Author Topic: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants  (Read 11385 times)


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2012, 08:49:37 AM »
Why not stay with Kalarupa who is assigned to his followers by Tsongkapa himself as the root protector of Gelug practice and lineage? Who has the authority to override Tsongkapa??

No harm to stay with ferocious Kalarupa. And sure ...why not?! Afterall he is a protector of the small scope of lamrim oh and guess what he's also emanation of Manjushri! So why not just stay with Manjushri?

How i look at it is there are different emanations of the enlightened minds manifesting to be of most help to us at different times, karma, delusions.

It is beneficial to study and gain faith in the different least for me who has little faith.


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2012, 08:41:34 PM »
I love the practice of Buddhism and I am drawn to all the Buddhas, the mantras and even the rituals.

However, what really stands out about Dorje Shugden is how PERSONAL the practice feels when we take it seriously and do the practice sincerely and correctly. And over time it in fact becomes personal when we see the Buddha Dorje Shugden becoming involved in our daily lives...always there to protect us from harm and always there to guide or practice.

I am not an expert but I feel that Dorje Shugden, whilst a fully enlightened being stays with us in our mundane lives to help us. Like a best friend would. Whilst I see the benevolence of all the Buddhas, my negative karma perhaps or my lack of merits keep me somewhat disconnected from them. I do not feel their presence although the presence of the dharma is tangible. That is not the case with Dorje Shugden. I feel very connected to this Buddha, not by my merits but by Dorje Shugden's compassion.

As I have come to learn Dorje Shugden's practice and apply it, Dorje Shugden's presence becomes tangible and the Buddha shows signs to encourage.

The only thing Dorje Shugden wants is what any best friend whats for us i.e. to be free of Samsara; to fulfill or dharmic potential and to realize true joy and bliss. I cannot detect in any of the sadhanas and practice what Dorje Shugden demands of us that is onerous.

I feel very fortunate to have Dorje Shugden in my life.


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2012, 07:31:58 PM »
I love the practice of Buddhism and I am drawn to all the Buddhas, the mantras and even the rituals.

However, what really stands out about Dorje Shugden is how PERSONAL the practice feels when we take it seriously and do the practice sincerely and correctly. And over time it in fact becomes personal when we see the Buddha Dorje Shugden becoming involved in our daily lives...always there to protect us from harm and always there to guide or practice.

I am not an expert but I feel that Dorje Shugden, whilst a fully enlightened being stays with us in our mundane lives to help us. Like a best friend would. Whilst I see the benevolence of all the Buddhas, my negative karma perhaps or my lack of merits keep me somewhat disconnected from them. I do not feel their presence although the presence of the dharma is tangible. That is not the case with Dorje Shugden. I feel very connected to this Buddha, not by my merits but by Dorje Shugden's compassion.

As I have come to learn Dorje Shugden's practice and apply it, Dorje Shugden's presence becomes tangible and the Buddha shows signs to encourage.

The only thing Dorje Shugden wants is what any best friend whats for us i.e. to be free of Samsara; to fulfill or dharmic potential and to realize true joy and bliss. I cannot detect in any of the sadhanas and practice what Dorje Shugden demands of us that is onerous.

I feel very fortunate to have Dorje Shugden in my life.

Dorje Shugden only follows and protects those who are sincere, not in devotion to him but sincere in their own Dharma practice. To practice Dharma and gain realizations so that others will suffer less...that is the best motivation of all to practice the Dharma. If we deceive ourselves, deceive others and practice the Dharma only for our own benefit, Dorje Shugden cannot help us due to our strong negative karma.

Dorje Shugden is not a worldly god and cannot be bribed by extensive offerings. He is a fully-fledged Buddha who has no needs for such material gain but we need to offer anyway so that we are able to gain the merit and create the causes for good things to happen in our lives in the near future. No matter how much you do his prayer and puja but wthout a sincere heart, he will never come to you.

Even to those who are not close to him, he still provides them with assistance of a secular level so that their minds suffer less, and for them to develop faith in him. This is a very interesting factor about Dorje Shugden as a Dharma protector, that he helps the practitioner no matter what happens...but the intensity of how he can help you differs according to your negative karma.

Personally I feel that this explanation is more than enough to show us that Dorje Shugden is in reality, enlightened and we should really feel lucky that we are given a chance to connect with him through the kindness of our lamas.


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2012, 06:45:39 AM »
Thanks for the post and all the contribution of thoughts and personal experience of Dorje Shugden.

I especially agree with Vajratruth the in practicing Dorje Shugden sincerely and consistently, His presence is very clear and, in some way, obvious in daily life activities. He truly compassionately comes down to our level! Not only does Dorje Shugden help overcome outer obstacles, He patiently and skillfully helps us overcome our inner obstacles too.

