Author Topic: Dalai Lama: Hope for new China approach to Tibet  (Read 3174 times)


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Dalai Lama: Hope for new China approach to Tibet
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:35:47 AM »
The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile are under increasing pressure - not just from Beijing but now also from their followers who are divided over how to continue their struggle against Chinese rule.

Some of those gathering in Dharamsala this week want a more assertive policy, including more open backing of Tibetans setting themselves on fire, while others say this tactic is against Buddhist teachings and want another approach.

The Dalai lama has steered a middle course.

In a BBC interview, he said the immolations were a symptom of China's repressive rule in Tibet and called on its new leadership to accept the need for change.
"The new leadership must use common sense and a more holistic view to serve long term-interest. There is no other way.

"Just using force, censorship and to remain a closed society is almost like suicide. Judging that way, I feel there is possibility or a real chance to change."
Beijing says Tibet is an integral part of China and accuses the Dalai Lama of trying to break the Himalayan region away.

The Dalai Lama says he only wants greater autonomy.
But, he said, it was getting harder to reach an agreement because of an increasing divide between ethnic Tibetans and the Han Chinese who have been encouraged to move there by Beijing.