Author Topic: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over  (Read 5672 times)


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Instant karma? but still, very sad to see that the morality of the Chinese has gone down so much

Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
by Allison Pan on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 125 comments

From NetEase:

3-Year-Old Girl Beaten By Father and Thrown Out of Car, Father Dies in Car Accident Soon Afterwards
Summary: March 12th, Gan X took a taxi with his daughter to go see her mother. On the car, he suddenly began viciously beating her, and after smashing the window, he threw her out. After the taxi stopped and Gan got off the car and left, he was hit and ran over by a passing truck, and died immediately. At present, the child’s condition is stable, and her life is in no danger. The case is currently under further investigation.

According to family members, the girl was with her father that day going to see her mother, and the mother has yet to make an appearance after the incident

It’s said that even a tiger will not eat its own cubs, but two nights ago, while on a moving taxi, a man began beating his own 3-year-old daughter before then throwing her out of the car. Afterward, something even more unimaginable happened. After the man got out of the car and left, he was hit and ran over by a passing cargo truck, dying on the scene. At present, the child’s condition is stable, and is currently not in any danger. The case is currently under further investigation.

A Strange Incident

Domestic violence followed by a life lost underneath a truck wheel

At around 10pm on March 12th, staff on duty at the Zhangzhou 120 [emergency services] dispatch center received different reports for the same location, one of a car accident and one of a case of domestic violence. Two ambulances were dispatched in response.

10 minutes later, both ambulances arrived in front of the Longhai city, Jiuhu town, Baihua village Flower Market. The ambulance that arrived at the Flower Market handled the incident of domestic violence, where a little girl was violently beaten and then thrown out of a moving taxi by her father, her body covered with injuries. Not far on the other side of the road, an over 20-meter long cargo truck had its emergency blinkers on parked beside the flowerbed, with the headless corpse of a man lying beneath the truck’s rear wheels, the head one meter away from the corpse, and the scene being one of extreme bloodiness. The locations of the two incidents were extremely close, striking the emergency personnel that arrived on the scene as being particularly peculiar.

Taxi Driver’s Recollection

Man beat young girl while on the car and then threw her out

According to Mr. Chen, the taxi driver who carried the father-daughter pair, he picked up the man and his daughter at around 9pm that night at Pinghe Xiaoxi Town. “Because the father had no money with him at the time, he had me to take them to a relative’s house in Longhai Dongyuan town, so he could get money for the cab fare.” Chen said the child was quite well-behaved all along the way, without crying or making a fuss.

“Just as we were about to reach downtown Zhangzhou, the man suddenly started beating the child, then picked up an unopened bottle of red wine and smashed open the taxi’s rear-left window. Just as I was about to pull over and before the car had stopped, he picked up his daughter and tossed her out of the broken window,” Mr. Chen recalled. After the car had stopped, the child’s father crawled out of the car through the broken window, and went over to the child. “He picked the kid up and dropped/thew her onto the ground two times in a row, and then headed across the road.”

Mr. Chen hastily carried the child onto the side of the road and called the police. As for where the child’s father then went, he says he himself didn’t know.

When Jiuhu police arrived, the child was still conscious, and told the police her name and her father’s mobile phone number. However, when the police dialed the child’s father’s number, the mobile phone was off.

Family Identification:

Headless man in car accident is indeed the girl’s father

After the traffic accident, the truck driver immediately called the police, and after Jiuhe traffic police received the report at around 9:40pm that night, they quickly arrived at the scene. The police said that according to [another] taxi driver, as he was driving past the Flower Market, a person suddenly jumped out of flowerbed in the center of the street. Unable to avoid him, the car directly hit him.

As it is understood, the driver responsible is surnamed Yao, from Henan, and currently has been detained by police. The Chief Officer of the Transportation Administration department of Longhai Traffic Administration of Public Security stated that the identity of the deceased man has been verified and the accident is still under investigation.

Dongyuan resident Mr. Gan is the relative that the child’s father had gone to see that night, and is the child’s great uncle. He says: “That night after 9pm, I received a call from my nephew, saying that his mobile phone account is out of money, and that he was calling with the taxi driver’s cell phone. He said he was on his way from Pinghe to Dongyuan town with his kid, but he did not have money on him, and wanted me to help him pay the cab fare.”

At 10:22pm that night, Mr. Gan received a call from the police, saying the child had been abandoned by the roadside by her father. Shortly afterwards, police called yet again saying his nephew had been hit and killed by a car, with the body being kept at the Longhai Morgue. Yesterday, Mr. Gan arrived at the Longhai Morgue to identify the body, confirming that the deceased was the child’s father.

