Author Topic: How can there be violence in paradise?  (Read 6949 times)


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How can there be violence in paradise?
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:41:54 AM »
A very good article up on the latest news section of the website, providing a really good, unique look at the concept of violence within Tibetan Buddhism and the different kind of responses to it. It looks like the CTA certainly have a lot to answer for in their responses to such critical situations and the huge disparities in the way they treat their own Tibetans.

It seems very clear that there the Dalai Lama's "interferences" in the internal matters of individual sects (and the corresponding support from his secular government the CTA) are more likely than not increasing and encouraging conflict among their community - so opposite from what the kindness and tolerance that the Dalai Lama has been encouraging in all his thousands of teachings. Is this how the CTA reflect their spiritual leader (and, in some cases, their Guru?). More importantly, are these the actions of a so-called democratic government? And if so, why is so much bias and discrimination permitted, even lauded?

(view the original here:

For a religion known for encouraging peace, tolerance and kindness, and for discouraging harm, it is especially sad to hear of violent disruptions in Buddhism. In recent decades especially, several unfortunate political controversies within the Tibetan refugee communities in India have arisen from and involved the religious schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Sadly, this has reflected poorly not just on the leaders of the Tibetan exiled community but also, more worryingly, on Buddhism itself.


Violence, in Action
An example of violence emerging from religion can be seen in the events of 1993 between two groups of practitioners within the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism. On 2nd August 1993, because of the controversy over the two different Karmapas, followers of the different candidates attacked and fought each other within the grounds of Rumtek Monastery in India. This monastery is famous for being the traditional and official seat of the Karmapa, the spiritual head of the Karma Kagyus.

Watch this video interview with H.H. Shamar Rinpoche (one of the four regents of the Karma Kagyu school and often considered to be second only to the Karmapa himself) concerning the Karmapa controversy. This video (also available on our server here) also includes clear footage of monks and Tibetan laypeople attacking Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim, India.

Watching footage like this can only incite questions about how monks can be allowed to destroy Sangha property within a monastery and fight among each other like this. It does not reflect well either on Buddhism as a religion, nor on the exiled Tibetan community and its leaders within India.

Why does H.H. the Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), not do or say anything about something as controversial and damaging as this? As the spiritual head of Tibetans, why did H.H. the Dalai Lama not put his foot down and speak directly against the violence that had been incited within a monastery by Buddhist practitioners, including monks?

Why the Violence?
Actually, what had happened prior to these attacks was that the Dalai Lama had become personally involved in these internal affairs of the Karma Kagyus, giving his official approval and acknowledgment of one Karmapa candidate over another.

The Dalai Lama is supposed to be an impartial spiritual head of all Tibetan Buddhism but has no jurisdiction or right to decide on the affairs of each individual sect. Instead of having officially ‘endorsed’ one Karmapa over another, may we respectfully suggest that the Dalai Lama should have just clearly advised the Karma Kagyu practitioners to decide this affair amicably among themselves. Then, to follow tradition, he could have emphasized to them that there should only be one Karmapa as head of their lineage. By encouraging the Karma Kagyus to decide this issue among themselves and not becoming a part of the decision-making process, the Dalai Lama could have clearly averted such strong conflicts from developing between the two Karmapa groups.

We understand that there would still have been a controversy even without the Dalai Lama’s ‘interference’. However, the violence would certainly not have escalated to that level if the Dalai Lama had not interceded. It reached this level of violence only because the Dalai Lama took sides in the controversy. His powerful endorsement of one Karmapa over the other aggravated the situation, giving one side more fuel to take matters into their own hands. It is clear that if the Dalai Lama had not given any endorsement, the situation would not have escalated to such critical levels.

Furthermore, while the violence in this instance was very clear and showed a tremendous disrespect to the seat of the Karmapa, the Dalai Lama and the CTA issued no reproach to the perpetrators of the attack. Suddenly, the Karma Kagyus were left to battle it out among themselves. Why were the Tibetan leaders interfering in a sect’s internal affairs when there was no need to, but remaining silent in a most urgent situation which involved physical violence?

