Author Topic: Liberty or Death  (Read 7680 times)


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Liberty or Death
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:06:47 PM »
Lord Buddha said, do not take my word. Figure it out for yourself to know the truths that I speak of.
  The practice is not make us better Buddhist, but better whatever we are.
I was raised a Christian in the Bible Belt in the highlands of southern Indiana.
I  am descended from men who fought and died for their belief for what they believed was the truth.  Geoffrey de Bouillion with only nine other mounted knights provided the safe passage for pilgrims in the Holy Lands.
Others followed and the Knights Templar was formed with a single purpose of mind and dedication that helped change the entire canvas of the world.
   The Magna Carta Charter was signed by King John at the sword point of William de Mowbray and the other Barons.
    The dispersion of notable lords,barons,knights and others to Virgina in 1650 to escape the Usurper Cromwell.
 The descendant of these Cavaliers flourished in their new found freedoms and over 6 signed the Declaration Of Independence and fought a war to once again determine that freedom of one's own beliefs were worth dying for, even against overwhelming odds of success.
If it were not for the basis that created the governing laws we abide by today and others before us had not sacrificed their lives, for the Rights we enjoy today and take for granted. None of us would likely be having any of the conversations, that take place here and all over our land of individual freedoms, and to believe as we choose.
The dharma would have no place to flourish. The Dalia lama would not be known in the world to express his beliefs.
   I believe that the principles of freedom in the world are the basis for the Teachings of Lord Buddha to flourish today.
   " I may not agree with what you say, but, I will defend with my life, your right to say it".
      How much compassion or bodichitta or altruistic motivation do we need to appreciate this act , as that of ultimate compassion and sacrifice for all others.
    Based upon my being an American who appreciates these principles and truths that all men are created equal and raised a Christian who was taught to love and help your neighbor with his load. Are the exact principles and truth that I sought in Lord Buddha's words and Teachings.
   I helped the Tibetans here to rebuild or salvage some part of their culture from devastation. To help preserve the dharma and the knowledge they had preserved of an ancient world.
     Because it went against the grain of my upbringing. I am just applying what I've learned from Lord Buddha, to be a better whatever I am.



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Liberty or Death
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2008, 12:26:30 AM »
Dalai Lama at an inter-faith meeting
The Dalai Lama accepts a sword presented to him by a Sikh leader at an inter-faith meeting held at Rajghat, New Delhi in memory of the victims of the Chinese crackdown in Tibet. (TOI)

   Trouble in Tibet
No Indian envoy accompanied Beijing-based foreign diplomats

Readers Opinions
'China staging violence in Tibet'
Thomas Canada,usa,says:I fail to understand how one month the Dalia lama is throwing a 350 year old lineage out of the Tibetan Buddhism and the next he is inciting rioting and causing more deaths among Tibetans. Why does the world not care to see that the Chinese liberated Tibetans from the servitude of a medieval society that fed on the backs of slaves,indentured servitude, poverty, illiteracy under the authority of anything other than a democratic government and he continues to be anything other than a democratic leader. I see that he steps all over the principles laid down by the founding fathers of American Bill Of Rights and ignores his duplicity with giggles. Because even he is amazed as to how blind they are to his totalitarian potentate practices in the world and goes on with the charade. Why did Free Tibet Radio announce the location fo the Panchen lama in Lhasa. They could have easily smuggled the Panchen lama out of Tibet. Instead they betrayed him to the Chinese in a matter of hours. Why did he throw out the monks and then harangue the Dorje Shugden monks, nuns out after 350 years ? Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech are principles he only gives lip service to freedom as he steals others freedom by a simple few words from his mouth. He is not a Buddha. He teaches violence, not dharma.
30 Mar 2008, 0309 hrs IST

    * Kanishka witness murder case: Man gets 4 years in jail ( 0520hrs )
    * Obama rejects calls for rival Clinton to quit Prez race ( 0430hrs )
    * China holdings threaten US security: Hillary Clinton ( 0322hrs )
    * Muslims outnumber Catholics: Vatican research

Mr. Thom


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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2008, 02:02:39 AM »
the pill may be bitter. but china released the vajrayana movement out to the world. and china being part of the world would have also in a back handed process come to be opened by dharma into compassion. the struggle now is that the real tibetan issues are hidden in the agenda of DL and precious human lives and time are wasted in this.

it is so easy to be fooled right under yr nose. an example is the discussion whether ds is a worldly god. this is a new thing thrown in by DL to throw us off the real thing. in traditional tibetan classification, there never was a "worldly" class! all the energy and focus here dilutes the real issue. and that is the freedom of worship. i could worship a fly on a cow dung and the true world of boddhichitta would defend to the end, my right to such worship.

it is illogical to interfere into my freedom. today it is ds. tomorrow, what is to stop him attacking the nyingmapas? the kagyupas? the sakyapas? the muslims? the christians? freedom of worship is exactly that, my right to worship and regard as holy whatever i wish. so long as my right does not interfere into another's right.
and here he says my right interferes with his right to good health. he made the allegation. but where is his proof?? we are tried not even in a kangaroo court. just by one man opening his mouth, our right to fair trial, to face our accuser is denied. how can anyone continue to support such a person who repeatedly by his actions tramples on every cherished principle of justice and equality for all??



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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2008, 06:15:06 PM »
Where some see medeival servitude others see spiritual emancipation.


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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 10:09:38 PM »
Jeff et al--
Please understand this is not a criticism--it comes from too many years of experience writing them and having to read them and many go quickly into the round file.
Press release: single page, title that is really compelling, a cogent quote from any source--
The initial press release has to spark curiosity and look like a potential story-- or several.

