a) However innumerable sentient beings are, I vow to influence those seekers who have planted the causes and
conditions along the path in succeeding to achieve it.
b)However inexhaustible the defilements are, I vow to contribute in extinguishing them.
c) However immeasurable the dharmas are, I vow to master them.
d) However unattainable the Way is, I vow to attain it.
From The Diamond Cutter Sutra, Section III, The Real Teaching of the Great Way Buddha said:
"Subhuti, all the Bodhisattva Heroes should discipline their thoughts as follows: All living creatures of whatever class, born from eggs, from wombs, from moisture, or by transformation, whether with form or without form, whether in a state of thinking or exempt from thought-neccessity, or wholly beyond all thought realms--all these are caused by Me to attain Unbounded Liberation Nirvana. Yet when vast, uncountable, immeasurable numbers of beings have thus been liberated, verily no being has been liberated. Why is this, Subhuti? It is because no Bodhisattva who is a real Bodhisattva cherishes the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality."