Author Topic: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?  (Read 9253 times)

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On June 3rd, 2013, a 25-year-old Bollywood actress Jiah Khan was found hanging herself to death in her Mumbai apartment by her mother.

A week later, her mother Rabiya Khan released Jiah's hand-written letter to the press, saying that Jiah's sister found a harrowing six-page letter 3 days after her death, in which her daughter Jiah claimed she was driven to suicide by her cheating, violent boyfriend; namely Sooraj Pancholi.  Her letter also mentioned about her abortion.

Details of the letter in this link:

Acting on the complaint by Jiah's mother, Sooraj was arrested by police for suspicious of abetting suicide and was presented in the court after the end of his three days' police custody where he was sent to judicial custody till June 27th. Sooraj had allegedly deleted all mobile records of SMSes and MMSes sent by the late actress thus longer time needed by public prosecutor for questioning him to unravel details on Jiah's suicide.

Seems the boyfriend has something to hide...

Question: is this sad and tragic suicide is all about Jiah Khan's undivided love to playboy Sooraj? Or is it a real life dilemma of celebrities in the make-believed entertainment world?

Born Nafisa Khan in New York, actress Jiah Khan grew up in London before moving to Mumbai for a career in Bollywood. Jiah Khan made her sizzling debut opposite Bollywood’s biggest superstar, Amitabh Bachchan in Nishabd in 2007. She also acted with Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar. It was reported that her career went downhill after her last film role in the 2010 comedy Housefull.

She was alleged to have been depressed due to her career and it was made worse with her stormy love-life that drove her to self-destruction.

Says clinical psychologist Seema Hingorrany, "Most TV stars and upcoming stars in films suffer from depression due to rejection. Some who were successful in the beginning of their careers are unable to deal with the lows when it comes to a standstill. The problem escalates when they don't have other avenues to bank on. While many turn to alcoholism and drugs, a few tend to take extreme steps like Jiah."

It is not always a rose garden for the rich and famous... finding happiness seems harder for them. Perhaps they need stronger spiritual guidance...

The troubling boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi's mother Zarina Wahid (left) and the grieving mother of Jiah, Rabiya Khan (right):

Jessie Fong

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 11:07:18 PM »
Suicide is seen as the way out of a situation to end problems. In Jiah's case, she took this course of action so she need not face the ptoblem with her boyftiend. Whatever reason it was that made  her suicidal, it is seen as running away from the problem rather than a confrontation to solve the issue.

She saw suicide as a way to end her problem/s (whatever they may be) but she left behind problems for her loved ones to handle. It was not stated whether she had received medical counselling or spiritual guidance; if she had, then neither worked.


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2013, 08:13:36 AM »
I am seeing a lot of the same pattern here... many people who are young and rich, either they inherit the wealth from parents or they made the money themselves, they have so much money compare to the people of their same age, they can buy many of the things which others cannot afford, but when they are faced with issues, they don't have the spiritual way to solve them and many of them ended up using drugs, and some committed suicide :(

There are many actors and actress who fell into this "trap"... another industry is the football players in Europe because the young players are young and yet being paid so much...

I do hope many people can adopt spirituality since young, because it will give us the correct attitude to deal with issues in life.


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 03:06:41 PM »
It is so sad that some people think suicide is the only way out when facing problems. As for Jiah Khan, if only she understood karma and dharma, then her thinking might be different. Wealth, fame and beauty may give us the material needs and desires we want but it will not bring happiness. That is why many celebrities who have achieved success and wealth are turning to Buddhism for guidance to achieve inner peace.

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 10:40:07 AM »
It is most unfortunate when one seeks a so called 'end' to one's life just because one cannot bear to be in the moment. It is a shame that we think on such a shallow level whereby we only want to rid of the here and now... to find a so called easy way out not knowing that this path is a mere delusion and we return all over again in a different situation and environment but reliving the same delusions and hardships we portray or manifest in our minds.

We cannot run away from our karma... we merely think we can and in doing so we make it worse by compounding it and making it manifest in a larger and sometimes darker way than we can ever imagine!


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2013, 10:28:40 PM »
If only Jian Khan had Dharma, she would have found inner peace and happiness despite her lows and certainly would not commit suicide as a way out of depression.  Isn't it what many Hollywood celebrities are turning to Buddhism to find inner peace?   OM MANI PADME HUM.....

Tenzin K

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 03:19:40 PM »
“If one knows how to treasure oneself, one should protect oneself well.”
-The Buddha (Dhammapada)

“According to the Buddhist teaching of cause and effect, since one does not realise the truth of all phenomena, or does not practise to be liberated from life and death, suicide is pointless. When one’s karmic retribution is not exhausted, death by suicide only leads to another cycle of rebirth. This is why Buddhists do not support suicide; and instead, encourage constructive living, using this life to diligently practise good, thus changing the present and the future for the better.”
- Chan Master Sheng Yen

“Some people commit suicide; they seem to think that there is suffering simply because there is the human life, and that by cutting off the life there will be nothing… But, according to the Buddhist viewpoint, that’s not the case; your consciousness will continue. Even if you take your own life, this life, you will have to take another body that again will be the basis of suffering. If you really want to get rid of all your suffering, all the difficulties you experience in your life, you have to get rid of the fundamental cause (greed, hatred and delusion) that gives rise to the aggregates that are the basis of all suffering. Killing yourself isn’t going to solve your problems.”
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

