Author Topic: Tibetans begin indefinite fast, Appeal for immediate international intervention  (Read 14159 times)


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Sigh. Another attention stunt that they are pulling out to get the attention of the international community. How will this help to end the situation in Tibet? Why demand for international intervention when you have NOTHING to offer the world? Come back when you do have something to offer the world...or at least when you have removed the Dorje Shugden ban or urged the Dalai Lama to do so.

Three Tibetans begin indefinite fast, Appeal for immediate international intervention in Tibet crisis
Phayul[Monday, September 03, 2012 20:55]

(From right to left) TYC Organisational Secretary Penpa Tsering, Vice President Dhondup Lhadar, and Cultural Secretary Jigme Sholpa begin their indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi on September 3, 2012.
DHARAMSHALA, September 3: Three executive members of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group in exile, today began an indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding crisis inside Tibet.

Dhondup Lhadar, Vice-President, Penpa Tsering, Organisational Secretary, and Jigme Sholpa, Cultural Secretary of TYC began their indefinite fast at around 12 pm at Jantar Mantar in the Indian capital amidst tight security following the Chinese Defence Minister’s India visit.

In a release, TYC said that earlier hunger strikes in April 2011 in New Delhi and in February 2012 in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, were called off after the European Parliament committed to "support the ongoing peaceful struggle against the oppression of the Chinese government and to keep the issue of Tibet high on our agenda," and the UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon handed over a letter of assurance signed by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, respectively.

“Since none of the promises have been put into action, and the alarming rise of the number of self-immolations inside Tibet is a huge cause for concern for everyone, TYC decided to launch another hunger strike and show the willingness to sacrifice until the world bodies keep their promises,” the hunger strikers said.

With the indefinite hunger strike, TYC is appealing the EU, UN, governments and NGOs to immediately fulfil the promises made by them during the earlier TYC hunger strikes through a multilateral approach; demanding China to grant immediate access to governments, international organisations and the media to travel in Tibet to learn about the true conditions within Tibet and to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet; and demanding the release of Tibetan prisoners of conscience including the Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and Tulku Tenzin Delek, and a stop to the witch hunts in Tibet targeting intellectuals, religious leaders, poets, musicians, singers and artists.

Speaking at the launch of the indefinite fast, Bhagat Singh Koshiyari, Member of the Indian Parliament and vice-president of the Bhartiya Janata Party expressed his hope that the day is not far when he will be able to visit Tibet without “fear or restraints.”

Bhagat Singh Koshiyari, Indian MP and vice-president of BJP, addressing the launch of the TYC indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi on September 3, 2012.

The former chief minister of the Indian state of Uttrakhand, which shares borders with Tibet, assured the Tibetans that as long as the Brahmaputra River flows down form Tibet to India, “the cause of Tibet will be upheld and truth shall prevail.”

Also present at the launch were Aasha Reddy, an ardent supporter of Tibet and Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, member of Tibetan parliament.

Tsewang Rigzin, President of TYC, called on Tibetans in exile to heed to the sacrifices and aspirations of Tibetans in Tibet and take active participation in the campaigns being led by exile groups.

He also urged US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to raise the issue of Tibet with Chinese leaders during her two-day Beijing visit beginning Tuesday.

Since 2009, 51 Tibetans inside Tibet have set themselves on fire demanding Tibet’s freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile. The month of August alone witnessed seven self-immolations and a spate of protests, leading to the death and brutal beatings of Tibetan demonstrators.

TYC Vice-President Dhondup Lhadar, who last year sat on hunger strike and went without food for 25 days, said that fasting was “one of the most effective means of non-violent protests”.

Father of a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Lhadar said that every Tibetan has the responsibility of showing solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet and reiterated his request for Tibetans to “rise up and stand up for Tibet.”

Penpa said that is with his “wife's love, faith and support” that he is sitting on the indefinite hunger strike, “a happy man, taking the right step for Tibet's cause.” Tibetans in India should not stay idle anymore, when lives are being lost on a day to day basis inside Tibet, he added.

