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Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:49:21 PM »
I had no idea that the 10th Panchen Lama's mother was still alive until now. But would it not be logical to give his daughter's custody to the mother's family instead of steven segal? That is something that I would really want to know why. hmm. But this is news in some way that might be of interest to us as it is related to the Panchen Lama.

The International Campaign for Tibet is deeply saddened to share with you the news of the demise of Mayum Sonam Dolma, the mother of the late Tenth Panchen Choekyi Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Mayum Sonam Dolma passed away in city of Siling (Ch: Xining) today, at the age of 97 at around 9:30 am local time. The preparations were being taken for funeral to be held in Bhido township. Mayum Sonam Dolma has been hospitalized since January of this year.

Mayum Sonam Dolma is a respected figure within the Tibetan community as the mother of the respected Tenth Panchen Rinpoche. The news was first seen posted online on Chinese Weibo and since, Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet are seen expressing their sadness and grief on online internet posts on both Chinese and Tibetan websites. There has been no official announcement posted yet.

ICT joins Tibetans around the world in expressing our deepest respects and prayers.

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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 06:01:35 PM »
Wow! This lady lived to a ripe old age and she did her duties to be a great mother to one of the most important Lamas of the 20th Century. She must be truly blessed and I believe that it is a Tibetan custom to venerate the mothers of great Lamas because they have the merits and good fortune to be the reason that these great Beings are able to appear on earth and benefit many.

This lady reminds me of the Buddha's very kind mother who bore the Buddha and took great care of him as he was growing up. When the Buddha became enlightened, he ascended the heavens to where his mother took rebirth and taught her Dharma to repay her kindness and set an example to all of us. Tibetans especially those in Tibet should be very grateful to this kind lady because she's the cause for the Panchen Lama to be who he was. And the Panchen Lama was a powerful leader and a source of great inspiration for the remaining Tibetans that remained in Tibet.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 06:14:59 PM »
Dear Ensapa

Thanks for sharing this news but I'm a little confused about the Steven Seagal reference you dropped in. I didn't see any reference to Steven Seagal in the article or did i miss something? What daughter's custody?

I'm confused... pray enlighten me!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 06:47:15 PM »
Dear Ensapa

Thanks for sharing this news but I'm a little confused about the Steven Seagal reference you dropped in. I didn't see any reference to Steven Seagal in the article or did i miss something? What daughter's custody?

I'm confused... pray enlighten me!

Yes I would also like to know about the Steven Seagal thing and daughter??? Where???

But thanks Ensapa for this news about the 10th Panchen Lama's mother... I too had no idea that she was still alive and to have lived for so long!

Question - which one is her in the black and white picture you posted. Is it the lady on the far left or the right?


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2012, 10:04:47 AM »
Here are some info about the 10th Panchen Lama's daughter. As we all know, he was forced to marry by the Chinese government and she has grown up to be a beautiful woman in the US. She also holds the title of princess.

here's a story of how she was sent to stay wit Steven Segal in the US. My question is why that when she could be staying with her grandmother, like how it would be in a regular family under these circumstances. Is this due to political reasons?


Most weekends during her time at high school, a stretch limo would arrive to take Renji to the home of the actor Steven Seagal, who’s visited the Dalai Lama in exile in India. He’s also been recognised as the reincarnation of a lama by a Tibetan guru. As Renji’s protector in the US, he is controversial, to say the least.
The actor explains how he came to have charge of the Panchen Lama’s daughter. “When Renji was eight or nine, we got word that she wasn’t safe. The Tibetan government in exile has its own spies. So she had to get out. It wasn’t going to be a kidnapping but an amiable trade-off. Her mother was to remain in China. When Renji was 10 or 11, we got word this was going to happen. I spoke with my friends there, and they said I was one of the few people who could protect her…be her father figure, her guardian.”
Steven’s account differs from that of other insiders, and Renji herself says she never felt in danger in Beijing. But she clearly feels safe with Steven. “This is my home,” she says, “He was always there for me. My mother and Steven Seagal are the most important people in my life.”
“The danger for Renji is now getting in with the wrong people,” Steven says. “She has a pure heart. I just tell her, I’m always here for her.”
As a student in the US, Renji hung out, partied, shopped, learnt to surf. Back home in Beijing, during the holidays, she became a noted tennis player.
But in 2002, Li Jie decided Renji should visit Tibet. The plan was for her to spend time on religious studies and learn the Tibetan language from teachers at the Tashilhunpo monastery. She was to pay respects to her father’s body each morning, then spend the day studying in a room on the second floor of the stupa where her father is interred. But crowds gathered within a day of her arrival.
“They stood outside, waiting for me,” she says, “After two days, the police figured out what to do. They lined them all up. Every hour I’d come out and go down the line. I’d go back and study, and then, at the end of the hour, go down the line again.” The crowds grew bigger each day and local authorities began to worry about things getting out of control.
Then the “Chinese Panchen Lama” arrived in Tibet. He was approaching his 12th birthday. The boy now lives in Beijing and his visits to Tibet are rare and heavily policed.
“My plan was to stay close to my father,” Renji says. But she was asked to travel to Lhasa, where a meeting between her and the boy had been set up.
The meeting was short, Renji says. “There were 20 or 30 people, all officials, his people. I walked in, said, ‘Hello, how are you?’ Then we exchanged khatags (white ceremonial scarves, used as greetings at important occasions).”
But she did not prostrate herself before him. Many would have seen a prostration as an affirmation that he is a true incarnation of the Panchen Lama. But Renji doesn’t see it as an issue. “My father gave me permission not to prostrate to him. If he is my father’s reincarnation, I don’t have to prostrate to him.”
Renji has a standard answer when asked about her future. She says she wants to help the people of Tibet. She wants to be a member of the National People’s Congress, like her father. “It’s power. You need power to do things.”
Gaining power involves negotiations between several competing interests. Says Tibetan historian Tsering Shakyays, “The Chinese have recognised their Panchen Lama and they can’t allow Renji to undermine him. On the other hand, the Dalai Lama is outside Tibet, and there is nobody like the old Panchen Lama in the country. There is opportunity, and perhaps Renji has it in her to grasp it.”
So has Renji ever been tempted to choose an ordinary life – a job, marriage, kids? “I can’t,” she says, “Well, I could, but I can’t. It’s my duty. It’s who I am.”

Hmm. Interesting. This is one plot that I cannot wrap my head around unless she was just another political pawn of the CTA and is used as such.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 05:29:05 AM »
China has always been a control freak, and this is another 'item' that must be under their control, hence I am not surprised. However, I do believe that Panchen Lama's daughter Renji, is not naive and helpless. She seems to be groomed to take on a leadership role.

Perhaps, just like Samding Dorje Phagmo Trulku, the highest female incarnation in Tibet (and the third-highest ranking person in the hierarchy after the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama) who has been made Vice-Chairwoman of the standing committee of the Tibetan Autonomous Regional People's Congress, Renji or Yabshi Pan Rinzinwangmo will be one leader to bridge the Chinese and Tibetans. Afterall, she is the daughter of the 10th Panchen Lama was also an important figure in Chinese-Tibetan politics. After his release, the Panchen Lama was considered by the PRC authorities to be politically rehabilitated and he then rose to important positions. He served as Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress.

Renji has returned from the US in 2005, and began her PhD in Finance at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing in the same year. In June 2010, Rinzinwangmo finished her doctoral thesis and graduated. As both a Chinese/Tibetan and a global youth leader, Rinzinwangmo dedicates much of her time and energy to her ongoing roles with numerous global charities and organizations: namely the All-China Youth Federation, Tibet Red Cross, Snowland Great Rivers Environmental Protection Association, and several orphanages and eye camps in the Tibetan ethnic regions. Fluent in several Tibetan dialects, Mandarin Chinese and English.

Also, in an interview with in 2005 (, she said:

"I know my goal very clearly, as the daughter of the 10th Panchen Lama, my responsibility [is] to the Tibetan people," Renji said this week in an interview with the Herald in an ornate villa built in the central Beijing compound given to her father. "They have hopes and dreams in me. Also I have to honour my father, give something back. People call me princess. They place hopes and dreams upon me. They count on me to do something."
The invitation to return and commence doctoral studies in whatever field she wanted, at any Chinese university, came "from the highest authority in China, basically meaning Mr Hu," the princess said.
The involvement of President Hu Jintao, China's top communist, signals the high hopes that Beijing has placed in this young woman as a saga of hard politics and wafty mysticism moves slowly towards a finale.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 07:27:21 AM »
China has always been a control freak, and this is another 'item' that must be under their control, hence I am not surprised. However, I do believe that Panchen Lama's daughter Renji, is not naive and helpless. She seems to be groomed to take on a leadership role.

Perhaps, just like Samding Dorje Phagmo Trulku, the highest female incarnation in Tibet (and the third-highest ranking person in the hierarchy after the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama) who has been made Vice-Chairwoman of the standing committee of the Tibetan Autonomous Regional People's Congress, Renji or Yabshi Pan Rinzinwangmo will be one leader to bridge the Chinese and Tibetans. Afterall, she is the daughter of the 10th Panchen Lama was also an important figure in Chinese-Tibetan politics. After his release, the Panchen Lama was considered by the PRC authorities to be politically rehabilitated and he then rose to important positions. He served as Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress.

Renji has returned from the US in 2005, and began her PhD in Finance at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing in the same year. In June 2010, Rinzinwangmo finished her doctoral thesis and graduated. As both a Chinese/Tibetan and a global youth leader, Rinzinwangmo dedicates much of her time and energy to her ongoing roles with numerous global charities and organizations: namely the All-China Youth Federation, Tibet Red Cross, Snowland Great Rivers Environmental Protection Association, and several orphanages and eye camps in the Tibetan ethnic regions. Fluent in several Tibetan dialects, Mandarin Chinese and English.

Also, in an interview with in 2005 (, she said:

"I know my goal very clearly, as the daughter of the 10th Panchen Lama, my responsibility [is] to the Tibetan people," Renji said this week in an interview with the Herald in an ornate villa built in the central Beijing compound given to her father. "They have hopes and dreams in me. Also I have to honour my father, give something back. People call me princess. They place hopes and dreams upon me. They count on me to do something."
The invitation to return and commence doctoral studies in whatever field she wanted, at any Chinese university, came "from the highest authority in China, basically meaning Mr Hu," the princess said.
The involvement of President Hu Jintao, China's top communist, signals the high hopes that Beijing has placed in this young woman as a saga of hard politics and wafty mysticism moves slowly towards a finale.

To me the princess title is just kinda funny as it was more or less invented by the Chinese, but what came out from that was that the Panchen Lama's daughter was not what the Chinese government expected of her to react. That is what I can see and feel that she is very passionate and interested to take care of the welfare of the Tibetans and does not intend to just rest on her laurels as the princess of the tibetans. Logically, if the Dalai Lama really wanted to get Tibet back, he would have devised methods and act in ways to the point where the Chinese government would actually put him in a ruling position and from there he can govern the Tibetans once more and govern Tibet once more, but the rest of the world would not be able to to benefit from Tibetan Buddhism. Lamas would not need to travel and give teachings and blessings to raise funds, and when they do not do that less people get connected to Buddhism.

Like the 11th Panchen Lama and Samdhing Rinpoche, it seems that she will be leading the Tibetans from within Tibet/China as opposed from trying to get in from the outside and trying to get in, like what the CTA is doing. She is on good terms with both the Dalai Lama and the government of China and this is also an interesting point to highlight as it means that she has gained the respect of the Chinese government. The Chinese government is famous for having a very hard stance against anyone who is associated with the Dalai Lama, even if they happened to be of another country or ally but they seem to not mind Renji's association with the Dalai Lama.

Renji has proven to be a capable leader herself and perhaps, she will assist the Panchen Lama in taking care of Tibet on Dalai Lama's behalf. I am wondering if she is recognized perhaps as a dakini? (dont think so that the CTA will do that) by maybe the Panchen Lama? But in any case, it is very interesting and heartfelt to read about the updates from Vajraprotector about her


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2012, 03:57:23 PM »
By the way, talk about recognised by China & Tibet, Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje is also recognised by both China & Tibet. I wonder how the Karmapa will contribute to the China-Tibet relations in the near future.

So now apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the 2nd highest ranking and 3rd highest ranking Lamas are now both working 'for' China - Panchen Lama Gyancain Norbu and Samding Dorje Phagmo Trulku Rinpoche. Looks like China is in control of things so far.

