Author Topic: Drongna monastery shut down by China  (Read 3139 times)


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Drongna monastery shut down by China
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:58:15 AM »
More bad news. What a gloomy start to 2014 this is turning out to be.

I am curious about this news though because i had read that China was supportive of Dorje Shugden monks and monasteries in Tibet, and there were videos and photos to support that. So this shut down seems contradictory unless the monasteries which are being clamped down on have been demonstrating against the Chinese authorities or acting in any way contrary to the Chinese government. If anyone else has anything more to share, that would be appreciated.

Drongna monastery shut down by China

December 31, 2013

2013 is ending with bad news out of Tibet. China has shut down the Drongna monastery in Driru and has arrested a Tibetan teacher, reports on Dec. 31, 2013. In Tibet's Driru County the Chinese authorities shut down Drongna monastery and arrested the monastery's debate master Kalsang Dhondup.

Chinese armed personnel surrounded Drongna monastery and other monasteries at the time of the shutdown. Earlier eight monks of Rabten monastery who were travelling to various other places to study were detained by the Chinese authorities. Earlier in the year the administrations of several other monasteries were forcibly handed over to the Chinese police. Some other monasteries were apparently also closed due to boycotts by monks following increased repression by the Chinese government.

Driru is considered the one of the most restive regions in Tibet by the Chinese government. Beijing fears anti- government sentiments and activities are particularly intense in this region of Tibet. Beijing thinks instability in Driru could cause a ripple effect in other areas in Tibet. Sources claim many Tibetans in the region have therefore been forced into rigorous 'Thought Education Campaigns'. Clearly, this is not going to be a happy new year for the Tibetans.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Drongna monastery shut down by China
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 05:30:47 AM »
I've not heard about Drongna Monastery being a Dorje Shugden monastery?

I think it is shut down simply because the Chinese saw that particular monastery as a threat to them because honestly lets face it the CTA isn't exactly encouraging the Tibetans to be co-operative or harmonious with the Chinese Govt... instead they ignite them with a lot of hate. Take for example at the current Lamrim teachings in India, His Holiness is saying that Dorje Shugden pujas is "killing" him. By saying such nonesense, what do you think His Holiness is trying to insinuate? What do you think the pro-Dalai Lama fans would do after hearing this and would actually carry out? Even if they did not order the execution, but by saying certain things, it can create reactions that would create negative consequences and violence and riots... words can create harmony or war

Hence, whatever His Holiness and the CTA is saying, it is very important to realise that it will affect people, especially those desperate illiterates who do as they are told. So I am not surprise if the Chinese is stepping up when they smell something fishy, I'm not surprise now why the Chinese are not to happy with what is being preached because it can create a negative reactions from the Tibetans that may create chaos and riot which is the what China has been trying hard to control.