Speaking to reporters, Jigme shared his belief that he has reached the stage, when “without doubt he knew it was his turn to make the ultimate sacrifice for Tibet.”

TYC has called for a ‘Global Day of Protest’ on September 18 to appeal the UN to “immediately intervene and pressure China to douse the fiery protests inside Tibet.”

The Tibetan Youth Congress also urged Tibetans and supporters to take part in a ‘Global Day of Action’ on September 24th by contacting the UN, EU, world leaders and parliamentarians through email, phone and fax for concrete support to resolve the issue of Tibet.


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And what started quickly, ended quickly. The hunger strike was ended by force from the police right after it started because a Chinese minister is visiting. China has economic advantages to offer to India, while the TYC have nothing to offer aside from more protests for China to free Tibet. What they dont realize is, China will never succumb to any international force because they are just too proud, too big and too well established.

TYC hunger strikers forcibly removed, Detained
Phayul[Monday, September 03, 2012 21:40]

DHARAMSHALA, September 3: In reports coming just in, the three Tibetan hunger strikers who began their indefinite fast earlier today in the Indian capital New Delhi, have been detained by Indian authorities.

The three were forcibly removed from Jantar Mantar, the site of the hunger strike protest, minutes back, citing security reasons due to the Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie’s ongoing visit to India.

Speaking to Phayul over phone from New Delhi, Joint Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress, the organisers of the indefinite hunger strike, Tenzin Norsang said that the three were forcibly taken away amidst heightened tensions by the Indian police.

“The three hunger strikers, along with two of our volunteers, have been detained by the Indian police,” Norsang said. “They are being kept at the Connaught Place police station.”

“Despite our repeated appeals, the police maintained that the hunger strike was a security risk to the ongoing visit by the Chinese Defence Minister,” he added.

Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie arrived in India on Sunday on a four-day visit from Sri Lanka with a 23-member delegation.

Although the police have assured that the three hunger strikers will be released tomorrow morning, it is not yet certain whether they will be allowed to continue their campaign at the protest site.

Norsang said that the three hunger strikers and TYC are adamant of continuing the hunger strike organised in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding crisis inside Tibet.

Dhondup Lhadar, Vice-President, Penpa Tsering, Organisational Secretary, and Jigme Sholpa, Cultural Secretary of TYC began their indefinite fast at around 12 noon today in the Indian capital amidst tight security following Guanglie’s visit.

On March 26 this year, Jamphel Yeshi, a 27-year-old Tibetan set himself on fire at a mass protest at the same venue, organised by TYC, demanding international intervention in the ongoing crisis in Tibet and protesting Chinese President Hu Jintao’s then visit to India.

Suffering 98 per cent burn, Jamphel Yeshi passed away in the morning of March 28.

TYC is the largest pro-independence group in exile with more than 80 regional chapters all over the world.


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In this aspect, I find that the Tibetans have very little respect for India, their host country. Why are they protesting affairs that are between India and China? It is very rude and disrespectful for them to try and sabotage the relationship between India and China. For god's sake, please give up and re-evaluate your actions. to top it off, they played the pity card again in this report, as if India is punishing them unjustly. Sigh. Please show some respect to your host country.

Im wondering, should Dorje Shugden practitioners organize a hunger strike to pressure the Dalai Lama to lift the ban? Since his followers are doing that, it might just work when we do it.

The three TYC hunger strikers spending their night in police detention on September 3, 2012.
DHARAMSHALA, September 5: The three Tibetan hunger strikers were for a second consecutive night taken into police custody yesterday evening along with 50 other Tibetans who were arrested for protesting against the visiting Chinese Defence Minister.

The 50 Tibetans were rounded up near the India Gate area, where General Liang was being hosted by PM Manmohan Singh. India and China on Tuesday announced resumption of joint military exercises after a two-year gap.

The protesters were lodged at the Tuglag Marg police station along with the three Tibetan Youth Congress executives, who began an indefinite fast Monday in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding crisis inside Tibet.

Speaking to Phayul from New Delhi, TYC Joint Secretary, Tenzin Norsang feared that the hunger strikers, along with the arrested protesters, would be taken away to Tihar Jail.

Late in the evening, the Delhi police issued further orders notifying TYC to remove their hunger strike tent from Jantar Mantar, the protest venue, warning that it will be broken down and dismantled if left standing.

Tibetan activists protesting against Chinese Defence Minister's visit to India on September 4, 2012. (Photo/AP)
Despite the night detentions of the three hunger strikers, citing security reasons due to the Chinese Defence Minister’s visit, the Delhi police had earlier assured that the hunger strike will be allowed to carry on.

High drama ensued at Jantar Mantar yesterday when the three hungers strikers were released from their overnight detention at 7:00 a.m. but an hour later were again detained. They were released at around 12.30 p.m. and allowed to sit at the protest venue, but by late evening they were again taken into custody.

“All this while, since the hunger strike began on Monday, the three hunger strikers, Dhondup Lhadar, Penpa Tsering, and Jigme Sholpa have not eaten anything and have vowed to carry on their protest even if lodged in a jail,” Norsang said.

With the hunger strike, TYC is appealing the EU, UN, governments and NGOs to immediately fulfil the promises made by them during earlier TYC hunger strikes through a multilateral approach and also demanding China to grant immediate access to governments, international organisations and the media to travel in Tibet in order to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet.



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And well, they're not giving up in being an embarrassment to India. The dont really seem to care at all if their actions would damage relations between India and China. All they care about is their indepdence, even if it means getting their host country, who has been so kind to them, into deep trouble with one of the world's biggest superpowers. How selfish can some people be?

Protesters turn the heat on China’s Defence Minister
Phayul[Wednesday, September 05, 2012 23:18]

A Tibetan activist protesting against China's Defence Minister being taken away by the police in New Delhi on September 5, 2012
DHARAMSHALA, September 5: Tibetan activists kept up their pressure on the visiting Chinese Defence Minister with the third straight day of protests in the Indian capital New Delhi.

Earlier today, Tibetan activists staged a noisy protest in front of the historical Qutub Minar, where General Liang Guanglie was scheduled to visit.

Activists of the Student’s for a Free Tibet, India unfurled Tibetan national flags and raised slogans calling for global intervention in the unfolding Tibet crisis.

One of the protesters even climbed a tall pole, grabbing attention of everyone present there.

Dorjee Tsetan, National Director of SFT, India, who also took part in the protest, said that India being the largest democracy in the world and the land of Mahatma Gandhi has a “moral obligation to stand in solidarity with the Tibetan people's nonviolent struggle for freedom.”

“Now is a critical time for India to add her voice to the multilateral pressure on China to stop the crackdown in Tibet. Tibet’s resolution can only bring a true solution to the current Sino-India matter,” Tsetan said.

The group had earlier launched an online petition addressed to the Indian External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna urging him to make a strong and clear statement condemning China's crackdown in Tibet and calling for a multilateral forum to resolve the crisis.

In the Indian capital, the three Tibetan indefinite hunger strikers, who were arrested for the second consecutive night yesterday were taken to Tihar jail at midnight.

They were lodged in the jail along with 30 odd Tibetan boys and girls who were arrested yesterday evening for carrying out a protest against General Liang near one of his meeting venues.

Tibetan Youth Congress in a release expressed disappointment at the heavy-handed actions of the Indian authorities and said that the hunger strikers have vowed to continue their fast in the jail in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in Tibet.

“Our protests and means of expression for our cause has always been determinedly peaceful and non-violent but the turn of events today and the nature of the response and treatment from Delhi Police has deeply disappointed and hurt us,” TYC said in the release.