Speaking of His Holiness, below is news about CTA & Tibetans offering prayers to the late mother of the 10th Panchen Lama.

DHARAMSHALA: His Holiness the Dalai Lama today presided over a prayer service in Dharamsala to condole the recent demise of Sonam Dolma, mother of the late His Serenity the 10th Panchen Lama. Sonam Dolma breathed her last in Siling in eastern Tibet on 29 June. She was 97.
Hundreds of Tibetans, including the entire officials of the Central Tibetan Administration, attended the prayer service at the main temple, which was jointly organised by the central and regional committees of Domey province.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2012, 09:54:58 PM »
Hi Ensapa,

Thanks for posting that article about Steven Seagal and Renji. Now everything makes sense. I definitely think it is political or at the very least, strategic, to put Renji with Steven Seagal.

Steven has been a recognised Tulku by HH Penor Rinpoche, regardless of my personal biased and deluded opinion of the man. I do respect Penor Rinpoche hence if he says Steven Seagal is a Tulku, I must respect it.

Why Renji was placed with Steven, I think, was because Steven was a Hollywood star, albeit not such a popular one these days, but he does have a certain standing and resources which would be beneficial for the young girl. As her godfather, she would have access to support needed on an international level.

As well as being smart and attractive, she seems to have a sensible head on her shoulders. She is in a delicate position but seems to have managed to be appealing to many constituents. She has China's backing as well as American interest (via Steven Seagal). It is interesting that the Chinese allow her to be referred to as a 'Princess' though, as previously in China, any reference to royalty was frowned upon under the communist regime. She also claims that 'she has a responsibility to the Tibetan people' - i find this also of interest because this phrase is usually used by those who are fighting for Tibet's independence. However, as she is 'endorsed' by the Chinese authorities, what she is saying must be acceptable.

She is definitely somebody to keep an eye on in the Chinese Buddhist scene.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 06:51:26 AM »
Brief History and Update

The mother of the Tenth Panchen Lama, Choekyi Gyaltsen Rinpoche, passed away at the age of ninety-seven on the 29th of June in the gateway city of Siling, in the eastern Tibetan region of Amdo. The news has deeply saddened many within the Tibetan community-both in exile and in Tibet itself.

Mayum Sonam Dolma was born in Tibet in 1915 and due to a confluence of historical and personal events that washed over Tibet in her lifetime, she experienced many tumultuous episodes: the Chinese invasions, modernity tentatively beginning in her homeland, her son becoming the Tenth Panchen Lama and all that followed in the intervening years from those events.

Mayum Sonam Dolma, amongst many other roles and duties, was at one time the Vice-President of the Tibetan Autonomous Region's congress.

In addition, she continued with social work around Vidu village and nearby areas-Running monasteries and schools after the death of her son- the 10th Panchen Lama and her husband Gur Gun Tsetan.

Mayum Sonam Dolma died at approximately at 8.52 a.m. (not sure why the time of death seems to differ in earlier account). It is not known at this stage if she suffered from any illness or condition which may have caused her death. She had been hospitalised since January of this year in Siling.

Prayer services were conducted after her death in many local monasteries and villages (Dobi, Tse Chang, Karang, and Kangtsa) as a tribute to her life and work, in the Amdo region.

She was a much respected figure within Tibet itself and amongst the Tibetan community in exile in India and indeed worldwide. Many prominent and ordinary Tibetans have been posting condolences online since the news of her death has been become widely known.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama also presided over a prayer service today, 3rd of July, organised by the Tibetan government in exile here in Dharamshala. The service was held in the main temple and was also attended by hundreds of local Tibetan people, members of parliament and many visitors from other countries too.

The service was jointly organised by the central and regional committees of Domey province as a mark of respect for her passing.

More on the 10th Panchen Lama:

Pic 1: HHDL offering prayers to condole the demise of the 10th Panchen Lama's mother at the main temple in Dharamsala on the 3rd July 2012.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2012, 11:02:16 AM »
Hi Ensapa,

Thanks for posting that article about Steven Seagal and Renji. Now everything makes sense. I definitely think it is political or at the very least, strategic, to put Renji with Steven Seagal.

