Author Topic: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen  (Read 8669 times)


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A praise to Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Gyalten Jigme Choekyi Wangchuk,
whose previous incarnation had been declared an embodiment of Je Tsongkhapa by the 13th Dalai Lama, spontaneously spoken by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen (the peaceful form of Dharmapala) through the famous oracle of Dunkar Gompa.

Various friends have mentioned that our Dharmapala Dorje Shugden is also a great teacher and poet... here is a wonderful blessed gem; and supremely beautiful Guru Yoga in itself. I am quite sure it would be permissible to use our own kind Lama's name where i've put ...., to add it into our sadhanas and invoke his blessings along with Dharmapala's.

O noble, great Master .....
In reality Manjushri, you dwell amidst white clouds.
Filled with faith and longing desire, I hold you in my mind:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your immense kindness.

Behold each of us sentient beings with compassion,
And whoever turns to you with deep devotion,
Lead him to the heavenly pure fields of Khachö:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your great kindness.

May I hear your holy name in each and every life
And remember your lineage deep within my heart.
Please emerge and be actually present right here:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your extensive kindness.

O great, kind Master, the fusion of the three refuges,
Gaze upon this and all future lives with compassion.
I invite you by recalling you with body, speech, and mind:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your vast kindness.

Whatever action of yours appears to me as faulty,
My mind will not succumb to any such wrong views.
Having no other source of hope, behold me with compassion:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your pervasive kindness.

When you turn the Dharma wheel of ocean-like fortune,
All sacred pledge-holders and Dharma protectors engage in their activities.
Grant us the two attainments, the common and uncommon:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your amazing kindness.

When you turn the wheel of Dharma goodness,
Illness, gloom, panic, and all conflicts vanish,
My long life, glory, happiness, and joy prevail:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your immense kindness.

O saffron-robed guide through Buddha’s holy words,
Mighty ruler over doctrine holders and treasure of compassion,
For fortunate disciples, your glorious goodness shines brightly like the sun:
O ......, at your holy feet I make requests.

From the noble Master’s speech come the riches of sutra and secret mantra;
Please disseminate completely the great deeds and actions of this mighty treasure
And, to turn the wheel of Dharma’s goodness for the sake of sentient beings,
Abide completely and continuously throughout the eon.

Through the blessings of the non-deceptive and truthful Three Jewels
And by the force of my prayers and aspirations expressed here,
O Dharma protectors and deities of wealth,
Let all things desired, all enjoyments, be obtained like gently falling rain.

sumatia arya

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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 02:01:28 PM »

                        Dromo Geshe Rinpoche, Ngawang Gyaltsen Jigme Choekyi Wangchuk, (Sikkim,23.01.1937- New York, 10.09.2001), following his release from prison in Lhasa (1961) because of his being Indian rather than Tibetan (Hindustan Standard, Aug.10th 1960), served as the Director of Tibet House in New Delhi. A close disciple of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900-1980, the younger Tutor of the Dalai Lama),  he was thus a devotee of Dorje Shugden, as was his Great Predecessor.


August 25th 1999 : In a ‘most peaceful and cordial manner’, at a meeting of the Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association in Darjeeling (an Association gathering together Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Monasteries in Kurseong, Kalimpong, Pedong and Sikkim), ‘It was unanimously decided that the members of our Association will continue to worship the Deity of Dorje Shugden’ even if they have to face any eventuality.


September 10th, 2001 Domo Geshe Rinpoche passes away in New York, U.S.A.


October 4th 2001 :Though he had not received any Teachings from the Dalai Lama in his life, out of complete faith his monasteries in Kalimpong and Darjeeling areas approach the Private Office of the Dalai Lama requesting that His Holiness may kindly compose a prayer for the swift return of Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s reincarnation. Claiming that the late Master had ignored his injunctions concerning Shugden worship, the Dalai Lama declined this request. As a result of this refusal on the part of the Dalai Lama, on June 23rd 2002 a Public Notice is published in Bengal and Sikkim ‘The Statesman’, stating that ‘there being no other option…..a Search Committee (for his Reincarnation) consisting of representatives from all His Monasteries, His Labrang, His Ancestral Home, His Relations and His Devotees and Benefactors from Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Bhutan and Sikkim is constituted…..The Committee also has the tacit support of His Devotees and establishment in the United States of America and other countries.’


