However on a brighter note, even though the Dalai Lama launched the book, he did not say that his followers are not allowed to practice as he mentioned that it is up to his followers to make their own choice after reading the book.
Actually the dalai's followers, as the name says, follow him, and hardly need any book to be convinced of the perverted views of their evil mullah.
Therefore, the book is meant just as a weapon to be used against his
non-followers, the discriminating people who refuse to become fanatical witch-hunters.
And, when the dalai says “If you want to dispute what it says, that’s up to you. If, after studying the book, you want to oppose the Dalai Lama, that’s also up to you”, he is not giving any freedom to anyone; rather, he is stating very clearly that whoever insists on rejecting the dalai's psychotic witch-hunt
opposes his authority -- which, in the theocratic Tibetan society, means that such a conscientious person is condemned to anything between ostracism and death, for oneself and for all of one's relatives.
Therefore, the dalai's perfidious statement is nothing short of a coercion, a brutal threat, an undisguised violence against human conscience. And, while such an atrocious behavior is compatible is the dalai's Islamic roots, it is utterly incompatible with the Buddha's teachings, which are all about freedom and non-violence.
Thus, ultimately, Buddhist Tibetans face the choice of either following the teachings of the Buddha, thus rejecting the monstrous dalai's personality cult, or following the perverse ideology of dalaism, thus abandoning the Buddha's Dharma.