Author Topic: Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!  (Read 4242 times)


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Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:07:40 AM »
In recent years following the obvious signs and news that China would never grant Tibet its freedom or even autonomy. Many have posted signs, come up with slogans; go out on parades etc to show their discontent and to stand for themselves and their lost country.

I have to let this cat out of the bag, much as the beautiful people of Tibet hope and wish for, it is rather evident that it will not happen in the next decade to come. What pains me and of course pains HHDL is that Tibetans both ordained and the laity are burning themselves up on almost a weekly basis to show their discontent. This act of setting themselves on fire might be noble in the eyes of the secular but hey, there’s a law called karma that if u kill yourselves, it’ll be centuries and centuries of doing the same thing again in another world.

So my question to these people, why give your kind and noble Lamas so much heartache? Why cause so much distress to your family and loved ones? As if the Chinese have not already done enough killing in the past half a century? We know that is wrong, we know that should not have happened. But we also know that it has already happened and there’s no turning back.

We all have run across the Himalayan plateau in search for salvation, we have done it! So let’s treasure this human rebirth and make it worthwhile for our parents, for our Lamas, for our religion and most importantly, for the many generations to come!

Please look into the teachings of the Buddha, Guru Padmasambhava, Lama Tsongkhapa on how to treasure our lives and make it worthwhile. If we are going to continue to burn ourselves, it will be recorded in history that Tibetans have the highest rate of people burning themselves alive for their country and we don’t want to set that example!

Look into salvation, put the teachings of your kind and noble Lamas whom have worked so hard and painstakingly teach in places which are barbaric and foreign to them in order to bring the sunshine of hope and happiness to every living being. That should be the way of repaying back their kindnesses and that of all mother sentient beings!

I implore all Tibetans who reads this to stop having to immolate yourselves and I beg forum readers to spread this word: “Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!”
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 09:34:15 AM »
You have a point there Harry. Like Ive just posted on my Facebook:

Sometimes I wonder why people make such a big deal about being Tibetan. You might not even be human in your next life, so why get so hung up about your passport in this one?

Your only Tibetan, Chinese, English, American, etc in this lifetime and when you die, you will lose your physical form. What you WONT lose are the consequences of all the actions youve done in your life. So like you said, stop freeing Tibet and start freeing Samsara - in your next life, you will still be in Samsara but you wont still be in Tibet!

And this very much applies to the Dorje Shugden movement I feel. Someone recently posted on the DS Facebook that we are all just upset that Dorje Shugden is losing the popularity contest to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Well excuse me, but I didnt realise that there was a contest!

But that persons ignorance is reflective of thousands of other people who think in that deluded way and are so hung up on the Dalai Lama always being there for them. What they have forgotten is that when His Holiness passes into clear light, if he doesnt reincarnate as the Dalai Lama, then eventually people will forget Tibet, and his fame and influence will start to wane.

And what theyve forgotten is that Dorje Shugden doesnt die like that. So he will continue to remain and his influence will grow!


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Re: Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 01:45:40 PM »
I dont think so that most people who like the Dalai Lama like him because he is their Guru and he offered a spiritual salvation for them. It is more like they see the Dalai Lama as a way out of their usual culture of going to church and listening to their pastors, because being different is something cool these days. Many of them like the Dalai Lama because he is mystical and mysterious and exotic as opposed to following what he really and actually teaches. I can feel that on the few recent statements that the Dalai Lama has released, mainly on his more 'human' side of his greatest fear etc is to break this personality cult that is around him and he does not like that one bit.

It's not Tibet that needs to be freed, it's people's thinking.


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Re: Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 07:21:12 PM »
Please look into the teachings of the Buddha, Guru Padmasambhava, Lama Tsongkhapa on how to treasure our lives and make it worthwhile. If we are going to continue to burn ourselves, it will be recorded in history that Tibetans have the highest rate of people burning themselves alive for their country and we don’t want to set that example!

Look into salvation, put the teachings of your kind and noble Lamas whom have worked so hard and painstakingly teach in places which are barbaric and foreign to them in order to bring the sunshine of hope and happiness to every living being. That should be the way of repaying back their kindnesses and that of all mother sentient beings!

I implore all Tibetans who reads this to stop having to immolate yourselves and I beg forum readers to spread this word: “Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!”

Harry... Thanks for your thoughts and POV on the self immolation issues. Absolutely agree... and it's funny how a nation that talks and practices Buddha's teachings of treasuring this precious human life and to practice none violence, impermanence and to use logic and compassion is doing everything the opposite. It has made me realise that Dharma is really meant for those who has merit, for even if your whole nation is Bhuddist it does not matter when Dharma is not applied and people are so extremely attached to their country, land, family and would sacrifice their life for something that is not even "true" or "permanent". It also clearly show the Kaliyurga times where your see the as if they are Buddhist with altars of Buddhas and Gurus and monasteries but internally it is empty, there is no Dharma. 

Seriously I think the spiritual leaders of these people like His Holiness needs to speak out and stop this instead of speaking about a "ban". Soon Tibetans will be well known not for their spiritual practice of patience, love and compassion but for setting themselves up on fire.

I winder.... by this kind of cause of action, what is the karma, further and further away from Dharma?


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Re: Stop freeing Tibet, start freeing Samsara!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 09:58:06 AM »
Sometimes, on the self immolations, I'd like to think of it as this way: the Tibetans have very little presence in the world now because they are not used to working for recognition. The idea of working hard to gain something, as in old tibet the just get what they want and do whatever they wished, and t is okay for them. When they lost Tibet, they lost that 'freedom' and thus they are craving for that again. It isnt for the country but its for the 'freedom' that they lost that they want to re-acquire. And for this freedom, even the Dharma means nothing for them as they engage in acts against the teachings for their little goal....

i dont think those who self immolated would go to a good place after their deaths tho.