General Liang, who is scheduled to retire as China’s Defence Minister next month, will remain in India till September 7.


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I really cant help thinking that if they actually spent time to study about China -- after all knowing your enemy is important to know how to conquer them, or actually work their way to UN and write logical appeal letters. But they're Tibetan and it's Dharmasala, so this is the best that they can do. A hunger strike is good for attention, but like what I have said in my previous post, what can you offer the world in response to fulfilling your demands?

TYC hunger strikers refuse medical treatment, Continue campaign in Jantar Mantar
Phayul[Friday, September 07, 2012 13:32]

(From left to right) TYC Cultural Secretary Jigme Sholpa, Vice-President Dhondup Lhadar, and Organisational Secretary Penpa Tsering after their release from Tihar Jail. (Photo/TYC)
DHARAMSHALA, September 7: On the fifth day of their indefinite hunger strike, the three executive members of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro independence group in exile, returned back to their protest site in Jantar Mantar in the Indian capital today after days of arrests and detentions.

They were released last night from the Tihar Jail along with 30 odd TYC activists who were arrested on September 4 for carrying out a protest against the visiting Chinese Defence Minister.

The hunger strikers, visibly weakened and carrying physical injuries due to a road mishap that happened when they were being escorted back by the police to the police station on September 5, were warmly received by the local Tibetans in Majnu Ka Tilla, Tibetan colony in Delhi.

Speaking at the gathering, Jigme Sholpa, one of the hunger strikers said the ordeal they endured over the last few days, being dragged around in police vans for hours from the police stations to the jail and to the court rooms and the bus mishap causing physical injuries to all the three of them, made their hunger strike a lot more difficult.

“But our determination and our willingness to continue has not been reduced by even an ounce,” he said. “We will continue our hunger strike till our demands are met.”

They spent the night in front of the settlement monastery.

Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president of TYC had two of his teeth knocked out of foundation and sustained multiple cuts to his mouth and tongue during the road mishap. His hands and legs were also injured. The other two hunger strikers, Penpa Tsering and Jigme also sustained similar injuries.

However, they refused medical treatment, stating that the injections and the IVs as prescribed by the doctors would go against their oath not to intake any food until the demands and appeals of the campaign have been met.

“They simply left the hospital in the same condition they came in,” TYC said in a release.

The Delhi police had earlier issued orders for the removal of the hunger strike tent from Jantar Mantar and detained the three hunger strikers on the first day of their fast on September 3 itself.

With the hunger strike, TYC is appealing the EU, UN, governments and NGOs to immediately fulfil the promises made by them during earlier TYC hunger strikes through a multilateral approach and also demanding China to grant immediate access to governments, international organisations and the media to travel in Tibet in order to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet.


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blackmails and threats? seriously? CTA has gone to a new low: threatening the UN for them to help them with getting Tibet back. threats will not work anymore. This is sad and ridiculous indeed

TYC meets UN Officials as hunger strikers’ health deteriorate
Phayul[Thursday, September 13, 2012 15:47]

Tibetan activists carrying out a prostration campaign to the UN Information Office in New Delhi on September 12, 2012. (Photo/TYC)
DHARAMSHALA, September 13: On the 10th day of the Tibetan Youth Congress led indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi, activists yesterday led a prostration campaign to the United Nations office, appealing for their immediate intervention to end the crisis in Tibet.

The campaign brought along memorandums addressed to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

Scores of Tibetan students studying in various universities in Delhi led by Tibetan Youth Congress’ Finance Secretary, Konchok Yangphel, started prostrating while chanting prayers, heading towards the UN Information Centre.

TYC in a release said that although prostrations are usually performed as part of the Tibetan Buddhist’s religious tradition, the activists were doing full body length prostrations to appeal to the UN to act on their earlier promises of action on Tibet.

After covering over 500 meters, the activists reached the gate of the UN office where TYC President Tsewang Rigzin, speaking through a megaphone, reminded the UN of its commitment to “directly engage with the Chinese government and to send UN representatives to Tibet,” made during the TYC led New York Indefinite Hunger strike in March this year.

“Thus, trusting the UN to keep their promises the hunger strike was called off indefinitely. It has been 6 months since then and no UN delegation has visited Tibet so far and the situation inside Tibet is worsening by the day,” Rigzin said.

“TYC is forced to resume its hunger strike and we are holding UN responsible for whatever happens to the three hunger strikers. We are appealing and will continue on until concrete actions have been taken by the UN."

When the TYC delegation asked for permission to enter the UN office to personally handover the memorandums, they were refused entry citing rule changes and were told that even a Tibetan parliamentary delegation that recently came was refused entry.

However, after much persistence, the TYC delegation was invited inside the office to meet with senior UN officials, including Ritch Miller.

The UN officials assured of forwarding the memorandums to the UN offices in New York and Geneva.

The three TYC Central Executives, Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president, Penpa Tsering, organisational secretary, and Jigme Sholpa, cultural secretary began their indefinite fast on September 3 in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding crisis inside Tibet.

TYC said that all three hunger strikers are showing gradual signs of deterioration in health with Lhadar losing 9 kgs, Tsering 7kgs and Sholpa losing 6 kgs.

“Their expressions show tiredness and faces are pale but the eyes are still hopeful and passionate for the cause they live for,” one of the organisers said.

TYC also submitted memorandums to embassies of 55 countries, conveying the need for immediate international intervention and to engage their governments in resolving the crisis inside Tibet.

Since 2009, there have been 51 known cases of self-immolations inside Tibet demanding freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.


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So far, the fasting protest has not come up with much improvements and nobody is moved by their act (unsurprisingly) so why do they persist? I wonder if Shar Ganden and Serpom did hunger strikes to demand for the ban to be lifted, would it happen or would CTA ignore them? If they will, what makes them think that this hunger strike will get their attention?

15 days without food, hunger strikers soldier on
Phayul[Tuesday, September 18, 2012 14:40]

Indian government medical officials giving TYC Vice-President Dhondup Lhadar a check-up on September 17, 2012. (Photo/TYC)
DHARAMSHALA, September 18: The three Tibetan indefinite hunger strikers entered their 15th day of fasting yesterday in New Delhi appealing for an end to the ongoing crisis inside Tibet.

With their health showing significant signs of deterioration, the Delhi Police brought Medical Officers to conduct their first official medical check up on the hunger strikers. The officers expressed concern over their health and recommended immediate medical treatment. However, the three refused any medical help and vowed to carry on their hunger strike.

Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president of Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group in exile has already lost 9kgs while Organisational Secretary Penpa Tsering has lost 8kgs and Cultural Secretary Jigme Sholpa has lost 9kgs.

The TYC hunger strike tent at the Jantar Mantar has now become a rallying point for Tibetan activities in the capital.

Yesterday, TYC Joint-Secretary Tenzing Norsang and Social Services Secretary Yeshi Therchein visited the Embassy of Switzerland and met Martin Strub, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission.

Strub was presented with photos, videos, and chronological evidence of the critical situation inside Tibet, heralded by the self-immolation of 51 Tibetans in Tibet calling for freedom and the Dalai Lama’s return.

Through the Embassy, TYC requested the government of Switzerland to raise the issue of Tibet at the 21st session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations taking place in Geneva.

TYC President Tsewang Rigzin leading a peace march to the Delegation Office of European Union in New Delhi to submit a memorandum. (Photo/TYC)
Strub appreciated the evidence presented by TYC representatives in the face of China’s misinformation and propaganda, and assured that Switzerland will “definitely do its best” to highlight the issue of Tibet.

TYC said it plans to visit embassies of different countries in the coming days and seek to hold discussions with their representatives, appealing for their support in raising Tibet at the UN meeting.

Representatives of numerous Indian Tibet support groups also visited the hunger strikers and expressed support and solidarity with TYC and their three fasting leaders.

