Author Topic: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium  (Read 7067 times)


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I saw this invitation below on facebook and am curious to know if the Chushi Gangdruk are currently Dorje Shugden practitioners since their very formation was instructed by Dorje Shugden himself? Will there be any Dorje Shugden prayers done at this celebration?

Are there other celebrations going on elsewhere? Do share if there are!

Dear fellow Tibetans
We are going to celebrate the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk. Tibetan dance from different regions will be performed and the famous Tibetan singers like Tenzin Dolma and Lobsong Delek will personally sing on the stage.

We welcome you all to celebrate this special occasion enjoy the night with your friends, family and fellow Tibetans.

Venue : Schijnpoortweg 55, 2060 Antwerpen

Date : 14/08 Wednesday
Time : from 7:00 pm

Tram : 12
Metro : 3, 5 and 6 (stop schijnpoort)
Please spread this message to one and all.

Thank you.
From Belgium Chushi Gangdruk. Contact no. 0484915113
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2013, 01:20:58 PM »
Thank you for sharing Wisdom Being. This is indeed an interesting event and I did read about this in an article of Chushi Gangdruk's origins on a while back, which I will paste here for everybody's convenience. This is going to be an interesting event because I heard that Chushi Gangdruk split into anti-Dorje Shugden and pro-Dorje Shugden factions. I wonder which faction is hosting this anniversary. It's too bad that some have forgotten whose kindness that this group was even formed. This shows how kind and what a true Dharma Protector is Dorje Shugden. It shows what a compassion and wisdom-filled protector he is.

Here's an extract of the above-mentioned article:-

Panglung Oracle & Chushi Gangdruk

Panglung Kuten (oracle) was the most famous oracle of Kache Marpo and Dorje Shugden before 1959 in Tibet. Kyabje Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo opened his psychic channels initially and Phari Dorje Chang gave the retreats and practices to further enhance the clarity of his trances.

Panglung Kuten was a lay oracle and had a consort wife who served and took care of everything before, during and after the trance, and prepared his meals, which were especially made to ensure his body was pure. She was his attendant, student and consort. He was clearly a great being because he was a lay master and still able to take such clear trances to benefit others.

H.H. Trijang RinpocheKyabje Trijang Rinpoche was very affectionate with this oracle and would often consult him. Panglung Kuten’s seat was in Panglung Ritroe (Retreat) near Sera Monastery. Panglung Ritroe was the residence of Panglung Rinpoche, Panglung Kuten, Consort and 10 fully ordained monks.

At one time, the Panglung Kuten traveled to Gyetong (Chong Den), Kham and took trance in order to benefit the monastery there. At this monastery, Panglung Kuten’s trances were haughty, fierce and at times violent. This was unprecedented because while in Lhasa, he took mainly peaceful trances of Kache Marpo.

Kache Marpo takes a demeanor according to what his audience needed. He manifested peace because the people were sincere and would keep their promises and samayas. In places where the people were wild and un-Dharmic, he manifested arrogance, ferocity and he sometimes slapped and beat the monks. Some of these monks broke their vows and lived in robes to cheat sponsors. Hence, the stories of a violent and fierce oracle grew in that area. Some monks would soil their robes even today when they hear the oracle who takes trance of Kache Marpo is coming.

In 1956, three years before the exodus of Dalai Lama from Tibet, Dorje Shugden in a trance told a few Khampa warriors to band together and form a society of warriors at a lake in the shape of Vajrayogini’s ritual chopper – Driguk. Shugden insisted through the Panglung Kuten to have this done. However, they were few, disorganized, lazy and were unable to find the lake. So, Dorje Shugden in a trance manifested anger and scolded the Khampa warriors. The protector fiercely told them to unite despite the fact that there were only a few of them. If they did not form into a group, then they were not to consult him again Shugden told them.

The Khampa warriors eventually got together and discovered the lake, and as predicted by Dorje Shugden, the dug out a sword near the lake, and together with another sword which Dorje Shugden gave them, it formed the emblem of Chushi Gangdruk, which was a crossed double swords. So they became the famous Chushi Gangdruk – four rivers and six mountains. Chushi Gangdruk successfully escorted the Dalai Lama out of Tibet in 1959. Shugden knew already in 1956 Dalai Lama would have to leave Tibet in 1959 and insisted Chushi Gangdruk be formed to escort the Dalai Lama safely out.

Unfortunately, many members of today’s new and current Chushi Gangdruk no longer remember how Shugden asked them to form and guided them, all due to politics. Dorje Shugden is so compassionate that he even prepared the warriors so they would be able to assist the Dalai Lama at the most crucial time. The Dalai Lama wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Dorje Shugden’s assistance. Everyday, Chushi Gangdruk in Tibet do serkym and sangsol rituals to Shugden in the early morning to ask for blessings. It was Shugden’s promise and instructions to them in 1959 to escort Dalai Lama out of Tibet.