November 9th 2002 : After consulting H.H. Trijang Rinpoche,   the Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choeling Association presents the reply before the members (together with delegates from Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Centre in  U.S.A.), in which he informs them that the reincarnation of Domo Geshe Rinpoche has already taken place to the North West of Samten Choling Monastery, but that this should be kept secret and that there should be no hurry in searching for him. They should do prayers and await further instructions. The members unanimously agree.


March 2005 : Tharpa Choeling Monastery forms the ‘Ganden House and Tharpa Choeling Monastery Management Trust’ to take care of the interests and assets of Domo Geshe Rinpoche until they are handed over to the reincarnate Domo Geshe Rinpoche.


July 2005 : Sera Je Drati Khangtsen, in the person of Geshe Lobsang Sherab, takes it upon themselves to search for the new incarnation and (despite his previous refusal to compose a Prayer for his swift return) requests the Dalai Lama to select the Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s incarnation. (It must be remembered here that Sera Je Monastic College has unanimously thrown its weight in behind the Dalai Lama and his ban on the worship of Dorje Shugden). The Dalai Lama assures Geshe Lobsang Sherab that it is his own responsibility and that he will decide who will be the reincarnation! In view of the unprecedented step of Drati Khangtsen, on August 26th 2005, Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association once again urgently appeals to Trijang Rinpoche to consult the Oracle for the search of their beloved Guru Domo Geshe Rinpoche. On October 28th 2005  the Dalai Lama selects a boy from Camp 4 Tibetan Refugee Colony in Bylakuppe, as the reincarnation. Samten Choeling urgently requests from them on November 20th  further information about ‘under whose authority’ Sera Je Drati Khangtsen has acted, to take all the initiatives in the search for the incarnation. The reply from Sera Je Drati Khangtsen on November 26th is insufficiently brief, stating that ‘the previous Rinpoche is a Lama of the Drati Khangtsen. Hence Drati Khangtsen took up the responsibility’. The recognition seal on the incarnation of his choice is given by the Dalai Lama on December 10th 2005. Four days later, Sera Je Drati Khangtsen tries to justify its untoward actions, informing Samten Choeling that ‘Domo Geshe Rinpoche happens to be one of the registered incarnate members of the College and in the case of him admitting himself into the Great Seats, except for the affiliation to this College, there are no other Colleges that he belongs to. Therefore, there should be no misunderstanding as to where his affiliation may lie in the future’. Samten Choeling refuses this justification on December 14th , stating that, quite simply, Domo Geshe Rinpoche was known as ‘Domo Rinpoche’ and not ‘Drati Rinpoche’ and repeating once more that the Dalai Lama had refused to write a Swift Return Prayer and therefore it was logical to refer to H.H. Trijang Rinpoche, rather than him. On December 18th  Samten Choeling appeals to the Member of Parliament for Darjeeling and Kalimpong, Shri Dawa Narbula (who forwards it to the National Govrnment Home Minister), and to the Police Inspector in Charge,  to bring the facts to the notice of all authorities concerned, since they foresee ‘untoward incidence, confusion and clash amongst the monks’. December 27th 2005 : The Oracle of Dorje Shugden declares Domo Geshe Rinpoche to be reborn in Sikkim. He advises that this information should be kept quiet for now. There will be obstacles at the beginning, but ‘Do not lose heart!’


