Except for Winton's own statements, there is no evidence that he actually did anything for those children. It is hardly conceivable that not even Winton's own wife would know about it even after more than four decades.
There are other precedents of Jewish people concocting tales, mainly aiming at demonizing Germans and at describing Jews as peaceful and heroic, but which were late prove as fakeries.
Famous are the Jewish couple Herman and Roma Radzicki Rosenblat, whose ”holocaust” story was called ”the single greatest love story”, but eventually unmasked as fake.
Around 1998, ”a Swiss historian debunked Binjamin Wilkomirski’s 1996 memoir, ”Fragments,” which described how he survived as a Latvian Jewish orphan in a Nazi concentration camp. It turns out the book was written by Bruno Doessekker, a Swiss man who spent the war in relative comfort in Switzerland.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/29/books/29hoax.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0Jacob or Israel is taken by Jews as their foremost role model. It is well known how Jacob lied to his onw father, Isaac, and extorted his own brother, Esau, in order to receive an inheritance.
Bottom line, the story, specially because of its timing, is just a propaganda coup, aimed at covering the real massacre of Palestinian children happening right now, as one can see from the above pictures. For those bereft children there are no ”heroes”.
It is a shame that people who call themselves ”Buddhist” make themselves accomplices of such a criminal war propaganda machine.