"WASHINGTON, April 9 /PRNewswire/ -- The following was released by the International Buddhism Sangha Association:
At a special ceremony held April 3 at the Library of Congress of The United States, the International Buddhism Sangha Association (IBSA) presented to the American people the newly-published precious Buddhist book called H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

This got attention and a story on BBC, (Dan Damon) and it is barely remarkable. Quirky, yes. Book self published, new Buddha, etc.

Press release has contact(s) at the bottom:  in Germany, ..., India..., US... etc Individuals, organizations, etc
In bold at the bottom the eye will got there and interest will be definitely be piqued.

Thank you again for you work, Jeff and Geronimo


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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2008, 01:30:06 AM »
Time to act. No more armchair debates. Build a new world for our vajra brothers. I am only one man, but I hereby dedicate my lifeblood for the sake of those in need.
I will sacrifice everything I have and throw it all to the wind if it only helps one of my brothers in need. This is no longer a war of ideas, but a call to action. Protests?
Demonstrations? What we need is a convergence and a mass coming together of all devoted followers of Gyelchen Shugden.Thom Canada has sounded the trumpet, who of us here it? The Protector will guide us if we stop and listen. Gyelchen will help us build this paradise, we only need to follow his lead.
The DL can keep his views, but only has the power to sway the ignorant. Put him and his twisted politics behind us and move forward as a unified group.
We can all be warriors if we have the determination to save our precious lineage.


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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2013, 06:14:40 AM »
the pill may be bitter. but china released the vajrayana movement out to the world. and china being part of the world would have also in a back handed process come to be opened by dharma into compassion. the struggle now is that the real tibetan issues are hidden in the agenda of DL and precious human lives and time are wasted in this.
Well, we cannot say for sure if the agendas are really of the Dalai Lama or are those that are created by those around and representing the Dalai Lama, using his name to carry out their own wishes? TYC for example, does that without any sense of remorse or guilt by championing the Dalai Lama and using his name to push for independence when the Dalai Lama has clearly made it clear that he wants the middle way approach.

it is so easy to be fooled right under yr nose. an example is the discussion whether ds is a worldly god. this is a new thing thrown in by DL to throw us off the real thing. in traditional tibetan classification, there never was a "worldly" class! all the energy and focus here dilutes the real issue. and that is the freedom of worship. i could worship a fly on a cow dung and the true world of boddhichitta would defend to the end, my right to such worship.
There is a worldly class of protectors, like for example Nechung. Please do not spread misinformation to champion our cause as it would be not too different than the scholars who twist and turn information and insert lies to champion their cause like bob thurman and the like.

it is illogical to interfere into my freedom. today it is ds. tomorrow, what is to stop him attacking the nyingmapas? the kagyupas? the sakyapas? the muslims? the christians? freedom of worship is exactly that, my right to worship and regard as holy whatever i wish. so long as my right does not interfere into another's right.
and here he says my right interferes with his right to good health. he made the allegation. but where is his proof?? we are tried not even in a kangaroo court. just by one man opening his mouth, our right to fair trial, to face our accuser is denied. how can anyone continue to support such a person who repeatedly by his actions tramples on every cherished principle of justice and equality for all??
Nobody's pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to follow the Dalai Lama (unless you're in Dharamsala) so what's wrong with focusing on our Dharma practice and shoving the Dalai Lama aside from our personal practice? When we show others by results, the ban will be overturned because people will see and know that. After all, results are louder than words alone and words is all the Dalai Lama has against Dorje Shugden.

Nice points, but being emotional isnt gonna help anyone eventually. Being calm does.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Liberty or Death
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 07:52:14 AM »
Quote from Bodg
Lord Buddha said, do not take my word. Figure it out for yourself to know the truths that I speak of.
  The practice is not make us better Buddhist, but better whatever we are.
I was raised a Christian in the Bible Belt in the highlands of southern Indiana.
I  am descended from men who fought and died for their belief for what they believed was the truth.  Geoffrey de Bouillion with only nine other mounted knights provided the safe passage for pilgrims in the Holy Lands.
Others followed and the Knights Templar was formed with a single purpose of mind and dedication that helped change the entire canvas of the world.
   The Magna Carta Charter was signed by King John at the sword point of William de Mowbray and the other Barons.
    The dispersion of notable lords,barons,knights and others to Virgina in 1650 to escape the Usurper Cromwell.
 The descendant of these Cavaliers flourished in their new found freedoms and over 6 signed the Declaration Of Independence and fought a war to once again determine that freedom of one's own beliefs were worth dying for, even against overwhelming odds of success.
If it were not for the basis that created the governing laws we abide by today and others before us had not sacrificed their lives, for the Rights we enjoy today and take for granted. None of us would likely be having any of the conversations, that take place here and all over our land of individual freedoms, and to believe as we choose.
The dharma would have no place to flourish. The Dalia lama would not be known in the world to express his beliefs.
   I believe that the principles of freedom in the world are the basis for the Teachings of Lord Buddha to flourish today.
   " I may not agree with what you say, but, I will defend with my life, your right to say it".
      How much compassion or bodichitta or altruistic motivation do we need to appreciate this act , as that of ultimate compassion and sacrifice for all others.
    Based upon my being an American who appreciates these principles and truths that all men are created equal and raised a Christian who was taught to love and help your neighbor with his load. Are the exact principles and truth that I sought in Lord Buddha's words and Teachings.
   I helped the Tibetans here to rebuild or salvage some part of their culture from devastation. To help preserve the dharma and the knowledge they had preserved of an ancient world.
     Because it went against the grain of my upbringing. I am just applying what I've learned from Lord Buddha, to be a better whatever I am.


Very encouraging article which said that unless we defend our right to religious beliefs, what is the point of all the sacrifices made by these great chapters of heroes in history to have laws to permit such freedom.

On this basis, many besides Shugden worshippers should take actions and give their voices to have the ban lifted.