Author Topic: New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal  (Read 7070 times)


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New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal
« on: February 24, 2013, 03:01:19 AM »
On January 1st, 2013, the Jovo Kadhampa Monastery held the opening ceremony for the new monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.
This is now the largest monastery in Nepal.

The Jovo Kadham Monastery ( 2 of 2 )

The opening ceremony of The Jovo Kadham Monastery at Jan. 1, 2013 ( 4 of 1 ) Small | Large

The Jovo Kadham Monastery ( 4 of 2 ) Small | Large

The Jovo Kadham Monastery ( 4 of 4 ) Small | Large


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Re: New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 12:08:06 PM »
Here is a photo I took of the new monastery before it was officially open. Inside the main temple is like walking into a living thanka. There is Dharma art covering every square inch. Just incredible. Even the ceilings have paintings of various mandalas and deities.

I look forward to visiting again soon now that it has officially opened.


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Re: New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 05:43:46 AM »
I'm just wondering if this is a Dorje Shugden monastery and who opened it? Khadampa...could it be opened by Serkong Tritul? I'm just curious as Serkong Tritul's organization uses the Khadampa as opposed to the standard spelling of Kadampa. If you do go to the monastery, do snap some pictures for us! It would be wonderful if it was another Dorje Shugden monastery opening in the world as they are getting more and more everywhere! Thanks for the photos and videos. the opening looks very grand indeed!


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Re: New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 08:49:43 PM »
Rejoice! It is such a beautiful monastery! Thank you for sharing the videos & photos!

From this link, it is shown that this Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal is by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche (currently also known as "Kadham Trichen Rinpoche).

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche was formally from Gaden Jantse Monastery but was dispelled by HHDL in 2008 due to he is a Dorje Shugden practitioner.

Here is an account what what happened on the day Serkong Rinpoche was removed. While it is not new news, it is good for everyone to read again the torment Shugden practitioners have had to endure as the result of the ban:
In the afternoon, the Dalai Lama convened a meeting in Drepung monastery, which was attended by Kolon Samdong Lama, Tsering Phuntsok, the Tibetan minister of Culture and Religion, abbots and ex-abbots. The Dalai Lama urged them to take action to clean up Shugden devotees. He reprimanded the abbots of Jangtse and Shartse monasteries for not taking a rigid stand against Shugden devotees.

The Dalai Lama rebuked the Shartse abbot: "Shugden devotees are growing in your monastery. If you are this inept, you had better resign." The Dalai Lama also reprimanded the Jangtse abbot: “You said that the monastery is clean, but there are still some Shugden devotees. You must do better."

Later that night, Jangtse monastery held a meeting about the signature and oath to give up the worship of Shugden to be taken by every monk. In this very meeting, Serkong Tritul Rinpoche and Geshe Tsultrim were expelled from the monastery because they worship Dorje Shugden.

More pictures and information about  can be found here:
Re: Serkong Tritul Rinpoche opens Grand Temple
Kadham Monastery (Gonpa) Nepal .


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Re: New Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2013, 04:22:48 AM »
Rejoice! It is such a beautiful monastery! Thank you for sharing the videos & photos!

From this link, it is shown that this Jovo Kadhampa Monastery in Nepal is by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche (currently also known as "Kadham Trichen Rinpoche).

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche was formally from Gaden Jantse Monastery but was dispelled by HHDL in 2008 due to he is a Dorje Shugden practitioner.

Here is an account what what happened on the day Serkong Rinpoche was removed. While it is not new news, it is good for everyone to read again the torment Shugden practitioners have had to endure as the result of the ban:
In the afternoon, the Dalai Lama convened a meeting in Drepung monastery, which was attended by Kolon Samdong Lama, Tsering Phuntsok, the Tibetan minister of Culture and Religion, abbots and ex-abbots. The Dalai Lama urged them to take action to clean up Shugden devotees. He reprimanded the abbots of Jangtse and Shartse monasteries for not taking a rigid stand against Shugden devotees.

The Dalai Lama rebuked the Shartse abbot: "Shugden devotees are growing in your monastery. If you are this inept, you had better resign." The Dalai Lama also reprimanded the Jangtse abbot: “You said that the monastery is clean, but there are still some Shugden devotees. You must do better."

Later that night, Jangtse monastery held a meeting about the signature and oath to give up the worship of Shugden to be taken by every monk. In this very meeting, Serkong Tritul Rinpoche and Geshe Tsultrim were expelled from the monastery because they worship Dorje Shugden.

More pictures and information about  can be found here:
Re: Serkong Tritul Rinpoche opens Grand Temple
Kadham Monastery (Gonpa) Nepal .

Haha. I find it funny that although Serkong Tritul has been expelled by his own monastery, he just opens another monastery and more and more monasteries everywhere. So it means that his attainments are not just limited by his status in the monastery. A real Dharma teacher cannot be limited by status or wealth or samsara, they just work with it and benefit more people at the end of the day. Even from Serkong Tritul's actions, one can see very clearly how a real Lama behaves and how a real Lama cannot be limited by people and status. It is pretty obvious that Dorje Shugden Lamas are thriving and actually doing quite well worldwide, most of them going strong in countries that the CTA have no influence in.