Author Topic: Destroying asunder the misguided teachings of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu on Shugden  (Read 12468 times)


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Oh dear... There is so many things that I would disagree with what Chogyal Namkhai Norbu has mentioned in his article.

For someone that practices Guru Dragphur, a manifestation of Padmasambhava... it does not appear that he has that much of a great faith in Padmasambhava's ability to subdue spirits based on how he explained about Nechung.

What really irk me about the article is when it was mentioned "When these people [indicating Gyalpo practitioners] die they become part of the class of Gyalpo." And we all know that he is referring this to DS practitioners.

So the question is... does this mean that great lamas like Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Domo Rinpoche, etc are all going to be 'part of the Gyalpo class' when they pass? Well, reality check, it didn't happen.

From what I see, I am having two opinion about this... I do not like to criticize any ordained persons nor do I like to criticize another's Guru, but I just have to voice out my opinion on this:

It is either:
1) He is an extremely attained Lama that is involved in this Illusory play of enlightened beings to bring eventual benefit to others, just like Lama Zopa. So perhaps He is showing the world... Look! it is wrong to perpetuate deities to destroy DS, and showing how much negative karma can be collected by disparaging DS as an Enlightened being. In this way, how compassionate He is to use himself as an example for everyone to see.

2) He is used by his centre to promote the practice of Guru Dragphur and they are taking 'advantage' of the situation on DS to draw attention to this practice. I think it is because of this that even Nechung was not spared from being criticized by them.


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It is quite unfortunate that a lama such as Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche should see it fit to seek to destroy a deity that many high and virtuous lamas regard as a sacred protector of the Dharma, not that he could. A few have tried and the fact that they failed can only mean either (i) they have no real powers or (ii) Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being that cannot be destroyed. It would have been impossible for so many acclaimed masters such as Mindrolling Lama to have failed in exorcising a destructive "demon". If Padmasambava could subdue all the spirits and demonic forces of Tibet, then it should follow that the necessary skills and knowledge in taming and controlling demons would have been carefully passed down over the generations and held by present day masters and still retaining their potency. If indeed Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit as he is accused, I am very sure that the Dalai Lama's office and CTA would have deployed all necessary resources to rid themselves of Shugden. This is only common sense. Instead they have resorted to name-calling and dishonest activities aimed at punishing Shugden monks and lay practitioners.

It is also clear that some lamas, perhaps in attempt to curry favour with Dharmansala, have joined in the persecution of Shugden. In so doing, they have wrought such bad karma upon themselves and incurred a bad reputation along the way. There is one observation that I have made i.e. for all the oppression that Shugden lamas and monks have received, there is not a single attempt spiritual or otherwise, to "destroy" their enemies. Isn't that strange for people who are supposed to be worshipping a sinister, destructive and powerful spirit?

I do hope Namkai Norbu Rinpoche fully recovers from his illness and I pray for Dorje Shugden to bestow upon Rinpoche good health and a long life.

Well said Vajratruth! 

It is sheer ignorance of Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche (CNNR) to want to bring damage to his own reputation as a Buddhist teacher!  The worst thing is that his actions cause wrong views, disharmony, and disrepute to Buddhism at large! Instead of propagating the Dharma, he is doing otherwise!

May CNNR quickly recover from his illness and stop his damaging actions!

Yes, very well said by Vajratruth.

I do hope that CNNR will also recover quickly from his illness... well perhaps he'll have to commission a DS puja for himself secretly hehehehe... hint.

Anyways, the more I read about it, the more it feels like it is some kind of power play. The classic case of 'If I can't kill you, then I'll slander you to reduce your influence'.


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I think perhaps it is best that since Chogyel NamKhai Norbu Rinpoche has taken ill, that he use his time in hospital  to reflect seriously on what he has done to create confusion and schism among the Buddhist community. I do question the state of his mind when he instructed his students "to engage in Vajrakilaya practices and to recite thousands of mantras aimed at the destruction of Dorje Shugden". That a high lama like himself could actually engage a holy Yidam Vajrakilaya practice to, as Jangchup Choden stated, "for unsavoury purposes", is beyond logic and good reason.
I do hope that during his time of recovery from illness and paralysis, that he will find time to check out this DS website and forum, to find out the truth about Dorje Shudgen and perhaps gain positive mind transformation to engage holy practices with the right motivation.
I wish Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche well and a speedy recovery.


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I hope this grand Lama would realise his mistake after a lot more contemplation.

History is usually all there for us to see, there is no such thing as being random. The examples there are clear to see. There are the Mindroling Lamas of that time tried to vanquish Dorje Shugden, Setrap clearly intervened to save  DS. My guess is even after the first attempt, if the Mindroling lamas still did not see who Dorje Shugden really was they would probably have tried again.  Why not? If great EVIL abounds ins one's land why not destroy it before this EVIl infects the rest of the country. I would.

Mind you the rise of Dorje Shudgen seems to be orchestrated by Nechung and then Setrap came into the picture later. These are two very powerful dharma protectors, one an emanation of Amithabha the other who have served the Dalai Lama for countless cycles of time.  these are the heavy weights of the Dharma protectors working in tandem for the rise of Dorje Shugden. Nechung for his part to initiate the rise would have progressed spiritually and  tremendously to bring about DS's appearance ion our world system. Setrap is non Gelug exclusive as well, why would Setrap help a sectarian dharma protector?

Hopefully for CNNR, may he quickly come to the realisation that Dorje Shugden is not what he thinks it is and that DS is enlightened.  If Dorje Shudgen was enlightened why would he need saving? Well to let all the people and lamas know that Dorje Shugden is no ordinary protector and that Setrap is immediately associated with Dorje Shugden in the 'rescue'.  And they work together for the preservation of the dharma in our world system.