June 2006 : The Dorje Shugden Devotees Charitable and Religious Society of Delhi, protests the case of the Controversy over Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s incarnation, to the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. Meanwhile, on June 14th, in a letter to Trijang Rinpoche, the members of Tharpa Choling Monastery, led by the ‘Omze’ Lama Lawang,  explain their change of position and their subsequent alignment with the Dalai Lama, stating that the Dalai Lama has already given his Seal to his choice and ‘since the case has now definitely been ascertained’, if it were to be rejected, then eventually ‘all the related Monasteries coming under the affiliation of Domo Dungkar will have to be segregated from the Dalai Lama. Hence, we desire the chosen reincarnation……’. Members of the Dungkar Gonpa Society in New York, disciples of Domo Geshe Rinpoche in U.S.A., are, however, active and adamant in their position. On June 13th they write to the Samten Choling Monastery, Tharpa Choling Monastery, Tashi Choling Monastery, Gaden Choling Gonpa, Gaden House and Enchey House, stating that their ‘highest responsibility as disciples of Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche is to remain faithful to the Kadampa tradition and to the lineage of our Guru…..It is our belief that the only way to do this is to follow the leadership of Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’. They conclude with the wish to ‘remain united in following the course that we began together four years ago’. An even stronger appeal goes from them to the Samten Choling Association, requesting that it be read aloud at the meeting on June 22nd. Without mincing words, they write: ‘Please keep in mind that the Monasteries of the Samten Choling Association belong to Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche. In the Gelug tradition our Rinpoche, as well as his predecessor Ngawang Kelsang, were identified with the King Protector Dorje Shugden. For a long time the Protector practice has been upheld in Rinpoche’s Monasteries. In today’s circumstances we firmly believe that although as individuals you have freedom of choice, as monasteries belonging to Domo Geshe Rinpoche you do not have the authority to change the practices He established. Therefore, we strongly request you to examine carefully the consequences of accepting an incarnation who would be separated from this tradition. We also ask ourselves why, after so many years of facing difficulties and pressures, you would change now when an incarnation has been recognized by the King Protector’. At the same time, they write directly to the Dalai Lama ‘to clarify any possible misunderstanding’, explaining the unanimous decision to request Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to coordinate the search, after the refusal by the Dalai Lama to write the Swift Return prayer, and the unexpected and unwarranted ‘personal initiative’ of Sera Je’s Geshe Lobsang Sherab, ‘without properly consulting…..Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Monasteries’. ‘Neither his actions nor his conduct represented the wishes or intentions of Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s disciples’. On July 8th, Trijang Rinpoche confirms to the functionaries of Tharchoe Monastery and the Choeze of Domo Labrang, his original choice of the child indicated in 2002 as ‘the unmistakeable mind emanation’. Although tactfully stating that ‘it is also plausible that there may be other emanations of the Master’s body, speech, mind, attainment and enlightened activities’, he recommends that ‘you should decide after holding consultations with the monastic community of Samten Choeling and the reincarnation committee’. The matter becomes ever more heated and since ‘Lama Lawang and other monks are planning to take possession of the entire landed properties by illegal means and by enthroning their alleged boy (fake Rimpoche) from the Sera Monastery’, Ghoom Dun Samten Choling Association on August 10th writes requests again to the Member of Parliament Shri Dawa Narbula and to the Superintendent of Police, to ‘do the needful for the protection of the property’.  On September 3rd  Delhi’s Dorje Shugden Society appeals directly to Tharpa Choeling Monastery, reminding them of the past unity under the great Lineage Masters and of the commitments they had pledged themselves to, before ‘going ahead and accepting the choice of a very strange incarnation’. ‘The whole process of this so-called recognition has been dubious’, they say, and ‘there is nobody superior in recognising an unmistakeable reincarnation other than the Kind Refuge, the Vajradhara Trijang Rinpoche, the Master to the great Predecessor himself’.


Ghoom Samten Choling Monastery petitions the LD Executive Magistrate in Kalimpong to pass an order restraining the ‘opposing parties’ from installing their chosen reincarnation in Tharpa Choling Monastery.


December 28th : A sacred image of Dorje Shugden, commissioned by the famed Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kelsang, made and consecrated getting on for a century ago by the Holy Lama, suddenly disappears from the hallowed shrine of the Tharpa Choeling Monastery, Kalimpong. This monastery itself was established by the Master. The sacred Implements of the Deity, that had been embedded in the wall above the entrance to the Monastery, are also found to be missing. The Choir Master of the Monastery, Umze Lhawang, and Thubten Rabyang (also nicknamed ‘Chonze-la’ on the staff of the Labrang in Kalimpong) who, according to eye witnesses had received occasional visits from the Heads of the Tibetan Youth and Women’s Organisations and other Tibetan fraternities, are immediately identified as the culprits behind the desecration and theft. It is learnt later that the two were coaxed with promises of the blessings of the Dalai Lama and other bounties, should they succeed in eradicating the practice of Shugden and in bringing all the other Monasteries and disciples of the late Master under subservience to the Dalai Lama’s spiritual guidelines.