? Hospital Visit:

Child’s condition is stable

Cries upon hearing the word “daddy”

At past 11pm that night, this reporter arrived at Zhangzhou City Hospital of Chinese Medicine, and saw the injured little girl in the emergency room. As it is understood, the little girl is called Xiaoya (pseudonym), and is 3 years old this year. According to the emergency room doctor on duty, Xiaoya’s skull is fractured underneath her forehead with multiple scratches on her face, is not in any life-threatening condition but needs to remain in the hospital for observation.

On the hospital bed, Xiaoya has her eyes closed, with tears seeping out of the corner of her eyes. When she hears a noise, she immediately opens her eyes. Just hearing the word “daddy” causes her to start bawling, simultaneously crying and saying: “Daddy hit me, daddy pushed me out of the car, I want grandpa and grandma.”

? Family Statements:

Child’s parents are divorced

What happened that day is not yet clear

Yesterday morning at 1am, over 10 of Xiaoya’s family members rushed to hospital from Longhai and Xiamen.

According to Xiaoya’s family, the child’s father Gan X was 29 years old, a native of Longhai Dongyuan town, and resided in Xiamen. The child’s parents divorced just months after the child’s birth, with Xiaoya’s father gaining custody. From that point on, Xiaoya rarely saw her mother.

Xiaoya’s grandmother says the child’s mother had previously called saying it had been a long time since she’s seen her child and wanted to see her. So at around 8am the day before yesterday, her son took her granddaughter to Pinghe to see the child’s mother. As for what happened after the two left, she doesn’t know. It wasn’t until that night after 10pm did they receive news of their son’s car accident death and granddaughter being hospitalized. The son’s posthumous affairs were all handled by other relatives on their behalf and they can only now focus on taking care of their young granddaughter.

“On the day of the accident, whether the child’s dad saw his ex-wife and whether or not there was a fight, I also don’t know,” said Xiao Ya’s great uncle Mr. Gan. After the incident, they notified Xiaoya’s mom, but she has thus far not made an appearance.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 09:48:34 AM »
The father must have had an attack of insanity to suddenly beat his child and threw her out of the taxi.  According to the taxi driver, the child was behaving properly, so it was not that she provoked the father into it.

And according to the report, the mother did not even turn up when she heard about the daughter's ordeal.  The father really had his karma ripen almost immediately, to be struck dead by oncoming truck just not too long after throwing his daughter out of the taxi.

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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 10:08:49 AM »
This is just utter degeneration of human ethics and morality. That's what you get from a society whose values are placed mainly on materialism. China is going through a period of massive economic development and prosperity. The physical development is not balanced with equally with the spiritual and we have human relationships degenerating to this all time low. It's amazing how much the economic development has brought out the worst in people despite the seeming abundance.

This is just another piece of news that shows how much China needs Dharma and special assistance. Dorje Shugden is just ideal and it would be great if there were people who actively promoted Dorje Shugden even bigger especially amongst the Han Chinese and not the Tibetan circles. Like everywhere else in the world, Dorje Shugden is very much needed and he will bring Dharma into the people's minds.


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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 01:28:55 AM »
It is very sad to see how parents disregard their own child and just toss her aside when things go wrong between them and treat their child as if she is not human and she has no emotions. People like these should not be getting married and having children in the first place. There are just people who should not have children at all and this couple is one very good example of those people as they fail to realize that having a child is a responsibility and they should care for her no matter what happens.


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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 12:37:29 PM »
Why would a person did what he did to her own daughter, no one with a sane mind would do this even to an animal more over she's his daughter. It just show how much the world has degenerate, the world has becoming more and more selfish to only absorb into our problem. Only our problem is an urgent matter and the world has to stopped and listen to our problem. Nothing seems important to this father other than his problem since he was not working during that incident. Such a sad case for this child, her dad must have left a very deep memory into her mind. But it is not a nice and beautiful one in this case.


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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2013, 01:12:47 PM »
This is totally insane! Even animals will protect their offspring! What type of species is this man who mercilessly beat and threw his daughter out from a moving taxi? His negative karma definitely caught up with him very fast as he was killed by a passing truck not too long after he threw his daughter out.

In a growing and developing country like China, society focused more on physical development and materialism. There’s a lack of spiritual development which leads to degeneration of morality and ethics. This is the time when Dorje Shugden’s practice is much needed to help and bring dharma into people’s lives.


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Re: Father Who Beat and Threw Daughter Out of Taxi is Run Over
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 07:40:13 AM »
Yes it is sad on what the father did, but relatives should have realized that the child was unwanted and should have done more to protect her from her uncaring parents instead of allowing for this abuse to happen/carrying on. Again like I have said, the family/society has failed this little girl again and it is a sign that China needs spirituality to help them get back on their feet and fill the void and missing parts that these people lack. Buddhism is one of the few religions that can do this effectively and with the least destruction.