“Taking one’s own life under any circumstances is morally and spiritually wrong. Taking one’s own life owing to frustration or disappointment only causes greater suffering. Suicide is a cowardly way to end one’s problems of life. A person cannot commit suicide if his mind is pure and tranquil. If one leaves this world with a confused and frustrated mind, it is most unlikely that he would be born again in a better condition. Suicide is an unwholesome or unskilful act since it is encouraged by a mind filled with greed, hatred and delusion. Those who commit suicide have not learnt how to face their problems, how to face the facts of life, and how to use their mind in a proper manner. Such people have not been able to understand the nature of life and worldly conditions.”
- Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda

“This human body and life is difficult to attain but is now attained. The Buddha’s teachings are difficult to encounter but are now encountered. If we do not use this precious body to help ourselves, till when shall we wait to save ourselves?”
- Buddhist Saying


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 04:46:19 PM »
“Some people commit suicide; they seem to think that there is suffering simply because there is the human life, and that by cutting off the life there will be nothing… But, according to the Buddhist viewpoint, that’s not the case; your consciousness will continue. Even if you take your own life, this life, you will have to take another body that again will be the basis of suffering. If you really want to get rid of all your suffering, all the difficulties you experience in your life, you have to get rid of the fundamental cause (greed, hatred and delusion) that gives rise to the aggregates that are the basis of all suffering. Killing yourself isn’t going to solve your problems.”
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

This is just an outdated statement from the Dalai Lama, from the time he pretended to be a Buddhist.

Now he reconsidered his views and does supports suicide, specially for political purposes, as made public with his support and praise of self-immolations.

Apparently he did so in consultation with his lineage gurus of CIA.

metta girl

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 03:29:11 PM »
Some humans might  think suicide is the only way to solve their problem ...but if they have been practicing spiritualty and have some dharma knowledge  they will not even think of suicide at all. To be reborn as a human is so precious that we should treasure our life and do more to benefit others.Maybe she just dont have enough merits to meet with the Dharma or a Guru or even meet someone to help her when she have problems.Merits is very important to help us clear obstacles and to be connected to positive things.
 "Just as treasure are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears
from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue".-Buddha


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2013, 11:27:15 AM »
It is really sad that people choose such a 'solution'. Well, in the end all we can say is karma... Such attachment to a person. I wonder what will happen to her after she dies, as she is so attached to him. Will she be a spirit and hang around him?

It is really sad that people choose to leave everything behind and think that they are going to a better place when in fact they are not. And the vicious cycles they have to go through again and again. Please do not be so selfish and think that it is a solution. Please have compassion for those that you leave behind and how they would feel.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2013, 12:19:15 PM »
To commit suicide is to kill oneself, intentionally taking your own life, causing death.

Risk factors that contribute to suicides:

*Mental disorder
*Substance use & abuse
*Medical conditions

Jiah took her own life because of her cheating, violent boyfriend. Why did she not leave him? Is it worth her life?


Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2013, 02:56:24 PM »
I guess there are many causes that lead to a person taking their own precious life. Externally, it would seem like she took her own life out of peer pressure from family's shame, her own shame, couldn't live they way her society expected of her, her life work gone to waste, violent boyfriend, exposure of sexual intercourse being tape, bosses threatens, whatever the reasons were - only the victim knows.

On the other hand, her destiny may be fated to her own karmic disposition. I heard of stories told that suicide of a being can be repeated until the karma ripens or finished, as it it need to repay a debt. Could this be another way of looking from this perspective also?


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2013, 04:14:38 PM »
i believe this is a dilemma that is very real to the victim due to the delusion we have been moulded to believe will bring us happiness. It is just that the entertainment world, the delusion is intensified because super stars SHOULD BE EXTREMELY HAPPY. Why not? They have it all: good looks, money, status, influence.

It is because they ARE NOT HAPPY when they SHOULD BE that causes greater shock to the reality, resulting in more drastic measures like suicide. The unfortunate thing is, many youths look up to these celebrities. As a consequence, they follow the foot steps of their idol...spreading this terrible approach to "solving" life problems.

This proves the consistent accuracy of the first noble truth as taught by Lord Buddha. No one, however them seem to be, is free of suffering.  If Buddha was accurate on the first noble truth and He attained enlightenment, then, it would be safe to conclude that the path of Lord Buddha is one that will lead us to liberation.

Therefore, I pray that more people have the merits to meet a Guru who will impart the precious Dharma as a guide to a journey to happiness and inner peace.


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2013, 11:49:46 PM »
It's so sad that some people resort to commit suicide as a way out to end their suffering. They have not learnt to face their own problems and understand the facts of life.   According to Buddhist viewpoint, our conscious will continue, even if we took our own lives in this life, we will have to take another body that again will be the basis of suffering. To get rid of our suffering, we have to weed out the root cause - greed, hatred & delusion.


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Re: Bollywood actress' suicide; is it for love or a celebrity dilemma?
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2013, 05:43:19 AM »
There have been many cases of Indian celebrities committing suicide. One of the many  high profile cases were on 29 July 2004, Nafisa Joseph hanged herself in her flat in Versova. She was to marry businessman Gautam Khanduja in a few weeks' time. According to her parents, Joseph took the step because her marriage was called off. Nafisa Joseph was an Indian model and MTV video jockey. She was the winner of Miss India Universe 1997 and was a semi-finalist in the Miss Universe 1997 pageant in Miami.

In Feb 2007,former actor Kunal Singh was found dead early morning at his Vindermayor residence in Oshiwara. The actor took his life by hanging himself to the ceiling fan on Wednesday evening. Singh's stars were apparently on the decline in recent times, forcing him to take up behind-the-camera assignments as assistant editor.

If only they had met the dharma and knew the preciousness of a human body.