It is a fact that things will happen to us in our lives which we will like and which we will dislike, and which will give us pleasure and which will give us pain. Of course we want the former and not the latter; yet we will get both.
When we get things we like, we will be happy and when we get things we don’t like we will be miserable; this is our human nature but in our modern lives where events happen so quickly and where instant gratification is often expected, life easily can become a rollercoaster – one minute up, the next down. In the midst of all turmoil we should not measure life by what is happening at any given moment, nor by what has happened over recent days. We should not react negatively to the bad things which were going on because firstly they would pass and secondly, all would be resolved in time. To quote William Shakespeare “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
What we have come to realize is that everything resolves itself in time and even though things might seem terrible, they are passing phases. However, what determines our well being is not what happens but how we deal with what happens. Things will happen – we have to accept it because it WILL happen to everyone including us. So let it happen, learn lessons from it and don’t fight it – all will be well in the end if we LET IT BE. “Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” - Lao Tzu