In a joint press release, the Indian groups appealed to the UN and the European Union to “fulfill their promises of raising the issue of the ongoing spate of self immolations inside Tibet with the Chinese government and to send independent fact finding delegations to Tibet.”

They also called upon the government of India to use its influence on the Chinese leaders to “ease the suffocating inhuman conditions inside Tibet which have lead the Tibetan youths to the extreme desperation of self immolation.”

They further expressed serious concerns over the lack of political and moral courage among world bodies like the UN and the EU as well as governments across the world, who they said are “shying away from their responsibilities of asking the Chinese government to stop its inhuman treatment of its Tibetan colonial subjects.”

TYC earlier submitted a memorandum to EU, appealing the body to take “long-due concrete actions” in order to improve the plight of the Tibetans inside Tibet, as per the assurances and promises they had made during the TYC Indefinite Hunger Strike in April, 2011.

Tibetan activists joined TYC President Tsewang Rigzin and Norsang in marching to the Delegation Office of European Union in New Delhi, carrying traditional Tibetan khataks and flowers.

The TYC delegation met Ed Marshall, Political Representative of the EU in India and held “in depth discussions” on the worsening situation inside Tibet. They also urged EU to fulfill their promises on Tibet, made during the earlier TYC indefinite hunger strike.

Marshall assured the TYC representatives of EU’s continued support to the Tibetan cause and said that he will be submitting the memorandum to EU President Martin Suhulz.


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Looks like now even the Indian government is not happy with the fasting protests as fasting protests are what the indians use against the indian government. The Tibetans arent too skillful about their choice of protests, it seems and it seems to have hit a raw nerve on the Indian government and they have demanded them to stop the fasting protest...

Indian officials issue termination notice to Tibetan hunger strikers
Phayul[Wednesday, September 19, 2012 16:01]

TYC Vice-President Dhondup Lhadar breaks down after receiving a letter from the Delhi Police ordering a termination of their hunger strike which began September 3, 2012.
DHARAMSHALA, September 19: Indian authorities in New Delhi have issued a termination notice to the three Tibetan hunger strikers following deterioration in their health, yesterday.

The hungers strikers were given official medical check-ups on Monday and Tuesday by the Delhi police following which the letter was issued on the 16th day of their indefinite fast.

Medical officials had expressed particular concern over the health of Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president of Tibetan Youth Congress, who had lost 9kgs and referred him to immediate medical attention. Last year, Lhadar had taken part in a TYC hunger strike, going without food for 25 days and had since not fully recovered.

“On the basis of their medical assessments, the Station House Officer (SHO) PS Connaught Place, New Delhi, issued a letter to TYC executives with directions to terminate the hunger strike,” TYC said in a release late last night. “In the letter, OPD registration card No. E-172317/12 dt. 18.09.12, Dhondup Lhadar was referred to RML Hospital by the doctor for needful treatment and fluids.”

Upon receiving the letter, Lhadar broke down inconsolably. "The most difficult part of the hunger strike has been crossed over and now the long wait ahead would be tolerable enough, but the Indian police had always given proper response and treatment but they seemed to have changed owing to pressure from different powers," the father of a two-year daughter old was quoted as saying.

The three TYC Central Executives, Jigme Sholpa(L),Dhondup Lhadar(C), and Penpa Tsering(R), on the 16th day of their indefinite fast in New Delhi on September 18, 2012.
TYC expressed disappointed at the response from the police but said they were determined to continue with the fast.

As part of their ongoing diplomatic efforts, TYC Joint Secretary Tenzin Norsang and International Relation Secretary Tenzin Dolma visited the Canadian High Commission and met Theressa de Haan, First Secretary of Political and Economic Affairs. They had a “detailed discussion” on the current situation inside Tibet and submitted an appeal letter urging Canada to “put their support and solidarity in practice during such critical times.”