You find this article on the website page Kundeling R. and named 'Chronological events on Dorje Shugden from 1950 up till now'.  It is written by HH.13th Kundeling Rimpoche, Mysore, India


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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 03:40:24 PM »
Thank You Sumati Arya for the info.

I think it clearly underlines Dharamsala's strategy for the exile community, which is exactly the same strategy as the Chinese are applying in Tibet and that the Gov. in exile has recently condemned. That is, gaining complete control over Tibetan religious institutions, including tulkus, which are the sole source of social thruth for Tibetans, through the process of selecting reincarnates.

In the end, we're going to end up with two competing sets of 'politically selected reincarnates': one in Tibet, one in India!

All in the name of Buddhism!


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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 11:11:03 AM »
Thanks for sharing this. This is such a wonderful poem/prayer/praise to Kyabje Dorme Geshe Rinpoche, one of the great lama in Gelug lineage. What more amazing is this poem/prayer/praise is composed by the Buddha of wisdom, Manjushri, himself (Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen is consider one of the emanation of Manjushri in human form).

Can you imagine an enlighten being is talking to us directly thru the oracle??!! How fortunate for those who have a chance/merit to meet Manjushri or any of his emanation !! I'm VERY lucky to even have a chance to read this poem/prayer/praise composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen himself. Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen is also one of Lord Tsongkhapa's direct heart son, it's so blessed to just read and listen to this prayer.

But I have one questions since this praise is composed for Dromo Geshe Rinpoche, can we (not Dromo Rinpoche's students) also recite this praise for our lama ?

I would like to share 2 pictures below:

1) An oracle taking trance of Lord Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
2) A painting of Lord Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen


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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 01:32:44 PM »
Thanks beggar for that suggestion of puting in our Lama's name.

I've heard the importance of getting the blessings from reciting the lineage masters name in higher yoga tantra practices. And this is something you do daily with inner offerings. It is so obviously important to get blessing from your Lama and lineage Lamas to gain attainments, because with the Lamas blessings one cannot achieve anything, gain any results from one's practices. So how is it that this is even made a threat... if this is the case... then even His Holiness the Dalai Lama with all due respect cannot teach and cannot give any initiations because He has removed the blessings of His Guru... so why go get any teachings or follow His Holiness advices???


A warning was sounded on the 11th November 1996 that the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism was under threat. The threat was coming from an unexpected source; His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. The warning was given in a post from the Dorje Shugden Devotees Religious and Charitable Society in Delhi as a prelude to an account of an incident affecting the family and property of Dr. Losang Thubten, a prominent Dorje Shugden Devotee. The claim which could have been previously dismissed as extravagant rhetoric now seems to be authenticated.

On the same day that Dorje Shugden Society was making this incident known, a directive was being issued from the Private Office of the Dalai Lama prohibiting the attendance of any Dorje Shugden devotee at the Guhyasamaj empowerment at the Gyuto Tantric Monastery.

Between the 19th and 21st Of November His Holiness was in Mudngod, Karnatak State. The Dorje Shugden Society, in the hope that a reconciliation process could be initiated, called off a proposed peace march and made overtures to His Holiness for a meeting. Their aims were publicised in the press and local officials fully informed. The hopes of the society were dashed by Mr. Lobsang Jinpa, the private secretary of His Holiness, who informed the society that unless the delegates gave up the worship of Dorje Shugden there was no point in any meeting with His Holiness. Despite this fact on Nov. 20th, the society submitted a petition to His Holiness respectfully requesting him to remove the ban on Dorje Shugden.