Since the Dalai Lama did intercede and violence did eventually break out, then he should have also intercepted to pacify the situation when it got out of hand. How could he have approved of something but not assumed the responsibility to interject when his endorsement led to even stronger conflict, to such extreme violence and strife? Not stepping in at this most crucial stage of violence reflects very badly on his people and government. It gives the Dalai Lama and his supporters the unfortunate reputation of looking fickle, meek and not honoring their positions of authority and leadership.


Double Standards for Codes of Violence
In contrast, the CTA have also wrongly accused other sectors of their community of violence, without any real substantiated proof. To this day, practitioners of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden are often accused of being violent. In the late 1990s, they were even implicated in a few murders, although the evidence never conclusively proved that the culprits were Dorje Shugden practitioners. The stigma still stuck and to this day, these murders are consistently cited as ‘proof’ of how ‘harmful’ Dorje Shugden practitioners are.

This started happening because the Dalai Lama had imposed a ban against this practice, stating that Dorje Shugden himself was harmful. There are many spiritual reasons for why this statement is illogical and unfair (visit this forum to read the various debates against this ban). However, even on a basic, secular level, we must realize that the act of suppressing anyone’s religious freedom is itself a kind of violence against the community’s human rights.

We wish to ask: Why are there such double standards in the way that the CTA responds to the same kinds of situations? The Karma Kagyus can incite and carry out such obvious acts of violence against a most sanctified and respected spiritual place (the seat of their own spiritual leader, the Karmapa) without any reproach. But Dorje Shugden practitioners, who maintain their personal practice quietly in peace, are constantly accused of violence. Worst of all, they are accused by the very same leaders who are supposed to defend and protect the justice of its people.

If the CTA wish to speak so strongly against violence and harm, then they should maintain this all the way and also target the real culprits who incite violence. It is clear that those who are not violent, like Dorje Shugden practitioners, are being targeted; and those who are violent have no corrective action taken against them. Repercussions and responses issued by the leaders of any society must be consistent and fair to all in order for people to build their trust in the government and leaders.


Encouraging Violence
If we explore the situation more deeply, we will see that not only is the CTA failing to curb violence, but they are actually encouraging acts of violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners. There have been many documented stories of suppression and media reports of violence on monks carried out by Dalai Lama’s supporters. Supporters of the Dalai Lama have been known to attack the homes and lives of Dorje Shugden practitioners and even publicly desecrate holy statues in the name of upholding the Dalai Lama’s instructions and preserving religious purity. None of them are reproached nor held accountable in any way. By this, it seems like the discrimination and violence are being sanctioned by the highest authority – the Dalai Lama himself and the community’s leaders.


A Call for Law and Order
How can all this violence and contradiction be happening within what is supposed to be a Shangri-La community, presided over by the Nobel Peace Laureate, H.H. the Dalai Lama? What would people think if they knew that monks were beating other monks, or that spiritual practitioners of the kind and tolerant Buddhist religion were being attacked simply because of their religious choices? How will the world look upon a religion that preaches the Middle Path but silently ‘endorses’ such extreme acts of violence against its own practitioners? Why do a spiritual leader and his secular government allow this?

To maintain the peace and harmony of his own people, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay – head of the CTA – should ensure that law and order prevails for all in the Tibetan refugee communities. This must include fair treatment of the way of citizens under his governance, whatever their religious and personal beliefs. Conversely, bad behavior – no matter what a person’s religious affiliations – must also be dealt with in equal, fair ways. No religion or community of people will be taken seriously if there are such blatant practices of double standards and hypocrisy being upheld by the leaders, the very people who must protect their people against the evils of society.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 02:41:20 PM »
Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) had adopted the Charter of the Tibetans in Exile (i.e. the constitution) which is based on the spirit of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The Charter guarantees to all Tibetans equality before the law and enjoyment of rights and freedom without discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, language and social origin.

It is clear from the violence that had occurred concerning the Karmapas and Dorje Shugden issues and the double standards adopted by CTA, that CTA had blatantly infringed on the very human right that is enshrined in the constitution of the Tibetans in Exile.   The Karma Kagyu and Dorje Shugden Tibetans concerned can bring the CTA to court.  Justice must be upheld and Law and order restored!


