Author Topic: Destiny  (Read 6923 times)


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« on: November 03, 2013, 02:02:24 PM »
Destiny is like a cloud over our heavily influences the events in our lives.All major events in our life such as birth,marriage,major illness accidents and death are predestines As destiny is a spiritual root cause of difficulties in our lives,it's effects can be muliffed by Spiritual  practice.
What is destiny and wilful actions.?

Tenzin K

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Re: Destiny
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 02:49:52 PM »
A person's fate is decided by a complex combination of conditions and factors. Some of them are already decided at the time of a person’s birth and some of them come into play later and shape the course further. There are five factors that form our fate or destiny:

1. Tendencies of our soul, otherwise known as karma

2. Family environment

3. Social climate

4. Our own efforts and self-discipline

5. Influence of other people.

Amongst the factors that shape our fate or destiny, some of them are settled and some are not. It means that we have a certain scope to change our fate or destiny by our own efforts. Factor 2 (the family environment) and factor 3 (the social climate) are elements that should be called the "destiny that is decided" before we are born; however, there is a great secret involved in these too. Namely, before each reincarnation we draw up a plan for our spiritual training and we are born having agreed to such details as our parents, the environment, the social climate and our gender. However, as soon as we are born into this world, we forget it. Knowing this truth, we can classify the factors that form our fate into another way:

(a) The plan we draw up before reincarnation

(b) Our efforts since we came onto the earth

(c) Spiritual influences.

Freedom of choice shapes our fate
The most important factor that shapes our fate or destiny is, in fact, the decisions that we make at the turning points in our lives. Our life as it is now is created by the results of the choices we ourselves made according to the tendencies of our own mind, each time we encountered a specific event. It may thus be said that it is none other than freedom of choice which is the most important factor in shaping a person's fate or destiny.

Karma as soul tendencies
Soul tendencies of how we react in certain events or how we regard and consider things, is known as karma. Traditional Buddhist philosophy explains karma as "fate" that can not be escaped from. However, karma is simply a set of habits of the soul - our tendency to come up with certain thoughts or take certain actions in a certain set of circumstances. Karma does not lead to fatalistic thoughts and it is simply a factor in forming our fate or destiny.

The principle of accepting responsibility
The existence of a realm known as hell in the Spirit World proves that a person's fate is not 100% settled. Essentially, no one is born on the earth planning to go to hell but, nevertheless, more than half of people today go to hell when they die. In other words, people are responsible for their own fate, and going to hell is shouldering the responsibility for the results of their own mistaken decisions. This is "the Principle of Accepting Responsibility." There is always a cause for everything, and that cause is always created by ourselves.

Fate can always be conquered
The starting point to shaping our own fate is to abandon the cowardly attitude of blaming other people or our environment for our present unhappiness or mistakes; we must adopt the stance that "everything is our own responsibility." In addition, it is important to change the state of our mind, reflect on the tendencies of our own soul and break free from committing the same mistakes again.

People who observe themselves and others with an enquiring mind, who minutely analyze the habits, tendencies, strengths and weaknesses of their soul, and who continually strive to change themselves and discard their current self: these are the people whose fate will change.

DS Star

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Re: Destiny
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 03:00:15 PM »
Red Lantern, for Buddhists, "destiny" is not "fixed"... we can change our destiny. What others known as 'destiny', we refer to it as 'karma' but on different meaning.

Buddhists believe in the ripening effect of one's own previous actions or karma, not a fate determine by a particular God or almighty creator.

Our karma though is somewhat 'fixed' it is however still possible to be altered. Even though for some cases the karma is very heavy, for example the karma of killing, one will have to suffer/ experience the ripened effect like suffering from terminal illness, one still can change the future one's life. With correct motivation and dharmic actions, one will be able to purify one's negative karma and collect merits to help one change the future for better state.


