Author Topic: Be Skillful to Counter our Situations.  (Read 4279 times)


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Be Skillful to Counter our Situations.
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:25:55 AM »
The important thing is how we respond to our situation. We can transform anything if we respond in a skillful way. This is precisely what karma is about. If we greet situations with a positive attitude, we will eventually create positive returns. If we respond with a negative attitude, negative things will eventually come our way. Unlike the scenario in the movie, it doesn't always happen right away. We can be very nice people but still have lots of problems. On the other hand, we can be awful people and have a wonderful time. But from a Buddhist perspective, it's just a matter of time before we receive the results of our conduct. And usually it is true that people with a positive attitude encounter positive circumstances. Even if the circumstances do not appear positive, they be transformed through a positive view. On the other hand people with negative minds complain even when things are going well. They also transform circumstances, but they transform positive ones into negative ones!


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Re: Be Skillful to Counter our Situations.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 01:07:48 PM »
I agree Icy.

If we accept and embrace karma fully, we should be able to deal with whatever karma that ripens before us.  Whatever situations and conditions that manifest before us are due to the past actions that we have created.  We are fully responsible and hence we should not blame anyone else if adverse situations arise.  Just as we are happy to experience favourable conditions, we should not reject and feel bad about unfavourable conditions.
We purify all our past karmas if we accept all favaourable, unfavourable and neutral conditions without attachment, aversion and indifference respectively. We do not create new karma because we have not reacted to all the past karmas that had ripened. 
Due to our habituations and delusions, the process of purification and transformation is gradual. However, when we purify fully all our karma, we achieve liberation and enlightenment.


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Re: Be Skillful to Counter our Situations.
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2012, 01:44:18 PM »
Sometimes, we react to our situation based on a reflex that we cannot control and we end up putting ourself in a state that is worse off than before. In my case, i find at a lot of times, i do not know how to react to many situations and sometimes i do screw up and things went bad for me. It was like a downward descent into darkness but once i got off from that state of mind everything is fine again. The best thing is for me to not have to be in those situations....

Tenzin K

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Re: Be Skillful to Counter our Situations.
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2012, 02:45:31 PM »
Well said and totally agree!

If we believe in karma and our action in line with the teaching we definitely able to go through any situation be it good or bad. What ever happen to us now is from our past action. Good thing happen because we counter with good attitude and benefited others from the past and bad thing happen because we counter with bad attitude and causes suffering for others.  It’s a good example for us to take as a reference. Any situation happen in current time if we counter with positive attitude it definitely bring good return but just the matter of time and if we keep continuing this practice it will bring a positive result in continuously in future.

It’s all depending on whether we believe on karma and our doing is directly contributed to the effect for our future. It’s just the matter of time for us to experience it.