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 03:15:26 AM »
It is indeed very sad to see there is violence in the Buddhist country. When I first get to know the CTA’s discrimination, harm and schism towards  Karmapas & Dorje Shugden practitioners, it is really hard for me to comprehend how a government that uses Buddhism values as the basics would still do such things to his people. They are bringing disgrace to Buddhism especially their guru – HH Dalai Lama that well known to be a Chenrezig who are full of compassion!   

I sincerely hope Dr Lobsang Sangay who has been leading CTA would wake up and look at the whole situation.

Recently Dr Lobsang Sangay appealed to Tibetans not to celebrate Losar as self immolation reaching 100! (
Watching the videos of CTA on the cause behind self-immolations really agitate me as the videos are full of the in-correct and wrong view that I believe is more for CTA’s political gains.

It mentioned that Tibetans are not allowed to learn Tibetan & culture. That is not the case when my friend went to visit Tibetan last year. The Tibetans are allowed to learn Tibetan while they are asked to learn Chinese. What’s wrong to learn Chinese as the national language while maintaining learning of Tibetan and culture??

It mentioned that Tibetan decided for self-immolation “peacefully” so that it will not harm others. Since when self-immolation can be considered “peacefully”??? It is another form of killing!! Non-violent approach and non-vandalism does not mean you can self-immolate. Killing own self is even worst as a Buddhist that knows that the current human body is so precious and one may not get it in the next rebirth!

It is also mentioned that Tibetans are always oppressed by China’s government.
Suppression of basic right – right to practice religion, the right to expression and the right to move freely. If CTA is not agreeable to the suppression of basic right, what have they done to the Karmapas and Dorje Shugden practitioners??!! CTA even does not allowed the DS practitioner to meet with their family! Isn’t what CTA have done is worst than China?
Wake up Dr Lobsang & CTA! Please do not keep blaming others but do not do your part. Lift the ban, let Dorje Shugden practitioners the right to practice freely and have their basic human right. When you have done your part, you will see your people and others will support you.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 04:37:26 AM »
All I can say is that the CTA is playing with fire when they do these sort of things as it will eventually anger the Indian government. In the past, the Indian government has jailed a TYC member that has just returned from organizing a march for a free Tibet in the US, as well as disrupting a hunger strike also for the same purpose. If CTA continues to uphold the Dorje Shugden ban with violence and discrimination, India will not take it lightly once it has breached India's tolerance level for them. CTA better stop implementing the ban actively. There is nothing wrong with them not practicing individually, but it is wrong to beat people up to get them to stop and to discriminiate against them.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 10:21:14 AM »
Thanks for sharing this article. I must say I am horrified to learn of what happened at Rumtek, but what I find even more disappointing is the double standards of the CTA as highlighted in this article. I always think that Buddhism is supposed to be peaceful and harmonious, yet this kind of behavior is rather shocking. Perhaps we are all human, but the CTA, who are supposed to be the leaders of the Tibetan community, should put a stop to this violence. But then, since they endorsed the violence and animosity in the Tibetan community towards Dorje Shugden practitioners, i should really not be surprised. It IS sad though, that the world will see this kind of lack of harmony and discipline and may be turned off from Buddhism because of it. Come on, CTA, do something to protect the worldview of Tibetan buddhism!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 01:06:20 PM »
Lotus, it's interesting that you bring up the subject of self-immolation, which of course is a huge form of violence being (self)inflicted and carried out right now.

Why does the Dalai Lama and the CTA not say anything about this? Yes, so the sikyong may have said something about not celebrating Losar but is that really a strong enough message? I don't think so. The Dalai Lama should issue a very strong statement to stop this. He can speak so forcefully against Dorje Shugden practitioners, making such a strong stance that if people do not give up the practice, they must be expelled from their monasteries! The subsequent actions (sanctions, more like!) taken against people who refuse to give up their practice can also be seen as a kind of violence in itself. So why, we might ask, is the Dalai Lama able to maintain such a firm and forceful stance against this, but maintained such a meek and quite stance regarding self-immolations?

