this post.  A lot of hype was created and it got everyone talking.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2012, 03:29:45 PM »
DS Star, looks like the world did not end. Today is 23 Dec 2012. Rejoice. We have been given more time to study and also to do more good work. I like the idea that we should live everyday like it is the last day of our life. After all, death is certain, so lets not waste our time and this precious human life. Very glad the world did not end and lets not waste anytime doing mundane things. :D


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2012, 10:15:51 AM »
So far, the world has not ended. It will not end anytime soon. A new mayan calendar has been unearthed.

 Newly discovered wall writings found in Guatemala show the famed Maya culture's obsession with cycles of time. But they also show calendars that go well beyond 2012, the year when the vanished civilization, according to popular culture, expected the end of the world.

"So much for the supposed end of the world," says archaeologist William Saturno of Boston University, lead author of a study in the journal Science, which reported the discovery on Thursday.

Discovered in the ruins of Xultun (SHOOL-toon) , the astronomical calendar was unearthed from a filled-in scribe's room. While about 7 million Maya people still live in Central America today, the "Classic" Maya civilization of pyramid temples had collapsed there by about 900 A.D., leaving only a few birch-bark books dating to perhaps the 14th century as records of their astronomy, until now.

"The numbers we found indicate an obsession with time and cycles of time, some of them very large," Saturno says. "Maya scribes most likely transcribed the numbers on the wall in this room into (books) just like the ones later seen by conquistadors."

Explorers first reported the site of Xultun, once a large Maya center, in 1915. But it was only two years ago that National Geographic Society-funded archaeologists noted a small residential room partly exposed by looters. The room's walls proved to hold murals and small, delicate hieroglyphs inscribed in rows between paintings of scribes and rulers that not only corresponded to a 260 day ceremonial calendar and 365-day year, but the 584-day sky track of Venus and 780-day one of Mars.

Examination of the rows shows they are columns of numbers and symbols similar to lunar eclipse calculations found in early 16th century Maya writings that tied astronomical events to rituals. Some of them include dates corresponding to a time after the year 3500.

"A fascinating discovery and a first in Maya archaeology," says Maya anthropologist Victoria Bricker of Tulane University in New Orleans. She notes its conclusive linkage of the later books to the Classic Maya calendar carved in stone dating back to before 300 A.D. The room's wall calculations likely served as a blackboard for scribes, in a society where festivals, rituals and farming were tied to astronomical observations.

"Seeing the actual writing on the wall certainly gives us a little insight into history," says Maya writing expert Simon Martin, co-curator of the "Maya 2012: Lords of Time" exhibition now ongoing at Philadelphia's Penn Museum. Although once viewed as peaceful star-gazers, more recent scholarly work has revealed that politics, war and trade dominated ancient Maya society. "We're seeing the pendulum swing back with this discovery, where we can now see astronomy playing a role in ordering their society," Martin says.



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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2012, 07:59:57 AM »
The world hasn't ended, that’s why we are still reading this forum?  The buzz surrounding the Maya "end of days" has generated massive traffic on the internet especially on facebook and twitter. Many also gathered at the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, where they chanted, danced and frolicked around ceremonial fires and pyramids to mark the conclusion of a vast, 5,125-year cycle in the Mayan calendar. For those people Dec. 21 sparked celebration of what they saw as the birth of a new and better age. However, as far as I know, there were no reports of natural or man-made catastrophes linked to the doomsday predictions


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Re: End of the World on December 21, 2012, true or false?
« Reply #29 on: December 25, 2012, 12:04:31 PM »
Well, it is now 4 days after the 21/12/2012, the supposed end's day but the planet earth and its inhabitants is still the same. So not end of the world. Interestingly, many people actually believed the prediction.

For me the more important point is the realization that for some the world's end may come anytime ie death can come anytime. So we actually should prepare for our death everyday, just like if we are traveling we should prepare for our trip. We must be aware that we can die anytime. If we believe in karma and reincarnation then it is imperative that we generate merits and increase wisdom to protect ourselves at least for a better rebirth if not for liberation and Buddhahood.The best way is start to change ourselves realizing our happiness depends on others and vice versa.

Be a better person. Change ourselves for the betterment of others.