Steven has been a recognised Tulku by HH Penor Rinpoche, regardless of my personal biased and deluded opinion of the man. I do respect Penor Rinpoche hence if he says Steven Seagal is a Tulku, I must respect it.

Why Renji was placed with Steven, I think, was because Steven was a Hollywood star, albeit not such a popular one these days, but he does have a certain standing and resources which would be beneficial for the young girl. As her godfather, she would have access to support needed on an international level.

As well as being smart and attractive, she seems to have a sensible head on her shoulders. She is in a delicate position but seems to have managed to be appealing to many constituents. She has China's backing as well as American interest (via Steven Seagal). It is interesting that the Chinese allow her to be referred to as a 'Princess' though, as previously in China, any reference to royalty was frowned upon under the communist regime. She also claims that 'she has a responsibility to the Tibetan people' - i find this also of interest because this phrase is usually used by those who are fighting for Tibet's independence. However, as she is 'endorsed' by the Chinese authorities, what she is saying must be acceptable.

She is definitely somebody to keep an eye on in the Chinese Buddhist scene.

Who cares who is her guardian as the girl is happy?

Its terrible that someone as young as her has to become a political pawn. Yes yes she will be a good bridge between the east and the west but they need to give her a break- shes a girl, a dakini, whatever but shes not her father! The Tibetans are getting desperate and will cling on to anything that gives them one foot in the door. But they have to realise if the PR machine thats His Holiness cant convince the worlds nations to give them back his country, how can she? So just chill out, conform to international standards of living and human rights, and lift the ban off of DS.

Ah well. Seems like the girls going to play the same tack as her dear ol dad and befriend the Chinese. Ah well, with the Panchen Lama for a father, and Steven as her godfather, no one can say her life didnt begin on a controversial footing.


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Re: Mother of 10th Panchen Lama passes away
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 10:07:41 AM »
Hi Ensapa,

Thanks for posting that article about Steven Seagal and Renji. Now everything makes sense. I definitely think it is political or at the very least, strategic, to put Renji with Steven Seagal.

Steven has been a recognised Tulku by HH Penor Rinpoche, regardless of my personal biased and deluded opinion of the man. I do respect Penor Rinpoche hence if he says Steven Seagal is a Tulku, I must respect it.

Why Renji was placed with Steven, I think, was because Steven was a Hollywood star, albeit not such a popular one these days, but he does have a certain standing and resources which would be beneficial for the young girl. As her godfather, she would have access to support needed on an international level.

As well as being smart and attractive, she seems to have a sensible head on her shoulders. She is in a delicate position but seems to have managed to be appealing to many constituents. She has China's backing as well as American interest (via Steven Seagal). It is interesting that the Chinese allow her to be referred to as a 'Princess' though, as previously in China, any reference to royalty was frowned upon under the communist regime. She also claims that 'she has a responsibility to the Tibetan people' - i find this also of interest because this phrase is usually used by those who are fighting for Tibet's independence. However, as she is 'endorsed' by the Chinese authorities, what she is saying must be acceptable.

She is definitely somebody to keep an eye on in the Chinese Buddhist scene.

Who cares who is her guardian as the girl is happy?

Its terrible that someone as young as her has to become a political pawn. Yes yes she will be a good bridge between the east and the west but they need to give her a break- shes a girl, a dakini, whatever but shes not her father! The Tibetans are getting desperate and will cling on to anything that gives them one foot in the door. But they have to realise if the PR machine thats His Holiness cant convince the worlds nations to give them back his country, how can she? So just chill out, conform to international standards of living and human rights, and lift the ban off of DS.

Ah well. Seems like the girls going to play the same tack as her dear ol dad and befriend the Chinese. Ah well, with the Panchen Lama for a father, and Steven as her godfather, no one can say her life didnt begin on a controversial footing.

Well, at least the Tibetans in Tibet are happy with her being around, along with the 11th Panchen Lama, save for the random self immolations happening everywhere. Having 1 self immolation case does not represent that there are many of those going around, at least that is what I think. It does not represent the sentiment of an entire county, for example. China has given the Panchen Lama a high position in China and it would be nice to see him lead the way, alongside with the 10th Panchen Lama's daughter. Tibet seems to be doing fine without CTA, but CTA doesnt seem to be doing fine without Tibet, even with the Dalai Lama on their side. Hmm....