I have said this a few times, but surely silence could mean compliance, agreement? Could it mean that the Dalai Lama and his secular government the CTA actually encourage this? Perhaps the non-celebrations of losar are not so much a stance against the self-immolations, but more their way of showing respect to these "martyrs" - in which case, it could be seen as solidarity and support of these immolations! (Not saying it is definitively this way, but could certainly be seen like that).

So why speak so strongly against the supposed (though unsubstantiated and unproved) 'violence' of Dorje Shugden practitioners, but not say much at all about violence that is very plainly and clearly being carried out?? Why make a big fuss about one type of violence, but silently support another? Again, why the double standards?


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 01:08:29 PM »
CTA accused Shugden practitioners of being violent and yet it was the CTA that clearly encouraged violence to be inflicted on its own people. When Samdhong Rinpoche was the Kalon Tripa he shockingly made this public statement:

“Now, without fear and hesitation, we, Tibetans, must fight and destroy Shugden followers. I am urging you to act against hesitation and fear, but of course, I will not blame you if you fear – they will fight back fearlessly and may beat some of us or kill, but if you fear and do nothing that means Shugden followers are winning. Even though you may die or face beating you must fight – it I very important”


Is that not a direct call for injury and harm to be visited upon by the Shugden worshippers? Not only did the government fail to uphold freedom of religion, they even encouraged violence and then twisted the story to make Shugdenpas look like aggressors. How can there NOT be upheavals and conflict with a government like that? If the CTA is capable of something as dishonest as this, what are they not capable of? This is not the first time the Tibetan government in exile has acted above the law. In 1976, Gungthang Tsultrim, the head of a political alliance known as The Fourteen Settlements, formed to resistance the Dalai Lama's brother's political plan, was murdered. When the assassin was caught he confessed that he was paid buy the Tibetan government in exile to do the job.


So, it is not entirely out of character for the CTA to behave more like the mafia than a liberal democratic government which is very unfortunate because such a behaviour does not encourage support for the Tibetan cause.

Unfortunately the Rumtek fight between the two Karmapa factions is probably not the only conflict we will see arising out of the Karmapa issue. For now three Indian Courts Of Law have found in favour of the Karmapa Charitable Trust which is controlled by the Shmarpa Rinpoche and that means that Karmapa Thaye Dorje is the rightful claimant to the Rumtek seat which makes him the official 17th Karmapa of the Karma Kagyu sect but the Dalai Lama and CTA endorsed the other Karmapa Ogyen Trinley. So, by their involvement in the matter the Tibetan government in exile has put the Karma Kagyus and all Tibetans in dilemma. If you obey the law of India then go against the Dalai Lama which means you break your samaya with His Holiness but if you obey the Dalai Lama then it says to the Indian government that the Tibetan refugees are not respectful of the laws of the land that has so generously provided for the stateless Tibetans.

The present attitude of the Tibetan leadership does nothing good for the Tibetans. I am utterly shocked that the CTA has not realized that it is so easy these days to research for vast and reliable information to dispel so much lies they have told. The CTA should really clean up immediately and start behaving like a real democracy.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 02:46:22 PM »
There are stories in Gaden whereby when the Dorje Shugden ban came into force many lay people tried to harm the monks there, many monks stood on guard at their lama's Ladrang to do whatever necessary to protect their gurus. Even the young Trijang Rinpoche then was under the threat from these lay people.

I presume the laity was inspired and cajoled by the CTA to raise arms against the monks and the monastery. The only violent party in this ban is CTA. It is a good thing this is the age of electronics and computers none of what they do can be hidden. CTA is not democratic at all and they suppress even their own, so how can they ever achieve any kind of meaningful independence?