The three TYC Central Executives, Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president, Penpa Tsering, organisational secretary, and Jigme Sholpa, cultural secretary began their indefinite fast on September 3 in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding crisis inside Tibet.

Since 2009, there have been 51 known cases of self-immolations inside Tibet demanding freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.


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Many go on hunger strikes knowing they would never be allowed to die. In the last few decades, a few Tibetans have proclaimed fast until death or Tibetan Freedom, but always someone intervenes and they are saved from the brink of death.

Tibetans say themselves those who go on hunger strikes have an easier time to immigrate to the US. They tell the US embassy or officials for having been on a hunger strike, they are now 'hunted' by the Chinese, so they are political victims. With that claim they can get a green card from the US. Many Tibetans in India/Nepal seeking American green cards use this method.

Hunger strikes are not what they always seem. Also the hunger strikes do not bring any results and do not bring more international attention. So why do it? For a green card it's worth it for some desperate Tibetans who know after the death of HH Dalai Lama, their lives hang in 'dangerous' and unstable situations.  So better get out of India/Nepal now.


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Hi TK, thanks so much for replying on this thread as your posts often contain so much information and insight into Tibetan issues from the real perspective of things. From your posts in the past I have learned so much about the truth behind CTA and how they operate and I can see past their lies and smokescreens.

Many go on hunger strikes knowing they would never be allowed to die. In the last few decades, a few Tibetans have proclaimed fast until death or Tibetan Freedom, but always someone intervenes and they are saved from the brink of death.
So this is the actual secret to the hunger strikes! But why is it that the previous attempts are not mentioned in these articles or that they were not publicized? Is it that the CTA are trying to hide something? I find the dishonesty and the deceptiveness of the CTA very disappointing for a supposedly Buddhist government.

Tibetans say themselves those who go on hunger strikes have an easier time to immigrate to the US. They tell the US embassy or officials for having been on a hunger strike, they are now 'hunted' by the Chinese, so they are political victims. With that claim they can get a green card from the US. Many Tibetans in India/Nepal seeking American green cards use this method.
So this is the real reason behind the hunger strikes. It is to get a green card to the US. It seems that as much as they 'love' CTA and Dalai Lama, they cant wait to get away from them. This is funny and contradictory to the 'cause' that they were working so hard for. What's worse is that they use this as an excuse for their own betterment...probably at the expense of their family and friends who might be in trouble as well.

Hunger strikes are not what they always seem. Also the hunger strikes do not bring any results and do not bring more international attention. So why do it? For a green card it's worth it for some desperate Tibetans who know after the death of HH Dalai Lama, their lives hang in 'dangerous' and unstable situations.  So better get out of India/Nepal now.
So in reality, the hunger strikes are not for the freedom of tibet, but for their own personal freedom? How deceptive that is...and phayul puts it out on the website and even worse is that they write as if they are the victims and that everyone else is wrong but them, including the united nations...when the real reason is to get a green card...


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Yup, it seems that TK is right again. The hunger strike people have indeed been saved by the Indian government and is currently being hospitalized, although it is quite funny to see that phayul says they were 'forcibly' removed from the hunger strike, but they are still 'saved' at the end of the day. It would interesting to see one of them die from this although it is highly unlikely at this rate. But "doing fine" is not exactly a nice comment to say about someone who is in a hunger strike. Seems like they will survive...and get a green card away from Dharamsala.

TYC hunger striker readmitted to hospital
Phayul[Tuesday, October 02, 2012 23:45]

TYC Vice-President Dhondup Lhadar undergoing medical check-up after Indian authorities terminated their hunger strike in New Delhi. (Photo/TYC)

DHARAMSHALA, October 2: One of the three Tibetan hunger strikers, who were forcibly admitted to hospital following deterioration in their health last month, has been readmitted to hospital after complications in his health resurfaced.

Dhundup Lhadar, vice-president of Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group in exile, was admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi on September 29, following complains of severe pain.

