Author Topic: Amazing thangkas in Tibet  (Read 5004 times)


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Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« on: September 17, 2016, 05:27:39 PM »
It is just amazing that this is allowed in China, Tibet. It will never be possible to have such beautiful thangka of Dorje Shugden in India like that due to the governance of the CTA.


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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 06:27:28 AM »
Let's put it this way, back in the China of Mao, this would not have been possible too. But, now, this is happening in China now. Just goes to show how far China has come. It now recognizes that the people need spiritual guidance to be better humans. They are more tolerant and liberal though they still have to govern a humongous country with a huge diverse cultural background. So, they do have to be tough. But, that's politics and secular governance.

In Dharamsala, the CTA is stuck in medieval Tibetan traditions and feudal ways. They cannot look forward and act accordingly. They have remain stuck in the 1950s while China has moved into the 21st Century. They are heavily sponsored by the West but have not done very much for the Tibetans in exile. Those who 'escape' to Dharamsala are not doing well and not well taken care of by the government i.e. CTA.

Half A Century Of Wasted Aid – What The CTA Hides

Sad when we compare.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2016, 02:15:44 PM »
Rinchen, the thangkas are gigantic. I can only imagine how spectacular it will be when the artists have completed their work on them. True, such beautiful offerings such as these thangkas with images of Dorje Shugden would have been damaged by the foolish supporters of the CTA.

It looks like the Chinese government does not discourage religious activities and grants it's citizens the freedom to worship the religion of their choice. Feel so sad for the Tibetans who have fled their country and to be ruled by a government that suppressed their religious freedom.


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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2016, 06:55:16 PM »
Tenzin, they are. I can't wait for them to be completed as well. My sources have not got back to me if the thangka is completed or not. But I will check with him again. I will post up here if I have any other news. :)


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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2016, 07:36:17 AM »
Buddhism is growing in China, and in this age and time when more people are seeking spiritual guidance, it is good that China is open and liberal about spirituality. It is amazing to see such a huge thangka in the making and definitely it will be even more spectacular when it is completed.


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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2016, 01:06:41 PM »
Wow, thank you Rinchen for sharing such an auspicious news. It is indeed very clear that China has moved forward towards real religious freedom as proven with these gigantic thangkas being drawn and painted, as well as the huge gathering of practitioners for the Panchen Lama's Kalachakra initiation event recently. This really show the impermanence of things...from the bleak communist regime to a progressive China of today. Being in control of such a vast country, ethnicity, religious communities and people, the Chinese government can't really be faulted on her tight leash as with any other country, China too wishes for her people to live in peace and harmony. Certainly unlike CTA who selfishly keep their citizens in exile under their backward feudal system by keeping them in poverty and dependent to better keep control. I really don't see how CTA would change their rule of governance if they haven't done so for so many years in exile.

With regards to the thangkas, it would be so beautifully vibrant and imagine the grandeur when it is ready and unfurled to the mass public. How blessed those who sees the thangkas that could be seen from far. Look forward to receiving more on the progress and updates, Rinchen.


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Re: Amazing thangkas in Tibet
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2016, 10:53:54 PM »
This is really good news and one can just imagine the splendour of the thangkas when they are finally completed. Definitely a lot of blessings. Agree with the observations that China has indeed come a long way in their tolerance for the spread of religion. Although China’s official stance on religion remain to be based on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist atheism (i.e. that religion will die out when social conditions develops sufficiently), China acknowledges that religion could have both positive and negative social functions. Hence, we see China relaxing more and more of its grip on religion and especially in recent times, has allowed much religious freedom.  At this juncture, China is obvious definitely doing a better job in terms of respecting and granting religious freedom than a purportedly democratic CTA.