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 08:02:06 AM »
In Buddhism and for Buddhist we can safely say everything is in potentialities. It arise out of "Emptiness" base on cause and condition. According to the law of Karma, we have the throwing karma that cause one to be born as a human being, in a certain place with a certain family etc etc. That is what astrology/meta physical studies use to determine "destiny" of a person. Within these studies, the destiny of a person is also forecasted based on possibilities; hence exist daily horoscopes to forecast the "luck" of the day based on the particular system of metaphysics. Also, metaphysics stressed that the future can be changed by the person hence there is "Feng Shui" and the Indian Vastu Shastra.

So, an analogy would be that we are dealt a hand of cards but it is how we play the game that determine our future. This is were Buddhism and its law of Karma and Emptiness comes in handy.


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 08:14:21 AM »
Destiny lies within our own hand.  What we create is what we reap and experience, we are the creator of our own destiny.  Destiny is changeable to every extend according to Lord Buddha.  Do not fret but take refuge in the Three Jewels and whatever destiny we have yet to experience will augurs well if we apply Dharma in our life and have faith in the Three Jewels.  When we practise Dharma we have no fear of destiny. 


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 02:53:02 PM »
I used to be so frustrated with life that I said, well everything is predestined, so if I cant have things my way, then forget about it... no effort to make things work, no effort to better things... because I always thought, if I'm not destined to succeed, then why bother frustrating myself?

However, I remember talking to 2 friends of mine, at that time I asked them if they believe in destiny and that destiny is something fixed. I gave the example, "It is because Lord Buddha predicted the coming of Tsongkhapa, thus Tsongkhapa's life was already predestined from the moment he was born".

Then my friends refuted... does that mean you do not believe Vajrayana Buddhism can bring you to enlightenment in one life time? Does that mean you believe karma cannot be purified and merits cannot be collected?

Then another of my friend debated... perhaps destiny is there... take for example if you're destined to drive a Mercedes... but it is through your hard work that determines if you're driving a Mercedes bus or the latest Mercedes sports car. I think that makes sense lol!

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Destiny
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 04:06:48 PM »
In the Asian culture, we believe in destiny. Perhaps it has been ingrained into our minds or habituation from parents, siblings or grandparents. Depending on how strict the upbringing is in the belief of destiny, it instil an imprint there.

When we became adults,  we may have chosen the path of Buddhism and believe in karma. However, somewhat behind our minds, we still doubt some of the events or obstacle we encounter daily in our lives. It is because we are not totally out of the belief system of destiny yet.

In order for us to completely not rely on so-call destiny to determine how we have lived, we can of course pursue the karmic belief system to try to change our so-call destiny.


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 03:51:04 AM »
A Buddhist should always remember the 3 Jewels: the Buddha, His Teachings [The Dharma ] and His Assembly of Noble Disciples [ The Sangha ]. A Buddhist should internalize the supreme qualities of the 3 Jewels. In general, the Buddha is like a doctor, the Dharma is like medicine and the Sangha is like nurses and assistants to the doctor. We, sentient beings, in samsara, are like the patients. We need to take the doctor’s prescription to get well. Moreover, we also need to rely on the doctor and his assistants too. A Buddhist needs to always take refuge in the 3 Jewels as well as to remember the qualities of the 3 Jewels. In this way, when we abide and rely on the 3 Jewels we will be on our way to good destiny.


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2013, 08:38:57 PM »
If we contemplate and meditate on how we experience sufferings and difficulties throughout our life, and in life after life, we will come to the strong conclusion that every single one of our sufferings and problems arises because we took contaminated rebirth. We will then develop a strong wish to abandon the cycle of contaminated rebirth, samsara. This is the first step toward good destiny.


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Re: Destiny
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 08:36:53 AM »
Your destiny is shaped according to the combination of conditions per-determined at birth and other factors that you are able to change through your own efforts.” (From the book: The Essence of Buddha | p.140

We create our Destiny with our Karmas. Destiny is often regarded as the “course that life takes” and karma is one of the factors that influence this course. There is no other destiny than the consequences of our actions, but we do have freedom to act, which enables us to modify our destiny if we are wise enough. We do not need to pay by suffering; we can pay by doing good, if we can recognize what is right and do it.