Author Topic: International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion  (Read 4278 times)


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International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion
« on: December 11, 2012, 11:47:03 AM »
It's a bit late now for this, but at least, they are speaking up..

And i see robert thurman....hmm

International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion
Mizzima News, 8 December 2012
Yangon, Myanmar -- Seventeen Buddhist leaders from around the world - plus His Excellency the Dalai Lama in absentia - have issued a statement urging Buddhists in Burma to show mutual respect and compassion to Muslims in Rakhine State.

<< Burmese Buddhist monks rally on the streets of Mandalay on Sunday, September 2, 2012 as they support the country's president, Thein Sein, who has called for the deportation of members of the Muslim minority Rohingyas, who live in Rakhine State. Photo:  AFP

The statement comes after many Buddhist monks and abbots led demonstrations and advocated the removal of the Muslim Rohingya community from Burmese soil.

“We are concerned about the growing ethnic violence and the targeting of Muslims in Rakhine State and the violence against Muslims and others across the country,” the statement said. “The Burmese are a noble people, and Burmese Buddhists carry a long and profound history of upholding the Dharma.

 “We wish to reaffirm to the world and to support you in practicing the most fundamental Buddhist principles of non-harming, mutual respect and compassion.”
The letter was signed by the following:

Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
President Buddhist Global Relief
(world's foremost translator of the Pali Canon)
Sri Lanka/USA

Dr. AT Ariyaratne
Founder Nationwide Sarvodaya Movement
Ghandi Peace Prize Laureate
Sri Lanka

Ven. Chao Khun Raja Sumedhajahn
Elder, Ajahn Chah Monasteries
Wat Ratanavan, Thailand

Ven. Phra Paisal Visalo
Chair Buddhika Network Buddhism and Society

Ven. Arjia Rinpoche VIII
Abbot Tibetan Mongolian Cultural Center

Ven. Shodo Harada Roshi
Abbot Sogenji Rinzai Zen Monastery

Achariya Professor J Simmer Brown
Chairperson Buddhist Studies
Naropa Buddhist University

Ven. Ajahn Amaro Mahathera
Abbot Amaravati Vihara

Ven. Hozan A Senauke
International Network of Engaged Buddhists

Younge Khachab Rinpoche VIII
Abbot Younge Drodul Ling

Ven. Sr. Thich Nu Chan Kong
President Plum Village Zen temples

Dr. Jack Kornfield Vipassana Achariya
Convener Western Buddhist Teachers Council

Lama Surya Das
Dzogchen Foundation International
Vajrayana Tibet/USA

Ven. Zoketsu N. Fischer Soto Roshi
Fmr. Abbot largest Zen community in the West

Tulku Sherdor Rinpoche
Director BI. Wisdom Institute

Professor Robert Tenzin C. Thurman
Center for Buddhist Studies
Columbia University

HH the XIV Dalai Lama
Nobel Laureate

Though not able to be reached in time to sign this letter, HH the Dalai Lama has publicly and repeatedly stated his concern about the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He urges everyone to continue to practice non-violence and retain the religious harmony that is central to our ancient and revered culture.


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Re: International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 03:36:46 PM »
It's better late than never. Now Buddhist leaders around the world are expressing concern over the growing of ethnic violence and unrest against Muslims and others by Buddhists in Burma, including Buddhist monks. The Burmese people are gently reminded of their "long and profound tradition of upholding the Dharma".

These Buddhist leaders have also called reaffirmed their support of the Burmese Buddhists in "practicing the most fundamental Buddhist principles of non-harming, mutual respect and compassion".

First in the list of Buddhist leaders, who have joined together to urge the Burmese Buddhists to show compassion, is Thich Nhat Hanh, revered Vietnamese monk,who himself has unfailingly shown peace and compassion in the face of so much suffering inflicted on him and his fellow monks by a cruel regime of his country.The Dalai Lama too has lend his strong voice in support.


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Re: International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 04:03:21 PM »
I am sorry but I am not surprise that they took this long because nobody would have thought that Buddhists would ever use violence as a means to bridge great differences in faith. When I first heard of the Burmese Muslim plight, I thought it was made up as the pictures online showed Tibetan monks instead of the yellow saffron clad monks of the Burmese tradition.

I am not surprised that the Muslims in Bangladesh were quick to retaliate with violence by bombing a Buddhist temple there. After so many clashes and the Muslims of Afghanistan bombing the huge holy statue at Bamiyan. A centuries old statue of the Buddha came crashing down. If it was the other way round, the Buddhist destroying a mosque, the muslims would have declared jihad on all Buddhists. So, as Buddhists we have to be the one to show the virtues of patience, compassion and tolerance.                                                                                                                                                                                   


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Re: International Buddhist leaders urge Burmese to show compassion
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2013, 08:43:00 AM »
Why is that people always mixed religion together with politic. Surprised to know that some of the fellow Buddhist in Myanmar had acted violently. Isn't religion teaching all of us to be compassionate and tolerance among each other? Why would a particular group of people who are supposed to understand truly and have faith completely in Buddhism acted in such manner. Aren't they afraid of ' Negative Karma'?