You will be surprised what Asian Tribute writes about "Religious Intolerance". Given that the country is India, and these pro-ban people who are living in India, they must abide to Indian laws, they should be prosecuted for religious intolerance regardless of who they are. CTA if you are not careful and continue with your stance of Dorje Shugden, you can be punished by the law.
"Freedom of religion in the Indian subcontinent is exemplified by the reign of King Piyadasi (Asoka) (304 BC to 232 BC). One of King Asoka's main concerns was to reform governmental institutes and exercise moral principles in his attempt to create a just and humane society. Later he promoted the principles of Buddhism, and the creation of a just, understanding and fair society to be held as an important principle for ancient rulers.
What he probably desired was for his Kingdom to be at peace with itself and with others. In other words, a state of social equilibrium and religious harmony to exist within and without.
In sociology, a system is said to be in social equilibrium when there is a dynamic working balance among its interdependent parts. In this context one could argue that religion and religious tolerance may be considered key components in a society, and that religious intolerance could beget social inequillibrium, as much as social inequillibrium could be brought about by misuse of religious tolerance.
Religious intolerance rather is when a group (e.g., a society, religious group, non-religious group) specifically refuses to tolerate practices, persons or beliefs on religious grounds, and demonstrates intolerance of practice, which could also be through physical activism.
Within those countries that openly advocate religious tolerance there remain debates as to the limits of tolerance. Some individuals and religious groups, for example, retain beliefs or practices which involve acts contrary to established law. This cannot be tolerated whatever type of perceived intolerance is there in a country. The law of the land must prevail over any form of protest, either religion oriented, economic oriented or political oriented. If the law is perceived to be insufficient to meet particular situations that create social inequillibrum, then the law has to be changed first so that protests can be within the law.
Those violating the law must then be punished irrespective of who they are."