Author Topic: ESSENCE OF THE CONTROVERSY: Questions for Pro-Ban People  (Read 7519 times)


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Re: ESSENCE OF THE CONTROVERSY: Questions for Pro-Ban People
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2013, 05:26:35 PM »
One possible answer for both questions is out of complete fear of the powerful His Holiness Dalai Lama who is the spiritual leader as well as the political leader at the outset of the ban.

Yes. Just as in Andersen's tale, where because of *fear* people and officials did not say that the emperor had no clothes.

But Tibetans are known for their courage. If they fear the Dalai, this is only because they are deceived about his nature.

As soon as Tibetans realize that the Dalai is nothing but a puppet of Western neo-colonizers hell-bent on dividing and plundering their country transvestite as Chenrezig, they will not hesitate to ban the Dalai from their hearts and minds.