Author Topic: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?  (Read 6138 times)


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Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:03:58 PM »
The Taiwanese lawmakers are thinking of inviting His Holiness to deliver a speech at the legislature. What do you make out of it?

Do you think His Holiness will accept, although His Holiness has ‘retired’? His Holiness has visited the island thrice in 1997, 2001 and 2009.

Do you think this will be a step ahead or a step behind for Tibet’s cause? How about the impact on the practice of Dorje Shugden?

Lawmaker wants Dalai Lama visit
By Loa Iok-sin  /  Staff reporter

Taiwan Solidarity Union Legislator Lin Shih-chia (???) yesterday said she would propose officially inviting Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to deliver a speech at the Legislative Yuan.

“To show that we’re in solidarity with the Tibetans in their quest for freedom, I will make a proposal to formally invite the Dalai Lama to deliver a speech at our legislature,” Lin said during a question-and-answer session after the Tibetan government-in-exile’s Minister for Information and International Relations Dicki Chhoyang made a presentation at the Legislative Yuan on the exiled government, its policies and issues facing Tibetans inside and outside Tibet.

The event was co-hosted by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim (???) and the Tibetan Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Lin’s proposal triggered a round of applause from the audience.

She said she would begin to collect signatures from fellow legislators and hopefully submit the proposal during a plenary session in the next legislative session.

Dicki Chhoyang is in Taiwan on her first stop of a tour to exiled Tibetan communities. Her tour will also include stops in South Korea and Japan.

In her speech, the Tibetan minister stressed that the government-in-exile would stand firmly behind the principles of non-violence and the middle-way approach in solving the Tibet issue.

Dicki Chhoyang also criticized the Chinese government for what she said was Beijing laying blame on the Dalai Lama and the government-in-exile for anti-Chinese sentiment and interethnic conflict in China.

“It [the conflicts] is often rooted in misguided, not well-structured, policies,” she said. “First, the patriotic re-education campaigns imposed on monasteries, resettlement of nomads and the language policy.”

Dicki Chhoyang said that in its propaganda campaigns, the Chinese government stations troops in monasteries and asks monks to denounce the Dalai Lama, while trying to destroy the centuries-old way of life of Tibetan nomads by forcing them to resettle in collective communities.

On language policy, the Chinese government has made Mandarin the medium of instruction in schools and only offers a few hours of Tibetan-language classes — taught in Chinese — per week, she added.

“A lot of Chinese in mainland [sic] China have no access to information other than what’s been given by the government,” Dicki Chhoyang said. “We really would like to request Chinese communities in free societies to deliver the accurate information.”

Hsiao said that while both Taiwan and Tibet are facing threats from China, “the suffering of Tibetans is much more serious than the Taiwanese.”

“It saddens me to see Tibetans trying to speak out through extreme actions, such as self-immolation, because they cannot take it anymore,” Hsiao said.

“We should all show more concern to human rights conditions in Tibet,” Hsiao said.



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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 03:12:11 PM »
Dicki Chhoyang said that in its propaganda campaigns, the Chinese government stations troops in monasteries and asks monks to denounce the Dalai Lama, while trying to destroy the centuries-old way of life of Tibetan nomads by forcing them to resettle in collective communities.

“It saddens me to see Tibetans trying to speak out through extreme actions, such as self-immolation, because they cannot take it anymore,” Hsiao said.

I read this article and the only reflex my mind could give me was that the CTA was just the same mirror to what the Chinese folks are doing. Haven't the CTAs been sending their own people to ALL Gelugpa monasteries on their "Holy Propaganda" to wipe Dorje Shugden out from their own people and settlement?

If it hasn't been any worse, monks were forced to denounce the sacred practice their own Lamas whom they cherish so much have passed onto them for safekeeping and practice. Then we have a bunch of Holy Government officials coming in to teach them what to do. At this point here, it makes me wonder how is the CTA going to make the Chinese life a finger to condone their cause when the CTAs themselves are self-destroying their own people using the EXACT SAME WAY!

Dorje Shugden is at least 3 centuries old if not OLDER, why do you guys need to go down the same route as the people whom u guys call your enemies? Who is the greater baddie here?

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
This has been an old saying which usually is an excuse for us not to pursue or push ourselves to do better. But when you just think about the things people do in order to survive and what more for a nation to survive and flourish, there has to be something more than just follow suit with the rest of the crowd!