On the morning of the same day, His Holiness gave a teaching and talk from 8am to 11am in which two important topics; one political and the other religious, were addressed. The first related to the situation in Tibet where His Holiness made it clear that rather than strive for a completely independent Tibet, the emphasis would now be on an autonomous Tibet within China. The second issue related to Dorje Shugden where His Holiness thanked those who supported him in his ban and said that the Tibetan Govt had been wrong earlier in the year when they had said that Dorje Shugden posed a danger to his well-being. The issue was further brought up by His Holiness at 6pm on the same day where he gave a stern warning in particular to the Elder Monks Of Shartse Monastery who he implicitly accused of continuing with Dorje Shugden worship in private against his wishes.

In the general address he made it clear that he would not under any circumstance change this stance and that in the advent of continued opposition such as letter and pamphlet campaigns that his resolve would only harden and he would make matters worse for Shugden Devotees.

In a subsequent development, which must dismay all Gelugpas, His Holiness is proposing that the names of Phabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche be removed from the list of the Lamrim Gurus and all other lineage's. The current Lama Choepa (Offering to the Spiritual Guide) is also to be forbidden and an amended one is to be issued to take it's place.


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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 10:41:12 AM »
What I find beautiful about this praise is the fact Dorje Shugden composes it to praise our lamas. If he were a spirit, why do that? Why not compose something for us to praise him? You know Ive been online for ages and between that and my conversations with friends who have had the honour of meeting the Protector in trance, Ive never once heard Dorje Shugden advise people to praise him, worship him, make offerings to him or anything. They tell me he always advises them to devote themselves to their lamas, practise the Dharma, follow their teachers is never about him. Talk about no ego. He truly understands that although he is a Buddha, his worldly form means hes effective for immediate assistance in our spiritual practice BUT reliance on our lamas and the teachings they uphold is the real, ultimate way to gain enlightenment.


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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 04:37:53 AM »
December 28th : A sacred image of Dorje Shugden, commissioned by the famed Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kelsang, made and consecrated getting on for a century ago by the Holy Lama, suddenly disappears from the hallowed shrine of the Tharpa Choeling Monastery, Kalimpong. This monastery itself was established by the Master. The sacred Implements of the Deity, that had been embedded in the wall above the entrance to the Monastery, are also found to be missing. The Choir Master of the Monastery, Umze Lhawang, and Thubten Rabyang (also nicknamed ‘Chonze-la’ on the staff of the Labrang in Kalimpong) who, according to eye witnesses had received occasional visits from the Heads of the Tibetan Youth and Women’s Organisations and other Tibetan fraternities, are immediately identified as the culprits behind the desecration and theft. It is learnt later that the two were coaxed with promises of the blessings of the Dalai Lama and other bounties, should they succeed in eradicating the practice of Shugden and in bringing all the other Monasteries and disciples of the late Master under subservience to the Dalai Lama’s spiritual guidelines.

this is the kind of thing that I am worried about: people going against Dorje Shugden just because they want to get into the Dalai Lama's good books and because they want the blessings of the Dalai Lama. It is quite sad to see how naive people are to think that they will get his blessings after they perform such acts. How can this act of violence and theft and desecration in any way would help them get closer to the Dalai Lama? it is not even Buddhist to start with. They have no right to go to a temple and steal statues. I wonder what would be the negative repercussions of such actions be. One thing for sure is, it wont be pretty.

Dondrup Shugden

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I love this prayer, as I was reading it gives me calmness and a sense of bliss that I am protected by my Lama who is one with Dorje Shugden.

Having it copied to be recited with my sadhana.


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Thank you beggar for sharing such a beautiful praise or prayer by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen (the Peaceful form of Dorje Shugden).

It is so beautifully written and yes, with supreme beautiful Guru Yoga in it! It is just like the work of Manjushri, full of wisdom and urging us to transform and be enlightened! This has clearly shown that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being who has attained wisdom and compassion.


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Thank you Beggar for sharing this beautiful prayer so nice to read through the prayer feel bless.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: CALLING THE LAMA - blessed prayer composed by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2015, 10:02:01 AM »
What an enlightening article to share and read and thanks to Beggar and DSIluvu for the Praise and HHDL's stand on picking the wrong Domo Geshe Rinpoche to be reinstated, all due to the 1996 politically motivated Shugden ban.

May the ban on DS be lifted soonest so that these rifts can reduce suffering to all of us.