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2013, 11:27:45 AM »
I dont really believe that the CTA is peaceful. i doubt they will be if the Indian government evacuates them or forces them to comply to certain rules. They will revolt mainly because they do not know how to follow the rules. All the religious suppression that they have been accusing China of doing of late is because they have transgressed China's rules and regulations such as building a statue without a permit. That alone shows you that the Tibetans do not really care about people around them and they only care about themselves when it comes to their own agendas. And of course, what is going on with CTA and the Tibet situation is no exception. They would ostracize people and accuse them of being Chinese spies if they did not fall in line with the Dorje Shugden ban. If you ask me, it sounds like hell more than a paradise.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2013, 07:17:59 PM »
People need to know the truth about the inconsistency and the injustice perpetrated by the CTA. I am glad to see the articles in which clearly and logically point out the failings of the CTA. I don't believe that this website is doing it out of maliciousness or a wish to harm the CTA at all but out of compassion to raise awareness of their failings in order to prick their conscience and instigate a change of policy. By changing their policy to one of integrity and fairness, by implementing solid actions such as calling for a stop to self-immolations and lifting the secular restrictions on Dorje Shugden practitioners,  the CTA will receive respect and recognition not just from Tibetans but from the international community. So how about it, CTA? Isn't it time to grow up already?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2013, 06:15:30 AM »
People need to know the truth about the inconsistency and the injustice perpetrated by the CTA. I am glad to see the articles in which clearly and logically point out the failings of the CTA. I don't believe that this website is doing it out of maliciousness or a wish to harm the CTA at all but out of compassion to raise awareness of their failings in order to prick their conscience and instigate a change of policy. By changing their policy to one of integrity and fairness, by implementing solid actions such as calling for a stop to self-immolations and lifting the secular restrictions on Dorje Shugden practitioners,  the CTA will receive respect and recognition not just from Tibetans but from the international community. So how about it, CTA? Isn't it time to grow up already?

I do believe that some CTA officials do come and visit this website, as well as some Dorje Shugden detractors to check the news and whats going on, because you know, phayul can be quite propaganda driven at times. Pointing out the fallacies of the CTA is actually doing them a kindness because if they follow them and improve, they will be one step closer to taking Tibet back. But as long as they are unable to let go of their hate towards China as well as towards Dorje Shugden, they wont be able to progress much in terms of so many aspects, their peace talks included. I think if they are aware of the situation, they would at least learn about it and make changes....even if it is a slow process.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 06:56:47 AM »
I like the points you have brought up Lotus! Itreally does not take a genius to figure all this out plus if you have travelled like your friend did, yes you will realise there is probably more FREEDOM in CHINA than it is in DHARAMSALA!

It is indeed very sad to see there is violence in the Buddhist country. When I first get to know the CTA’s discrimination, harm and schism towards  Karmapas & Dorje Shugden practitioners, it is really hard for me to comprehend how a government that uses Buddhism values as the basics would still do such things to his people. They are bringing disgrace to Buddhism especially their guru – HH Dalai Lama that well known to be a Chenrezig who are full of compassion!   

I sincerely hope Dr Lobsang Sangay who has been leading CTA would wake up and look at the whole situation.

Recently Dr Lobsang Sangay appealed to Tibetans not to celebrate Losar as self immolation reaching 100! (
Watching the videos of CTA on the cause behind self-immolations really agitate me as the videos are full of the in-correct and wrong view that I believe is more for CTA’s political gains.

It's true isn't it... I do not know how on earth can the Tibetans be soooo blind not to realise that all their actions literally represent the opposite of compassion and that they are actually sending the message out to the world that violence upon yourself is okay, killing oneself is okay, and what's ironic is it is against Buddhist principles but it is okay in the name of a piece of land and preserving a culture? Which in Buddhism we study and practice to let go. It amazes me that these very teachings are basically being twisted and thrown out for samsaric reasons of the worst kind - POLITICS! 

It mentioned that Tibetans are not allowed to learn Tibetan & culture. That is not the case when my friend went to visit Tibetan last year. The Tibetans are allowed to learn Tibetan while they are asked to learn Chinese. What’s wrong to learn Chinese as the national language while maintaining learning of Tibetan and culture??

It is also mentioned that Tibetans are always oppressed by China’s government.
Suppression of basic right – right to practice religion, the right to expression and the right to move freely. If CTA is not agreeable to the suppression of basic right, what have they done to the Karmapas and Dorje Shugden practitioners??!! CTA even does not allowed the DS practitioner to meet with their family! Isn’t what CTA have done is worst than China?
Wake up Dr Lobsang & CTA! Please do not keep blaming others but do not do your part. Lift the ban, let Dorje Shugden practitioners the right to practice freely and have their basic human right. When you have done your part, you will see your people and others will support you.

