Author Topic: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama  (Read 12975 times)

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2013, 05:09:01 AM »
Dsiluvu, I think the Tibetans should seriously decide to get themselves a new government to lead them. By now they should realize their leaders are very far away from wrestling their lost country back from China. They should know too, that all the accusations made on Dorje Shugden are baseless and they should not stop their practice of Dorje Shugden who have been their protector for many generations. I would not mind to be a citizen of China, as the Chinese government will not stop me from continuing with my Shugden worship. In fact, the world's largest DS statue is located in Gonsa Monastery, in Kham and the main protector of this monastery is Dorje Shugden.
Look at the attached picture of this majestic monastery. The white building houses the Largest Tsongkapa statue in the world being 31 meters or 101ft. The newly built building ( yellow) to the right houses the largest Dorje Shugden statue in the world. It is a Dorje Shugden chapel with a Dorje Shugden statue which is 6 meters or 18 feet tall!
So, do you want to be ruled by a government that allows you the freedom  to practice this deity?


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2013, 05:18:11 AM »
Extending the thread of argument of Big Uncle that while "Tibet was lost to China...the world gained the Dharma" thoughts are of the incredible work of the diaspora of great Tibetan Lamas and Geshes, who have brought the Dharma to such far flung countries as the Western countries of America and Europe, and the southern countries of Australia and New Zealand and South America, and even to the 'dark continent' of Africa.

Again, BU says that China has allowed the practice of Shugden even in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Through Shugden, the Dharma is spreading all over China. This may well be a 'skillful' method employed by HH Dalai Lama - to impose the ban on Shugden practice so that the Chinese ,acting counter to their 'public enemy No 1' - HH Dalai Lama, have decided to promote Shugden practice and hence cause the King Protector to fulfill his promise of "preserving and spreading the Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa". Likewise,many great Gelug Lamas and Shugden practitioners are spreading the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa(especially his wisdom teachings and expounding of Nargajuna's Middle View of Emptiness, so vital for this degenerate age) everywhere in the world now.

It's ironic that the ban on Shugden has created a 'pocket' of Tibetans in India, who cannot practice Shugden or are practicing Him in secret, whilst in China-ruled Tibet and elsewhere in the world, Tibetans and other people are practicing Tibetan Buddhism and Dorje Shugden, to their great benefit and without restraint. Shugden practice is flourishing elsewhere! When the ban is lifted, with or without the Dalai Lama, there will be a 'gathering of eagles' of great Lamas who are Shugden practitioners, like Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche! This will hail a new renaissance of the Dharma! But may the ban be lifted by HH Dalai Lama himself and soon.



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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2013, 05:23:20 AM »
The 14th Dalai Lama is highly respected. So was the 13th Dalai Lama. When word got out that the two stupas need to be restored immediately to protect the country Chinese invasion the Tibetans promptly repaired the great stupas and their country was safe. Why CTA didn't seek for help from Dorje Shugden again?

Are they benefiting themselves because of promoting the ban? However if everyone stop propitiating to Dorje Shugden would China return Tibet? Does it mean China will return Tibet because the Tibetan drop their believe in spirit worship.

China doesn't have an official religion. Their ideology doesn't believe in religion. From their perspective they wouldn't consider Dorje Shugden as a reason for taking over Tibet. Why would a country take over another country because they do not share the same religion? How would a religious belief in another country is perceived as a thread to its own country?

It is very clear the main reason China claiming Tibet is historically Tibet is part of China. And now obviously for economic reasons they have a strong incentive for taking control of Tibet. In fact religion is the least of China concern. Actually strong religious could be a deterrent, ammunition against China's takeover. However if faith is weak it translates to lesser devotion to one's country, less need to defend once's country, and hence easier for takeover. For the Tibetans their strong devotion to their country is based on strong religious belief while for other countries strong devotion is based on nationalism. Therefore the reason one could lose one's country or independence is one has no devotion to the country. Instead of servicing the citizen one plunders and use the country for own sake and gain. And hence with no devotion one will lose the country. Many countries in the world have gained independence not by blaming some external entities but by taking responsibility. Many good examples of how other countries have gained independence are to demand for freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of rights, and so on. If one is demanding of freedom one must also gives freedom to others. When citizens are given freedom they will be able stand together, united as one strong voice.

If CTA wants to gain freedom and dignity it must give freedom to its people freedom of religion and belief, respecting human rights of speech, and so on. Otherwise Tibet and China would looks the same to the outsiders both having issues on freedom of belief and human rights.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2013, 05:46:22 AM »
The way forward is for the CTA to stop all mind games and come to grips with reality. China is not going to accede Tibet to the Tibetans. The G-7 and all the powers that be will never dare to raise the ire of China, a big powerhouse in which they now have vested interest.