According to Tenzin Norsang, joint secretary, TYC, doctors at the hospital are examining Lhadar for possible formation of stone in his internal organs.

“Although Dhondup Lhadar’s condition is stable as of now, he is currently going through a lot of medical check ups,” Norsang said.

The lack of fluid intake and dehydration are usually linked to the formation of stones inside the human body.

The other two hunger strikers Penpa Tsering, organisational secretary and Jigme Sholpa, cultural secretary are “doing fine,” he added.

On September 22, Indian authorities forcibly removed the three hunger strikers from their protest site in New Delhi and took them to a hospital after all three of them showed major signs of deterioration in their health.

Doctors conducting official check had expressed particular fear over Lhadar’s health, who had lost 9kgs and was referred to immediate medical attention. Last year, he took part in a TYC hunger strike, going without food for 25 days and had since not fully recovered.

The three TYC central executives had begun their indefinite fast on September 3 in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding Tibet crisis.

The campaign had come under unusual pressure the very day it began when the hunger strikers were detained citing security reasons due to the presence of a visiting Chinese dignitary in the Indian capital. The three were released on September 6, following which they returned to Jantar Mantar to carry on their fast.

With the hunger strike, TYC appealed the EU, UN, governments and NGOs to immediately fulfil the promises made by them during earlier TYC hunger strikes through a multilateral approach and also demanded China grant immediate access to governments, international organisations and the media to travel in Tibet in order to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet.

Since 2009, there have been 52 known cases of self-immolations inside Tibet demanding freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.


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Yup and it seems that someone is saving them again. Will this hunger strike fall flat and fail here and the hunger strike participants get a green card, or will someone actually die from this?

Tibetan hunger striker undergoes surgery
Phayul[Friday, October 05, 2012 16:56]

TYC Vice President Dhondup Lhadar. (Photo/TYC)
DHARAMSHALA, October 5: Dhondup Lhadar, vice-president of Tibetan Youth Congress, who recently sat on a hunger strike in the Indian capital New Delhi, underwent surgery last evening.

Doctors have said the surgery to remove stone build-up, which had caused severe swelling and inflammation of his kidney, has been successful and he is currently out of danger.

Speaking to Phayul this morning, TYC executive Konchok Yangphel said that Lhadar has been advised to remain in the hospital for a few more days until his internal infections are healed.

He was admitted to the Sant Parmanand Hospital early yesterday complaining of excruciating pain in the lower abdomen. Doctors concluded that Lhadar, who was forced to terminate his indefinite hunger strike on the 20th day, should immediately undergo Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy (URS) with DJ Stenting.

Lhadar, along with TYC executives Penpa Tsering and Jigme Sholpa, began their indefinite fast on September 3 in “solidarity with the self-immolators inside Tibet and to appeal for immediate international intervention” in the unfolding Tibet crisis.

Indian authorities forcibly removed the three from their protest site at Jantar Mantar on September 22, and took them to a hospital after all three of them showed major signs of deterioration in their health.

Doctors conducting official check-ups had expressed particular fear over Lhadar, who lost 9kgs, and was referred to immediate medical attention.

Last year, he had taken part in a TYC hunger strike, going without food for 25 days and had since not fully recovered.

“Lhadar barely allowed himself anytime to recover and within few days rejoined office,” TYC said in a release. “It was obvious at the time that the fast had a long-term impact on his health.”

The campaign had come under unusual pressure the very day it began when the hunger strikers were detained citing security reasons due to the presence of a visiting Chinese dignitary in the Indian capital. The three were released on September 6, following which they returned to Jantar Mantar to carry on their fast.

With the hunger strike, TYC appealed the EU, UN, governments and NGOs to immediately fulfil the promises made by them during earlier TYC hunger strikes through a multilateral approach and also demanded China grant immediate access to governments, international organisations and the media to travel in Tibet in order to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet.

Dhondup Lhadar's wife and two-and-a-half year old daughter couldn't join him before the surgery.