People regardless of their differences within the group should actually think out of the box (of course with cow sense and a little wisdom from the High Lamas should be implored) and think, why of all deities, Dorje Shugden has to be the forefront of all Buddhist practice be put on fire for all to see.

Embracing Dorje Shugden has been the best thing which I have done in my life. Dorje Shugden has by far been the most kind and loving protective Buddha who has touched my life since the very moment I heard his holy name, seen his image and had the fortune to do his practice! The only basis for this is that the spring of these teachings comes from HH Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang who passed it onto HHDL and my lineage Lamas who then out of compassion for me taught me this practice. If the source is pure enough to be the teacher of HHDL, I think the teachings are pure too!

Isn't embracing contraversy a better thing to do than to just join in and make things worse for both practitioners and the practice?
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 04:00:35 PM »
I have been watching Taiwanese Pa rliament for years.  One interesting characteristic is when they don’t agree with each other, they can get physical hehe...

The Taiwanese lawmakers may want to make a statement with the idea of HHDL visit.  They want to make a point to China that they are independent and can make their own decision at the point where the number of countries that acknowledge them as an independent state in the United Nations is eroding.
I am interested to see whether this visit will really be happening since Taiwan is not the US, Europe, or Australia.  Taiwan has its own unique situation due to the followings:

•   The number of nations that acknowledge them as an independent country is eroding

•   Unlike Tibet that was very close and only had few relationships with other countries prior to Chine occupation, Taiwan is very open and maintain de-facto relations with many countries.

•   US is Taiwan’s main ally.  US has been selling significant amount of weapons and arms to Taiwan.  So Taiwan military is not as weak as Tibet was in 1959. 

•   The location is very near to Mainland China.  Thus, China can intimidate Taiwan in a way that they cannot do to the US, Europe, or Australia.  For example, cutting off trade between the two countries or initiating military exercise near Taiwan border. 

Thus, inviting HHDL in an official capacity as honored guest of ROC, may have invite some interesting tension.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 04:24:24 PM »
Personally, I don't see the Dalai Lama visiting Taiwan has got anything to do with the Dorje Shugden ban and now that the Dalai Lama has retired, I think it has even lesser implication on the Tibet issue. I think Taiwan still wants to play up the independent sentiment with the Dalai Lama's visit but I think the effect is watered down considering the fact that he has retired from office. Yes, there's still a little bit of effect because the Dalai Lama's very presence has always been the very embodiment of Tibetan Independence.

However, I think the Dalai Lama's visit to Taiwan would just irk the Chinese even further as Taiwan had been holding onto its independence for a long time. I wonder what are the Chinese plans to engage Taiwan as I do recall military exercises off the mainland coast nearest to Taiwan as if its a warning for an outright invasion. However, I think that would be an unwise decision and probably that's why the Chinese had stopped or reduce military activity.

Why am I talking about Taiwan? Well, I believe if the Chinese are successful with their plans to reunite with Taiwan, then, China would be so huge! They would be the biggest economy in the world, far surpassing the faltering American, European, Korean and Japanese economies. That would spell doom for any plans for Tibetan independence. What has it got to do with Dorje Shugden? The Chinese would just keep allowing and perhaps, subtly promoting Dorje Shugden monasteries, Lamas and practitioners to grow and increase, in defiance against the Dalai Lama's and the CTA's wishes.


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2012, 04:28:45 PM »
I think for HH Dalal Lama to visit Taiwan, it will definitely bless the people in Taiwan and also help the spread of Buddhism since HH Dalai Lama is such a huge figure in Buddhism.

Actually, I am not surprised if Taiwan purposely wants to invite HH Dalai Lama just to upset China. This is not the first time Taiwan purposely just want to instigate China and remind them they are a "country"

I doubt it will have much effect on Dorje Shugden practitioners though, but having said that, it is said that both the Dorje Shugden (some said one of the main sponsors for Serpom Monastery is from Taiwan) and anti-Dorje Shugden supporters very strong in Taiwan...


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
Definitely the Taiwanese would like the Dalai Lama to visit and address their parliament. This is because they are against the Chinese who they think wants to take over their Country, just like how they took over Tibet. It would be nice to have someone who shares the same sentiments as you.