So what should CTA do? Let the tarnished image of a democratic nation that is Tibet be restored. Lift the ban and let all Tibetans be free and equal, and let every Tibetan be allowed to practice Shugden or any other supramundane Protector that they wish to, for their benefit and the benefit of all beings. Let all the great Shugden Lamas be allowed to come and go. Recognize their strengths and power to revitalize the Dharma. For Dharma is all. It cannot be allowed to degenerate or disintegrate. Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen arose as the King Protector,Dorje Shugden, to fulfill a promise to preserve and spread the Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa. May this promise be fulfilled in response to the need of beings in these degenerate times.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2013, 06:01:40 AM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.

I doubt the Dharma would remained just in Tibet. Dharma could also be spread to nearby country and far away when monasteries send masters there to teach. What I see is that we are having a lot of obstacles to learn Dharma from our collective karma. The enlightened beings have put in their best effort to spread and preserve the Dharma on the material world with their infinite methods. The spread of Dharma from Tibet to the West shown that enlightened beings are not deter by the difficult conditions created by sentient beings which prevents Dharma from growing. It is fortune for those who have received the Dharma because of the effort of the masters and their own karma.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2013, 07:32:09 AM »
Looks like the Tibetans in exile are getting further away from their path to getting their independence and own country back. All these due to the fact they are ruled by a group of mainly uneducated people running the so called government. What is really sad is these Tibetans are following the pronouncement by their government blindly because they are not educated and believe all the promises their leaders made to them, including the misleading statement that worship of Dorje Shugden is hindering the process of getting their independent country back from China. Hopefully the CTA will come to their senses to let the Tibetans have the real freedom to practice the religion/deities of their choice. Which means the lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden. Maybe then they will get their independence from China too.

It's pretty sad that Lobsang Sanggay, despite being educated in Harward fails completely in implementing reforms and modernising Dharamsala but instead focuses more on being the Dalai Lama's pet and allowing backwater policies such as the Dorje Shugden ban to continue as well as going to every other country except for China with help regards to the Tibetan independence matter. If he cannot lift such a simple ban from his power as the sikyong, i doubt he would be able to take up such a big responsibility such as modernising Dharamsala and other works.

Johnson Yap

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2013, 08:02:08 AM »
This article showed how inconsistent is the way the current Tibetan government is practicing in terms of religious freedom.

It is very unfair to the Tibetan who have lost their country and were forced to leave their homeland and yet they are not allowed to worship the Powerful Protector Dorje Shugden which they have been practicing for the past 350 years. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is just taking an excuse for their inefficiency in granting the Tibetan independence as well as reclaiming to their homeland.

Since it has been published that the H H 13th Dalai Lama has heeded the advice of Dorje Shudgen. He and the previous Dalai Lamas have trusted and obeyed Dorje Shudgen who they know would safeguard Tibet. All these High Lamas could not be wrong to endorse Dorje Shudgen as their protector. But yet now the H H 14th Dalai Lama announced that by worshiping Dorje Shudgen will be harmful to Tibet's independence and will also shorten his life. Citing this reason he has imposed a ban on the worshiping of Dorje Shudgen. Isn't it ridiculous? It also contradict to the policy set by his predecessors.

Johnson Yap

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2013, 08:39:59 AM »
How much more evidence is required for the CTA and the world who preach that Dorje Shugden is "evil" to just see, understand and lift this nonsense Ban??

So true that if a government can enforce anything they feel is "right" at the expense of morale and humanity, they should be banned themselves? Why don't other countries ban the CTA? Give the CTA a taste of their own medicine. BAN CTA!

May someone with sense and compassion read this article and this whole website and please lift this Ban... enough suffering already. There are more problems in this world to think about like global warming! Save the Planet, Lift the Ban.

Unfortunately to the Dalai Lama's fanatics, they would dismiss such historical evidence as lies as they cannot accept the fact that Dorje Shugden is not, in their minds, satan. those who are weak minded would require someone to blame their misfortunes to and unfortunately many of these find Dorje Shugden a very convenient target just because the Dalai Lama said so. In this 'battle', it is more about educating people to see the truth rather than to believe in what the Dalai Lama fanatics say regarding Dorje Shugden as they tend to spread misinformation about Dorje Shugden and Gelugpa a lot.

There are sufficient evidence to support the fact that Dorje Shugden is not "evil".
Dorje Shugden has been practiced for more than 350 years in Tibet by millions of Tibetan including high lamas and previous Dalai Lama. Tibetan could be wrong but not the high lamas and Dalai Lamas who were high attained persons..
It is only the 14th Dalai Lama who strongly support the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. He cited the unreasonable excuse that Dorje Shugden is harmful to Tibet and will shorten his life. But with more and more  evidences revealing, it is just a matter of time the ban will be lifted.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2013, 09:07:06 AM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.

