Author Topic: Dog Doctor?  (Read 7404 times)

DS Star

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Dog Doctor?
« on: November 17, 2013, 09:44:00 PM »
This is a very amazing story... a story of an amazing dog actually...

"Ralf, a giant schnauzer, has a reputation as a miracle worker at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital.

He often sits with children who are having chemotherapy and was recently on hand to perk up one-year-old Zeke Harrison, who suffers from a urinary disease.

The caring canine also helped two-year-old Claire Couwenberg walk again just five days after surgery to remove a cancerous kidney."

Ralf is an angel to the children. According to Buddhists' belief, I would say that Ralf is a Bodhisattva...

So that is why it very very sad to see human hurt and harm dogs and other animals...


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 03:03:05 AM »
It was great to know that dogs have such instincts to be of help to another being. I think this is the way for them to collext possitve karma to be reborn into higher realms. One of the ways if not the only way. The story of dogs helping people is most of the time touching as it is acted out of sincerity and it is beautiful example to some humans who doesn't even have the conscience to help another being.


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2013, 10:45:23 AM »
Good friends are loyal and stick by no matter what,and that's especially true when it comes to a man's best friend.Many dogs are far more loyal than friends,they love and care for their families more so than some family members and return us such unconditional love.
Animals teach you so so much about yourself and life without judgement unlike humans.Almost all good people who are good to animals are good people in general.The love you get from them for a hand full of food and scratch behind the ears and a little water is PRICELESS!


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2013, 12:39:58 PM »
Cute dog... Really nice to see that more and more medical facilities are using trained dogs to help patients get well. Infact, Ralf is one of the few types of dogs that help people, there are also service dogs that help people with disabilities, thanks to these service dogs, many disabled people can move and be more independent easier.

metta girl

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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 05:32:39 PM »
Dogs are known for their loyalty, obedience and eagerness to please.They have intelligence and emotions just like any humans. They have so much love to give...isn't it nice and sweet when they snuggle up with their head on your lap or on your shoulder and when those wrinkly face and big brown eyes looking at you and melt your heart... A Salute to Ralf and all the furry angels who have helped in bringing back hope ..You are indeed Man's best friend.


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2013, 09:30:42 AM »
Love this story ! What a creative way of alternative therapy for healing !
When playing with Ralf, the physical pain endured by these poor sick kids are lessen or forgotten for a little while. It gives the children a natural relief from pain without using pills.Their emotions are chaneled into joy and excitement and hence in the case of 2yr old Claire, she could even be motivated by Ralf to walk in 5 days after her surgery.
Will this therapy work for adults or the aged ? Or do you think adults have been conditioned to feel less joy and instead tend to focus more on the negative aspects of pain ?

Tenzin K

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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2013, 04:13:40 PM »
A medical response dog is a service dog trained to assist an individual who has a medical disability. Typically, they are dogs whose job does not handle primarily epilepsy or psychiatric-based conditions, though some seizure response dogs or psychiatric service dogs may also be referred to as medical response.

Many medical response dogs "alert" their handlers to conditions before they occur. For example, service dogs partnered with diabetic persons may be trained to detect when the handler's blood sugar becomes too high or low.In the UK, hypo alert dogs are used to alert their diabetic owners of dangerous changes in their blood sugar levels. In addition to or in the absence of this training, medical response dogs are also often trained skills to help in their handlers' symptoms, such as bringing medications or a telephone, providing bracing and other mobility assistance, or any other number of tasks.

Many medical response dogs may be trained by an organization or by their handler. Like all assistance dogs, they must be of a particular work-loving personality and be properly socialized if expected to work in public. There are no breed or size restrictions other than those directly related to the tasks needed.

For such dogs being trained to help people I believe they will collect merits too. For me personally dogs are loyal and can be very helpful. It’s just depending on how we want to treat them. Just like human it’s us that profile the individual and how we want to treat the individual person. If we can be good to human why not dogs or animals. Animals do want to live happily just like us and why don’t we live together in harmony. If we can’t really help them but at very least do not harm any of them as we don’t want others to harm us too.


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 10:37:27 AM »
Ralf, the dog-tor, is amazing & love their humans unconditionally! No doubt about it, they truly man's best friend.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 11:57:44 AM »
Thanks for sharing this inspiring story.

The four-legged has been viewed by humans to be inferior. They are trained, hunted, eaten, caged and bullied by those who appear more advanced. Ralf is a very lucky dog because his intelligence is probably above an average canine that is chased down the back lanes with sticks and rocks. However, it is good to know that we are starting somewhere in fitting these medical response dogs into a role that is respected and accepted by society.   

Jessie Fong

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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2013, 12:23:39 PM »
Call it what you may.

Ralf the dog exhibits most of the traits of our furry friend.  That's why they are dubbed Man's best friend. Dogs are loyal and capable of giving so much love. If you have never had a dog in your family, you would not know how much warmth can come from it.

Dogs play different roles in our life -- as a guard dog, or playmate to the children, or a companion. Many people describe their pet as a family member.

Dogs have also been bred for herding livestock, hunting, detection and there was even a husky-terrier mix named Laika which became the first animal to orbit the Earth.
Service dogs such as guide dogs, utility dogs, assistance dogs, hearing dogs, and psychological therapy dogs provide assistance to individuals with physical or mental disabilities.[71][72] Some dogs owned by epileptics have been shown to alert their handler when the handler shows signs of an impending seizure, sometimes well in advance of onset, allowing the guardian to seek safety, medication, or medical care.


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2013, 04:57:41 PM »
Dogs are really beautiful!!! As I was reading this, my dog came up to me and kissed me and I am wondering if he is my Boddhisattva too! lol

Not only dogs are beautiful and kind, so are other animals. We should never take away their life just because we think that it is right to. Ralf is really cute and I am sure he is an emanation of a Boddhisattva! I hope that Ralf will continue to bring happiness and healing to all who come to know him.


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Re: Dog Doctor?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2013, 05:04:44 PM »
Dogs are a man's best friend. It's so true and dogs are loyal animals. They are caring and kind to humans if you treat them with the same kindness and love. I have heard of so many stories of how dogs especially who helps sick or handicap people to live a normal life. And its good to know that this cute dog helps in the healing of those who go to him. May the dog be able to accumulate tremendous merits to be able to be reborn in the human realm in his next life.