Author Topic: Spontaneous Human Combustion?  (Read 5980 times)


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Spontaneous Human Combustion?
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:30:01 AM »
I just read the news about a 3 month old baby boy in New Delhi that burst into flames whenever he sweats! So strange... I wonder what type of karma one has to be born with the ability to burst into flames... poor thing, to actually be burnt alive repeatedly without any reason.

I have heard that there was some meditations that a person can do which can cause combustion to occur, this was seen in the documentary of 'Buddha Boy' in Nepal. I wonder there is some relation between these spontaneous human combustion and also these meditation techniques.

Baby Suffering from Spontaneous Human Combustion?

Reports from India are claiming that a 3-month-old baby boy in Chennai is suffering from "spontaneous human combustion", bursting into flames when he sweats.

Rahul, from Tamil Nadu, was admitted to Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital for burns on Thursday.

The doctors believe that the baby emits highly combustible gases when he sweats, and those gases have resulted in him to catch fire on four different occasions, the first at just nine days old. Speaking to the Deccan Chronicle, Dr R Narayana Babu, head of the paediatrics department at the hospital said:

"The body burns spontaneously due to combustible gases emitting from the patient's body, without any external source of ignition...Clothes and other things nearby that are inflammable may also catch fire."

The authorities are investigating the possibility of spontaneous human combustion as as well as the possibility of neglect or abuse, but in the meantime the doctors are keeping a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water near the baby's bed.



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Re: Spontaneous Human Combustion?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 10:07:11 AM »
What a bizarre story, Q! This should be documented by scientists to explain spontaneous combustion. Perhaps the child cannot control his internal heat or qi... like those Tibetan monks who can control their body temperature so they can sit exposed in the snow and not be cold! I do believe that we all can have the ability to control the temperature of our body with our minds - it's whether we know how. It would be excellent to be able to do so and save on winter clothes! but i jest. i know that it is a serious tantric practice and controlling our body temperature is simply a side-effect of that practice and not an end in itself.

Anyway, going back to this child, if you come across more news as to the reason why he bursts in flames, do share more here.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Spontaneous Human Combustion?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 11:52:46 AM »
I had a teacher of chemistry at high school that told us that if we were to take all the chemical elements that make a human body and mixed them up in a "soup" we would obtain an explosion...

He also said that our body had chemicals in it that would poison us if we were to eat them...

I remember wanting to know more about this then, but I never got to the exactitude of his statement, all I understood eventually is that from a chemical point of view, the working of our bodies was nothing short of a  miracle clumsily and incompletely explained by science.

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Re: Spontaneous Human Combustion?
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 01:20:22 PM »
I had a teacher of chemistry at high school that told us that if we were to take all the chemical elements that make a human body and mixed them up in a "soup" we would obtain an explosion...
He also said that our body had chemicals in it that would poison us if we were to eat them...
I remember wanting to know more about this then, but I never got to the exactitude of his statement, all I understood eventually is that from a chemical point of view, the working of our bodies was nothing short of a  miracle clumsily and incompletely explained by science.

If a teacher of chemistry still does not get to understand how it is possible for all chemical elements to work harmoniously for the working of our bodies, we have little hopes of understanding how a human body can “auto-combust”!
On top of that, it is a baby, certainly not someone looking for attention or capable of tricks... unless, of course, it is the family...
The fact is that auto-combustion, though rare, does exist.
Here are report from the BBC of a case officially ruled by the coroner as “AUTO-COMBUSTION”:


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Re: Spontaneous Human Combustion?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2013, 12:52:49 PM »
Do you believe humans can suddenly burst into flames from the inside out? Spontaneous human combustion isn't a myth. There are well documented cases of people suddenly burst into flames,only to be reduced to a pile of ash half an hour later.While many scientists have tried to replicate the phenomenon, a recent experiment by biologist Brian J Ford is the first to demonstrate a feasible cause.To test his theory that people can explode when there is a build up of acetone in their body.Ford burned human models made of  pork belly  marinated in the solvent .The flammable substance can be produced from ketosis,as a result of conditions like  alchoholism or low carbohydrate dieting.