Author Topic: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?  (Read 8668 times)

DS Star

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War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:08:12 PM »
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"The Obama administration readied Tuesday for a probable military strike against Syria, assembling allied backing and collecting an important Arab endorsement of its view that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is almost certainly to blame for an alleged mass gassing of civilians." The Washington Post

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Military strike to be launched for the reason that Syrian government is killing its civilians with chemical weapon i.e. mass gassing.

Supposedly, it is to stop a violent action but by using another violent action...

This war on Syria, is it really necessary Mr President?

Why don't you change to another strategy, without killing more people?

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DS Star

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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 05:26:47 PM »
Forget President Obama for a while...

Now as Buddhist, if you have the necessary power and resources, what would you do?
And why? Please state the reason for your decision and action.

That is to say, if you are the President of United States, what would you do?

Please remember that if we are not stopping someone from taking another's life and in this case, mass gassing of hundreds of innocent civilians, we ourselves are creating negative karma equivalent to the killer...


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 10:34:56 PM »
Check into non-corporate media. There is no evidence that it was the Syrian Govt that used chemical attacks, but there is mounting evidence that it was rebels. Bare in mind too that the rebels are not just being supplied by the US Govt, they are working with the CIA, and therefore, like many other examples we can find if we look at the research, this is another 'false flag' operation by the US Govt as a means to invade another country, essentially due to the oil pipeline wars taking place. It has nothing to do with preventing dictators from using chemical weapons. Just think it out a little with common sense too - why would a president launch a chemical attack on his own people on the same day that UN Inspectors are coming to investigate chemical weapons issues and on the anniversary of Obama's "red line" speech? Anyways, we need to read more details on and stop listening to corporate propaganda that continuously lies to us over and over and over again to suit the agenda of the ruling elite.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 12:45:21 AM »
If it is simply a matter of people being killed by a certain group within a country, there are many instances in which Team America does not involve itself. It also makes no sense that in order to prevent the killing innocent people we go in and kill way more people than the initial event. The situation over there is complicated and the general public is not given the meat of the issues.

The US has no evidence to support their claim, the US President is ignoring the constitution, ignoring congress, ignoring that over 91% of the American public do not support his decision, ignoring that the UN Security counsel voted against the attack on Syria, ignoring the advice of many people including former Military commanders, ignoring nuclear warnings from Russia and China, ignoring that Syria and Iran have proclaimed they will turn Israel into a flaming cauldron if the US attacks, ignoring that Israel will forcefully destroy Syria, ignoring the implications on foreign relations, ignoring that Russia, China, and Iran are supporting Syria, and just moving forward with attack plans. Many are considering this to be the start of WW3. Saudi Arabia is involved and threatening terrorist attacks at the Olympics, Hezbollah is involved, Al Qaida is involved, Turkey is involved and so on. At great cost and for what? $, oil, control of real estate, depopulating the earth (check out UN Agenda 21) and so forth.

WTF is wrong with these people. We need to put ourselves in the shoes of all the people, the families who are waiting right now for their countries to be destroyed, and realize that the destabilization that the US President is about to unleash will have grave global consequences. Pray hard people!


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 02:17:38 AM »
Here's an informative link of particular interest, especially for those who believe the outright lies of the US Govt.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 02:05:15 PM »
What happened in Syria over the last few weeks should be a shock to the conscience of the world. It defies all code of morality. An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind. If need be, economic sanction rather than sending aircraft bombers and troops to kill more innocent people would be a more sane option.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 05:08:46 PM »
As we all know , war is never the solution , it only leads to more wars . Perhaps we should just stop expecting war mongers to stop this no brainer act and just simply see it as a deliberate and calculated act to create more profit . It is all about the money , as in any criminal investigation , just follow the money and or the party standing to gain the most from it . With this simple approach , one will see that all wars are " made " and not just merely declared . From this we will realize that is no point in asking for level headed thinking , it is already well thought out , planned , calculated and premeditated to achieve war , that is the whole point . As the saying goes the "love of money is the root of all evil" .


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2013, 05:19:20 AM »
The pictures of the war are scenes from occasional hells that break out on earth, I think.  No, it doesn't make sense to keep killing to end killing.  If we were Pres. Obama what would we do; I think I would also help all living beings by remembering that the Buddha said that we should never go to war. 
  If I thought I should involve my country in a war, I would consult Dorje Shugden first, perhaps in the form of an oracle.
  I am a Buddhist though, and not a Buddha.  I generally pray that the heads of state we elect will be undercover Buddhas to start off with, though when they are heads of state their activities are so unusual that I have a hard time telling what they are doing or whether they are Buddhas acting like politicians or really confused beings.
  That said, I think we should always tell our heads of state what we think would be appropriate, in case they are teaching in reverse or simply weren't Buddhas; so I think I would advise Obama not to go to war.  The US government is using the chemical weapons idea as a red herring; I know the people of Syria would like some help, but I think they might prefer a more peaceful approach than anything the U.S. comes up with. 


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2013, 12:10:49 AM »
I will never support a war , irrespective of the situation. All wars create more sufferings then blessings, both for the people who have to fight the war as well as the victims who have to live thorugh the war(which may lasts forever, in some cases). Tonnes of money and resources are spent in wars, but the result benefits very very few, if at all any.
There must be other ways to help the Syrian civilians, beside war.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2013, 08:36:16 AM »
Using violent actions against violent actions will not lead to peace. It is the cause of how wars are created. It is because the people or rulers of a country are greedy for wealth, like economic greed or power; their pride may have been offended and they feel that the answer to problems, which are essentially within their own minds, can be sought externally, through the use of force. It is individuals who decide to wage war. Even if the war is global, its beginning can be traced back to the decisions of individuals like a ruler or leader of a country.

Wars caused so much harm and sufferings to the innocents and the civilians.  A lot of money is wasted in chemical warfare.  A peaceful approached is always a better choice than war.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2013, 04:19:25 PM »
Going to war is going to send the message that it is okay to wage war and destroy other countries. And we called ourselves peacekeeping and friendlies. It may just be a twisted way of achieving one's aim, sugarcoating it, and getting away with the act. There is no war without victims. War is saying I can use my own rules and crushed my enemies since they don't have the same rules. Why don't wage war on country who practices human slavery for example sourcing clothes from countries who practice child labour. It seems this is a smaller issue than chemical weapons.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2013, 08:03:35 AM »
Of course it is not necessary. War never solve any problem. Also, we have all kinds of other issues as mentioned by everyone on this thread....proofs, who did it and the impact on the populations. Also, why is it necessary for America to go and create more enemies. It is so silly.

After the fiasco of the Bushes eras (both senior and junior), I would think that a Democrat President like Obama is not war least not like the Republican presidents.

Many would not agree with me, I am sure, but I will still say this. At the point when the planes hit the World Trade Center on 911, President George W. Bush had the opportunity to be one of the greatest of all American president if only he refuse war and forgive. That is not to say he should not that actions to punish Bin Ladin but just refusing war will, I suspect, make him that great a President in history. He just didn't have the balls..I am afraid.

So, Obama. Please think.


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Re: War on Syria, Is it really necessary?
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2013, 02:08:20 AM »
Wait guys, just hang on there, there could be a happy ending to this war on Syria. 

A deal was struck that gave Damascus a week to hand over a list of its chemical arms, stockpiles.  They also agreed the arsenal would be destroyed by mid-2014.

A chemical disarmament team arrived in Damascus recently is the result of an unprecedented gruelling US-Russian deal that averted a regional war.  This has changed the course of history.  There is no need for violence.