What's wrong with learning another language so you can communicate with others better? Have an added skill and can even progress and do more, economically it helps and on a personal level it creates better relationships, friendships and ties. Hello, even the in the west we are paying heaps to learn Chinese and they are getting it for FREE? Why so much complain??? It sounds like Tibetans are very unappreciative, negative depressing, narrow minded, egocentric people... totally the opposite spectrum of being Buddhist.

This is true not only because of real people witnessing this, cos I too have friends in China who sees quite the opposite picture from what Tibetans are painting to the world actually. Also why would new monasteries be opening and huge celebrations be allowed as we can see so many here on this website to attest to the fact that Tibetan Buddhism and culture are actually being supported and some even funded by the Chinese Govt... much more then I can say for CTA and what they have for Tibetans in Tibet.

Even all the Lamas who are so called out-castes and evil and bad are doing something to preserve Buddhism and indirectly preserved the Tibetan culture   There has not been a single issue or problem created in their project to bring and spread Buddhism in China by either the Chinese Govt or these Lamas. Only those that are pro Dalai Lama supporters and very little Dharma are the ones making the big whoo haaa.   

It mentioned that Tibetan decided for self-immolation “peacefully” so that it will not harm others. Since when self-immolation can be considered “peacefully”??? It is another form of killing!! Non-violent approach and non-vandalism does not mean you can self-immolate. Killing own self is even worst as a Buddhist that knows that the current human body is so precious and one may not get it in the next rebirth!

I don't think KILLING ONESELF FOR POLITICAL REASONS can be granted as a virtuous act. These Tibetan sure have very twisted views hu?


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2013, 08:15:04 AM »
Wow you have really become political when you start talking about issues like this.

You know what? Think about it. There are problems like this everywhere in the world. It's got nothing to do with the CTA or Tibetan Buddhism or Buddhism or whatever. This is samsara and there are angry people, violence everywhere. This is human nature. What does it have to do with your practice of Dorje Shugden or any of your Buddhist practice? I don't understand why you need to turn this issue about the Karmapa and Dorje Shugden into a whole issue about the CTA and tibetan politics.

I bet half of you here aren't even Tibetan so actually it is none of your business. What could you really say to make a difference to the CTA anyway? Why should they listen to you when you don't even speak Tibetan?

If you want to help the monks and the practitioners, then you should be an inspiration to them by being a real practitioner and do your retreats and practices well. Don't get involved in a political arena. Once you do that, you automatically have to take sides, and that is not equanimity, that is not Buddhism. Remember the 4 immeasurables.


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Re: How can there be violence in paradise?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2013, 06:48:15 AM »
Wow you have really become political when you start talking about issues like this.

You know what? Think about it. There are problems like this everywhere in the world. It's got nothing to do with the CTA or Tibetan Buddhism or Buddhism or whatever. This is samsara and there are angry people, violence everywhere. This is human nature. What does it have to do with your practice of Dorje Shugden or any of your Buddhist practice? I don't understand why you need to turn this issue about the Karmapa and Dorje Shugden into a whole issue about the CTA and tibetan politics.

I bet half of you here aren't even Tibetan so actually it is none of your business. What could you really say to make a difference to the CTA anyway? Why should they listen to you when you don't even speak Tibetan?

If you want to help the monks and the practitioners, then you should be an inspiration to them by being a real practitioner and do your retreats and practices well. Don't get involved in a political arena. Once you do that, you automatically have to take sides, and that is not equanimity, that is not Buddhism. Remember the 4 immeasurables.

I dont think there's a problem with discussing why CTA is not doing their job and also why CTA is harming Dorje Shugden practitioners in Dharamsala and why CTA is a failure as a Buddhist government because they are the truth. Perhaps, there will be something that they can learn from with the posts. One must really ask what has CTA been doing for Buddhism or even their host country after so many decades of deriving benefits from these two. If it was not for Buddhism, Tibet would just be another settlement like the Myanmar's Rohgiya tribe. If Tibet could not offer Buddhism, they would end up as outcasts. It is only thanks to Buddhism that they still exist and they should be thankful to Buddhism.