Author Topic: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya  (Read 12917 times)

Jessie Fong

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Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:46:10 PM »
Just read about the latest news on the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya:

18 July 2012

Patna:  The Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, under which Lord Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment, is healthy once again.

“The Bodhi tree is fully healthy now,” said Subhash Nautiyal, one of the two scientists from the Dehradun-based Forest Research Institute (FRI).

Nautiyal said he and his colleague Nirmal Sudhir Kumar removed concrete slabs around the base of the Bodhi tree to resurrect it in a way, after there were fears that it would die out.

“It will help the tree to receive water and nutrition in its roots,” he said.

Nautiyal, a plant physiologist, along with plant pathologist Kumar were roped in to examine the tree, Bodh Gaya Temple Management Committee member secretary Nangzey Dorje said on Wednesday.

A few dry branches of the tree will be pruned on Wednesday keeping in mind the safety of pilgrims and tourists.

The temple had sought the help of FRI in 2007 after the Bodhi tree was affected with a milibug disease.

It was in Bodh Gaya, about 100 km from here, that Lord Buddha attained enlightenment over 2,500 years ago. The 1,500-year-old temple stands behind the sacred tree.

Here's more about bodhi tree , extracted from

The name given to the tree at Bodh Gaya under which the Buddha sat on the night he attained enlightenment. The tree itself was a type of fig with the botanical name Ficus religiosa. In the centuries after the Buddha, the Bodhi tree became a symbol of the Buddha's presence and an object of worship. King Asoka's daughter, the nun Sanghamitta, took a cutting of the tree to Sri Lanka where it still grows in the island's ancient capital of Anaradapura.

The original at Bodh Gaya was destroyed by King Puspyamitra during his persecution of Buddhism in the 2nd century BC and the tree planted to replace it, probably an offspring, was destroyed by King Sassanka at the beginning of the 7th century AD. The tree that grows at Bodh Gaya today was planted in 1881 by a British archaeologist after the previous one had died of old age a few years before. Many temples throughout the Buddhist world have Bodhi trees growing in them which are or are believed to be offspring of the one from Anaradapura and their worship forms an important part of popular Buddhist piety


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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 03:32:29 PM »
Thank you Jessie for the article on Bodhi tree.

It is good to know that the precious tree is under the care of professionals.
I was shocked to know that its root was covered by cement slabs ! What were the
caretakers thinking about ? This unnatural way of keeping the tree would soon kill it due to
 lack of water and necessary nutrients.

I hope the tree is going to recover to its full bloom and look forward to visiting
Bodhgaya to savior its beauty.

DS Star

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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 04:10:50 PM »
The Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, though not the original tree where Buddha sat under and attained Enlightenment, it still hold an important role as an object of reverence by Buddhists.

Basically the 'Tree' just a symbol or a reminder of the greatness of Buddha's 'attainment'. How come the tree itself, and it's offspring had became an object of worship?

Buddha asked His followers not to get attach to conditioned things/object due to their impermanent nature. And now we seems to be attached to this particular Tree and using up resources to save it... Isn't it better to use the resources to save the poor people instead?


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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 04:18:51 AM »
Thank you Jessie for the information about the Bodhi Tree. I always thought that the very one in Bodh Gaya are the original Bodhi tree where Buddha gain enlightenment. Anyway, it does not matter because all Bodhi trees' symbolizes Buddha's mind. Will definitely go to Bodh Gaya one day and spend my day doing prayers in this holy place.

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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2012, 08:49:22 PM »
The spot where the Buddha sat and gained enlightenment is know as the Vajrassana. The indestructible seat from which the Buddha gain the indestructible nature of the enlightened mind. Although the original tree that the Buddha sat under is no longer there but the tree has come to be synonymous with the Buddha's ultimate awakening.

Pilgrims go to temple every year to pay homage to the seat with hopes to get a bodhi leaf in commemoration of the Buddha's enlightenment. For the Buddhist, the Vajrassana is very important because it is also the direct spot where the future Buddha will manifest full enlightenment. Therefore, pilgrims come to pay homage and also to create powerful causes to take rebirth in the direct circle that will receive teachings by Maitreya at a future time.   


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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2012, 12:40:31 PM »
The earliest records on the tree are in the 'Kalingabodhi Jataka', which gives a vivid description of the tree and the surrounding area prior to the enlightenment, and the 'Asokavadana', which relates the story of King Asoka's (3rd century B.C) conversion to Buddhism. His subsequent worship under the sacred tree apparently angered his queen to the point where she ordered the tree to be felled. Ashoka then piled up earth around the stump and poured milk on its roots. The tree miraculously revived and grew to a height of 37 metres. He then surrounded the tree with a stone wall some three meters high for its protection.

Ashoka's daughter Sangamitta, a Buddhist nun, took a shoot of the tree to Sri Lanka where the King, Devanampiyatissa, planted it at the Mahavihara monastery in Anuradhapura. It still flourishes today and is the oldest continually documented tree in the world.


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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2012, 06:21:15 AM »
The Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya is a direct descendant of the tree which Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment.
Gautama Buddha finally abandoned years of rigorous fasting and asceticism by accepting milk and honey from a young woman and sat beneath the Bodhi Tree and vowed not to move until he attained Enlightenment.
In the 3rd Century BC,Emperor Asoka's daughter brought a branch of Bodhi Tree to Sri Lanka and planted it in Anurdhapura,where it still grows today.According to tradition,Asoka's wife destroyed the original Bodhi Tree of jealousy over the time the Emperor spent there.
It has great sacred and symbolic significance and the center of the world and the site where Buddha attained Enlightenment.Early pilgrims took leaves and seeds of the Bodhi Tree back to their home in monasteries.
It is customary to plant a Bodhi Tree in every Buddhist monastery to symbolize the presence of the Dharma.At Bodhgaya,the Bodhi Tree is a favorite place for pilgrims to meditate and contemplate to the Buddha's teachings.


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Re: Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2012, 05:21:48 PM »
Bodh Gaya is the holiest site in the Buddhist world. It was here the Buddha was enlightened under the bodhi tree. He spent the next seven weeks here before heading off to Sarnath to begin his teaching. Buddhist pilgrims from all over the ancient world also visited the site.

Behind the temple, on the western side, is the large bodhi tree, said to be a descendant of the original tree. A stone railing protects the tree and steel posts hold up the spreading branches. When the wind blows and leaves fall, there is a mad scramble by pilgrims to gather the fallen sacred leaves.

I went to Bodh Gaya and have a great chance to sit and did a short meditation lead by my teacher near by the Bodhi tree with the pilgrims in our group. We did not sit right under the Bodhi tree as our teacher lead us how to do meditation which will disturb other pilgrims.
We came to Bodh Gaya everyday during our trip and we did prostrations near by the Bodhi tree. There were many pilgrims there especial in night time which more cooling, some meditated, some did prostration, some walked circumulate, some did a prayer etc around the Bodh Gaya.
Bodh Gaya is one of the holy places which we should go to visit in this life time..