With diligent practice, I notice fellow students who apply this sacred practice transform in their mind. How do I know? The transformation is reflected in the actions of their body and speech.

This mind transformation in return is the greatest gift we can offer Dorje Shugden and our kind Gurus. This minds transformation also creates the cause for our Guru and the Dharma to remain with us until we achieve the great goal of enlightenment. So, mind transformation is the beginning of a vicious cycle UPWARDS!

Thank you DSFriend for this post. Now, when I recite these lines during the daily Sadhana, I am able to reflect deeper on its meaning. May this also help many others in the same manner.


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2012, 07:36:06 AM »
What does any enlightened being want from us? What does our Lama want from us?

Having extreme compassion and highly attained, Dorje Shugden, like our lama, only wants us (as practitioners) to change our attitudes, be sincere in our Dharma practice, transform our mind, be harmonious and aim towards Bodhicitta. Ultimately, as they can see past this life of ours, they will do all that they can do to lead us on the path towards enlightenment, and on our side, there is no amount of offering greater than that of joyous effort, hardwork, transformation of mind and attitude.

If we keep creating strong negative karma through our body speech and mind, no enlightened being can help us even if they wanted to. We create too many "layers" infront of us, that the help cannot even penetrate through these layers. Therefore, as a direct method to stop accruing negative karma so that we can receive help, we do everything opposite from what we are doing to create those negative karma. And that is what enlightened beings want from us - to help ourselves so they can help us.

Therefore, having a lama is like having Dorje Shugden with us, as our lama, yidam, protector are one. If we disobey our guru, DS can't help us too.. so guru devotion is another key thing, especially in Vajrayana, that DS would want from us.


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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2012, 09:54:19 AM »
In return for our practice, Dorje Shugden works miracles.and the benefits are many. He helps to clear away our obstacles, he protects us from harm and dangers, he clears our obstacles and brings wealth, he heals our body, mind and spirit, he protects us from spirits and black magic. In fact, he protects us from worldly dangers, helps us develop our skillful means, wisdom and great compassion (Bodhicitta), and removes all our obstacles.

I love this post!

Whenever I am going through a particularly difficult time, I find that as soon as I start to pray to Dorje Shugden with a sincere heart all worry is lifted from me. This does not mean that I hand over all my problems for Dorje Shugden to handle. My problems are a manifestation of the karma that I created, therfore I must be the one who handles how the problems are resolved. What it means is that as soon as I start to pray with sincerity I always feel reasured that if I do what is right and I do what I need to do to get back on track, Dorje Shugden will make sure that obstacles are cleared and favorable conditions manifest. And from my experience it ALWAYS works like that when I keep Dorje Shugden close to my heart and mind.
Things ALWAYS work out for the best when I do what I need to do and leave the rest for Dorje Shugden. It may not always work out the way that I would have guessed but it always works out to where my situation improves and my peace of mind expands.

Dorje Shugden's mantra helps me keep him close when my mind may be a little loose. His mantra is something that reminds me of his presence and his power.

Thank you so much for your sharing tk. I love what you wrote here because it resonates very strongly with what I believe in Dorje Shugden. In my experience, I used to be quite weak when it comes to fending off against my personal obstacles which are actually internal but appears external. My obstacles appear real before I know about Dorje Shugden, and after receiving his help and doing his practice, it seems that my obstacles are not even obstacles to start with as he helped me develop my mind and helped me understand the teachings more. It is incredible now that what I used to perceive as obstacles are no longer obstacles ever since I have met him and my ability to study the Dharma has improved a lot more and my mind is always clear and calm. It is a far cry from before and the additional stability has assisted me a lot in my Dharma practice and this is all thanks possible to due to Dorje Shugden's kindness.

In other words, Dorje Shugden helped me overcome my obstacles by strengthening my mind so that I can overcome my obstacles by myself. I am very overwhelmed by his kindness and skillful means, and it is on this basis that my faith on Dorje Shugden is based on.

Gabby Potter

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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2015, 07:19:46 AM »
I agreed to what DS Friend has shared here,  an enlightened deity does not acquire anything from us- the normal human beings who are living in a samsara, what the protector wants FOR us is to practise the Buddha Dharma purely and with sincerity. That is why Lord Dorje Shugden is here, to save us from samsara and lead us to the path of Enlightenment.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: What Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Wants
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2015, 11:03:21 AM »
It brings tears to my eyes to know what Dorje Shugden wants.  All Dorje Shugden wants is for us to be liberated and progress to enlightenment.

Dorje Shugden is the Protector of this current degenerate times.  As an enlightened Buddha, DS wants and needs nothing from us and He will protect the Doctrine of Je Tsongkapa and also remove our obscurations and obstacles so that we can practise and bless us with attainments.

All that mentioned in this post is in our Sadhana.  Thank you for reminding us how great and compassionate our King Protector is.