I doubt the Dharma would remained just in Tibet. Dharma could also be spread to nearby country and far away when monasteries send masters there to teach. What I see is that we are having a lot of obstacles to learn Dharma from our collective karma. The enlightened beings have put in their best effort to spread and preserve the Dharma on the material world with their infinite methods. The spread of Dharma from Tibet to the West shown that enlightened beings are not deter by the difficult conditions created by sentient beings which prevents Dharma from growing. It is fortune for those who have received the Dharma because of the effort of the masters and their own karma.

Well... It would take a lot longer for the Dharma to come out of Tibet if China had not invaded. I am not saying this to justify the invasion but I am saying this to acknowledge what had happened and its positive effects. I am sorry but I think nothing could have prevented the invasion and not even Dorje Shugden could have stopped it. However, Dorje Shugden did help to push the invasion to a later time. I really believe if the pujas prescribed wasn't done, the invasion would have come sooner. Dorje Shugden did help but even he cannot stop the inevitability of karma. Ultimately, it is only with our own hands that we can change karma. It's funny how one can just take a look at what Dorje Shugden has done and its all to benefit others, why does CTA continue to persist with the ban?


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2013, 07:47:35 AM »
How much more evidence is required for the CTA and the world who preach that Dorje Shugden is "evil" to just see, understand and lift this nonsense Ban??

So true that if a government can enforce anything they feel is "right" at the expense of morale and humanity, they should be banned themselves? Why don't other countries ban the CTA? Give the CTA a taste of their own medicine. BAN CTA!

May someone with sense and compassion read this article and this whole website and please lift this Ban... enough suffering already. There are more problems in this world to think about like global warming! Save the Planet, Lift the Ban.

Unfortunately to the Dalai Lama's fanatics, they would dismiss such historical evidence as lies as they cannot accept the fact that Dorje Shugden is not, in their minds, satan. those who are weak minded would require someone to blame their misfortunes to and unfortunately many of these find Dorje Shugden a very convenient target just because the Dalai Lama said so. In this 'battle', it is more about educating people to see the truth rather than to believe in what the Dalai Lama fanatics say regarding Dorje Shugden as they tend to spread misinformation about Dorje Shugden and Gelugpa a lot.

There are sufficient evidence to support the fact that Dorje Shugden is not "evil".
Dorje Shugden has been practiced for more than 350 years in Tibet by millions of Tibetan including high lamas and previous Dalai Lama. Tibetan could be wrong but not the high lamas and Dalai Lamas who were high attained persons..
It is only the 14th Dalai Lama who strongly support the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. He cited the unreasonable excuse that Dorje Shugden is harmful to Tibet and will shorten his life. But with more and more  evidences revealing, it is just a matter of time the ban will be lifted.

Unfortunately, to those who dont listen to their Lineage Gurus but only go after the Dalai Lama's mysticism and allure of the whole shangri-la story that the CTA has cooked up, whatever that are really positive about Dorje Shugden will be denied by them and they will refuse to see otherwise until the Dalai Lama says that he is a beneficial being. This shows that these people are following the Dalai Lama not for the Dharma but for other reasons...perhaps they see the Dalai Lama as a celebrity? However the case, this is what is going on with his followers at the moment.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2013, 10:29:47 PM »
I agree with Big Uncle, if Tibet was not invaded by China, it would not force the lamas to move and reside at other countries. Yes, dharma may still be able to spread far and wide, but it is because of this invasion that pushed the lamas to move to another country earlier. Hence, spreading dharma to others. Although monasteries are able to send lamas out to teach as well, but not many lamas are sent out overseas to teach dharma. Hence, I think that the invasion definitely made an impact.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2013, 11:22:30 PM »
I agree with Big Uncle, if Tibet was not invaded by China, it would not force the lamas to move and reside at other countries. Yes, dharma may still be able to spread far and wide, but it is because of this invasion that pushed the lamas to move to another country earlier. Hence, spreading dharma to others. Although monasteries are able to send lamas out to teach as well, but not many lamas are sent out overseas to teach dharma. Hence, I think that the invasion definitely made an impact.

Therefore, one can safely say that Tibet's invasion does have its benefits and it is not entirely bad, although China's actions cannot be justified or is excusable in any way. Think about it: If China did not invade Tibet, there would be completely no reason for the high Lamas to step out of Tibet and teach the Dharma to many. They would just remain in Tibet and train the Tibetans. Buddhism would have less followers around the world and modern psychology would not have been what it is today as it has a lot of influence from Tibetan Buddhist philosophy on the nature of the mind.