During the crucial moment, the Dalai Lama requested Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to ask the Panglung oracle whether he should escape from Tibet in 1959. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was very famous and wanted to avoid unwanted attention, so he sent Sera Mey Kensur Ngawang Drakpa and a *changzo Losang Yeshe. So, they went to the Panglung Oracle and he took trance.

Kache Marpo in a trance told the Dalai Lama to go and gave specific instructions. Then he gave a sword and instructed that the sword be held up in front of the Dalai Lama’s party especially during dangerous moments while leaving Tibet to India. Besides Chushi Gangdruk, 33 Sera monks including the Abbot of Sera Monastery himself accompanied the Dalai Lama’s escape party. Some of these monks are still alive and attest to this. Therefore, it is a hard fact that Dorje Shugden saved the Dalai Lama.

Panglung Kuten wanted to travel to India before the fall of Tibet also. However, Dorje Shugden in a trance asked him not to go, because he was needed to take trance to tell the Dalai Lama and other high lamas clearly what Dorje Shugden’s instructions were in order to escape from Tibet to India during the Chinese invasion in the late 50s. He was only allowed to leave Tibet after the Dalai Lama and all the great High Lamas escaped. Shugden kept Panglung Kuten in Tibet until the very last moment to be is mouthpiece to ensure the safety of Dalai Lama and high lamas to escape.

Panglung Kuten and his consort escaped to India and resided in Kalimpong. He passed away at the age of 60, when his son was 13 years old. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche trained his son to be his successor and today the son has become a famous Oracle as good as his father.

Today, the Panglung Kuten’s son is the new Panglung Kuten. The current Panglung Kuten is a monk and lived in Sera Monastery in South India until the ban. Because of the ban on Dorje Shugden, Panglung Kuten resides in Taiwan permanently. Hundreds of requests per year are submitted to Panglung Kuten to take trance of Shugden and Kache Marpo for answers in Taiwan. Panglung Kuten continues to serve thousands around the world in his capacity to take clear and unmistaken trance of Shugden and Kache Marpo.



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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 10:35:53 PM »
It is definitely clear that Chushi Gangdruk is an oracle that is really someone special. I believe that to be able t take trances of such beings like Kache Marpo, the pureness of his body is definitely something very important, and he must have practiced a lot of Dharma in his previous life to be able to do so. Just imagine the amount of merits that is being collected and generated through using his body as a vessel for Kache Marpo to use and spread Dharma.


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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2013, 04:40:16 PM »
Many people are ignorant of the fact that the without Dorje Shugden and the Chushi Gangdruk, there will not be any Dalai Lama to bring the dharma to the world.

So Dorje Shugden protected the growth of dharma in the world, by guiding the Dalai Lama to safety, this is undeniable and unmistakable. There were a lot of witnesses even now who have spoken about this fact and this fact had been documented.

So why is it so far fetched to think, that now the Dalai Lama is doing the same for Dorje Shugden for the spread of Lama Tsongkhapa's tradition. In our time infamy works better in this time and age, which is why the method Dalai Lama chose seems to be so unconventional and not so literal.


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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2013, 06:59:08 AM »
After reading this article with all the real hard evidence, I do hope that Chushi Gangdruk would have written evidence on Dorje Shugden's directive to form Chushi Gangdruk, and the historical event of helping HH Dalai Lama leaving Tibet.

May the truth be reveal soon!!


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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2013, 05:01:37 PM »
Any news from the event in Belgium?

I just found an article on the Chushi Gangdruk 55th Anniversary in Dharamsala on June 19th. In the article mentioned about the Dhokham Chushi Gandruk’s missions.  One of the missions is working towards the rights of the Tibetan people to determine their own political, economic, social, religious and cultural future under the sole leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

I really have doubt on their mission. If they are working towards the rights of the Tibetan, they will also protect the Dorje Shugden practitioners rights too. How could they forgot about the fact that it’s Dorje Shugden that asked them to form, guided them and protected HH Dalai Lama to escape safely into India. It is also due to Dorje Shugden that helped HH Dalai Lama to India, the Tibetan culture and religion can still be preserved until today. I hope they will remember this.


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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2013, 03:46:47 AM »
It will be very interesting if there are any written evidence of Dorje Shugden (and not Nechung) who helped in Dalai Lama's escape from Tibet to India. There were many accounts made by individuals on how Dorje Shugden actually assisted Dalai Lama's escape and if there are any more new evidences to proof this real event, then it will reinforce the faith in those anti Dorje Shugden and perhaps the split factions can reunite back together as one.


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Re: Celebrating the 55th founding anniversary of Chushi Gangdruk in Belgium
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2013, 08:02:50 AM »
It is interesting to know that the Chushi Gandgruk around the world is still banding together for the sake of old times and to furtherance their role in this modern time.  In fact, they, the fearless dharma warriors are joining together to fight this ban to boast their come back.  Truth is their justice and this is powerful for the world to know they were formed to assist the Dalai Lama's escape to India by none other than the Lord Dorje Shugden.  Chushi Gandruk are the living proof.
