Author Topic: 100th Gaden Tripa from Drepung Loseling Monastery was very questionable  (Read 16387 times)


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I have not heard of any Lamas besides Je Tsongkhapa, the Panchen Lamas and Dalai Lamas were there other Lamas who are given such an honor by the Tibetan Govt (back then) to have their bodies mummified! I wonder how true this piece of news is.

Considering the connections between HHDL and Master Loo coupled with this Tripa's contraversy, it is nothing new which we could not think the TGIE would do in order to prove that they are right.

Does anyone have any pictures to proof that the body of the Tripa was mummified instead of the traditional cremation?

Hmmm Ive read of stories of monks who meditated and preserved their own bodies through meditation. Funny how the Gaden Tripa wasnt able to do this...

Well, maybe his body was preserved in order for the people doing the embalming to gain merits? the body of the 1st Domo Geshe Rinpoche was embalmed as well in the same way so that more people could get blessings from him. Either way, there could be other reasons to why his body was embalmed that we would not know of for now. To me, I dont think it is a honor, I think it is one of the Dalai Lama's skilful means to benefit others but of course, CTA likes to glorify everything.