Author Topic: Latest Public Announcement from the Interntional Shugden Community  (Read 4718 times)


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Hi Everybody, I came across this last night on the web.  The International Shugden Community has a new book out.  I think we should support them, as they are disseminating information to the west, which is a place where the CTA confused some people, as well as the U.S. government.  Even if we think that the Dalai Lama is a a Buddha teaching in a reverse or higher teaching way, it is useful to remember that most western people are Christian, and do not understand tantric view.  Therefore, to me, it is not really criticism, but rather explaining skillfully the issues of mixing politics and religion.  What does everybody think?  I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the e-book.

Here is the posting from the International Shugden Community along with a link to the website where you can download the e-book. :)

Public Announcement from the International Shugden Community
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 06:14 AM PDT
Date: 10/10/13

We are announcing publicly the following important information.

In an interview with the Dalai Lama appearing in the November 1997 issue of the American magazine Mother Jones, Robert Thurman asked the Dalai Lama:

'The loss of your own nation to China has been used as an example of the futility of non-violence and tolerance. When is something worth fighting for?'

In his reply the Dalai Lama said:

'... if the situation was such that there was only one learned lama or genuine practitioner alive, a person whose death would cause the whole of Tibet to lose all hope of keeping its Buddhist way of life, then it is conceivable that in order to protect that one person it might be justified for one or ten enemies to be eliminated—if there was no other way.'341
Following the Dalai Lama's words 'for one or ten enemies to be eliminated', and mistakenly believing that Shugden practitioners worked with the Chinese authorities, in February 1998 posters of the 'Ten Most Hated Enemies of the Dalai Lama and Tibet' were circulated throughout Tibetan settlements in India and Nepal. Prepared by the Research and Analysis Wing of the Department of Security of the Tibetan exile government, they were complete with photographs and biographical information, and encouraged Tibetan people to kill these ten innocent Dorje Shugden practitioners. Since first published, this list has been distributed to Tibetan communities throughout the world. The ten individuals listed included highly respected spiritual masters, both in the Tibetan settlements and in the West, and they had been so identified only because they openly encourage the practice of Dorje Shugden.342 The individuals identified in the posters were listed in the following order:

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche [Founder and Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union, which has over 1,200 Buddhist Centres and branches worldwide. He is the author of twenty one authoritative and highly acclaimed books on Buddhism covering every aspect of the path to enlightenment.]
Geshe Dragpa Gyaltsen (Chime Tsering) [General Secretary of the Dorje Shugden Society in Delhi, India].
Lama Gangchen Tulku Trinlay Yorphel Rinpoche [Spiritual Director of Gangchen Kunphen Ling Buddhist centres throughout the world].
Gen Chatring Jampel Yeshe [President of the Dorje Shugden Society in Delhi, India].
Lama Serkong Tritul Rinpoche [Abbot of the Gelugpa Buddhist Centre in Singapore and of the Chinese Gelugpa Society in Taiwan].
Tseten Gyurme [a well known supporter of Dorje Shugden practitioners].
Tenzin Chodak [a Dorje Shugden practitioner living in the UK, who spoke out against the ban at demonstrations in London in 1996].
Dr. Losang Thubten [a scholar who advises the Dorje Shugden Society, and who had already been attacked and severely injured, on November 7th 1996].
Geshe Konchog Gyaltsen [Vice-President of the Dorje Shugden Society in Delhi, India].
Kundeling Lama Losang Yeshe Rinpoche [Abbot and Founder of Atisha Charitable Trust and Monastery in Bangalore, India and Spiritual Director of Buddhist centres in Italy and the Netherlands].
With regard to this issue, the International Shugden Community holds that by publishing this list the Dalai Lama and his ministers have given explicit encouragement to Tibetan people to kill either the 'one or all ten enemies' listed; and declares that if in the future any of these ten people is killed then the International Shugden Community will automatically recognize the principal perpetrator to be the Dalai Lama himself and will pursue necessary legal action to ensure his eventual conviction under criminal law.

The purpose of this announcement is to prevent terrible results for the Dalai Lama himself, and for those he considers his enemies, which he alone will have created.

Public Announcement from the International Shugden Community
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 06:02 AM PDT
International Shugden Community


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Re: Latest Public Announcement from the Interntional Shugden Community
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2013, 01:33:30 PM »
Robert Thurman (who referred to Shugden worshippers as the Taliban of Buddhism despite having literally begged for Dorje Shugden initiation years ago. See: is as usual disingenuous, and even the question he posed to the Dalai Lama in 1997, served to deflect the issues away from the truth.

The fact is that the Tibetans lost their country, not because they were docile and tolerant in the face of Chinese threats but because there were too much in-fighting which arose out of personal agendas which got the better out of the Tibetan leaders at a time when they should have placed national interest above their own; a habit they would perpetuate and refine in exile. The Tibetan leaders completely failed to take the advice of Dorje Shugden who in 1957, pointedly advised that, "...while H.H. Dalai Lama was in India if Tibet were to engage in a war with China, then Tibet's situation would be resolved..." [See:].

The Dharma Protector had the clairvoyance to see that China was weak at that point (Note: in retrospect, it is true that Mao's Communist Party was facing tremendous internal and external challenges then and probably would have ceded interest in the high plateaus for more urgent matters in the capital) and if the Tibetans had carried out the Protector's instructions and launched a strike against the Chinese army, an assured victory would have deterred or discouraged the Chinese from their annexation of Tibet a short while later.

The Dalai Lama's answer to Thurman makes sense but not as it has been wrongly applied to the vile attempts to destroy Dorje Shugden and its practitioners. Instead, the Dalai Lama's response is a valid explanation for how a protector of the Dharma which teaches peace and tolerance, could have advocated for war against the Chinese. China was out to destroy the Dalai Lama, and Tibetan Buddhism then, and saw religion as a corruption and therefore the elimination of the enemies of Dharma as had been prescribed by Dorje Shugden was justifiable. That the CTA should distort the Dalai Lama's words and used it as an excuse for the issuance of a 'hit list' is, as we have come to recognize, very much in character of the insidious minds of the those in the CTA.

If there was any doubt as to who the real enemies of the Buddha's teachings are, we only need to look at the chosen victims on the 'hit list'. Right at the top is Geshe Kelsang Gyatso who has single handedly done more in a few years to spread the holy Dharma than everyone in the Tibetan government in exile, put together for over half a century. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso founded the biggest network that is preserving and spreading Buddhism today. Similarly, the others named in the list. They are not the enemies of Dharma and neither is Dorje Shugden who is in fact sworn to protect the sacred Dharma.

The real enemies of Dharma are those who decreed for harm to be inflicted on monks and innocent practitioners of a Buddhist deity, those who created schism in the Sangha and those trying to eliminate the very deity and practitioners who are practicing and spreading the Dharma. That is as clear as day and the only mystery is how the CTA has not worked that out yet.