With the tensed relationship between CHina and Tibet, I doubt that the Dalai Lama would visit Taiwan this time as it would trigger more tension between the two countries. And now that the Dalai Lama is no longer the head of state of the CTA, then there is no reason for him to accept the invitation. Accepting the invitation would cause more anger in China  where as the Dalai Lama is looking forward to have a better relationship with China. As the years goes by, the song that the Dalai Lama sings is from Free Tibet, a free country, to a country with 2 systems. Like how Hong Kong and Macau is today.


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2012, 11:19:03 PM »
Why don't they just invite the Kalon Tripa if the topic is about solidarity with the Tibetan freedom cause against China? It is a secular issue, and not a spiritual one. So there is really no need or relevance to invite the spiritual leader of Tibet to give such a speech!

In normal circumstances, if the government of a country was making relations with the previous government of another country, the prevent government would certainly have something to say about it. Imagine china inviting George bush over president Obama. Wouldn't that cause somewhat of an uproar? So why is the Kalon Tripa and the CTA so silent about the whole thing? Isn't that yet another slap on their faces or do they just not get it?

And I certainly hope the Dalai Lama starts behaving as the spiritual leader of tibet and stop getting involved in politics. It's enough already. Everyone already knows your name. Everyone has heard of Tibet. You have won the Nobel peace prize. Everyone knows that china has taken over your country. Everyone has heard of Tibetan Buddhism and has seen the maroon robes. Almost everyone has heard the name of shugden thanks to your ban. Everyone knows that your cause for Tibetan autonomy is pretty much dead. Please let the next generation of Tibetan leaders do their job for a change, and let the ban rest already!


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2012, 12:09:57 PM »
Thor you have a point there. I thought His Holiness was retired? And I thought hes not a political leader anymore? So what would his visit have to do with fostering solidarity between both independent movements?

If the Dalai Lama accepts, then the Chinese will say, "See! He ISNT retired! Hes going as a political leader to show that he also supports Taiwanese independence. That crafty, wily Dalai Lama! He twists with his words!" And if the Dalai Lama rejects

The trouble with the Tibetans can never make their minds up about how to approach any issue. The world as well...I guess the world doesnt quite know how to relate or respond to the Tibetans because they dont know what the Tibetans stand for. The Tibetans never make it clear...

1. Support us because China is violating our human rights...but dont criticise us whilst we violate Shugden practitioners human rights

2. Donate to us because we have no money...but dont speak ill about us using that money to suppress others

3. China is giving money to Shugden monasteries to incentivise the practice...but dont mention that we pump money into non-Shugden monasteries in the hopes that our lack of support causes the Shugden ones to fail

(edited and added: 4. Is Lobsang Sangay Kalon Tripa or Sikyong? And when will it change again?)

With so many internal contradictions, how do the Tibetans expect the world to behave with them?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 12:33:58 PM by DharmaDefender »


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2012, 03:26:04 PM »
Taiwan and Tibet both want freedom, and the only reason Taiwan is inviting the Dalai Lama is to show that they are independent of China. Taiwan would side with CTA that is oppressing their own people through the Dorje Shugden ban.

Two countries oppressed by China trying to work together but Tibet is not only oppressed but they are oppressing their own people hence the Tibetans did not keep their nose clean.

I hope the Taiwanese would wake up that  their 'partner' in the international scene are not very human rights friendly at all, and it is not beneficial for the Taiwanese to work with the CTA anymore. Taiwanese people please help to pressure the CTA to stop oppressing the Dorje Shudgen practitioners.


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Re: Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Again?
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2012, 03:43:42 AM »
And I certainly hope the Dalai Lama starts behaving as the spiritual leader of tibet and stop getting involved in politics. It's enough already. Everyone already knows your name. Everyone has heard of Tibet. You have won the Nobel peace prize. Everyone knows that china has taken over your country. Everyone has heard of Tibetan Buddhism and has seen the maroon robes. Almost everyone has heard the name of shugden thanks to your ban. Everyone knows that your cause for Tibetan autonomy is pretty much dead. Please let the next generation of Tibetan leaders do their job for a change, and let the ban rest already!

I do hope so as well as it is counterproductive for him to do so at this moment. Every time he tries to do something political, China will be angered and I dont think so they are in a good way. It only makes China more vary and more suspicious of CTA and the Dalai Lama and that is not a good thing because China is growing economically now and they are having more and more control, globally. But perhaps, HHDL has his own reasons..